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Stevie 764
04-22-12 01:43 PM
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04-22-12 06:18 PM
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Have you ever had a dirty cartridge or tilted a cartridge?


04-22-12 01:43 PM
Stevie 764 is Offline
| ID: 572280 | 286 Words

Stevie 764
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Rarely do people around the world tilt video game cartridges that cause their game to go bonkers.
Cartridges that suffer from very old age and dust/dirt can also have the cartridge more bonkers than tilting.

Has anyone here ever had a cartridge that suffered from dust and dirt, or have tilted a video game cartridge before?

How to tilt a cartridge:
• Put a game inside the system, turn the system on.
• When the title screen comes up:
1. Grab the left side of the cartridge and hold the left side of the console down to make it easier.
2. Very slowly pull out JUST the left side of the cartridge.

A&Q for cartridge tilting:
Q. Will this destroy my cartridge?
A. No, it won't. It will play fine when you put it back in.

Q. How do you tilt a cartridge?
A. Refer to the "How to tilt a cartridge" section of this post.

Q. How come nothing happens but the game freezes whenever I do it?
A. It seems you pulled it out too far, pulled it out without tilting, or if possible, you might have bumped the cartridge and it froze before you pulled it off.

Q. What can happen when tilting a cartridge?
A. It causes the game to go bonkers and spits out garbled graphics and random enemy placement, cause crashes, glitches, freezes, and lots more.

How to get a dirty or dusted cartridge:
• For dirty, blow into the cartridge with your breath, and it'll mess up the pins overtime unless you have some bad breath.
• For dust, leave your cartridge inside a closet or a shed or garage for atleast a week or so.
Rarely do people around the world tilt video game cartridges that cause their game to go bonkers.
Cartridges that suffer from very old age and dust/dirt can also have the cartridge more bonkers than tilting.

Has anyone here ever had a cartridge that suffered from dust and dirt, or have tilted a video game cartridge before?

How to tilt a cartridge:
• Put a game inside the system, turn the system on.
• When the title screen comes up:
1. Grab the left side of the cartridge and hold the left side of the console down to make it easier.
2. Very slowly pull out JUST the left side of the cartridge.

A&Q for cartridge tilting:
Q. Will this destroy my cartridge?
A. No, it won't. It will play fine when you put it back in.

Q. How do you tilt a cartridge?
A. Refer to the "How to tilt a cartridge" section of this post.

Q. How come nothing happens but the game freezes whenever I do it?
A. It seems you pulled it out too far, pulled it out without tilting, or if possible, you might have bumped the cartridge and it froze before you pulled it off.

Q. What can happen when tilting a cartridge?
A. It causes the game to go bonkers and spits out garbled graphics and random enemy placement, cause crashes, glitches, freezes, and lots more.

How to get a dirty or dusted cartridge:
• For dirty, blow into the cartridge with your breath, and it'll mess up the pins overtime unless you have some bad breath.
• For dust, leave your cartridge inside a closet or a shed or garage for atleast a week or so.
Vizzed Elite
Vizzed's former Osu! player and TASer

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04-22-12 06:05 PM
Eddy88 is Offline
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Lol, Never tilted a cartridge... But, I had one of these XXX in 1 pirate carts. I remember that when I kept or pressed reset on my console, a random game of the cartrdge used to appear... But, the game was enterly screwed. With trash graphics and so.
Lol, Never tilted a cartridge... But, I had one of these XXX in 1 pirate carts. I remember that when I kept or pressed reset on my console, a random game of the cartrdge used to appear... But, the game was enterly screwed. With trash graphics and so.
Vizzed Elite
[7:43 PM]mlb789:Quote me

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04-22-12 06:18 PM
Stevie 764 is Offline
| ID: 572460 | 113 Words

Stevie 764
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Eddy88 : Things like that with a glitched game triggered by abusing the reset button actually doesn't count for tilting or dirty/dusty cartridges. That glitch you said, rarely in a pirated multicart with a number of game like that can that glitch occur!

I have tilted for a little over a year with many of my NES games, and my one and only N64 cartridge.
I never had a dusty/dirty cartridge, but sometimes, my super Mario bros 3 cartridge goes ape crazy and gets some garbled graphics, but it doesn't freeze but I had the cartridge since maybe in the early 90's and none of my cartridges ever suffered from old age and dirt.
Eddy88 : Things like that with a glitched game triggered by abusing the reset button actually doesn't count for tilting or dirty/dusty cartridges. That glitch you said, rarely in a pirated multicart with a number of game like that can that glitch occur!

I have tilted for a little over a year with many of my NES games, and my one and only N64 cartridge.
I never had a dusty/dirty cartridge, but sometimes, my super Mario bros 3 cartridge goes ape crazy and gets some garbled graphics, but it doesn't freeze but I had the cartridge since maybe in the early 90's and none of my cartridges ever suffered from old age and dirt.
Vizzed Elite
Vizzed's former Osu! player and TASer

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-28-10
Location: Enfield, CT
Last Post: 3131 days
Last Active: 3125 days


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