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Favorite Video Game Company


06-19-12 01:21 PM
Belinni is Offline
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My favorite would be a tie between Nintendo and Suda 51. Nintendo obviously being a great company that makes very detailed, well thought out games and are striking a near perfect balance between gameplay and story these days with games like Skyward Sword and Kid Icarus: Uprising.

I love Suda 51 however because they're rather new compared to the other game companies (I believe they started in 1998) and because of this they are so ambitious with the games they create. I've never met a person who didn't enjoy every moment Travis Touchdown was on screen in the game No More Heroes. The sad part is most of their games only gain cult status due to low sales.
My favorite would be a tie between Nintendo and Suda 51. Nintendo obviously being a great company that makes very detailed, well thought out games and are striking a near perfect balance between gameplay and story these days with games like Skyward Sword and Kid Icarus: Uprising.

I love Suda 51 however because they're rather new compared to the other game companies (I believe they started in 1998) and because of this they are so ambitious with the games they create. I've never met a person who didn't enjoy every moment Travis Touchdown was on screen in the game No More Heroes. The sad part is most of their games only gain cult status due to low sales.
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06-19-12 01:27 PM
tdude1480 is Offline
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I would have to say nintendo because of all the classic games they put out, and i'm sure other companies modeled one or two of their major games after the early nintendo classics so without nintendo the world of gaming would never be the same.
I would have to say nintendo because of all the classic games they put out, and i'm sure other companies modeled one or two of their major games after the early nintendo classics so without nintendo the world of gaming would never be the same.

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06-19-12 01:44 PM
Jordanv78 is Offline
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Personally I would have to go with an old standby like Konami or Capcom. They both made some of my very favorite games of all time. Several of them actually that I still love to play like 10, and 20 years later. I love Nintendo, but I would probably have to go with those other two.
Personally I would have to go with an old standby like Konami or Capcom. They both made some of my very favorite games of all time. Several of them actually that I still love to play like 10, and 20 years later. I love Nintendo, but I would probably have to go with those other two.
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07-19-12 06:28 AM
XxJ0K3RxX10 is Offline
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07-27-12 06:08 PM
cnw64 is Offline
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For me it use to be " Square Enix " but not anymore . They been
acting a little fishy recently . It's definitely not Capcom at the moment
with all that crap about the download content that's " inside " the disc.
I guess I would have to say Bandai Namco , because of the Tekken
and Tales of ..  games .

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For me it use to be " Square Enix " but not anymore . They been
acting a little fishy recently . It's definitely not Capcom at the moment
with all that crap about the download content that's " inside " the disc.
I guess I would have to say Bandai Namco , because of the Tekken
and Tales of ..  games .

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07-27-12 06:15 PM
SonicMaster is Offline
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Mine is Capcom, Sega, And Nintendo. Sweet games that came from those companies!
Mine is Capcom, Sega, And Nintendo. Sweet games that came from those companies!
Sonic and Mario Fan to the End!

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07-27-12 10:31 PM
SamB is Offline
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Nintendo of course, they may have lost their touch with the wii, but the old N64 was awesome. They make lots of great games that are addicting, challenging, and fun for all ages. 
Nintendo of course, they may have lost their touch with the wii, but the old N64 was awesome. They make lots of great games that are addicting, challenging, and fun for all ages. 
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07-27-12 11:26 PM
epicpokenerd! is Offline
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Nintendo is best company, as said before, without them, there wouldn't be games like Kid Icarus, Mario, Zelda, so on and so forth. But, Square Enix is up there, being the makers of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
Nintendo is best company, as said before, without them, there wouldn't be games like Kid Icarus, Mario, Zelda, so on and so forth. But, Square Enix is up there, being the makers of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
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07-29-12 03:07 PM
TrollStoneProduction is Offline
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Definitely Capcom. They make incredible games, had many bestsellers, and their games have a lot of variety. From Mega Man to Resident Evil, this company delivers great games to every type of gamer, and great ones at that.
Definitely Capcom. They make incredible games, had many bestsellers, and their games have a lot of variety. From Mega Man to Resident Evil, this company delivers great games to every type of gamer, and great ones at that.
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08-02-12 12:21 AM
taterii is Offline
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first party: nintendo, they capture gameplay and story so well. every game they put out is so great. or at least most of them
third party: konami, the creators of metal gear solid and silent hill, two game franchises that i really like.
first party: nintendo, they capture gameplay and story so well. every game they put out is so great. or at least most of them
third party: konami, the creators of metal gear solid and silent hill, two game franchises that i really like.
Simply Gaming

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08-02-12 02:57 PM
G@mehe@d is Offline
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My favorite game company is Sega because of their great classic systems and games. However, I am starting to really like Atari, because they made video games popular and they made some great games for their systems, just don't count the infamous E.T game for the 2600
My favorite game company is Sega because of their great classic systems and games. However, I am starting to really like Atari, because they made video games popular and they made some great games for their systems, just don't count the infamous E.T game for the 2600
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