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Sony is now our enemy!!


12-29-05 06:12 PM
neojazex is Offline
| ID: 40066 | 93 Words

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Sony are making a move to protect Data from copying by installing a rootkit onto your system so if something is done to a CD that sony doesn't like, they can stop you! Also attempts to remove the rootkit is said to turn you computer into a $1000 oversized paper-weight [ for those who take things literally, it doesn't really do that, it just stops your computer for functioning ever again]. Obviously, people are unhappy about sony's invasion of infomation rights acts and whatnot, as am i. Is anyone else concerned about this?

Sony are making a move to protect Data from copying by installing a rootkit onto your system so if something is done to a CD that sony doesn't like, they can stop you! Also attempts to remove the rootkit is said to turn you computer into a $1000 oversized paper-weight [ for those who take things literally, it doesn't really do that, it just stops your computer for functioning ever again]. Obviously, people are unhappy about sony's invasion of infomation rights acts and whatnot, as am i. Is anyone else concerned about this?

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12-30-05 09:25 PM
Apocalypse is Offline
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Yes, I heard of this a while ago. I also agree with this. Sony produces CDs. However, that is as far as their part of the deal should go. I use their CDs to copy data. Whether or not they like that data should not impact me in any way.

I guess it is a good thing that I do not typically buy Sony CDs. Believe me though; their little protection service will be broken through relatively quickly. If people want to use those CDs for certain purposes, they won't stop because Sony put up a little protection. There are two possiblities. Either people will stop using Sony CDs, or they will just use software a group is BOUND to make at some point in time to remove that protection. In other words, I don't AGREE with what they are doing... but I don't think it will really effect us.

Yes, I heard of this a while ago. I also agree with this. Sony produces CDs. However, that is as far as their part of the deal should go. I use their CDs to copy data. Whether or not they like that data should not impact me in any way.

I guess it is a good thing that I do not typically buy Sony CDs. Believe me though; their little protection service will be broken through relatively quickly. If people want to use those CDs for certain purposes, they won't stop because Sony put up a little protection. There are two possiblities. Either people will stop using Sony CDs, or they will just use software a group is BOUND to make at some point in time to remove that protection. In other words, I don't AGREE with what they are doing... but I don't think it will really effect us.

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01-08-06 04:11 AM
BigBob85 is Offline
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Do u mean bootkit, or rootkit.... im not sure... But there are so many different CD companys out there, ppl will just stop usn sony... If sony wana do somthn, they should put it into burners not the CD's.
Do u mean bootkit, or rootkit.... im not sure... But there are so many different CD companys out there, ppl will just stop usn sony... If sony wana do somthn, they should put it into burners not the CD's.
Vizzed Elite
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01-08-06 12:24 PM
MichaelVash7886 is Offline
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But it is totally within your rights to burn a copy of a CD you own for personal use. Whenever I took a CD to school, I took a burned copy so that if I lost it it wasn't a big deal. And Many times I mix my own with lots of different types of music. You couldn't really put it in CD burners.

But yeah, I'm sure people will find a way around that or just stop buying Sony CD's. How would the CD or Rootkit determine what Sony doesn't like?
But it is totally within your rights to burn a copy of a CD you own for personal use. Whenever I took a CD to school, I took a burned copy so that if I lost it it wasn't a big deal. And Many times I mix my own with lots of different types of music. You couldn't really put it in CD burners.

But yeah, I'm sure people will find a way around that or just stop buying Sony CD's. How would the CD or Rootkit determine what Sony doesn't like?
Vizzed Elite
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01-09-06 12:45 AM
Zylo is Offline
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lol, SOny has been my archnemisis ever since the GAYSTATION 1 came out, and tryed to take the place of my beloved saturn. I converted all my friends to the saturn, playing 6 player GUardian Heroes, Death Tank, Bomberman. And the ONE player NIGHTS.

Gaystation = better three D graphics


Should I also mention, that I swayed my Gaystation 2 friends to the X-box?

I don't hate on SOny as much as I used too. Since now they are old and lame. I only hated on them when they were the most popular, but for good reason.

To relate what I just said there to real life. Why would a polotician debate somone standing on a street corner? No one is listening or caring about him anyway.
lol, SOny has been my archnemisis ever since the GAYSTATION 1 came out, and tryed to take the place of my beloved saturn. I converted all my friends to the saturn, playing 6 player GUardian Heroes, Death Tank, Bomberman. And the ONE player NIGHTS.

Gaystation = better three D graphics


Should I also mention, that I swayed my Gaystation 2 friends to the X-box?

I don't hate on SOny as much as I used too. Since now they are old and lame. I only hated on them when they were the most popular, but for good reason.

To relate what I just said there to real life. Why would a polotician debate somone standing on a street corner? No one is listening or caring about him anyway.
Vizzed Elite
The Doom Slayer AKA: Akuma Eek The UNDERTAKER

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01-19-06 03:22 AM
neojazex is Offline
| ID: 40334 | 89 Words

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i'd thought i'd go to the trouble of explaining what a rootkit is...

basicly a virus that works behind the conventional anit-virus protections... so that when they work they overlook the rootkit... the only way to remove rootkits is to get a program that checks your files in your operating system and compares directly woth the hard drive, when there is something on the hard drive but not appearing for the operating system it tell you and asks if you want to delete the files... which is the rookkit.
i'd thought i'd go to the trouble of explaining what a rootkit is...

basicly a virus that works behind the conventional anit-virus protections... so that when they work they overlook the rootkit... the only way to remove rootkits is to get a program that checks your files in your operating system and compares directly woth the hard drive, when there is something on the hard drive but not appearing for the operating system it tell you and asks if you want to delete the files... which is the rookkit.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-07-05
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