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List of C64 games that still need to be tested
01-04-11 03:28 PM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 307850 | 16876 Words
| ID: 307850 | 16876 Words
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10-pin bowling
100 Meter Dash 100 Meter Dash (Mod) 1000 Miles 10000 Meters 10th Frame +Docs 12 o'clock 1942 1942 (stage 24) 1942 +7 (mod) 1943 (one year after +2) MOD 1943 (one year after) 1943 (Ten Years After) 1943 (Triad) 1943 (USA)The Battle of Midway 1943 +++++ (mod) 1944 (Mod Hard) 1948 MOD 1985 - The Day After 1985: The Day After (mod) 1994 Ten Years After 1994 Ten Years After (mod 2) 1994 Ten Years After (mod) 1st Division Manager 20 Tons 20 Tons+ (mod) 2112 (mod) 2pac Preview (2 man Pac Man) 3 Days In Carpathia 3-D Breakout 3-D Skramble 3-D Zoom 3D Gloopers 3d Golf 3D International Tennis 3D Morris 3D Scacchi Simulator 3D Skramble (mod) 3D Spacewar (mod) 3D Stock Car II (mod 2) 3D Stock Cars II 3D Stock Cars II (Mod) 3D Time Trek 3D Waterski 4 In-A-Row 4 Times Reflex 48 Hours 5 side footywhy 500cc Grand Prix 5th Gear 5th Gear (mod) 5th quadrrelax 5th quadsin 5x5 5x5 fix laxity 5x5-1 6-pukebowl puke 64 breakout 64 dragonmaster 64 Luff 64 luff pn c 64-Scene-Adventure, The 64mazezam blz 720 Degrees 720 Part 2 747 Flight Simulator 911 tiger shark 911 Tiger Shark A A - idefix A dark skytbt A Fi$tful of Buck$ A fistful A Journey to the Centre of the Earth A little fld A quest sports A SA Demo A safari 3532 A Simple One A-idefix A-team A-team+ A-z spiel Aaargh condor Aaargh condor [ Aaargh htl AAARGHC Aake 2 prvtriad Aake gmedlxt Aake picturelxt Aams dlx Aams Aanval Aardvark Aargh AB993 Ons Ab993 ons, Abadon Abc Abcrick Abcricket [ ] Abducted piss ABELREAD Abhor 4 fx lxt Abhor4 fix lxt Abiker 99 [o] Abnfactfixc AbnormalWWE Abracadabra prev Abrakadabra pr-1 Abrakadabra pr-2 Abrakadabra prv Abrasco golf Abrasco golfhdd ABS Demo ABSOLUTE ABUSE EXE ABUSE NOTE Abyss Ac-dc pinball ACCROBAT Accrobat, Acdc p100%tbt Ace Ace Ace 2 Ace 2 100% stl Ace 2 c64cg Ace 2 pic c64cg Ace 2 [fp] Ace 2088 Ace 2088 laser Ace 2088 [crackf Ace 2fbr Ace harrier Ace harriersci Ace ii Ace ii 8 tcs Ace ii introdox Ace ii [wizax] Ace of aces Ace of h -flt Ace of h prev Ace-1 Ace-fix byc ACE2 Ace2088 Ace2twr Acefix[byc] Acey-duecyc-64 Acfighter--- ACIAJUN ACID ACID AOD Acid ball- f4cg Acid fix ons Acid fix [O] Acid fixlaxity Acid runner Acid runner2v Acid runneraxe Acid runnersun ACIDBALL ACIDRUNN Acidrunner2emp Acinna mah jongg Acinna [active] Acinna [q] Acinnafix afl Acinnafix lxt Acirunner3dtc Actbiker5 rem ACTION ACTION B Action ball twg Action biker Action biker 99 Action biker-1 Action biker-2 Action biker-3 Action biker1 Action fighter Action fighter-1 Action force Action force bb Action force-1 Action forcetwg Action Replay Worm ACTIONAU Actionauts Actionauts 2 ACTIONBI Actionbikerudi ACTIONFO Actionforcehtl ACTIONON Actionprotection Activision zoids ACTNAUTS Actually Ad infinitum Ad infinitum-1 Addicta ball Addicta ball-1 Addicta ball ADDICTAB Addictaball[ts] ADINFINI Adonis Adrenalin wow Adrenalin2 c Adrenalin2mtdk Adrenalin3 dtc Adrian mole4tct Adroit prv[po] Adv of the year Adv pinballtcom ADV-1-AD Advanced art stu Advanced pinbs Advancps ADVENTUR Adventure 2000 Adventure castle Adventure Quest Adventure-1c Adventureland Adventureland-1 Advpinball sim Advtf7hirem Aegean voyage AEGEANVO Af simulator Af2 Afiendimpact Afighter8mils Afighters 4fe AFIM PL Afl boulder dash Africa gardends Africa gardens Africa nera African adventur African safari [ AFRICANA AFRICANS Aft simultr(ts) After the war -1 After the war p1 After the war p2 Afterforever AFTERMAT Aftermath 2 [pe Aftermath c64cg Aftermath [c64cg Afterw2 [va] AFTERWOR Agent - trainer Agent 909 pp Agent orange Agent orange yf Agent orange [we Agent orangepic Agent usa ii Agent usa [dsg] Agent usa3kvr Agent x ii 1 [j AGENTORA Agricola Ah diddums [rnd] Ah diddums [spee Ahdiddumsspeedy Ahido3pwfxavt Ahoi pie empori Ahuntress intro Ahuntressfx[ ] Air plane lander Air rescue i [ma Air support [abc Air traffic cont Air-raid preview Aircop 2000 2 [ AIRCOP20 Aircop20002lru Airline Airline minianl Airline [aek] AIRSUPPO Airwof ii stl AIRWOLF Airwolf Airwolf 2 Airwolf 2 docs Airwolf 2-1 Airwolf ii 1 [z Airwolf ii ice Airwolf ii [yeti Airwolf [abc] Airwolf, Airwolf-1 Airwolf2 rem Akat Aknakereso Aknakereso [ ] Akropolis rfo AKSJEMAR AL THE F Al the fish- hc Ala Albatros 2ori Alberts dr0mori ALCAZAR Alcazar [1103] Alcazar [abc] Alcazar, Alcon 2 [pudwer Alcon2 pudwerx Aldebaran Alderan 1 epic Alert previafl Alert prv scstr Alf Alf Alfabet Alfredo's parkin Alfredos parking Ali baba flt Alice ALIEN Alien Alien 2 Alien att6tbt Alien attack Alien attack Alien attack 1 Alien attack2 Alien blast Alien blast dlx Alien comm iii Alien commando Alien commando 2 Alien ii pic Alien jff Alien k 2 Alien k1triad Alien killgods Alien optical Alien panic Alien panic [sci Alien rescue Alien s9hirem Alien smashtg Alien syndrome Alien, ALIENATO Alienator 3 [m] ALIENNEW ALIENPAN ALIENS Aliens Aliens(uk)2whw Aliensmash3tlf Alioth All of rambo All risks ALL-AMER All-amerbbils Alle negen Alle negen Alley cat Alley oops ALLEYKAT Alleykat, Alleykat-1 Alleykat-2 Alliance fbr Alliance fln ALLIGATA Alligator ALLOYRUN Alloyrun 2 [hot Alloyrun [l] Alloyrunabyss ALLTHEFI ALMAZZ Almazz [swat] Almazz, Alohohltest Alpha command Alphoid Alpine tram ride Alr101%agile Alsmash4laser Alsoccercensor Alt world games Altair 4 Alternative Packer 1 1 Alternative Packer 2 Alternative Packer 3 ALTMINER Amadeus gcf AMAUROTE Amaurote jct Amaurote, Amazing mtriad Amazing spider-m Amazing Spiderman ,The AMAZINGS AMAZON Amazon Amazon warrior [ Amazon woman Amazon women Amazon2 100%[l] Amazon3(pal)]h[ AMAZONWA Ambassador Ambheroes [m8] AmbitionWWE Ambush Ambush [donald d AMC Amc 3532 Amc-1 Amc-2 Amerbasketesm America cup sail AMERICAN American 3d pool American footbal American ftb American tag-tea AMERICAS Amexpress ctx AMOBA Amoba [l] Amoba [l]-1 Amoeba prv c Anal Scanner Analyzer 2tat ANARCHY Anarchy prof13 Anarchy, Anarchy-1 Anarchy5hirem Anarchyrugby wc Anasthasia- c Ancient Tale, The Ancipital Anders limpar so ANDROID Android aldi Android ctrlts Android ii ANDROMED Andromeda conq Andy capp Andy capp ikari Andy capp [ikari Andy capp5 r-1 Andy capp5 rem ANDYCAPP Angels' boulder ANGLE Angle dytec Angle flt Angle hit Angle trc Angle(dd)vision Angle(pal)hyst Angle2 wow Angle2fx glory ANGLEBAL Angleball Angleball [ikari Angleball [ts] Angry ninja 1[m] Angry ninja inst Anights5hirem ANIHILAT Animal match Animate Animated strip p ANIMSTRI Aniso triad Ankh Anl thai boxing Anl werner Annaconda3xray Annals of rome Annalsromtriad Annihilator ii Annihilator ii [ Annihilator [sci Annihilator3c Announce Anoria ii twg Another dysp Ant attack ANTATTAC Anteater2tri-1 Anteater2triad Anter-planter Anter-planter [s Anthrsexadvtrb Anti wwe Anti100%msi Anticihilator Antihypeexult Antiisda9maldi Antiq 97 ANTIRIAD Antiriad Antiriad 3 Antiriad 4 rem Antiriad r Antiriad, Antiwar demo Antrock prvc Antrockfixa Apache gold Apache heli-xpb Apache raid [sof Apb final ctx Ape craze Ape craze-1 APECRAZE Apex prv[ ] Aplanter2d[no] Apocalypse dns Apocalypse now Apocalypse now Apollo 14 prv[ ] APOLLO14 Appcider spider APPLCIDS Apple cider Apple frenzy Apple frenzyfcs APPLECID Appleciderspider APPLEFRE Apydialuft[xyz] Aqua Aqua race [wmc-1 Aqua race [wmcs] Aqua wmcs Aquablasta rbl AQUANAUT Aquanaut [ts] Aquanaut+ Aquanauttr Aquantor hyst AQUAPLAN Aquaplane Aquariumscallop Arabian knights Arabian nights ARABIANN ARAC Arac [computerbr Arac, ARACHNE Arachne ii Arachne [abyss] Arachne [tdf] Arachne, Arachtl ARAKNIFO Araknifoe ARASHI Arc of yesod Arc of Yesod, The Arcad clac64cg Arcade cfxafl Arcade classic Arcade classic-1 Arcade classic-2 Arcade classics Arcade extrav Arcade party 199 ARCADECL ARCADEFL Arcadia Arcadia 64 [han Arcadia-1 ARCADIA6 Arcana Arcana 1 [ccgg] Arcana cccg Arcana-1 Arcflisimpan Archduelgulas Archeologist due ARCHETYP Archetype 4avt Archipelago Archipelago [abc Archipeligo ARCHON Archon # cpv Archon 2 Archon 3 exciter ARCHON I Archon ii Archon iii - exc Archon, ARCHON2 ARCOFYES Arctic antics Arctic hunt Arctic shipwreck ARCTICAN ARCTICSH Ardok hawk Ardok hawk-1 Ardy the aar Ardyaard Area 13 fxtroep ARENA Arena empire Arena football Arena fx [succe Arena, ARENAFOO Arex Arftbl[com]tbt Arg Argon 1 [hawkso Argon hsi Arhena the amaz Arise Arjon hsi Ark iintscts Ark pandora Ark pandora [isc ARKANOID Arkanoid 2 Arkanoid 3 Arkanoid 3 rem Arkanoid cfo Arkanoid i v2 Arkanoid ii Arkanoid iiflt Arkanoid v3 1 [ Arkanoid, Arkanoid2sonics Arkanoidmaster Arkatrax ARKNOID3 ARKTYCZN Arm reichtlf ARMADA Armada 1 [power Armada pwr Armada rti Armada, ARMADAPR Armadeus dlx ARMAGEDD Armageddon Armageddon man Armageddon man [ Armageddon-1 Armageddon3tbt ARMAGEDM Armalyte ARMOURD ARMOURDI Armourdillo Armourdillo [hot Armourdillo-1 Armut reichtum Army days 2 [av Army days 3avt Army men Army men tbt Army moves 1flt Army moves 1htl Army moves 2flt Army moves 2htl ARMYMOVE Arnie 2 Arnie 2 2fxarm Arnie picactive Arnie [active] Arnie2fix emp Array Is Born ARROW Arrow head Arrow of death Arrow of death Arrow [sci] Arrow, Arrowhead ARROWOFD Arscet [e] c ArseDekadence Art of china[a] Artax Artax4 Artax4 rfo Artemis ARTHEMA Arthema prv c Arti902brutal Artic shipwreck ARTILLER Artillery '90 4 Artillery 4xtc Artillery drem Artillery duel Artillery duel-1 Artillery ikari Artillery [sci] Artillery'90 ddt Artillery'90nei Artillerysci Artrisfix afl ARTURA Artura, Artura-1 Arun noteagile Asapera3hions Asbest asdf asd[doesnt work] Asgard Asgard ikari Ashido #pwgdn Ashido docs avt Asm97Report Asmyr Aspar gp 4 tbi Aspar gp maste ASPARGPM Aspiderman bz Aspiderman [l] Aspiderman[c] Assassins prv Assassins-v2 [o] Assault mach'86 Assault on memor ASSAULTC ASSAULTM Asscourse [l] Asscourse3it Astec tomb Asterix Asterix and the Asterix doxxts Asterix obelix ASTERIX' Asterix8role Asterixbeam-sof Asterixtrainer ASTEROID Asteroid lander Asteroids 3c Asteroids 64 Asteroids blaze Asterwartroep Astral attack Astral zone Astral zone [fra Astro blaster Astro blaster [s Astro chase Astro chase [jed Astro pilot [der Astro-mine prv [ Astroblaster ASTROBLI Astroblitz ASTROCHA Astroids ASTROMAN Astronaughtfbr Astronaut Astronaut fbr Astronomy ASTROPIL Astrostorm role Asylum [ccs] Asylum,d64 At the beach[ts] Ata - revengexc Atahscs Atak s1hiaxe ATALAN Atalan Atalan, Atc f4cg Atc flt Atcontrl ATF Atf, Atfdigital inte ATG Atg onslaught ATG PLUS Atg plus1 ons Athena 1 [triad Atlantic patrol ATLANTIS Atlantis Atlantis mdi Atlantis tlf Atlantis xen Atlantis zen Atlantis, Atlantis-1 Atom ant 2 [tal Atom ant doxvsn Atom ant mr-1 Atom ant mrc Atom ant4m vsn Atom ant5 fox Atom anti 3 ech Atom X ATOMANT ATOMIC H Atomic handball Atomic isle Atomic-handball Atomica omega8 ATOMICHA Atomino Atominopwd ATOMX Atphkaratecmm Attack force Attack of the -1 Attack of the mu Attack on windsc ATTACKOT Atv sim rad Atv simulator Atv simulator 1 ATVSIMUL Atwrestlngtsm Auf wied monty Auf wmonty#htl Auf wmontyhtl AUFWIEDE Augdogdad3dl Augdoggie6m8q Augdoggief4cg Auggie d5m Auggie dpic Augie dog2[ils] Augie dog3[l] Augie doggie4v AUGIEDOG AURIGA Auriga [1001] Auriga, Aurora orion Aus rfootbcen Auto mania AUTOMANI Automania1 cmm AUTORENN Autorennen AUTOSALT AUTOTEST Autotest3fxnei Avalange Avalange AVENGER Avenger Avenger 1986 Avenger 2blz Avenger, AVOID AVOID'EM Awa100 [exl] Awakener, The Awari Awari Awiedersmhtl Axel b22lapd AXIENS Axiensikaridcs AZTEC AZTEC CH Aztec ch3irem Aztec challeng-1 Aztec challenge Aztec challenge Aztec tomb [sci] Aztec [tci] Azteca lbs AZTECCHA Aztecdatamostt AZTECTOM B B - idefix B bobble [ne] B E A M B JACKS B NIGHT B O PLAN B uzal ikari B's nghtmredrm B-1 BOMB B-1 bomber game B-1 bomber game B-ball prv[afl] B-bobs 100% vsn B-idefix B-raid htl B.c. bill Baby blues 3 [a Baby blues2c Baby blues3dtc Baby jack 4 Baby jack3 [] Baby monty 1 Baby monty dns Baby of can guru Baby of canguru BABYJACK BABYLON Babylon 4bros Babylon prv2 ep BABYLONF BABYOFCA Bac pac Baccarat Baccys Nightmare Back to nature Back to reality Back to reality Back to the futu Back- gammon Backga1efxori BACKGAMM Backgammon Backgammon chall Backgammon1ori BACKTOFU Bad cat [legion Bad previewts BADBALLS Badballsfixafl BADCAT Badlands BADSTREE BAFFLO P Bagdad [sci] BAGITMAN Bagitman, Bagitman1 Bagitman1 cmm Balakon raid Balakon raider BALAKONR Ball barricade Ball barricade [ Ball bhikari Ball blasta Ball crazyhtl Ball fever [visi Ball game lnei Ball game [v] Ball job dmx Ball land trc Ball trc Ball-fever4scs BALL-LAN Balla bprvafl Balla bprvc BALLBLAS BALLBLAZ Ballblazer Ballblazer rem Ballblazer v2 Ballblazer [crac Ballbooster Ballbooster c BALLCRAZ Ballcrazy htl Balldemo BALLETJE Balletje balletj Balletje Balletje! Balletje de lu-1 Balletje de luxe BALLFEVE Ballfever 2pan Ballfever4scs BALLGAME Balliard c BALLISAT Ballisation-c Ballist picctx BALLISTI Ballisti x [ex] Ballistix 3532 Ballistix ctx Ballistix pic Ballistix tcom BALLJOB Balloon Balloon b v Balloon chtl Balloon rescue Balloonacy prv Balloonacy24h Ballooncy prv[o] Ballooning [m] Balloonpv4lxt Balls dl Balls tbt Balltris BALOON Baloon hunter 3 Balronline Banana d piss Banana drama Banana jns6tbt Banana jones6t BANANADR Bananadr, Bancers and Mash Bandage, The Bandana city Bandana city [sc Bandit [sci] BANDITS Bandits, Bandits4 rem Bang mash4mgen Bang'n'masharc Banger racerdom Banger raceremp Banger racerprs BANGERRA Bangers and mash BANGERSA Bangmash1tf Barbaland2gls BARBARIA Barbarian cprdi Barbarian jnr2 Barbarian p1flt Barbarian p2flt Barbarian part 1 Barbarian part 2 Barbarian [psygn Barbarians why Barbarjrob Barbaros burp Barbaros troep Barbaros ^troep Barmy builders Barmy builders Barney telftwg Barrel Jumping Barricade2 Barricade2 [$] Barrier system Barrier system [ Barry mcguigan w Barumble [tbc] Base 3 Base attack-[ ] BASEBALL Baseball Baseball world Baseball, BASIC IN Basic pinball Basil 2 [tpi] BASILDON Basildon bond Basket Master Basket master 1 Basket mastfac BASKETBA Basketball Basketball gods Basketball [707] Basketball [sect Basketballsa BASKETMA Bastard Bastard prv [ ] Bat attack BATALYX Batalyx, Bath time Bathroom chaos BATHTIME BATMAN Batman 1 [ikari Batman part 1 Batman part 2 Batman, Batman-1 BATMANJO BATMANPE Batshipntscrr BATT EAR Battfieldikari Battlchoppertdt BATTLE B Battle bars hit Battle barsc Battle barstrc Battle bound 2 Battle c Battle droidz Battle field [ik Battle foase Battle itcom Battle khaosblz Battle of bri Battle of britai Battle of midway Battle prvc Battle ship Battle shipsrdi Battle star god Battle stations Battle stations Battle thru ti-1 Battle thru time Battle valley Battle valley [z BATTLECH BATTLEFI Battlefield BATTLEOF BATTLEPL Battleplanets BATTLESH Battlesh, Battlesh-1 Battleshhirem Battleship Battleship (Fred Phreaker) Battleship modem Battleship scs Battleships no Battleships! Battleships3[f] Battleship[richt BATTLEST BATTLETH Battlethroug Battletrance 3 BATTLEVA BATTLEZO Battlezone [bad Battlezonebad-b Battshipsphi-1 Battshipsphinx BATTY Batty hi no Batty [dominator Batty, Battyrad Bauernp- pets Bauernskat Bay street s Baywatch fortres Baywatch nights Bazair Bazair 3 laser Bazair 3 [zenit Bazair rti Bazooka b6r-1 Bazooka b6rem Bazooka-billtlc BAZOOKAB Bbattle 1 -ex- Bbfof dom Bbfof oase Bbird's funhouse Bblast2fxtrp Bbrosonamission Bbrothersfbr Bbuilders2cpv Bbusters rad Bc bill Bc bill dc Bc's quest ii Bcars2 Bcbill Bcbill-1 Bcrhi[crapd] Bcs river raid Bdalienikari Bdash 50 urine Bdash brutalo Bdash col2cmm Be all end all Be Happy Beach blanket vo Beach comult Beach head 3 Beach head [the Beach head3 Beach volleyball Beach-head Beach-head dbt Beach-head4r-1 Beach-head4rem BEACHBUG BEACHCOM Beaky 2 dr Beaky and the eg Beam Beam 5 [ikari] Beam 5ikari Beam rider Beam [dominators BEAMRIDE Beamrider Beamrider [2703] Bear bovver cas Bear bovver [239 Bear bovver [sof Bear george Beardsley soccer BEARGEOR BEAST PR Beastiality Beastieb Beat it! (Jammin' II) BEATBALL Beatball, Beatball2fxmir Beatball5 [x] BEAUTY ELA Bedlam 1 [actua BEDLAM M Bee 52 2 [amnes Beelzebubbht Beep boy 64- [o] Beer belly burt Beer Belly Burt's Brew Biz BEERBELL Beerstation Behind front Beicepalacefbr Bekketre-nl Bellringer Ben Benji - space re Berend botje Bert the bug bit BESIEGED Besieged [motiv Besieged [o] Best IN 1987 Betrayal nei Better dead+htl Better deadhtl BETTERDE Beynight run Beyond the ice p Beyond, The Bfootballrfo Bheads2 [lsd] Bheads5 bomz Bheads6fx#dom Biathlonnor Biblehntsc rr BIFF Biff 1 Biff trc Biff, Bifffix empire Big apocrti BIG BEN Big ben 1984 Big bird Big mac Big mac [239] Big mac [sci] Big nose6 Big nosehsvsn Big nuadv[xf] Big sleaze htl Big Sleaze, The Big t in china BIG TOP Big tr docstlc Big trouble#trd Big troubletlc Big troubletrd BIGBEN BIGBIRD Bigdealg BIGFOOT Bigfoot it Bigfoot rip it Bigfoot rnd BIGGLES Biggles iidynam Biggles tune BIGKO BIGMAC Bigmomma 26fts Bigmomma3 frt Bignose 1 [f4cg Bignose usa ]h[ Bignose2 [v] Bignose2fxnei BIGNOSES Bignoses usa adv Bigtop barney BIGTOPBA BIGTROUB BILBO PR BILLIARD Billiard pgm Billy postman BingBong Bio ninja Biological warfa Bionic granny Bionic ninja Bionic ninja+ BIONICGR Bionninja 3 Bionninja3xds BIORITEM Bird mother [l] BIRDMOTH Bismarck gerbb Bismark no Bit exorcist-1 h Bit maps boingp Bit2fxavtlnx Bit3fx101[rsi] Bitexorcist6[d] Bizarre BIZYBEEZ Bj Bjuv2k Black belt pic Black edBML BLACK FR BLACK HA Black hawk Black hawk 2 jo Black hawk [slan Black hawk-1 Black hawk5rem BLACK HO Black jack Black jack 2tbt Black jack btk Black jack ii tb Black knight Black knightdom Black lamp Black light [l] Black lightning Black pearl Black pearl scs Black pearl [ ] Black tiger pic Black tower twr Black wyche qrt BLACKADD BLACKBOX Blackbox, BLACKHAW Blackhole 2lop BLACKJAC Blackjac, Blackjack Blackjack 2 tlf Blackjack htl BLACKKNI BLACKLAM BLACKMAG BLACKPEA Blackpool tower BLACKSHA BLACKTHU Blackwntscc BLACKWYC Blackwyche BLADERUN BLADES1 BLADESHO Bladeshot prv ex Blagger goes h Blagger goes h+ Blagger hollyw BLAGGERG Blakhole2 lop Bland iifx[m8] Blast ball1ddt Blast fest Blast fest urnie Blast top Blastapede BLASTBAL Blastballikari Blaster 2 [l] BLASTERO Blasteroids 1 [ Blasteroids 1-1 Blasteroidsika BLASTERS Blasters legend Blasters [inc] Blasters [l] Blasters [l]-1 Blasterusaphx Blaze romik soft Blazer [htl] Blazer1[htl] BlazeRomik Software BLAZINGT Blball cosmos Blbaron4p xtc Blib blob ax Blightningzap Blinky 2 Blinky's 2inc Blinky's 8 -sx Blinky's pic-sx Blip blop Blip! - Video Classics BLIPBLOP Blitz3k plus4fx Blitz3k4fix[ ] Blitzfix -rpk- Blitzfix rpk Blitzfxtalavt Blob Blob 3 [ ] Blob 5hiflt Blob4hfix avt BLOBBER Blobber 4ikari Blobber, Block busters Block f1f bor Block game [o] Block man 64-[o] Block out BLOCK'N' BLOCKB P BLOCKBUS Blockbuster2 lx Blockbusters Blockbustershtl Blockhopper3ad Blockrockeyslt Blocks hi [ ] Blocks1hfxlxt Blond blubht BLOOD AO Blood hand prv t Blood note ex Blood prv excess BLOOD RU Blood2 prv exces Blood3fix ex Blood3hizfxlxt Bloodhand6 kvr Bloodhandfix af Bloodhandfxafl Bloody stars prv Blopper Blown away 50- BLOWNAWA Blox dytec Blox scstrc Blox [ ] Blthunder2 gp Bltumble troep BLUBRIA Blue bar5px-r Blue baron2arc Blue baron4p m8 Blue enc2 btk Blue max Blue max 2001 Blue max 2001-1 Blue max-1 Blue max10 rem Blue moon Blue print Blue thunder Blue thunder-1 Blue-dim3fix[m] Bluebaron4 [ ] BLUEMAX BLUEMOON Bluemoon dfas Bluemoon [sty] Blues BLUETHUN Bluey blob ii 3 Blumen garden Bm picyforce Bmanager Bmanager 94 Bmanager iital Bmania2fixfa Bmusicwod Bmwcboxkvr BMX Bmx forraceori BMX FREE Bmx freest [d] Bmx freestyle BMX II E BMX II S Bmx kidz 3 [sol Bmx kidz6chr-1 Bmx kidz6chrem Bmx ninja Bmx ninja-1 Bmx ninjaikari Bmx racer ii Bmx racers Bmx si ii db ddt Bmx sim ii opt Bmx simulator Bmx trials Bmx trials hi-1 Bmx trials hino Bmx-stunts BMXNINJA BMXSIMUL Bmxsimulatorrem BMXSTUNT Bndash3[sweet] Bnightprvlxt Bo guran Bobby bearing BOBBYBEA Bobix prv [ ] Bobsleigh Bobsleigh twg Bobsleighptwg BOBSWINN BOCCE Boccef4cg BODEGA P Bodega prvf4cg Bodo illgner-a- Bodsquad prv BODYSLAM Bodyslam-2 Boeing-727 Simulator BOEING72 Boersenspiel Bofh Bofh beta triad Bofh4 dlx Boggman Bogue 26 .b0b Bogue 26 b0b Bogue6 .b0b Bogue6 b0b BOING Boing 2 ddt Boing ori Boing pandora Boing-bo Boing2 it Boingmaster rr Boingonline BOLO II BOMB Bomb chase Bomb chase previ Bomb fusion 1 [ Bomb fusion rip Bomb