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Compete for Best Time?


02-21-12 12:51 PM
jerryaberry is Offline
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Don't get me wrong I LOVE competing for highscores, but not all games have point systems. I would like to see "Compete for Highscore" and "Compete for Best Time" being two separate options. We know that competing for highscores already keeps track of our time so it may not be too far of a stretch, I hope. This would give competitive value to many more games such as Metroid, Zelda, and Final Fantasy as well as additional competitive value to all games with point systems. Granted many people play RPGs so they can take their time exploring everything and leveling up to put a serious hurting on the game's antagonists. However, once you figure out where all the important items are and what minimum level you can be at to just barely proceed, it is quite an exhilarating experience to see hours shaved off your original time and to fight a boss knowing that you have to do EVERYTHING right to win.     

Don't get me wrong I LOVE competing for highscores, but not all games have point systems. I would like to see "Compete for Highscore" and "Compete for Best Time" being two separate options. We know that competing for highscores already keeps track of our time so it may not be too far of a stretch, I hope. This would give competitive value to many more games such as Metroid, Zelda, and Final Fantasy as well as additional competitive value to all games with point systems. Granted many people play RPGs so they can take their time exploring everything and leveling up to put a serious hurting on the game's antagonists. However, once you figure out where all the important items are and what minimum level you can be at to just barely proceed, it is quite an exhilarating experience to see hours shaved off your original time and to fight a boss knowing that you have to do EVERYTHING right to win.     

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02-22-12 11:03 AM
rcarter2 is Offline
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David plans on making this a feature in the future. We will keep the 'Compete for high score" as is, but he plans on making a separate section devoted specifically to time instead of score. With this, you will take a screenshot of the ending of the game and the placing will be based on time rather than score. When that happens, he mentioned including that in the Retro Game Room monthly competitions. Don't know exactly when that will happen, but I talked to him about it, and that is definitely on the list of future features. I'm sure that he will need to have RGR staff closely monitor this one as it would be so much easier to cheat on this than it would be for the high score.
David plans on making this a feature in the future. We will keep the 'Compete for high score" as is, but he plans on making a separate section devoted specifically to time instead of score. With this, you will take a screenshot of the ending of the game and the placing will be based on time rather than score. When that happens, he mentioned including that in the Retro Game Room monthly competitions. Don't know exactly when that will happen, but I talked to him about it, and that is definitely on the list of future features. I'm sure that he will need to have RGR staff closely monitor this one as it would be so much easier to cheat on this than it would be for the high score.
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(edited by rcarter2 on 02-22-12 12:28 PM)    

02-22-12 04:52 PM
Someone70 is Offline
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This is something I'd love to see implemented in the future as well, since not all games have scores and points don't always mean everything.

I'd like to see times grow shorter and shorter for big games like Super Mario Bros. or Sonic the Hedgehog, too. :3
This is something I'd love to see implemented in the future as well, since not all games have scores and points don't always mean everything.

I'd like to see times grow shorter and shorter for big games like Super Mario Bros. or Sonic the Hedgehog, too. :3
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02-22-12 05:38 PM
jerryaberry is Offline
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I was hoping to get a reply from rcarter2. That news definitely gets me excited. I remember the first time I stumbled upon a speedrun for Super Metroid on youtube thinking my time was pretty awesome. I was blown away by what I saw. If you don't know what the mach ball maneuver is you should check it out. I hear you Someone70. Sonic would be great considering speed has always been a staple of the series.  
I was hoping to get a reply from rcarter2. That news definitely gets me excited. I remember the first time I stumbled upon a speedrun for Super Metroid on youtube thinking my time was pretty awesome. I was blown away by what I saw. If you don't know what the mach ball maneuver is you should check it out. I hear you Someone70. Sonic would be great considering speed has always been a staple of the series.  
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02-24-12 08:36 AM
starwars293 is Offline
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Oh,this I would love to have.I always wanted speedruns on Vizzed.This should be exciting
Oh,this I would love to have.I always wanted speedruns on Vizzed.This should be exciting
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