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Life Changing Games


09-03-11 02:17 PM
KlawedFlaw is Offline
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Pretty sure we all have a game that changed our life. Maybe more than one. Well, spit it out. What games changed you in some way? What games changed your way of thinking? What game pulled at your emotions? How did it do anything life changing?

For me, I have two games that changed my life. Sonic the Hedgehog for the Genesis is the reason I got into gaming. It also was what helped fix a problem I had with moving around as a child. Silent Hill 2 changed my idea of what a video game could be. Never had I seen such a love for symbolic things in a game until I played Silent Hill 2. I grew more in love with the horror genre when I got this game, and this was also the first M rated game I was allowed to buy along with Shadow Hearts.

Being 15, I was amazed by what I saw in Silent Hill 2. The atmosphere of it was thick, and I loved that. It didn't scare me by much, but it was beautiful. Each part of the story felt like a beloved grandparent made you the softest blanket they could. It was like the days when my grandpa would make wooden toys for me. This game is one of the few games that I cried over after beating. Interestingly, my depression grew less hard to handle after I got into horror games.

Silent Hill 2 is a game that made me feel sorry for the character(s) for once. It was also life a personal journey for me. I felt like I could have been drawn to that town, and tormented by my own personal demons. It changed the way I looked at the world. I began to look deeper into things after my first playthrough.

Sly Cooper was my first PS2 game, and it was the game that made me in love with stories about criminals. I was quite young when I got the game, but it was still life changing for me. The cel shaded graphics alone were enough to make me amazed, and they still captivate me to this very day. Now what game changed my life so much, it would stay in my life much like Silent Hill 2 and the Sly Cooper games did? Why, Pokemon Gold! It was my first Pokemon game, and I got it the Christmas Eve I got a Gameboy Color. I would soon learn to read a few years after playing this game, but I didn't need to know how to read to enjoy the game.

Other than giving me Pokemon fever, it gave me many hours of comfort at times. The Pokemon games continue to bring a smile to my face to this very day.
Pretty sure we all have a game that changed our life. Maybe more than one. Well, spit it out. What games changed you in some way? What games changed your way of thinking? What game pulled at your emotions? How did it do anything life changing?

For me, I have two games that changed my life. Sonic the Hedgehog for the Genesis is the reason I got into gaming. It also was what helped fix a problem I had with moving around as a child. Silent Hill 2 changed my idea of what a video game could be. Never had I seen such a love for symbolic things in a game until I played Silent Hill 2. I grew more in love with the horror genre when I got this game, and this was also the first M rated game I was allowed to buy along with Shadow Hearts.

Being 15, I was amazed by what I saw in Silent Hill 2. The atmosphere of it was thick, and I loved that. It didn't scare me by much, but it was beautiful. Each part of the story felt like a beloved grandparent made you the softest blanket they could. It was like the days when my grandpa would make wooden toys for me. This game is one of the few games that I cried over after beating. Interestingly, my depression grew less hard to handle after I got into horror games.

Silent Hill 2 is a game that made me feel sorry for the character(s) for once. It was also life a personal journey for me. I felt like I could have been drawn to that town, and tormented by my own personal demons. It changed the way I looked at the world. I began to look deeper into things after my first playthrough.

Sly Cooper was my first PS2 game, and it was the game that made me in love with stories about criminals. I was quite young when I got the game, but it was still life changing for me. The cel shaded graphics alone were enough to make me amazed, and they still captivate me to this very day. Now what game changed my life so much, it would stay in my life much like Silent Hill 2 and the Sly Cooper games did? Why, Pokemon Gold! It was my first Pokemon game, and I got it the Christmas Eve I got a Gameboy Color. I would soon learn to read a few years after playing this game, but I didn't need to know how to read to enjoy the game.