jack Bomb jack ii Bomb jack ii++ Bomb mania [ ] Bomb runner Bomb squad 3fx Bomb squad l64 Bomb squad3tbt Bomb, The BOMBAMAD Bombamad prvdmx Bombchase f piss BOMBER Bomberfix ils Bomberman 3 [m] Bomberman90%acp BOMBFUSI Bombfusio2nato Bombfusion oase Bombi 2e afl Bombi afl Bombi tlf BOMBJACK Bombjack ii [dan Bombjack ii [sir Bombjack iitg Bombjack, Bombjack3hir-1 Bombjack3hirem Bombmania 3flt Bombmania prv sc Bombmaniafx dtc Bombmaniakblxt BOMBO Bombo 1001 Bombo [ccs] Bombrunner3c Bombsweep elxt BOMBUZAL Bombuzal dct Bombuzal f4cg Bond BONDUELL Bonduelle s fd Bone cruncher3 BONECRUN Bonecruncher Bonecrusher[ts] Bongo BONKA Bonka, Bonka-2 Bonka2hikevlar Bonzo Booga boo BOOGABOO Book dead front BOOM Boom pal 7jwr Boom [pal] epic Boombbenny-[ ] Boomerang BOOST Bootcas BOOTLEGB Booty Booty cpv Bop'n rumble Bop'n rumple BOP'N'RU BOP-N-RU Borderwartroep Bored to death 2 Born2bewild Borza Borzak BOSCONIA Bosconian Bosconian 1 [ik Bosconian [ts] Bosconian+ Bosconian-1 Bosconian-2 BOSS Boss, The Botkiller dlx Bottle budepic Botunivers[l] Bou ball Bouheads 6dom BOULDER Boulder dash Boulder dash afl Boulder dash col Boulder dash god Boulder dash i Boulder dash ii Boulder dash pro Boulder dash xvi Boulder dashea Boulder-inst BOULDERC Boulderd Boulderdash con Boulderdash ii Boulderdashgods BOULDERH BOUNCE Bounce it 4pan Bounce it2 dtc Bounce, Bounce100%emp Bounce2 dytec BOUNCEIT BOUNCER Bouncer 1 [brai Bouncer 1 [m] Bouncer2 xtc BOUNCES Bounces rem Bounces rem-1 Bounch -tri-1 Bounch -triad Bouncheads4ns BOUNCHIN BOUNCING Bouncy carsafl Bouncy fix c BOUNCYCA Bouncycars2rr Bound .[ ] Bound [ ] BOUNDER Bounder, Bounheads3c Bounty bob Bounty h iv prv BOUNTYBO Bowlen BOWLING Bowling champ Bowling ii Bowling night Bowling triad BOX SIM Boxauto1 cmm BOXES Boxes prv c Boxes2 demonix Boxing mpvf4cg Boxmania 2gulas Boxworld[sweet] Bozo's night out Bozos night ou-1 Bozos night out BOZOSNIG Bparty1988 by academybyterapers Bracer c Brain d2-intro Brain d2fixc Brain sfixafl Brain spasm acy Brain spasm c Brain straintnd Brain-picyionix BRAINSPA BRAINSTO Brainstorm prv m Brainstormfir Brainwar troe-1 Brainwar troep BRAINWAV Brainwave Brainwave ult BRANDS Brands delux-2 BRAVESTA Bravestar Bravestarr-2 Brdisease [a] Brdmotherburp Break ball Break ball [d] Break dance Break itfixc Break through Break thru Break-in Breakb50 [csi] BREAKDAN BREAKDOW Breakdown4mils BREAKER Breaker xades Breaker [htl] BREAKFAS BREAKFEV BREAKIT Breakout crunch BREAKSTR BREAKTHR Breakthru Breakthru in 3d Breath4[%] Breathalyzerc BREEZE Brian bx 3d hf Brian c Brian jack chall BRIANBLO Bride frankflt Bride of BRIDEOFF Bridgeton Bridgeton tbt BRIGHTON Brighton strand Briliant Briscola htl BRISTLES Bristles, British slcsi BRITISHS Brix Broad street Bronx medal dtc Bronx001 Bronx002 Brotharms2-fbr BROTHERS Brothers iafbr BRSTMPRV Bruce lee Bruce lee 1 [em Bruce lee 2 [fa Bruce lee [proby Bruce lee-1 BRUCELEE Brutal Board Brutal Party Bsquad fix[psi] Bthat planeori Bthndr5fixrnd Btl china f4cg Bttf softrunner Bubbdizzy4scs Bubbernp'fxbmw BUBBLE BUBBLE B Bubble bobble Bubble bobble-1 Bubble bobble-2 Bubble burst Bubble d5 hit Bubble d6scs Bubble diz5vsn Bubble dizzy5v Bubble it [#] Bubble j gulas BUBBLE P Bubble prv triad Bubble trouble BUBBLEBO BUBBLEMA Bubbles Bubbles triad BUBBLETR Bubblez Bubblybob Bubbobble8rem Bubdizzy1 tat Buble bobbledec Buccaneer Buck rogers Buck rogers BUCKANEE BUCKROGE Buckrogers6 kvr Buckrogers6kvr Buddha zu bodhna Buddy bubble BUDDYBUB Buergermztroep Buffalo bill Buffalo roundup Bug blast Bug blitz BUGBLAST Bugbomber2pflt Buggy boy Buggy boy rich Buggy boyhirem Buggy boytpi BUGGYBOY Buggyboy100%twb BUGSYPAR Build it2m lru Build ithdytec BUILDIT Bulderjones Bulderjones aldi Bull's eyezhc BULLDOG Bulldog, Bulldog-2 BULLET Bullet fx c0d BULLSEYE BULLY BULLY'SD Bullys dartsils Bumble bee mp Bumble bee [dutc Bump-em pinbal Bumpin buggy Bumping buggie-1 Bumping buggies Bumping buggies! BUMPINGB Bunches of m#26 BUNDESLI BUNGELIN Burgenkampf Burger riot Burger timeinte BURGERTI Burgertime Burgertime3dhf Burnin rubber BURNIN'R Burny v10js Burt tbugtriad Bushido Bushido [l] Businessmanf4cg Busta v10 previ Butcher hillbust Bute 6 tbt Bute pictbt Buzz off(abc) Buzzard ramjets BUZZARDR BUZZOFF Bvalley5hirem C'est la vie C-F Adventure C.I.A. Adventure C.I.A. Agent 009 C5 Clive C64 golf Cad-Cam Warrior CadCam Warior [mod] Caesar the Cat Cairo Connection, The Caitan Call Me Psycho CALLMEPS CALVIN Calvin game ts Cambogia 2 chr Cambogia 2 [dyn Cambogia2ntsc c Camel trophy-2 Camelot warrio-1 Camelot warrior Camelot warriors Camelot-warrior CAMELOTW Camelotw, Camels in space CAMELTRO CAMOUFLA CAMPAIGN Canals of mars Canals of mars Candy bandit CANDYLAN Candyman- [o] Candyman- [o]-1 Cannon craze 3fi Cannon fodddlx Cannon gd CANNONRI Cannonrider Canoe race lru CANOERAC CANYONSO Capdynamo3ils Capt America in Doom Tube Captafizz5tal Captain america Captain cactus Captain d c Captain d2c Captain dynamo Captain k2fx[d] Captain kidd Captain kidd[no] Captain Power CAPTAINA CAPTAINC CAPTAIND CAPTAINF CAPTAINK Captive Captive-1 Captstarl pwr Captu2 102%3ad Capture 2 doxx Capture 2 excess Capture afl Capture fix avt CAPTURED Captured 3 docs Captured grb Captured, Car wars 2 3[m] Card landfxavt CARDGAME CARDRIAN CARGO Carnage 8 [prid Carnage2 [a] Carnage2fix [a] CARNIVOR Carrier comctx Carrier command Carry on laughin CARWARS CASANOVA Casanova fbr Cascade excess Cascade [ex] Case of the Mixed-up Shymer, The Cash grabinc Cash-bash CASHMAN Cashman Cashman [ ] Cashman, Cashman2 avt Cashman3 dytec Casino king CASINOKI CASINORO CASTLE Castle batt[xf] Castle belmar Castle dmx Castle master 1 Castle master[ ] Castle master[-1 Castle of doom Castle of doom Castle skullord Castle terror Castle terror CASTLE-Q Castle-quest Castlede CASTLEMA Castlemasternpm CASTLEQU CASTLESO Cat and rat prev Cat game gods Cat splat 2 [m] Cataball2laser Cataball3 dsh Cataballhtl Cataballstl Cataclysm CATAPULT CATASTRO Catastrofe Catastrophebu-1 Catastropheburp CATCH Catch 2 empire Catch empire CATCH II Catch ii3dytec Catch it -2 Catch mefx afl Catch2fix lx-1 Catch2fix lxt Catcha trooper Catchem wdr Catchmefix afl Catchp gls Catrat prv role Catrat5fixtwg Catwb Cauldron Cauldron 25rem Cauldron ii Cauldron ii-1 Cauldron4 rem Cauldronii#no Causes of chaos Cav of eriban Cav of sillahc Cave 112 troep Cave fighter Cave fighter bb Cave guennie Cave raid Cave raid hyst CAVE-GUE CAVEBALL Caveball prv [l] CAVECLIM CAVEFIGH CAVEGUIN Cavelon Cavelon 1 cmm Cavelon ii Cavelon ii phs CAVEMAN CAVEMANI Cavemania3mrnd Caveners eriban Cavern of khafka Cavern raider CAVERNRU Caverns eriban Caverns o'Khafka CAVERNSO CAVESOFI Caza Cbomber- 3c Cc deluxe [ ] Ccause13hr-1 Ccause13hrem Ccave grdtbt Ccircus3p [d] Ccircus7hirem Cclimberfis Ccomets3hirem Cd invaders flt Cdiamond cavt Cdirector 2[m8] Cds wordsearti Cdwarr4 laser Cdynamo3mep-1 Cdynamo3mepic Ceasar the cat Celebrity front Celler, The Cellrator htl CELLULOI Celluloid4 c Celtix [ ] CENTIPED Centipede Centipede [239] Centipede2 rem Centrepods Centric prv ons CENTRIPO Centripod gods CENTRO'S CENTRON CENTROPO Centuri CENTURIO Centurionsc64cg CESAR Cesar c Cesar f4cg Cetimiex ori CFDEMO CG HALFP Chain reaction CHAINREA CHALLENG Challenge golf CHAMELEO Chameleon v2 Chameleon[pc] CHAMP 3D Champ 3d sc Champ sprint Champ sprinthtl Champbaseball % CHAMPION Championship Jet Ski Simulator Championship Jet Ski Simulator (Hack) Championship Jet Ski Simulator [duplicate] Champsprintflt Changed Channel4 CHAOS Chaos fingame Chaos Land Preview edition Chaos Lands Chaos road2 rr Chaos xr Charhouseori Charlatan CHATERPI Chchester3dtc Cheap skate Cheap skinc Checkers Cheeky Twins III Cheeseb2gothic Chernobyl#cmm Chero4fx afl Cherry dash exce Cherry dash [ex] CHESS Chess champ tjc CHESSMAS Chessmaster 2000 Chessmaster2000 Chevalier blz Chevychasetsm CHICAGO Chicago 30shtl Chicago ob Chicago ob-1 Chicago's 30 Chicago's 30 ad Chicago's 30+ Chicago's 30fu CHICAGOS CHICKEN Chicken Race preview edition Chicken race3ad Chicken3 dn CHICKENC Chickenfx avt Chickenrace-axe CHILLER Chiller, Chiller2 rem CHILLYWI CHIMERA Chimera Chimera d Chimera part 2 Chimera solution Chimera+ Chimera, Chin juggler China clan CHINAMIN Chinese juggler CHINESEJ Chip factory Chip of the line Chip war fcs Chipwar [fcs] Chitaown Chof the gobots CHOLO Cholo, Chomp chomp Chopfix [abyss] Choplifer CHOPLIFT Choplifter Choplifter 1 [5 Chopper 1 triad Chopper command Chopper demo CHOPPERC Choppercikari Choppercommand-1 Choppercommander Chopperh 23tbt Chopperhunt ii3 ChorusDDG Chr-editor anm Christmas Demo Chromewave Chronic the badg Chsnookerscs CHUBBYCH CHUBBYGR Chubgristles8 Chuck norris Chuckegg4hrem Chuckegg4h[no] Chuckie egg Chuckie egg lt CHUCKIEE CHWAT Chwat fix f4cg Cia adven Cibertman Cine prv3 lxt Cinvert2- [wr] Ciphoid 9 Ciphoid 9(jabba) CIPHOID9 Circlesquestoat and tim Circletwist 2 CIRCOPOL CIRCUIT Circuit1 [m8] Circus circuss8 Circus gamesnfi Circus [twgi] CIRCUSAD CIRCUSCH CIRCUSGA Cischeat3f4cg CISCOHEA CITADEL Citadel adv [l] Citadel ins Citadel tal Citadel2 [ ] City bomber City c[bros] City fighter CITYATTA CITYSURV Ciuffy Ciuffy docs Cj in usa 2s Cj in usa2scs Cj in usa2[lsd] Cj's 42 pal [ ] Cj's-42pal[ ] CJS4 Clabatnball[o] Classic adv Classic torion CLASSICS CLASSIX Classix csilru Claymore castl-1 Claymore castle Claymorgue castl Clean up service Clean-up time Cleanup s-trp Cleanup time CLEANUPS CLEANUPT Clearout bored Cleo t'dog 2rr Cleo the dog 23 CLEVERS Cleversmartshd Cliff hanger CLODERUN CLONE Clone Clone, Clone5 dytec Clone5mfixemp Cloud k3m [l] Cloud king2f Cloud king4xds Cloud Kingdoms 3++ Cloud strike CLOUDKIN Cloux ensign Cloux fix f4cg Cloux laxity Cloux tlf Cloux [ ] CLOWNS Clowns joy Clowns [239] Clowns [antirom] Clue master it Clue master [l] CLUEDO Clueless a3tbt Clueless adv tbt Clueless adv3 t CLUEMAST Clueso dlx CLYSTRON Clystron2fxemp Clystron4 chr Cman4h100%3ad Cmaster1#cmm Cmintro100%lru CNID Cnoidii2laser Co co Co-axis5fixlxt Co-DemoSTARIONLEVEL99 Cobayasnaru[t] Cobforce5 mow COBRA Cobra, COBRAFOR Coc5 exc Coccinellatriad COCK'IN CODEHUNT Codename-mat ii Cohan's land COHEN'ST Cohens towers Coherentlight Coil cop Coillusion2[l] COINEDPR Coinedprv afl COINQUES