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04-26-12 02:32 PM
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Pertaining to Crystal


04-26-12 02:32 PM
Cmac1243 is Offline
| ID: 574627 | 176 Words

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Hello all!

So, as it is required that I make a post to play, and as I had to take the quiz to do so (like playing ocarina of time!), I feel obligated to make at least a semi meaningful post. Therefore, I would like to pose a question for anyone who plays/ has played Pokemon Crystal: What Pokemon do you catch initially? I mean, pre-Goldenrod, before you have a chance to truly assemble your dream team. Do you ever catch Pokemon just to help you get by (like an HM slave). I usually try to cultivate a well balanced team, but when I look back at my team after a few gym leaders I always find that my team, regardless of game, consists of almost entirely dragon and flying types and legendaries.

Also, I usually tend to prefer the beginnings of games and lose motivation halfway through. For me, as soon as I approach the elite four, I for some reason get bored.

There, I feel justified in declaring that this is not spam.

Hello all!

So, as it is required that I make a post to play, and as I had to take the quiz to do so (like playing ocarina of time!), I feel obligated to make at least a semi meaningful post. Therefore, I would like to pose a question for anyone who plays/ has played Pokemon Crystal: What Pokemon do you catch initially? I mean, pre-Goldenrod, before you have a chance to truly assemble your dream team. Do you ever catch Pokemon just to help you get by (like an HM slave). I usually try to cultivate a well balanced team, but when I look back at my team after a few gym leaders I always find that my team, regardless of game, consists of almost entirely dragon and flying types and legendaries.

Also, I usually tend to prefer the beginnings of games and lose motivation halfway through. For me, as soon as I approach the elite four, I for some reason get bored.

There, I feel justified in declaring that this is not spam.


Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-21-11
Last Post: 4633 days
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