Since the early advent of the Nintendo Entertainment System,people got annoyed at games for not keeping their progress and losing all of their data...until in 1986/1987,a young video game programmer form Kyoto,Japan called Shigeru Miyamoto,inspired by wandering the forests of Japan came up with the idea of the Hyrule Fantasy.He made the game so big in fact that he came up with the idea of a save function,So he utilised this to the full when Zelda no Denetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy( Legend of Zelda overseas) and the world stopped for the Famicom Disk System's debut title ON TO THE REVIEW!
GRAPHICS: While not great compared to later NES(FDS) Games,Zelda still holds up to this day.Animations on monsters are never unique( with the exception of the Leevers)Scrolling is fluent when going to a new screen and the game is overall pleasing to look at. Nice.
SOUND: Iconic and truly Staggering,Legend of Zelda is the benchmark for video game music no questions asked.The title theme,dungeon theme and Death Mountain Theme are all excellent but of course,the best song in the game is the overworld theme.It is the most catchiest song IN GAMING TODAY And nothing else surpasses this on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
ADDICTIVENESS: Time and time again I've delved into Hyrule because this game has some of the most fluent and appealing game play known to man,its fulfilling and satisfactory.
STORY: Most Zelda games have typically a boy,a princess and a manpig.This game started that money train and it does not hold up quite as well today as it did in 1986/1987.
DEPTH: A Gigantic and definitely secretive overworld. 9 dungeons may seem small but after you destroy Gannon,you have the option of adventuring through the much tougher and unforgiving Second Quest.
DIFFICULTY: I'm only on level 2 and I'm stuck.The game is unruly and unforgiving although it does implement the save feature I mentioned before. The Second Quest is too difficult and will take 1,000,000 years to beat.
OVERALL: This is one great piece of interactive entertainment.Its one of the most beloved and innovative games of all time. While the graphics aren't so pretty nowadays,it's still one hell of a fun ride and challenge. I Give The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System a 9.5 out of ten
Since the early advent of the Nintendo Entertainment System,people got annoyed at games for not keeping their progress and losing all of their data...until in 1986/1987,a young video game programmer form Kyoto,Japan called Shigeru Miyamoto,inspired by wandering the forests of Japan came up with the idea of the Hyrule Fantasy.He made the game so big in fact that he came up with the idea of a save function,So he utilised this to the full when Zelda no Denetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy( Legend of Zelda overseas) and the world stopped for the Famicom Disk System's debut title ON TO THE REVIEW!
GRAPHICS: While not great compared to later NES(FDS) Games,Zelda still holds up to this day.Animations on monsters are never unique( with the exception of the Leevers)Scrolling is fluent when going to a new screen and the game is overall pleasing to look at. Nice.
SOUND: Iconic and truly Staggering,Legend of Zelda is the benchmark for video game music no questions asked.The title theme,dungeon theme and Death Mountain Theme are all excellent but of course,the best song in the game is the overworld theme.It is the most catchiest song IN GAMING TODAY And nothing else surpasses this on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
ADDICTIVENESS: Time and time again I've delved into Hyrule because this game has some of the most fluent and appealing game play known to man,its fulfilling and satisfactory.
STORY: Most Zelda games have typically a boy,a princess and a manpig.This game started that money train and it does not hold up quite as well today as it did in 1986/1987.
DEPTH: A Gigantic and definitely secretive overworld. 9 dungeons may seem small but after you destroy Gannon,you have the option of adventuring through the much tougher and unforgiving Second Quest.
DIFFICULTY: I'm only on level 2 and I'm stuck.The game is unruly and unforgiving although it does implement the save feature I mentioned before. The Second Quest is too difficult and will take 1,000,000 years to beat.
OVERALL: This is one great piece of interactive entertainment.Its one of the most beloved and innovative games of all time. While the graphics aren't so pretty nowadays,it's still one hell of a fun ride and challenge. I Give The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System a 9.5 out of ten