CoitusOrigo Dreamline Cokraifxf4cg COLDITZ Colditz intscs Colditz success Colee prv3f4cg Collapsar2 3ad COLLAPSE Collapse trs Collection 1 Collins [m8]lnx Collisionstroep Colonel's house COLONIZA Colonization prv COLONY Colony htl Colony-2 Colony2 Color l Color maniaf4cg Color-mania axe Colora 2fixavt Colora triad Coloris- laser Colormania pldox COLOROFM COLORS Colors [ ] Colors [rad] Colossus 20 Colossus chess Colossus chess 4 Colosuss anl COLOUR B Colour bind htl Colour of magic Coloura4fxavt Colourationlxt Coloured Coloured4dytec Coloured5fx[ ] COLSCN COLUMNS Columnsfx[do] Com directortf ComaJob Oxyron Crest Combakery4r-1 Combakery4rem Combat lynx Combat lynx max Combat School Combat zone dom Combat zone[ts] COMBATSC COMBATZO Combinat5pc Comdirectorscl COMET Comet prv [va] Comic bakery COMICBAK Coming Coming Soon COMMANDO Commando 3 s Commando 86 Commando 86rwe Commando abc Commando ii Commando libya Commando, Commando5hir-1 Commando5hirem Commercial Town Commkuwaittpz Commodore Soccer Company director COMPARE Compare 2fx m8 Compare23fxafl Compare2fx[m8] COMPLETE Complete bastard Complete Computer Fireworks Celebration Kit, The Compod Music Pack COMPU-TA Compunet Compunet 7 gp Compunet rip gp Compunet5[ddt] COMPUTER Computer killer 2 Computer Yahtzee Computrivia CONCORDE Concorde, Concours hipique Coney island [cf Conflvietcodes Confused CONFUZIO Confuzion theme Confuzionlaser Congo bongo CONGOBON Connect 4 [ff] Connect 4 [ff]-1 Connect the dots CONNECT4 Connect4fixlru Connectfx c Connection - Gravity Connection moz Connection trc Connectn CONQUEST Conquest crown Consto 2triad Contact Demo CONTACT DEMO ENT Contact us magicans Contact- Contcircusram Continentcircus Contra CONTRIBU CONVOY Convoy raid scg Convoy raider Convoy Raider insturctions Convoy raider+ Convoy raiderbb CONVOYRA Cookie eaterhtl COOKIE-E Cool gamesbored Coops Up COPS Cops3 4 100%rr COPSANDR Copsrobb3cmm Copsrobb5abs Copterduel3twg Cordiego CORE Core, Corman Corx racersacr Corya iii trp Coshero2ef4cg Cosine warflame Cosinecoaxis5m COSMIC Cosmic 1 Cosmic 2 Cosmic Bizness COSMIC C Cosmic carpers Cosmic Causeway II Cosmic commando Cosmic commando Cosmic commandor Cosmic convoy Cosmic convoy [s Cosmic hero Cosmic pirates Cosmic split Cosmic tunnels Cosmic Tunnels, The Cosmic tunnels-1 COSMICCA COSMICPI COSMICSP COSMICTU Cosmonout COSMONUT Cosmonut [goonie Cosmos '98 dns Cosmos 3000 gls Count duckit Count, COUNTDOW COUNTDWN COUNTERF COUNTSCA Cowboy kidz 2 [ Cowboy kidzddt Cowboykidz2inc Cowpat Frisbee Cowpat frisbeer Cpavingzenith CPX-BOOT Cpx-booty CPX-CRYS Cpx-CrystalCastles CPX-FIRE Cpx-FireOnePlus CPX-HAPP Cpx-HappiestDayOfLife Cpx-HHeadbeanger CPX-LADY Cpx-LadyTut CPX-SKRA Cpx-Skramble CPX-SPAC Cpx-SpaceInvaders CPX-STAR Cpx-StarFirePlus Cpx-Streetsurfer CPX-THES Cpx-TheSentinel CPX-WIZA Cpx-WizardryPlus Cr kingdomnei Crab grab [o] Crabyx Crack bad Crack it drive CRACK-UP Crack-uppiclru Cracker league Cracker v2 prv m Cracker's reveng Crackers rev5 Craft Craft2 br Craft2 gulas CRANMORE Crantor CRASH Crash balltroep Crash garbage Crash Race Crash, Crasher 6laser Crasher [ddt] Crasher4 c Crasher6[laser] Crazy - the mine Crazy business f Crazy Bytes Crazy car4m [] Crazy caveman Crazy climber CRAZY CO Crazy coaster Crazy comets Crazy comets-1 Crazy kong Crazy pavin Crazy paving Crazy paving 1 CRAZY PR Crazy prev[afl] Crazy sample ii Crazy-mcfxf4cg CRAZYBAL CRAZYCAR CRAZYCAV CRAZYCOA CRAZYCOM Crbros4 laser Crbusiness-[o] Creaction3abs Creaper Creaper dox CREATORS Creators revenge Creatures 2 iffl Creatures iiils Creautres 2-eni CreepozoidsWWE Creepspread [o] Creepspread2[o] Crescendo CRESCND1 CRESCND2 Crest's Pacman Cribbage master Crick crazyhtl Crick matchhtl CRICKET Cricket 64 Cricket captit Cricket intc Cricket masrti CRICKETC CRICKETI Crillion Crillion (duplicate 2) Crillion (duplicate) Crillion II Crillion II (duplicate) Crime and Punishment Crisis Mountain Crisis Mountain (duplicate 2) Crisis Mountain (duplicate 3) Crisis Mountain (duplicate) Critical Mass Critical Mass (duplicate 2) Critical Mass (duplicate) Croak (obscenity) Croak (obscenity) (duplicate) Crocodile Down-Under Croll Ship Croscirfxafl Cross Invert II Cross Invert II (duplicate) Cross It Cross It (duplicate 2) Cross It (duplicate 3) Cross It (duplicate 4) Cross It (duplicate) Cross It II - The Revenge Cross Link Depacker Cross Racer Cross Racer (duplicate) Crossbow Crosses & Cirkels Crossfire Crossfire (duplicate 2) Crossfire (duplicate 3) Crossfire (duplicate 4) Crossfire (duplicate) Crossfire Chicago Crossroads II - Pandemonium Crosswords Crown Crown Rebellion Crown Voyage Crucible Crucible [fe] Cruel Zone Crunch Point Crush Game Editor Crypt (documents) Crypt, The Crystal Castles Crystal Castles (duplicate 2) Crystal Castles (duplicate 3) Crystal Castles (duplicate 4) Crystal Castles (duplicate 5) Crystal Castles (duplicate) Crystalcave Crystalcave Deluxe Crystals of Carus, The Crystals of Carus, The (duplicate) Crystals of Zong CRYSTAPO CSA- Intro Cruncher CTR Sonix 3 CTR Sonix 4 (adult David remove) CTR Sonix 5 CTR Sonix 6 CTR Sonix 7 Cube Heads Cubic Cubin' Cubin' (duplicate) Cuddly Cuburt Cue Boy Cue Boy (duplicate 2) Cue Boy (duplicate) Cup Challenge Cup Final Cup Football Cup Football (duplicate) Curse of Sherwood, The Curse of Sherwood, The (duplicate 2) Curse of Sherwood, The (duplicate) Curse of Volcan, The Custer Cut-In Cut-In (duplicate) Cuthbert in Space Cuthbert in the Tombs Cuthbert in the Tombs (duplicate) Cyberball Cyberball +2 (Cyberball hack) Cyberball +2 (Cyberball hack) (duplicate) Cyberdyne Warrior Cyberdyne Warrior (duplicate 2) Cyberdyne Warrior (duplicate) Cyberdyne Warrior +3 (Cyberdyne Warrior hack) Cyberdyne Warrior +3 (Cyberdyne Warrior hack) (dupe) Cyberiad Cybermen Cybermine Adventure Cybernator Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 2) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 3) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 4) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine +++++ (Cybernoid hack) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine +++++ (Cybernoid hack) (dupe) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine DOX (Cybernoid hack) Cybernoid 2 Picture Gallery Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack) Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack) (duplicate Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack)(duplicate2 Cybernoid II - The Revenge +3 (Cybernoid II hack) Cybershot Cybertron Mission Cybertron Mission + 100% (Cybertron Mission hack) Cyberwing Cyberwing +4 (Cyberwing hack) Cyberworm Cyberwormz Cyberzone Cyborg Cyborg (duplicate) Cyborg 2900 Cyborg 2900 (duplicate 2) Cyborg 2900 (duplicate 3) Cyborg 2900 (duplicate) Cybotron Cybotron (duplicate) Cycles Cycles (duplicate) Cyclon Bomb Cyclon Bomb (duplicate) Cyclone Preview Cyclones Cyclones (duplicate) Cyforce One Cylon Zap Cylu Cylu (duplicate 2) Cylu (duplicate) Cyrus Cyruss II D o t e 2 ddt D r o i d s3[m] D sharkikari D t supertest D-BUG D-idefix Da flackering Da wombles2vsn Daedalus triad Daily doubf4cg Daley thirem Daley thompson's Daley thompson-1 DALLAS DALTO Dalto lions Dam busters DAMBUSTE Dambusterswho Dame Dame [engl] s Dammagic2rem Dammen Damned prv f4cg DAMNEDPR Dan cooper Dan cooper htl Dan cooper Dan dare Dan dare 22rad Dan dare 2rad Dan dare 3 3gp Dan dare 37ddt Dan Dare II Dan dare ii do-1 Dan dare ii docs Dan dare ii pic Dan dare iifs Dan dare iii Dan dare iii 8 Dan dare instr Dan dare pic Dan dare picfox Dan dare picture Dan dare-1 Dan dare-2 Dan dare-3 Dan dare-4 Dan dare-5 Dan dare6 fox Dan daretwa Dance fantasy Dancing monster DANCINGM DANCOOPE DANDARE Dandare jr DANDY Dandy triad Dandy [hotline] Danger DANGER A Danger h v- Danger hv-c Danger mouse Danger mouse 2 Danger mouse in Danger ranger Danger ranger [b Danger! High Voltage [Preview] Dangerm2 Dante's i3rem Dantes inferno b Dantesin Dapo Mix20CC Dare devil den Dare devil den-1 Dare devil denis DAREDEVI Daredevil dennis Darifix engafl DARIUSHA Dark cosmostrp Dark empirerdi Dark Packer 3 1 Dark prison Dark side Dark side-1 Dark sky op Dark star Dark tower ftm Dark tower [m8] Dark tower(abc) DARKDUNG Darkest roadavt DARKs*** DARKSIDE Darkside 100% Darkside ts Darkside, Darksword 4 [ ] DARKSYDE Darksyde out DARKTOWE Dart 180 Darth vader DARTHWAD DARTS DARTS CH DARTZ Dartz fbr Das Haus Des Magiers Das Leere Grab im Moor Das unfreiwerbe Das wortspiel DATER Dater, The Dattack2h [o] DAVID'SM DAVIDS M Davids midnight Davis cup Dawn omummyapg Dawn patrol mcl DAWNPATR DAY Day light out Day the univ d DAYAFTER Days of th3532 Daysofth Dball22fixc Dbl crotch f4-1 Dbl crotch f4cg Dcolours[l] Dcryst100%f4cg DD Ddigger2fixtwg Ddistress 2[m8] Ddragon preview Ddt burp De erfenis De ontsnapping De'sign 3 [o] De'sign3fixlxt DEACTIVA Deactivators Dead alivikari Dead head2 [o] Dead mans e hh Dead or alive Dead or alivespirit Dead ringer fcs Dead ringer(fcs) Dead zone 1-2 Dead-r-aliv[ts] DEADENDE Deadenders rti Deadlevil2ils Deadly Deadly crystals DEADLY E Deadly messafl Deadly messenger Deadly mfxhit Deadly racer [o] Deadly rain 3hi DEADORAL DEADRING Deadzonetr Deaevil2dytec Death cubes sks Death dealertwg Death glorytcs Death maze Death race 64 t Death ridefbr Death star Death wake(s-2 DEATH-RA Death-race htl DEATH-VA Death-valley Deathdream ii DEATHINE DEATHORG Deathorglorykvr Deathracefbr DEATHRID Deathride Deathridetwgi Deathsca Deathscape DEATHSTA Deathstar-2 Deathwiii3r-1 Deathwiii3rem Deathwishtop Deathzone [fe] DECATHLO Decathlon Decathlon rem Decathlon rem-1 Decathlon-1 Decathlon-2 Deceptor DECLEM Declem fan Declem100%hf Declem4 dn DECSTONE Decstone2scs DECTON Decton5[laser] Deep space Deep space [soft Deep strike Deep strike4dr Deep strikefbr Deep void - [x] Deep void prv ex Deep voidfix hi Deep voidfxhit Deep zone dns Deepseasalvage Deepseasalvage-f DEEPSPAC Deer huntob DEFCOM Defcom 1 [d] Defcom pic Defcom triad Defcom [triad] Defector prvciv DEFENDER Defender+ Defender, Defender-1 Defenders of the DEFENSIV Defensive Defensive pv[o] Defensive- [l] Deflector DEFLEKTO Deflektor Deflektor Deflektor 3532 Deflektor dct Deflektor [the s Deflektor++++ Deflektor5h[no] Deflektor6hrem Defof earth [l] Defuzi33fxlxt