Other than giving me Pokemon fever, it gave me many hours of comfort at times. The Pokemon games continue to bring a smile to my face to this very day.
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10-18-11 10:36 AM
seanne is Offline
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Well they changed my life for a bit but..after that I really tend to forget them..I think Art of fighting 3...did.....Well I started with GB systems, but I did not found the games great(was limited  to contra like games..) as I wanted fighting ones only.....I relished how it would be on small screen.
On Ps2 I stared with F1 racing games that I really appreciated....I think football games were great as I got the demo versions....ya I really like games like PES and FIFA series....I also dream of them....then harry potter...I think was the next.....It was really amazing....then I had killzone...which I really loved....I think this is a bit my story of games of how they act on my life....they just got an effect....which lasts temporarily..though...
Well they changed my life for a bit but..after that I really tend to forget them..I think Art of fighting 3...did.....Well I started with GB systems, but I did not found the games great(was limited  to contra like games..) as I wanted fighting ones only.....I relished how it would be on small screen.
On Ps2 I stared with F1 racing games that I really appreciated....I think football games were great as I got the demo versions....ya I really like games like PES and FIFA series....I also dream of them....then harry potter...I think was the next.....It was really amazing....then I had killzone...which I really loved....I think this is a bit my story of games of how they act on my life....they just got an effect....which lasts temporarily..though...
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(edited by seanne on 10-18-11 10:56 AM)    

10-18-11 01:57 PM
bigNATE is Offline
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My first Pokemon game, Sapphire, was the first time I ever really cared about something like a game. I had sat and played my grandparents' SNES or our PSx for hours, but Sapphire was the first time I actually tried to accomplish something. I remember how determined I was to raise a team good enough to take on my cousin, and I almost did. He just got lucky with sheer cold :/.
My first Pokemon game, Sapphire, was the first time I ever really cared about something like a game. I had sat and played my grandparents' SNES or our PSx for hours, but Sapphire was the first time I actually tried to accomplish something. I remember how determined I was to raise a team good enough to take on my cousin, and I almost did. He just got lucky with sheer cold :/.
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10-21-11 03:37 AM
legacyme3 is Offline
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I never before saw games as life changing until I played the PS3.

I have three that have made me rethink various things.

Metal Gear Solid 4, one of the best games I have ever played, has given me a much better idea of sacrifices one makes for the greater good. Snake did more than he really needed to, and pretty much almost died. But he did it, and saved Raiden, because it was what he saw as right. He could have walked away, and let Raiden go. But he didn't. Because of that, Raiden was able to be with his family again. Snake's days were numbered, and he knew it. Rather than be selfish, he took the sacrifice.

Another, was Catherine. This game is also on the 360, but this game made me think a ton about what cheating really is, and how easy it is to fall into the pitfalls of cheating, even by sheer accident. I am not a cheater, but if I ever was, I would have probably been scared off. It's pretty much assured me I will never be one.

Finally, this is again, going to sound kind of odd, but even though I REALLY HATED IT... Final Fantasy 13. It taught me about how it's pretty impossible to escape fate, but sometimes you have to try, and sometimes you will succeed. Other times, you will fail. But in the end, it's better than just fading away.
I never before saw games as life changing until I played the PS3.

I have three that have made me rethink various things.

Metal Gear Solid 4, one of the best games I have ever played, has given me a much better idea of sacrifices one makes for the greater good. Snake did more than he really needed to, and pretty much almost died. But he did it, and saved Raiden, because it was what he saw as right. He could have walked away, and let Raiden go. But he didn't. Because of that, Raiden was able to be with his family again. Snake's days were numbered, and he knew it. Rather than be selfish, he took the sacrifice.

Another, was Catherine. This game is also on the 360, but this game made me think a ton about what cheating really is, and how easy it is to fall into the pitfalls of cheating, even by sheer accident. I am not a cheater, but if I ever was, I would have probably been scared off. It's pretty much assured me I will never be one.

Finally, this is again, going to sound kind of odd, but even though I REALLY HATED IT... Final Fantasy 13. It taught me about how it's pretty impossible to escape fate, but sometimes you have to try, and sometimes you will succeed. Other times, you will fail. But in the end, it's better than just fading away.
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One Leggy.
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One Dream.

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10-24-11 05:18 PM
billythekidmonster is Offline
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That would have to be pokemon red on the original game boy. I played that game for the first time when I was around 8 or 9 and it was not mine. I wanted more. I then had another game (don't judge me) change my life. Runescape. I know you just stopped reading there but I played it and I liked it just because it was so big and new to me. I then went out and bought a game boy and have been a hard core gamer since then.
That would have to be pokemon red on the original game boy. I played that game for the first time when I was around 8 or 9 and it was not mine. I wanted more. I then had another game (don't judge me) change my life. Runescape. I know you just stopped reading there but I played it and I liked it just because it was so big and new to me. I then went out and bought a game boy and have been a hard core gamer since then.
3rd place in the August 2011 VCS! I got 3rd place in the October 2010 VCS! 3DS friend code 1762-2680-4239 pm me yours

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