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If you could live anywhere in space...


11-12-11 11:50 PM
Someone70 is Offline
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Assuming you had a universal space suit that would let you survive the harshest of conditions, where would you like to live or visit in the universe?

Personally, I would like to live on the moon because every morning and evening, you could see a beautiful view of the Earth right out your window.
Assuming you had a universal space suit that would let you survive the harshest of conditions, where would you like to live or visit in the universe?

Personally, I would like to live on the moon because every morning and evening, you could see a beautiful view of the Earth right out your window.
Vizzed Elite
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11-13-11 10:56 PM
YourMajestyKen is Offline
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First, I'd visit the moon because of it's beauty.

From the Moon I'd visit the planet Mercury because it's the ruling planet of my Zodiac sign.

Mercury Facts -

Because Mercury is so close to our Sun, you'd think it was smokin' hot. The daytime side of the planet (the one facing the Sun) are boiling temperatures of over 400 degrees C (about 750 degrees F.) However, on the night side, it's freezing cold, temperature falls to -170 degrees C (-274 degrees F.)

One of the few areas without craters is a large flat area called Caloris Basin. This flat section was created by an asteroid.

Meteorites constantly crash into the planet.

On Mercury, the sun looks black because the planet has no atmosphere to scatter the sunlight.

One day on Mercury is 176 Earth days.

First, I'd visit the moon because of it's beauty.

From the Moon I'd visit the planet Mercury because it's the ruling planet of my Zodiac sign.

Mercury Facts -

Because Mercury is so close to our Sun, you'd think it was smokin' hot. The daytime side of the planet (the one facing the Sun) are boiling temperatures of over 400 degrees C (about 750 degrees F.) However, on the night side, it's freezing cold, temperature falls to -170 degrees C (-274 degrees F.)

One of the few areas without craters is a large flat area called Caloris Basin. This flat section was created by an asteroid.

Meteorites constantly crash into the planet.

On Mercury, the sun looks black because the planet has no atmosphere to scatter the sunlight.

One day on Mercury is 176 Earth days.

Vizzed Elite
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12-06-11 02:59 PM
pacman1755 is Offline
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I would live on the moon, because the moon is really cool, the surface is beautiful and the view of the earth is amazing. I would love to go there
I would live on the moon, because the moon is really cool, the surface is beautiful and the view of the earth is amazing. I would love to go there
Vizzed Elite
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12-08-11 12:08 PM
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"Assuming you had a universal space suit that would let you survive the harshest of conditions"

I would go with sun or jupiter, using a suit like that on the moon would be a waste.
"Assuming you had a universal space suit that would let you survive the harshest of conditions"

I would go with sun or jupiter, using a suit like that on the moon would be a waste.
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12-08-11 12:22 PM
icrazy is Offline
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earth I would show the suit off
earth I would show the suit off
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12-31-11 02:19 PM
seanne is Offline
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Well I would like to travel everywhere except the black holes and then return to earth eventually.
Well I would like to travel everywhere except the black holes and then return to earth eventually.
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01-06-12 09:08 PM
vizwiz123 is Offline
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Assuming I wouldn't die, I would go visit the sun. It's so bright! <3
Assuming I wouldn't die, I would go visit the sun. It's so bright! <3
Vizzed Elite
<font color=yellow> mer Legendary Walrus of Vizzed, Former Underpants Gnome. Placed 1st in the October 2010 VCS! Hit O.P.S. Syndrome on 10/2/10!

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