Defuzion 1 [o] DEFUZION 21 [O] Defuzion 21[o] Defuzion 3 prv r Defuzion 3 prv v Defuzion 3 prv [ Defuzion 3-2c Defuzion3prv rol Deja Vu Delectation-lxt Delirious9 DELIVERA Deliverance [pc] Deliverancegp Deliverancehtl DELTA Delta htl Delta info Delta mission v2 Delta mk iipe Delta Patrol Delta plane Delta scf Delta tr Delta v11(tfg) Delta [1001fp] Delta [tiger sof Delta(srg) Delta, Delta-1 Delta5hz [cpv] Delta9hi# rem DELTAFIG DELTAMIS Deltatraintls Deluxe monopoly Dem con set [pe] Demigod Demigod [exile] Demigood legend DEMO Demo of a nameless game Demo-8 pin tbt DEMOLITI Demolition cs Demolition tli Demolition# tli Demon attack Demon attack-1 Demon blue %gen Demon blue3gen Demon blues Demon blues [ ] Demon bluesc Demon bluesvsn Demon blues^c Demon kiss2htl Demon knightgfs Demon's kbc Demon's kiss Demonmis Demons kiss ddt Demons of topaz Demons oosi-c- DEMONSKI Demonskiss3it DEMONSOF Demonstration DENARIUS Denarius, Denarius-1 DENEB Deneb htl Deneb pic htl Deneb [d] Deneb [d]-1 DENGA Denis through th Dennysquest ab Der kl hobbit DERBY DA Derby day Deri colour DERICOLO Des magiers Desert front Desert front [cf Desert ha3cmm Desert hawk Desert race Desert war6b0b DESERTDU Desertduel-2 DESERTFO DESERTHA Desperado Destattack3[m] Destination 91 DESTRUCT Destruct 2 [inx Destruct ikari Destruct [ts] Destruct, Destructo Destructohtl DETECTIV Detective Game, The Detective wow Detective [ff] Detective [ff]-1 Detektyw Detonators Detonators4m[a] Detonators6exl Detonators7vdv Detroit invpvi DETROITI Dev revenge2cl Deva blowgulas DEVASTAT Devblow 2 [g] Deverstblowtlf DEVIANTS Deviants Deviantsm3532 Devil's g4t3ad Devil's wheel DEVIL'SW DEVILSRE Devolator13dom Devons airebb Dfalcon2drive Dfr cheatctx DHAT DI'SBABY Di-tris nei DIABLO Diablo, DIAMENTY Diamenty fix[a] Diamenty ipt DIAMOND DIAMOND Diamond hunter Diamond jones ii Diamond mine Diamond, DIAMONDD Diamondm2k3rvs Dicdiamonds666 Dicky's dt[xf] DICKY'SD Dickydiam2dhhf Dickys diamonds DICTATOR Dictator Dictator [sci] Die alien pic[-] Die alien [-] Die erbschaft 2 Die hard ddt Die hard2[ddt] Die hard6 [d] Die Pyramide Die pyramythrfo Die slime2 tal DIE-INCH DIEALIEN DIEPYRAM Dig dug Dig dug-1 Dig dug4 rem Dig dug4 rem-1 DIGDUG DIGGITS Diggitsfix emp Digi-Mix One DIGIDRUM Digits previw[m] Digits ripp [m] Dimension-x fort Dinky doo mr DINKYDOO Dinkydoo softwa Dino eggs Dino eggs5 rem DINOEGGS Dinorace wwe Dioroidfix hit Dip diver3bomz Diplomac Direct d pvafl DIRTYMOV Disc-o-veryscs Disc4hitmen Disco party vol2 DISCOVER Discoverytriad Disk-o-very3v Dithousefxe DITRIS Ditris, DIZASTER Dizblasterdcs Dizzy - prince o Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk! Dizzy 1 2 cmm Dizzy 2 1 cmm Dizzy 3 1 cmm Dizzy 4 2 cmm Dizzy 5 2 cmm Dizzy 6 2 cmm Dizzy 7 2 cmm Dizzy dice v Dizzy dtr3cmm Dizzy fantasy wo Dizzy ikari Dizzy panic tsm Dizzy poty2acr Dizzy poty2c Dizzy rapids[l] Dizzy yolkf2v Dizzy yolkfolk Dizzy3 pic Dizzy33ittsm Dizzy7 DIZZYBUB DIZZYCRY DIZZYDIC DIZZYDOW DIZZYPAN DIZZYPRI Dj puff's vcda Dj pufffixnei Django bloods Django c Django music ax Django [sav] Djihad chess Djlocker [m8] Djones3fixtrp Dkingdom picbz Dkingdom xr Dkingdom5cmm Dmaze 1k Dmaze1k blazon Dmess2fxf4cg Dmessange2lxt Dmidt cpv Dna warr 2htl DNAWARRI Dnawarrior2htl Do not disturbeWWE Do thund Doc destr flt DOCDESTR Docter j sfc Docthede DOCTORWH Dodge city Dodgeball 2 tbt DODGYGEE Dof hazardtdt Dogfight2187-2 Doing Damage Dolphin force Dominator-m [l] Dominatorikari Dominefortress DOMINION Dominion [no] Dominion, Dominiondom Domino Domino 2h hit Domino 64 Domino tb Domino troep Dominoes '88 Dominoes [o] Domplay3ikari Don't be anafl Donald duck Donald duck's Donald herobros Donald the hero Donald the hero+ DONALDDU DONALDTH Donkey donggods DONKEY K Donkey k5hrem Donkey kong ii Donkey kong jr Donkey kong jr DONKEYKO Dont Forget Dont get angry m Dontbeangryfix Dontmissbyterapers DOOM PRE Doom preview [o] Doom prv [f4cg] Doom vally6tbt Doom world htl Doom6 b0b Dor glorybilbo DORIATH Doriath [softrun Doris3fix [ ] Dot pic3532 Dotearth2opt Dothunder i-1 Dothunder it Dothunderi-1 Dothunderit Dotn2 rr Dots dlx DOTY Double Action Double falcdr Double take Double take cfo Double takehtl Double-tr dlx Double4fix lxt DOUBLEBR Doubledragonmusicsbyterapers DOUBLETA DOUBLETR DOUGHBOY Doughboy htl Doughboy htl-1 Downhill racer Dpryolk emp Dr j Dr mad 3 avt Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide [duplicate] Drachentoettwg Draconus Draconus++ Draconus-1 Draconus3h[cpv] Draconus5hirem DRACSTER Dracula Dracula adventur DRACULA1 DRACULA2 Dragcave 3d-1 Dragcave 3ddt Drago f DRAGON Dragon hawk Dragon hawk-1 Dragon ninja Dragon's kingdom Dragon, Dragon, The DRAGONFI Dragonhawk Dragonhawk5r-1 Dragonhawk5rem Dragons den [ant Dragons kingdom DRAGONS-TOWER DRAGONSD Dragonsden DRAGONSK Dragonskmflt Dragonskulle DRAIDER Drak Drakingdom4bz Drakingdom7[p] Draughts[tbtff] Draw poker Drd dreamsfs Drdestruc6pdhf Dreadnought Dream ballc0d Dream prv [chrom Dream rt f4cg Dream warrior Dream1 Dream2 Dreamcarshilxt Dreamcarslaxity DRELBS Drelbs, Drelbs-1 Drelbs3 rem Dreraider2c Dreraider2c-1 Drfoster Drfoster 4c Drfoster-scs Driller Driller[sharks] DRINKDR Drip 4pw axe Drive fx [tbt] Drivelogobyterapers Driven99 Driving test Drkingdf4cg Drkingdom2dtc Drkingdpicdtc Drmad3mfixavt Droid dreamsrad Droid dreamsts Droid3fxempire Droids Dropdown3fxlxt Dropper fix[ ] DROPZONE Dropzone '84 Dropzone, Dropzone3 tal Drraider2bomz DRUID Druid 2 Druid 5hi 2ny Druid ii ikari Druid moon [fbr] Druid7hi rem Druids Druids moon mcg DRUIDSMO Drunk and lameWWE Drunk100%fix[m8] Drunkenball101%f Drwho Drwho2 Dshoot3hirem Dslayer-action DSNKII DSP PRV Dt-super test Dtonator3fxemp Dtrbl3fix emp Dtrbl3ntscemp DTUD Dual Cassette II Dual1024lap-da Dualstrike crs Duck ahoy Duck dun Duck shoot Duck shoot-1 Duck shoot-2 Duckgame Duckpark pal [n] Ducks ahoy Ducks ahoy-1 Ducks ahoys8 DUCKULA DUCKULA Duckula ii4 [ ] Duckula ][2arc Duel Duel strike[] Duel [ ] Duel, The Duelcedo1 DUELSTRI Duelstrike pan Dukes of hazzard Dumi100%3fix hi Dumi5fix avt Dumi5fixavt Dump prv dor DUNE II Dungeon4fxc Duo blaster koi Duomato fixf4cg Duonoid laser Duonoid xr Duonoid2triad Duotris Duotris dytec Duotris exc Duotris [x] Duotris-1 Duotrishi cmm Dwarf, The Dwarriorfxavt Dwarrior[xds] Dycp Dynambenchemp Dynamic duo may DYNAMICD DYNAMITE Dynamite dan Dynamite skier Dynamix fbr Dynamix inc Dynamix Music Dynamix tcom Dynamixhikari Dynamixtr Dynamoid fan Dynamoiddynam-1 Dynamoiddynamix Dystopiafix[m8] E E-idefix E-motion E-motion 2 [f4c E-motion 2 [l] E-motion 2f4cg E-motion exc E-motion it Eagle empire Eagle empire+ Eagle's Nest Eagle's Nest (duplicate) Eaglehunt -ucf- EAGLES Eagles htl Eagles n3hitr Eagles nest Eagles rdi Eagles, Eanest8hirem Easter Eat My p**** Eat yer pants ECHOLON Ecstatic Code Ectoplasm fac Ectoplasm kvr Edd duck3x-ray Edd tduck2tb Edd the duck Edd the duck Edd the duckaa Eddie Eddie, EDDIEKID Eds Dream20CC Educk2mfixrnd Efarth intro EFM PRV Efrom arth4dn Egbert Egg catcher 4k Egg cup Egg cup-2 Egg theif-sickne Egg thiefsick Egg-notebyterapers Eggbyterapers Eggcup ikari Eggman burp Ehsoccerikari Eierfeile II HIT Eindeloos Eindeloos Einstein1 htl Einstein2 [ddt] Einstein3 f4cg Einstein4 Einsteinempire Ejac a piss urin Ejac a racer Ejac-a-race aldi ELAROO P ELDORADO Eldorado, Election Elector garbage Electra magic 64 Electric cover Electro world Electron Pinball and Flippers Pinball 2-N-1 Elektra glide Elektraglide Elektraglide-1 Elektrix 3 [tal Elektrix mrs Elektrosmoglxt Elevator action Elevatorpictlc Elf Caper Elicoph aldi ELIDON Elidon+ Elidon, Elidon-1 Elimin-#[sharks] Elimin5[sharks] ELIMINAT Eliminator atc Eliminator pul Eliminator sav Eliminator ^sav Eliminator3xds Eliminatortr ELITE ELITE Elite germanml Elite ikari war Elite, ELITEUPSCROLLER Elon blaze ELVEN WA Elvenwarriorblz Elvin fac Elvira 2 Elvira i Elvira prv c Elvis Emerald mine Emerald mine 2 Emerald mine fe Emerald mineflt EMERALDI Emil3fx [tbt] Emlyn hughes EMLYNHUG EMPIRE O Empire of karn Empire sbcos Empire strback Empirekkk(d) EMPIREST ENCLAVE Enclave, ENCOUNTE Encounter Encounter-1 Encounter3 rem End zone inc ENDLESS Endless, Endracerrelax Enduro racer Enduro racer++ Enduro racer-1 Enduro racer-2 Enduro racer-3 Enduro racf4cg Enduro tls Enduro(inst)htl ENDURORA Endzone Endzone tcom ENERGEM Energy 3 fx [no Energy ikari Energy warrior ENERGYWA Enewyork6mlxt ENFORCER Enforcer htl Enforcer rnd Enforcer scg Enforcer v1, The Enforcer6hiscs Engcivil warc Engcyvil warra Engineer humpty Enigma c Enigma force ENIGMAFO Enter the ninja ENTERPRI ENTOMBED Entombed Entombed 6pdhf Entombed, Eof karn laser Eoroid hi tbt Eoroid200%scs Epsilon4fixemp EQUALIZE Equalizertriad EQUESTRI Equinox Equinox kvr EQUINOXS EREBUS Erebus tr [tlc] Erebus [new star Erebus6hi rem ERECTION Eriban 4hi#no Eriban4hfx#[no] Erik de viking Erik the viking Erik tvikings8 ERIKTHEV Ermonst nato Esc fr paradise Escape doomworld Escape For the Planet of Robot Monsters Escape from arth Escape from ger Escape gfs Escape hi [no] Escape mcp Escape paradise Escape pl flt Escape pulsarc Escape tfreedom Escape to freedo Escape while you ESCAPE2 [O] Escapedungeonc Escapefp ESCAPEFR ESCAPEFT ESCAPEMC Escapepalnetrobo Escape[tbt] Escarth4fxavt Eskimo eddie Eskimo edition Esoccer ch[ils] Espionage atc ESPITAL Et puzzel Eureka! Euro boss [lts] Euro city cops6 Euro footbalnei Euro scf4cg Euro soccer Euro soccerf4cg Euroboss big Euroccops6tbt EUROPAGE Europan European 2 cls European games European iirdi European soccer Evasion cmm Evening starhtl EVENTYRS Everest ascc Everest ascent t EVERYONE Everyone's a wal Everyone's wally Evil crown EVILCROW EVILDEAD EVOLUTIO EWYC PRV Excalibahotline Exceleron Exceleron 2 Exceleronikari Exented gunstar Exod ii magicans Exod magicans Exodus EXOLON Exolon 3 Exolon ccs Exolon mflt Exolon tcs Exolon, Exolon-1 Exolon4m laser Exolon[twgi] Exor Exp titanichtl Expectations 2 Expfist super Exphyper biker Expire2mfixscs Explfisthirem EXPLODIN Exploding fist Exploding fist-1 EXPLORER Explorer tcs Explorer, Explosion [m8] Expraider [htl] Express raider Express-raider EXPRESSR Exptitanic #[q] Exptitanice[q] Expwallfixexc Extend2 dor Exterminator EXTREME Extreme 5 x-r Extreme 8 3532 Extreme 9 [dyte Extreme sharks Extreme8sharks EXTRICAT Eye game Eye of Horus Eye of horus[l] Eye [tri-dos] Eyeris prv F F 1 F fighter afl F-104 F-idefix F.A cup football 1987 F.BERESI KICK OFF F1 tornado F1 tornado F1 tornado pic F15 strike eagle F40 pursuit Fablous Wanda, The Facemaker Faces of Haarne, The Fade out Fade to Black preview FADENKREUZ Fairlight a Prelude Fairlight xcg Falcon Class Interceptor Falcon Dash 2004 - The Big Diamond Falcon patrol Falcon Patrol Falcon Patrol II Falconian Invaders Fall of Rome, The Fallschirmspringen Familiaoa Fast Eddie FASTEDDI FBI-Crew TRCWWE FBR (the legend continues) 1943 mod FBR - The Legend Continues Fdungeons4c Fearless Fred and the Factory of Doom Federation Felix Felix in the factory Fernandez Must Die Ferris's Christmas Caper Fetris Fetz-out II Feud Fflgh Fields Fields of Hades Fields of Hades (the 1st Demopreview) Fields prv Fieldsfix [ ] Fiendish Freddy's Fifteen - AFL Fifteen lepsi Fifth Axis, The Fifth ball Fifth dream FIFTH QUADRANT, THE Fight driver FiGhTeR oF tHe MaRsH Fighter pilot Fighter Pilot Fighting warri-1 Final blow Final blowtal Final Conquest, The - Cargo Run Final Tennis FIND IT (preview) Finders Keepers Fine Tin preview FIONA RIDES OUT FiRE ANT Fire eagle Fire flash Fire king htl FIRE ONE Fire track jc-1 FIRE-GALAXY Firebird Firebug Firefly Firefly2 rad Firelord Firelord6 rem Fireman Sam the hero next door FIREPIT Firequest Firetrack Firetrap Firey fight First Australian Hero, The - The Adventure First Division Manager (soccer First Past the Post First Samurai First Starfighter, The First Strike Firstro Fish Zone Fist fighter Fist+ Fistfullbucks Five a row Five a side Fiveteen Flagfight Flagmania (preview) Flak, Flappy Flare fix Flaschbier 2 Flaschbier II Flex demonix Flight Path 737 Flight path 737 instructions Flight simulator Flik flak Flikflak Flintstones ** Flintstones - Yabba-Dabba-Dooo! Flintstones, The FLIP and FLOP Fliptris Flix triad Floodiym Florbingel Flotsam Flower man flt Floyd of the jungle Fluch des pharao Fly Part III, The Flyer fix ori Flyerfox Flying Ace FLYING FEATHERS Flying High Follow the Sigh Fool's Gold Football director Football director II Football Frenzy Football Manager Football Manager - World Cup Edition Football manager 97 Football Manager II Football Manger 1995 Football Strategy Footballer of the year II Footballer, The Footy Play For speed we need Forbidden Forest Forbidden Fruit Force One Force seven Forced Encounter Foreign, The Forest Raider Forester Forester5 hit Formula 1 Simulator Formula one Fort Apocalypse Fortress Fortress (Duplicate) Fortress Underground Fortuna Kolem Sie Toczy Forward Observer Foto fitter Foton Four by Four Four Team Tournament Four wins Four Years Fourth Sarcophagus, The Fourty five Fox and Hounds Fox fights bac-1 Fox fightsdom Foxhounds flt FRANIC Frankenspicacr Frankenstein Frankenstein (action) Frantic Freddie FRANTIK9 Freak factory FRED (there is grahpic error but made mistake) Fred the fruiter Fred's b24lxt Fred's Back Freedom hyst Freespace 2075 FREEWAY Freiheit FRENCHVE FRENESIS FRENZY Frenzy3 epic Friday the 13th FRIDAYTH FRIGHTMA Frightmare Frightmare-3 Frog ! Frog Jumper Frog Master 64 Frog Run 64 FROGGER Frogger Frogger '93 Frogger (unreleased clone) FROGGER 64 FROGGER II Froggy Goes Splatt Frogs 'n goblins Frogs and Files 64 Frogs and Files 64 preview Frogs in space Front line Front line Front242 Frospi [acc crack] Frost byte+ Frosty the Snowman Fruit machin[ts] Fruitautomaat Fruitbank Fruitmachine Fruitman +3HI Fruitmania+2 Fruitmania+5 f***ing Bytes Fugitive Fun duel Fungus Fungus II Fussball Futura64 alpha 1 Future Future knight Future Race Future Shock Futureforce Fuzzball G-a-m-e-#-2 rap (unknown name) G-Force G-loc r360 Galactic Chaos Galactic Zone, The Galacto Honoris GALAGA GALAGA (coloured) Galaxian Galaxian II Galaxions Galaxis 9199 Galaxis II Galaxy Galaxy Birds Galaxy Crago GALAXYBI Galaxys Galivan Game got no name (preview) Game Master Game masterlts Game of Life Game over Game Over Game Over II Game Over II (access code unknown) Game prev amok (unknown title) Game wnn 1001 (unknown title) Gameo2-1 Gammaron Gandalf the Sorcerer Gangbusters Gangster Gap Man Gaplus Garfield-Big,Fat,Hairy Deal Gary Lineker's Hot Shot Gates of Dawn Part II Gates-Shooter Gateway to Apshai Gatic Honaoras Gatwick Express Gazza's Super Soccer Geebee Air Rally Geisterhaus (don't know name) Genesia Gensis Geo-Marix GeoDestruct Geoff Capes Strongman Challenge Geometric Gerhard Berfer's F1 Quiz Gerloc Gerry the Germ Get it Ghettoblaster Ghost 'n Goblins Ghost Chaser Ghost Driver Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunter II Ghost Hunters Ghost Manor Ghost Mansion II Ghost-Driver Ghostbusters GHOSTHUN Gift Craze Giger Pool Gilligans Gold Gilm Football Gladiator Gladiator, The Gladiators Glider Rider Globetrotter Globetrotter Gloopers Glory Quest Glosor Gnome Go ape [Preview] Go-kart Go-Moku Gobang Gobi Desert Goblin Gobottgi 2096 Gods Boulder Dash Goldrausch Goldrunner [demo] Golf Golf Construction Set GOLFABRA Golff Golum [lizard] Gorbatjo Gordiantomb[l] Gordonstombnei Gordtomb hds GORF Gorf, GORF-SYS Gosa spellmix Gotcha Gotcha s Gotcha tbt Gotcha-1 Gotcha4 gp Gotcha4 gp-1 Gothik Gothik attc3[m] Gothik pic3532 Gothik-1 Gothik-2 Gothik6 3532 GP Report Gp tennisikari Gpcircuit- ns Gpmanager wck Gpyramidfxnot Gr pool ikari Gr prix picexc Gr prix sim 2 Graeme Souness International Soccer Graeme Souness International Soccer (duplicate) Grand Larceny Grand prix 2exc Grand Prix Master Grand Prix Simulator Grand Prix Simulator 2 Grandell island Grandmaster Graphic Adventure Creator Grav [preview] Grave Robbers Gravinauts Gravity GRAVITY 1 [O] Gravity 2 Great American Cross-Country Race, The Great Courts Great escape, the Great escape, the (map) Great Giana Sisters, The Great Gurianos Greatest Greel & Falla Green Beret Greenhouse Greenrunner Gremlins Gremlins - The Adventure Grendel is backbyterapers Grfx-jump Gribbly's day out GRID Grid Trap Grid Zone Grid Zone remix Gridder Gridrunner Grips Ground Snipe Ground-gobeler GRYZOR Guadalcanal GUARDIAN Guess the animal Guesseravtlnx Gull Rush Gulper 64 Gun City Gun dogs Gun Dogs Gun Fighter Gun Runner Gunboat Gunfighter (Fontana) Gunship Gunship (docs) GUNSTAR Gunstar Gunstartlg Gutz pic 3532 Guzzler Gyrofalcon Gyrofalcon (trainer) Gyropod Gyroscope Gyruss H H encounterexa H hoodlum afl H.E.R.O H.E.R.O (duplicate) H4K HACKER Hacker Hacker ii rem Hackman 1bob Hades Hades n2hi[no] Hades nebula 2 Hades nebula2tc Hades ngap Hades1 kevlar HADESNEB Hagar preview-1 Hagar previewgp Hagrsv fix[rsi] Halcyon Halcyon twg Halfway Halifax c Hallax 2 [hotli Hallax zen Halloween dns Halls of death Halls of thcmm Halls of things HALLSOFD HALLSOFT Hammarubi Hammer Hammer And Jarre Hammer boy 2ns Hammer boy2gdn Hammer boy4ods Hammer boy5td Hammer bros[] Hampstead Handicap golf Handicap Golf Handmade HANG HANGMAN Hangman Hangman 2 [ ] Hangman ii v Hangman ii [rap] Hangman, Hangmandeluxeprv Hans kloss Hans kloss Hans kloss2[pan Hans klossars HANSKLOS Hansolo Happiest days Happiest Days of Your Life, The Happiest dflt Happy Birthday Jetan Happy birthday syndrom Happy hackerhtl Haras Harboro c Harboro tbt HARD Hard beat Hard driv f4cg Hard drivin [] Hard drivin' bz Hard drivin' [ce Hard'n'he9rem Hard, Hardball101%rem HARDFIRE Hardhat climber HARDHATM Hardheavy8p[n] HARRIER Harrier attack Harrier attack-1 Harrier attack-2 Harrier attacks HARRIERA Harry at nz2rr Hart hat mack HARTE DO Harte dollar Harvey headb Harvey headbang Harvey headbange Harvey Headbanger Harvey headtwa HARVEYHE Hat trick tpi Hat-trick Hatchet h bts Hatchet honeymoo Hate Hate [hotlin Hate [pulsar Hate! HATTRICK Haunted hause Haunted house Haunted house-1 Haunted house-2 HAUNTEDH Havinfun Havoc Havoc 4 m [l] Havoc4 tsm HAWK Hawk 'x-ray Hawk miii3 [#] Hawk mis23tbt Hawk mission ii Hawk mission'ult Hawk-monsters[l] Hawke song Hawkeye # Hawkeye notes Hawkeye ripanm Hawks 64 Hawkstorm Hazar Hazar nei Hazar-1 Hball 3fixinc Hcopperfixinc He-man triad He-man2 ikari He-manpopeye Head ball 3 [l] Head ball3 it Head coach Head coach nbe Head karatehtl Head oheelsccs Head over heel-1 Head over heel-2 Head over heels Head t ballhtl Head the ball 3 HEADACHE Headache, Headachebb HEADCOAC Headcoach [yeti Headheelrelax HEADON HEADOVER Heart a3hic HEARTLAN Heartland Heartland triad HEATHCLI Heavenbound# [ ] Heavenbound3[ ] Heavy metal Heavy metal delu Heavy Metal Deluxe Heavy metal deluxe (duplicate 2) Heavymetal dlx v HEBEL PR Hebel prvgulas HEIST Hektic 3 [dytec Hektic 6 [chrom Hektic ii6m m8q Hektic2 2fxs-1 Hektic2 2fxscs Hektic4hi lgy Hektic5 byg Hektic5fixmir Hektik Hektik 3 joy [n Hektik 3 no Helden trc Heli command Heli drop 1 [fu Heli rescu3scs Heli squad rti Heli-jump2t3ad Heli-squadmay Helicopjagd tw Helicopter jagd Helikopter jagd Hell Hell f fixc Hell in space HELLDIVE Helldiver prv on Hellfire riffs Hellfire4 fox Hellfire5hirem Hellfire6light Hellfireram HELLGATE Hellgate triad Hellgate4hi no Hellhole4gap Hellhole5h it Hellraid fan Hells bells HELLSBEL Hellzone 23 [m] Helter Skelter Helter skelter3 Heman movi3flt Hengmaennchen HENRY V2 Henry v2 prevhc Henry's house Henry's House HENRY'SH HERBERT' Herbert's run HERCULES Hercules sla-2 Herculesdcsnwa Hero 2020 [p] Hero 2020napalm Hero lv Hero Of The Golden Talisman Hero, Herobotiks Herobotiks (duplicate 2) Herobotix Herobotix (duplicate) Herzogtum Kronland Hexenküche Hexenküche II - Der Kürbis schlägt zurück Hexpert Hi Bouncher Hi Ska Do Hi skado xtc Hideous bill & the Gi-Gants Hideous! High Frontier High Noon High Rise or Three Card Brag High Roller Highway Encounter Hindenburg Hindenburg tbt Hires to Zoom4 Hirnris Hitler-Diktator Hobbit, The Hobgoblin Hockey Mania Hocus Focus Hole in One Holiday Cops Holiday Games Hollanditis Hollywood or Bust Homer Simpson's Tic Tac D'Oh Hong Kong Phooey Hoodoo Voodoo Hoops Hope to Hopp 2 (preview) Hopeless Hoppin' Mad Horace Goes Skiing Hot Foot Hot Pop Hot Shot Hot Wheels Hotfoot II - I'm Walking Again Hotline 3D Pool House Jack built, The House of Usher Hover (not sure of title) Hover Raider Hover Raider (duplicate) Hover! HOVERBOV (unknown title) Howard the Duck - Adventure on Volcano Island