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My version of little red riding hood


05-07-11 11:19 AM
Juliet is Offline
| ID: 380762 | 322 Words

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A mother asked her daughter( around the age of 17) to visit her sick "evil" grandma living in the woods. Little red riding hood had no choice but to obey her mother.

And the mother said, "don't talk to strangers" but little red riding hood talked to a... "talking" wolf. Oh and he was charming by the way.

The wolf rushed to the grandmother's house right after knowing that little red riding hood will go there. The wolf ate the grandma and posed as her thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could trick the little girl.

I guess it worked.

The wolf asked if the little girl could stay for days in the house. The girl agreed without hesitation.

While the girl was sleeping, the wolf approached her. The wolf licked her hand and he thought she was yummier than the old lady. But there's something about her face... I know it sounds corny but he fell inlove with her right after that scene. The wolf went back to bed since he can't make himself eat the girl.

The girl took care of everything. From house hold chores to buying things needed in the house. The wolf got guilty of not saying to riding hood his real identity. "He doesn't deserve the kindness the girl is showing him". He thought. "But oh well, no matter what I'll tell her.".

One night he told little red riding hood the truth. That he was a wolf. Instead of being shocked, she just smiled and said that she she knew it from the start. That she's not dumb not to notice the difference between her grandmother and the wolf. Between the evil witch and the man she loves.

They lived happily ever after. the end. Oh wait, wanna hear the epilogue? The girl went back home with the wolf. Her mother agreed of the marriage, thinking that the wolf will eat her if she disagreed.
A mother asked her daughter( around the age of 17) to visit her sick "evil" grandma living in the woods. Little red riding hood had no choice but to obey her mother.

And the mother said, "don't talk to strangers" but little red riding hood talked to a... "talking" wolf. Oh and he was charming by the way.

The wolf rushed to the grandmother's house right after knowing that little red riding hood will go there. The wolf ate the grandma and posed as her thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could trick the little girl.

I guess it worked.

The wolf asked if the little girl could stay for days in the house. The girl agreed without hesitation.

While the girl was sleeping, the wolf approached her. The wolf licked her hand and he thought she was yummier than the old lady. But there's something about her face... I know it sounds corny but he fell inlove with her right after that scene. The wolf went back to bed since he can't make himself eat the girl.

The girl took care of everything. From house hold chores to buying things needed in the house. The wolf got guilty of not saying to riding hood his real identity. "He doesn't deserve the kindness the girl is showing him". He thought. "But oh well, no matter what I'll tell her.".

One night he told little red riding hood the truth. That he was a wolf. Instead of being shocked, she just smiled and said that she she knew it from the start. That she's not dumb not to notice the difference between her grandmother and the wolf. Between the evil witch and the man she loves.

They lived happily ever after. the end. Oh wait, wanna hear the epilogue? The girl went back home with the wolf. Her mother agreed of the marriage, thinking that the wolf will eat her if she disagreed.
Vizzed Elite

3rd Place in the July 2009 VCS Competition!

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(edited by Juliet on 05-24-11 01:41 AM)    

05-07-11 11:49 AM
Natas is Offline
| ID: 380771 | 54 Words

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Well this is a nice erm Summery. Lol. You told it like you didn't care about the story. I find this quite entertaining. Who knew the wolf would fall in love with the young girl and normally the grandmother is a sweet old gal. Lol. It was wonderful Juliet. I enjoyed reading it. Lol.
Well this is a nice erm Summery. Lol. You told it like you didn't care about the story. I find this quite entertaining. Who knew the wolf would fall in love with the young girl and normally the grandmother is a sweet old gal. Lol. It was wonderful Juliet. I enjoyed reading it. Lol.
Vizzed Elite
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05-08-11 01:48 AM
Juliet is Offline
| ID: 380988 | 51 Words

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I'm glad you like it even though I sounded like a lazy story teller.

I wanted to make the story more complicated, but I was too tired yesterday to make it longer and to type more details about the scenes. It ended up looking like a summary lol.

I'm glad you like it even though I sounded like a lazy story teller.

I wanted to make the story more complicated, but I was too tired yesterday to make it longer and to type more details about the scenes. It ended up looking like a summary lol.
Vizzed Elite

3rd Place in the July 2009 VCS Competition!

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Registered: 05-10-09
Location: Manila, PH (Asia)
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(edited by Juliet on 05-08-11 01:49 AM)    

05-23-11 08:44 PM
Bintsy is Offline
| ID: 385746 | 20 Words

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Oh that was very interesting. Thumbs up! haha it was actually really good for a summary.
Oh that was very interesting. Thumbs up! haha it was actually really good for a summary.
Vizzed Elite
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05-24-11 07:27 PM
hackerman is Offline
| ID: 386130 | 20 Words

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wow that was better than all the other little red riding hood movie remakes nice job i loved the epilouge
wow that was better than all the other little red riding hood movie remakes nice job i loved the epilouge
Vizzed Elite
2nd Place In The June 2011 VCS 7th Place In the July 2011 VCS

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05-24-11 07:30 PM
danielalexander is Offline
| ID: 386135 | 12 Words

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i liked it its alot better than then the version i heared
i liked it its alot better than then the version i heared

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-28-11
Last Post: 4799 days
Last Active: 2372 days


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