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Rage inducing moments in gaming


11-16-11 01:52 PM
Lumian is Offline
| ID: 499215 | 53 Words

Level: 31

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CP: 883.5
VIZ: 23261

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Recently, fighting Bit in Megaman X3 on a Let's Play I did right here on Vizzed. In order to beat him using NO subtanks I had to fight him and die a total of over 200 times!!! It was so bad my brain was playing back that damn fight in my sleep! Yeesh.
Recently, fighting Bit in Megaman X3 on a Let's Play I did right here on Vizzed. In order to beat him using NO subtanks I had to fight him and die a total of over 200 times!!! It was so bad my brain was playing back that damn fight in my sleep! Yeesh.
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12-09-11 06:52 AM
deathaddict6 is Offline
| ID: 510790 | 28 Words

Level: 11

POSTS: 14/16
LVL EXP: 4702
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VIZ: 10368

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My rage inducing moment is when I fight a cheap boss in a fighting game because of the difficulty and the fact that I suck at fighting games
My rage inducing moment is when I fight a cheap boss in a fighting game because of the difficulty and the fact that I suck at fighting games

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Registered: 04-26-10
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12-09-11 06:24 PM
epic-san is Offline
| ID: 511006 | 13 Words

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Super Mario Galaxy 2. Grandmaster Galaxy Daredevil run. it took me a WEEK!
Super Mario Galaxy 2. Grandmaster Galaxy Daredevil run. it took me a WEEK!
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Hit O.P.S. syndrome on 4/2/11 at 5:14 p.m.

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12-10-11 03:35 PM
DeltaEdge is Offline
| ID: 511577 | 145 Words

Level: 36

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LVL EXP: 304405
CP: 5.0
VIZ: 13088

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Megaman 1. I just started playing this game a few weeks ago on vizzed, and the whole game can potentially send me into rage mode. I guess it doesn't anymore because I've become more accustomed to the old style of games where you were vulnerable to death at every part of the game usually because of your own inability to land uncertain jumps. As someone who never really played many old games, playing mega man 1 was a new experience for me. Showed me that I needed a different level of skill that I did not posses at the time to beat the game. The platforms in the beginning of the gutsman stage were the main thing for me. It took me the first week just to be able to get across those. Once I did that, the rest of the game went pretty smoothly.
Megaman 1. I just started playing this game a few weeks ago on vizzed, and the whole game can potentially send me into rage mode. I guess it doesn't anymore because I've become more accustomed to the old style of games where you were vulnerable to death at every part of the game usually because of your own inability to land uncertain jumps. As someone who never really played many old games, playing mega man 1 was a new experience for me. Showed me that I needed a different level of skill that I did not posses at the time to beat the game. The platforms in the beginning of the gutsman stage were the main thing for me. It took me the first week just to be able to get across those. Once I did that, the rest of the game went pretty smoothly.
Namco "Tales of" Series Enthusiast

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12-11-11 04:06 PM
jthet2 is Offline
| ID: 512305 | 34 Words

Level: 17

POSTS: 45/46
POST EXP: 1227
LVL EXP: 23006
CP: 12.0
VIZ: 16247

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Definitely when I was playing Mario party 3, and you tried to get all those damn stamps, you could wipe the floor with them and at the very end they always came back. >.<
Definitely when I was playing Mario party 3, and you tried to get all those damn stamps, you could wipe the floor with them and at the very end they always came back. >.<

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Registered: 03-18-10
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12-11-11 09:29 PM
Someone70 is Offline
| ID: 512447 | 67 Words

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CP: 5019.4
VIZ: 29191

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So I was playing Chantelise earlier... It's an action JRPG with lengthy dungeons. The only problem is that if you die, you have to start from the beginning of the dungeon.

So I keep getting to the boss, but it keeps killing me over and over again. I must've spent at least an hour on the FIRST dungeon of the game. And that was just the demo...
So I was playing Chantelise earlier... It's an action JRPG with lengthy dungeons. The only problem is that if you die, you have to start from the beginning of the dungeon.

So I keep getting to the boss, but it keeps killing me over and over again. I must've spent at least an hour on the FIRST dungeon of the game. And that was just the demo...
Vizzed Elite
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Nitori Kawashiro

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12-11-11 10:18 PM
legacyme3 is Offline
| ID: 512522 | 41 Words

Lord Leggy - King of IT
Level: 270

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CP: 42596.7
VIZ: 2986900

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Aye aye aye, probably the most rage inducing thing I've done lately is mess up an important sequence, and I have to back track all the way to the beginning to figure out what's next.

Goodbye 2 hours of my life.
Aye aye aye, probably the most rage inducing thing I've done lately is mess up an important sequence, and I have to back track all the way to the beginning to figure out what's next.

Goodbye 2 hours of my life.
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

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Registered: 09-14-10
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12-12-11 08:49 AM
Blue_Rose88 is Offline
| ID: 512730 | 47 Words

Level: 33

POSTS: 96/206
POST EXP: 9737
LVL EXP: 211222
CP: 1787.9
VIZ: 246267

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My most rage moment was playing was trying to beat Liquid Ocelot in MGS4, on extreme difficulty. I kept dying over and over again that I went into rage mode and threw my controller against the wall. Luckily, I managed to beat him in the end XD.
My most rage moment was playing was trying to beat Liquid Ocelot in MGS4, on extreme difficulty. I kept dying over and over again that I went into rage mode and threw my controller against the wall. Luckily, I managed to beat him in the end XD.
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Black★Rock Shooter

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Registered: 02-16-11
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
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