HOWZATCR (unkown title and unkown if game ) Htbacb Htlwclass rgby HUBSCHRA (unknown title ) Huddy Hulk Human Race, The Humanoids Humblebug [Preview] Humdinger3 inc Humdingr (pcture only :O) HUMINTRO (not a game ?) Hummdinger (duplicate) Hummdingertcom Humpty Dumpty Meets The Fuzzy Wuzzies Humpty in the Garden Hunchb23hirem Hunchback Hunchback at the Olympics Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge Hungaroring Hungaroring (duplicate 2) Hungry Horace Hunhorace2rem Hunt for Red October, The Hunter Patol Hunter's Moon HUSTLER Huxley Pig Huxley pig 3 [i Hybrid Hypa Ball Hypaball, Hyper Active Hyper Aggressive Hyper Biker Hyper Blob Hyper Circuit Hyper Sports Hyper-Hen Hyperbowl Hyperforce Hyperion II Hyperrace Hypersnake2 (cannot get past title) Hyperspeed Hysteria HYSTERIX [O] I I ball I ball [pc] I ball2 I be a lep dlx I play 3d sc I play 3d soccer I Play 3D Soccer I-alien4 [ts] I-BALL i-Ball - Demo I-ball scg I-wizard I-xera 1 [stack I-xera ecc I.O - Into Oblivion I.O - Into Oblivion (duplicate) Iamborred tempest pal Ice age -scl- Ice busters Ice hunter Ice palace Ice teafx [o] Ice temple Ice temple2[l] Ice titans htl Ice-hocky mtbt Iceblstr4fxtal Icecave c Icecave minigame Icecave ssx Icetea fix ons Icicle works ICICLEWO ICUPS Icups(1941) Iduna prev [ ] Igadget 2 trd Ignaciopretzel logic Ihand fsi Ikari w100%3fx Ikari w8hirem Ikari war3htl Ikari war4flt Ikari warriors Ikari Warriors Ikari wiitriad Ikari's Cookie Eater +++ IKARUS Ikarus 2 seals Ikarus 2 tcom Ikarus c Ikarus dytec Ikarus2 h[mir] Iketa Iketa dytec Iketa3fix[afl] Iketa4excess Ikinava triad Ikplus 2 flt Ilan blazon Ilan [o] Ilan-fix blazon ILLGEN Illusions Ilpo war beyond Im speech IMAGINAT Imaginatonx-ray Imhotep Imhotep-1 Immortal space v IMPACT Impact [hotline] Impact [no] Impact [rad] Imperoid avt Imperoid3fxafl Implosion Implosion-1 Implosionhtl Impmission lt Impmissionjedi IMPOSIBL Impossible miss Impossible missi Impossibubble Impossim Impulsetac Imshi 4 f4cg In Action (cannot get past title screen thingy) In The Chips In the chips (duplicate 2) In the chips (duplicate) In the Year 2525 Inbergen Incagematchfbr IncestByterapersBloodsuckers Incredible egg Incredible eggs Incub8or Indespr Indi jones 3 rip INDIANA Indiana trouble INDIANAT INDIANPO Indoor version Indygheadlxt Infared 2 motiv8 Infared [m8] Infection [o] INFERIOR Infilator 3 INFILTRA Infiltrator p2 Infiltrator [icg Info alien syn Info micro ball Info president Info thrust2twa INFODROI Infodroid not Infs1 blz Inheitasance ii Inheritance ii Inhumanity-3 fix InhumanityIII INIGHT P Inmiddle Inner space dox Input-reversi Ins gadgetikari Insanity Insanity, Insanity2 f4cg Insanity3 triad Insdelta Insect Insector Hecti In The Inter Change Insects 2 [l] Insensetime Inside outikari Inside outing Insideouting Insidoutingtpi Insoba1mfxlxt INSP GAD Inspace2x-ray Inspctr h3[] INSPECTO Inspector Inspgadgettria Instnethearth Instpic ol INSTRUCT Instthunderbolt Int karate+ ++ Int'l tennisi-1 Int'l tennisils Interch tb Interchange (PASSWORDS OLY, not a game) Interchange2ps Intercp afl INTERDIC Interdictorpilot Intergalactic Cage Match Internakarate International -1 International -2 International 3D Tennis International 5 A Side Football International Basketball International ho International Hockey International ic International Ice Hockey (duplicate 2) International Ice Hockey (duplicate) International Sports Challenge International Tennis International Tennis (duplicate) International Truck Racing International Truck Racing (duplicate 2) International Truck Racing (duplicate 3) International Truck Racing (duplicate) Internatoinal Soccer (Computer Rentals Limited) Internkarate+ IntertenniInternational Tennis (Commodore Business) Intihockeyvsn Into eagles nest Into the eagle's INTRO Intro (not a game?) Intro Collection (intro collection for crack compines that make Intro001 Intro002 Intro003 Intro004 Intro005 Intro006 Intro007 INTRODUCION1 WWE (cannot get past some sort of werid screen..I c INTRODUCION3 WWE Introduction Demo II ( I cannot get past title) Intros (collection) Intruder Intruder (duplicate) Intruder The Game Intsoccer 1103 Invader A Lord Invader Shoot Invader [top] Invaders Invaders 64 Invasion aldi (unknown title) Invasive Action Invasive ah-1 Invertus Invertus (duplicate 2) Invertus (duplicate) Invision Invision (duplicate) IO Io 4 100%triad Io jewels IONS-Documents (not game) Ions4m#fixlxt Ions4m#fxflt IQ Teszt Iridis Alpha IRIDISAL Iron Horse Iron Lord (Preview) Ironhand Ironhorseabyss IRONMAN Ironman cenxds Irq Nmi Loader 1 (Not a game ?) IRRGARTE Ishido (preview) Ishido [Preview] (duplicate) Isidoro Island of Dr Destructo, (duplicate) Island of Dr Destructo, The Island of Dr Destrusto, The Island of Spies Isnogud Isnogud (duplicate) Isnogud [twg] ISOLATIO ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere (duplicate) Iss2rawhead Issuar It's a knock out (idk? error, anyways it is a duplicate) It's a knockout It's a nosey (not sure if right name) It's Magic II [Demo] It's Magic II [Demo] (duplicate) Italris Italy '90 Soccer Italy 1990 Soccer ! Itsme (cannot get past crack screen) Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Ivan lendlob Iwo jima Izod pinballtbt J J i J j k Jabcojada Jabcojada [duplicate] Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk [duplicte] Jack Attack Jack Bullet Jack Bullet [duplicate] Jack pot Jack the nippe Jack the nippe-1 Jack the Nipper Jack the Nipper II Jack the Nipper II [duplicate 2] Jack the Nipper II [duplicate] Jack the Pac Jack the Ripper Jack train(fcs) Jackal Jackal (Imagine) Jackal+ Jackel-usa nec Jackpot 64 Jackpot 64 [duplicate 2] Jackpot 64 [duplicate] Jackpot v2 Jackpot v2 [duplicate] JACKTHEN Jagd auf roter Oktober Jagten Pa Bubbers Badekar Jai alai c Jail War Jailbreak Jailbreak (Mastertronic) Jailbreak (Mastertronic) [duplicate] Jailbreak [duplicate] James bond 007 JAMES FL James Fly James fly prv hi James Fly [duplicate] JAMESBON Jammin' Jammin' [duplicate 2] Jammin' [duplicate] Japanese Bird JaqScallop Jasmyne Ronda - Female Agent [Preview] Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble Jaw breaker Jaw Breaker Jaw Breaker [duplicate] Jax Jax [duplicate 2] Jax [duplicate] Jeep Command Jeep Command [duplicate 2] Jeep Command [duplicate 3] Jeep Command [duplicate 4] Jeep Command [duplicate 5] Jeep Command [duplicate] Jeep command-1 Jeep cv2 [tfd] Jeepers creepers Jeremias Ratterflatter Jeremias [d] Jessy The Worm Jesus loves you Jet Ace Jet intro ts Jet Power Jack Jet Power Jack [duplicate] Jet Set Willy Jet Set Willy (Hack) Jet set willy 1 Jet Set Willy II Jet Set Willy [duplicate] Jet set willy-1 Jet set willy-2 Jet set willy-4 Jet v2, The Jet-Boot Jack JETBOY Jetboys Jetboys [duplicate] Jetflight Jetflight [duplicate] Jetpack Jetpack [duplicate 2] Jetpack [duplicate 3] Jetpack [duplicate] Jetrace 2000 Jetrace 2000 [duplicate] JETSETWI Jetski--dock Jewel Chest, The Jewel Chest, The [duplicate] Jhothamia 6 Jhothamia 6 [duplicate] JIMBO Jimbo Jimbo [duplicate] Jimmy's Soccer Manager Jingle hells ccs Jinks Jinks title htl Jinn genie Jinn-Genie Jinn-Genie [duplicate 2] Jinn-Genie [duplicate] Joakim allsta Joakim allstar1 Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium Jodie4ev JOE BLAD Joe Blade Joe Blade II Joe Blade II [duplicate] Joe Blade [duplicate 2] Joe Blade [duplicate 3] Joe Blade [duplicate] Joe Gunn (English) Joe the Whizz Kid Joe [abyss] John playercncd Johnny Reb II Joinpanc Jolly Roger Jonah Barrington's Squash Jordgubb Jori prv ons Joul l l Journey Into SoundTS Journey to earth Jouste Jouste [duplicate 2] Jouste [duplicate] Joystick fodns Jr. Pac-Man Jr. Pac-Man [duplicate 2] Jr. Pac-Man [duplicate] Js willy 2laser JS90 Judge dredd Judge dreddyeti Juice! Juice! [duplicate] Juice, Juke Box Julia ][ [pc] JUMBLE P Jumble prvepic Jumble- success Jump Ball Jump challenge Jump Jet Jump Out Jump Out [duplicate 2] Jump Out [duplicate] Jump! Jump! [duplicate] Jumpin' Cubes Jumpin' cubesc (Duplicate 2) Jumpin' cubesc (Duplicate) Jumping Jack Jumpjack2 lti (cannot get past something) Jumpman Junior Jumpman Junior (Duplicate 2) Jumpman Junior (Duplicate 3) Jumpman Junior (Duplicate) JUNGLE B Jungle Drums Jungle Hunt Jungle hunt (Duplicate) Jungle hunt-1 Jungle Jack Jungle Patrol Jungle Patrol (Duplicate) Jungle Quest Jungle Raid Jungle Story JUNGLE-H Junkyard Jalopies Juno First Jupiter Lander Jupiter lander (Duplicate 2) Jupiter Lander (Duplicate) Just a Game Just a Game [duplicate] Just-art Justforfunjerpanic Jwdarts cech K K-Ring Kactus Kaktus Kalah Kamikaze (Codemasters) Kane Kane II Kaos Karate (unkown title or something) Karate Champ Karate Chop Karate Kid II Karting Grand Prix Kat Trap Katakis Kayleth Kdalgl sm (Play at your own risk, controls not really working) Ke Rulen Los Petas Kellogg's Tour Kendo Warrior Kenny Dalglish Soccer Keno (Comp-u-soft) Kentucky Racing Kestrel - Bird of Prey [Preview] Kettle Key Game KGB Agent KGB Superspy Kick Box Vigilante Kick Off (Anco) Kick Off (I cannot get past title) Kick off htl (cannot get past crack screen) Kick off note (cannot get past something) Kick! Kickman Kicktro (cannot get past title, unsure if game) Kid Grid Kid Grid II - Kid vs. Kid Kid mice3ult (unknown name) Kikstart Kikstart C16 Kikstart II - The Construction Set Kikugi Kill Him (preview) Kill It Kill the Saucers (controls might not be working, as I cannot get Kill your stick Kill Your Stick Killer Killer Piller Killer Watt Killface Killing Fields Killing Machine Killing Zone Kindercomp King Kong King Tut's Tomb Kings Randsom Kings Ransom Kiss Me Kiss of Death Klax Klaxtr Klemens Klepkomania Kljuc Knight Rider Knight Tyme Knightmare Knightmare Knightmare-1 Knock Out Knockout Knoorkie - The Pig Knotie in Cave Knuckle Buster (preview) Koalapainter (unknown game name) Kobayashi Naru Kodann Kodeknacker Koko Kolko Kolo Fortuny Koncept Kong Strikes Back Kongo Kong Kopido Korea Karate Kosci zr c-1 Koshimo (Preview) Kosmic Kanga Krakout Krakout construction Set Krakout Pro Krakout [softnet Krazy Kar Krazy Kong 64 Kredki Krieg um die Krone Kriegungluk Krisp Krisp 1992 Krizci in krozci (unknown name) Kromazone Kromazone htl Kron Kruis Wood Krymini Krymini3fixemp Krypton Krypton (Cp verlag) Ksiega Honorowa (Master Head) Kubus van rubek (unknown title) Kung-Fu Master Kunibert und Kunigunde KYB - Kick Your Brain [Preview] L.A. Police Dept. LA SWAT Labe Me Labe Me Preview Labirinto Labyrinth Labyrinth (action) Labyrinths Lady Tut Ladybug +Hi Lair of the Necromancer Lame Pack V1 Lame Shot Lamer Wars Land of Heroes Land of Oblivion Demo Land of Solaria, The Land of the Giants Land of the Purple Sea Lands of Havoc, The Las Vegas Casino Las Vegas Video Poker Laser Chess Laser Gun Laser Legion Laser Storm Laser Storm II Laser Wheel Laser-Kendo Laserforce Laserstorm3fai Last Fight Last Fight, The Last G Last Mission Last Ninja 3, The Last Ninja, The Last Survivor, The Last v8 3bod Last V8, The Last War Latent +3 Later Preview Laurel and Hardy Lawman +3 Lawn Tennis Lazarian Lazarus Lazer Duel Lazer Tag Lazer Zone Lazer-Force Lazertech Lazy Jones Le President Leaderboard League Soccer League, The Leap of Action Pinball Sim Leaping Larry Led Storm Leer Wereld Legend of Bath, The Legend of Kage Legend of the Knucker Hole Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The [duplicate] Legendary Deeds Legendary Deeds Preview Legionnaire Legions of Death Leisure Suit Leo 2 Soundtrack Lemans Lemonade Let It Rip Lethal Lethal 2 +5 Lethal Combat Lethal Zone +2 Liberte License To Kill License to Kill +7 Life Expectancy Test Life-Term Lifeforce Liga Manager Light Cycles Lightforce Lightphaser Archery Lightphaser Archery Preview Likk It Limbo LIMBO II Linear Lingo Lingos Linking Leroy Linking Leroy Preview Lions of the Universe 2 Preview Lions of the Universe Preview Little Batty Little Duck Preview Little Ghost Kid Little Hat's Maze Little Hero Preview Little Icarus Little Puff Little Sara Sisters Live and Let Die Live From Bonzai Liverpool Living Daylights, The Living Dead Livingstone Load N Play Loco 4 Locomotief 3737 Locomotion Lode Runner Logic Fix Logic [C] Logo-Artshow Fabo Loko-Attack Lomilec SRC Lone Wolf Loogaroo - Werewolf Simulator Looney Balloon LORD MC Lords of Time Lost City Lost Dwarves Lost in the Amazon Lost Maze Lotterie Lotti Love Bazza Love Tramp Luna landa c Lunar Jailbreak Lunattack! Luxor The Moonprince Lyrik Maail Man Macadam Bumper Mad Flunky Mad Games - Darts 180 Mad Monkey Mad nurse Mad Nurse Mad Planets Mad Springs Madball Madballs Madman Madness Madrax Magertris Maggot Mania Magic Ball Magic Balls Magic Carpet Magic Fields Magic Johnson's Basketball Magic Madness Magic Marbles Magic Micro Mission Magic Mouse Magic Rufus Magic Stone Magician's Apprentice Magische Steine Magnetic Magnetron Magyk Mah Jong (dom) Mah Jong (law) Mah Jongg Mah Jongg (duplicate) Majik Malicious, The Mandroid Mangrove Maniax Manic Miner Manky Map Race Marauder Marbloid Preview Mario (LOTR) Mario Bros II (by The Riffs) Mario Bros. III Mario Bros. Preview Mario's Brewery Markanoid Mars Patrol Martians Master Blaster (BB) Master Blaster (SF) Master Chess Master Head Master Mind Master of Magic, The Masters of the Lamps Masters of the Universe Match Match Cricket Match Day Match day 2 Match Day 2 Match day ii [ho Match of the Day Match Point Match, The Matchday 2 Matchmaker Maths Marathon Matrix Matrix Crown Mau Mau Max Headroom Max Torque Maxit Mayday Squad Mayday! Mayhem (scs) Mayhem (tbt) Mayhem III Maze Maze Mania Maze Master Maze Runner Maze Zam Maze, The Maze-Man Maze-Mania Mazer Maziacs MB MC Rat Mean City Mean Machine Mean Streak Mediator Mega Apocalypse Mega Blagger Mega Blobber Mega Draconus Mega Galaxia 7 Mega Jet-pack Mega Phoenix Mega Poing Mega Roadwars Mega Sanxion Mega Space Mega Tetris Mega Triaxos Mega Warz Mega Worm Mega Zynapse Megabrain Megabrain Preview Megaforce Megahawk Megamania Meganova -The Weapon Melee Melt Down Memologie Memomania Memorie 64 Memorix Memorix 2 Memory (Chromance) Memory (Intershade) Memory 2 Memory Bank Memult Mental Blocks Mental Kombat Mental Moons Mercenary (Chromance) Mercenary (T.C.S.) Mercenary 2 - Revenge Mercenary II - The City Mercurious Merlin Mermaid Madness Metabolis Metagalactic Llamas Metal Metal Ball Metal Force Metal Warrior 2 Preview Metallien 2, The Metamorphosis IV Metaplex Meteor Methodos Metranaut Metro Blitz Metrocross Metron Metropolis Miami Chase Miami Dice Miami Vice Mickey Mouse Micro Ball Micro ball dox 2 Micro ball htl Micro Drivin Micro Fighter Micro Go Micro Machine Micro Man Micro Rescue Micro Tetris Microchess Microcosm Microprose Soccer Midway Campaign MIG 29 Mighty Bomb Jack Mighty Mike Mikie Miljoonakeikka Milk Race Milky Weigh Milky Weigh, The Mill Mania Mille Borne Millenium Assault Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The [duplicate 2] Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The [duplicate] Mind Control Mind Games Mindbreaker Mindless Adventure Mindmaze Mindtrap Mindwarp Mine Field Mine Fields Mine Sweeper 9000 Mine Zone Minefield Miner Miner (FF) Miner 1998 Mines! Minesweep Minesweeper 64 Mini Me Mini Munch Mini-Golf Mini-golf tcom Mirage Miser Mishun Preview Missile Blasta Missile Busters Missile Busters 2 Missile command Missile Command Mission A.D. Mission Cobra Mission Egg Mission Elevator Mission Genocide Mission Jupiter Mission Monday Mission Nada Mission Possible Mistero a villa Mistero a Villa Martini Mobster Moby Dick Modulus Moebius Moggy Molar Madness Mole Attack Molecule Man Molla Money Wars Monkey Magic Monkey Match Monkey See, Monkey Spell Monolith Tank Monopole Monopole Ultra Monopoly Monopool Monster Mash Monster Munch Monster Smash Monster Squad Monster station Monsters Monsters and Magic Monsters! Monstrum Montanatbt Monte Carlo Casino Montezuma's Revenge Montrix Monty Mole Monty on the Run Mood Preview Moon Buggy Moon Caves Moon City Moon Cresta Moon Crises 1999 Moon Crystals Moon Flight Moon Madness Moon Patrol (Atarisoft) Moon Patrol 2 Moon Sweeper Moonfall Moonracer Moonraid Moonraker Moonshadow Moonshuttle Moontorc Moose Mordon's Quest Morfix Morpheus Morphicle Mosquito Motocross Racer Motocross v1 Motocross v2 Motor Mania Motorbike Madness Motorcycle 500 Motorhead Motorhead 2 Motos Mountain Bike Racer Mountain Bike Sim Mountie Mick's Death Ride Mouse Mania Move On Movement Moving Target Mr. Angry Mr. Ant Preview Mr. Chip Mr. Cool Mr. Dig Mr. Do! Mr. Do's Castle Mr. Freeze Mr. Mephisto Mr. Robot Mr. TNT Mr. Weems and the She Vampires Mr. Wimpy Mr. Wino Mr. Wiz Mr. Wong Mr. Worm Mravac, The Mrs. Mop Ms. Pacman Muehle Mugsy's Revenge Muhle Multi Player Soccer Manager Munch Munch Man 64 Munch Mania Muncher Munchy Munsters, The Murder Mushroom Alley Music Match Mutant Camels Strike Back Mutant Spiders, The Mutants My Chess 2.0 My House My house tbt Mysterious World Preview Mystery Mystery of the Nile Mystery Preview (Alpha Flight) Mystic Mansion Mystical Mission N.E.I.L. NaCl Najemnik Najemnik-Powrot Nato Assault Course Nato Documents Naughty Nudger Slots Nautilus Navigator Neagox: The Hero Nebraska Joe Nebulus Necris Necromancer Needle in the Haystack Neiw Preview NEMESIS Nemesis the Warlock Neoclyps Neptune's Daughters Nervana Nether Earth Netherworld Neutmare Neutral Zone Neutralizor Never Forget Carmen New York City Next Generation, The - Brothers in Arms 3 Nibbly 92 Nibly Nick Faldo Golf Night Drive Night Mission Pinball Night of the Aliens Night Patrol Night Racer Night Shade Night Wing Nightmare Ninja Ninja (sculptured software) Ninja Attack Ninja Commando Ninja commhtl Ninja commpan Ninja Massacre Ninja Master Ninja Master, The Ninja Pac Man Ninja Scooter Nith1fxlxt No Deep Meaning No Name Game Nodule Nodule Preview Nomad Nomad of Time Noname Preview Nonsense Nonterraqueous North Sea Inferno, The North Star Nosferatu Not Even Human Nova Nova Level Codes Nuclear embargo Nuclear Embargo Nuke Adventure Number Game Number Nabber Numm Nuts Nyaaaah! 2000 Nyaaaah! 2003 Nyaaaah! 3 Nyaaaah! 8 O'Riley's Mine Oasis Shalimar Oberon Obesanje Oblivion Octagon Pinball Octoplex Offical Father Christmas Game, The Ograton 2 Oh no! Oil Tycoon Oils Well Oldskool (a creaters demo october 2001 - not a game) Ole Olie Olli & Lissa Olli & Lissa 3 Ollie's Follies Ollo Ollo 2 Olympic Skier Olympics 2004 Athens Omega Ceti Omega Race On Court Tennis On Cue On Field Football On Ice On Table Preview On the Run - Escape and Evasion Part 2 On-Track Computer Model Car Racing One Man and his Droid One On One Backyard Basketball Oops! Opera House Operation Anomia Operation Cyborg Operation Fireball Operation Fox Operation Hanoi Operation Hormuz Operation Ironhawk Operation Ironhawk (dulicate 2) Operation Lemmings Operation Proboszcz Operation Whirlwind Operation Wolf Operation Wolf Preview Optima Rax Oracle Oracle's Cave Orange Squash Orb Orbit (Fairlight) Orbit (Legend) Orbyt Orc Attack Ori Orion Orion (Dytec) Orion (GP) Orion (GraftGold) Ortotris Oskar Oslo Bors Osmium Ossidoki OTER (The First Invasion) Othello ard Ouch! Ouch! 2 Out Out of Deep Out of this World Out on a Limb Out on the Tiles Outback Outlaw Outlaws Outrun Outtake II Over the Net Preview Over the Top Overlander Overload Oxxonian P B Blast P.P. Digger Pac and Mac Pac-Family Pac-Mania Pac-Mann Pacball Paccie Pacos Pete II Pain, The Painterboy Pair of Memory Pakacuda Pale Moon Pancake Pancho Pand the Sub Pandora Pang! Pango Panic Panic 64 Panic Button Panic Dizzy Panic dizzy c Panic Express Panoramia Panoramia II Panther Panzers East Panzerschlacht Paperboy Paradroid Parallax Parallax (LondonSoft) Paranoid's Empire Paranom Paratrooper Park Patrol Parody Adventure Pass Your Driving Test Passing Shot Pastfinder Pastfinder Patience Patternia Paul's Gamble Machine Paulchen's Schiebung Payday Pebbles Pedro Peewee Hockey Pegasis Pegasus Odyssey Penalty Shoot 'em Up Penetrator Penguin t- c-1 Penguin Tower Preview Penquin Pentagramm Pentron Percy Penguin Perfect Weapon, The Perplex Perplex 1001 Persian Gulf Persian Gulf Inferno Petch Peter Pack Rat Petopoly Phaedra Phantom Phantom Assault Phantom Karate Devils Phantoms of the Asteroid Pharaoh's Curse Pharaoh's Grave Pharoah's Revenge Phase 4 Phobia Phobos Phoenix II Photon-Ranger Phu Pick 'n' Pile Pick Up All Pigs in Space Pilgrims Pill-Box Pilot 64 Pilot Master Pinball Blaster Pinball Power Pinball Spectacular Pinball Wizard Pinfaball Ping Ping pong Ping Pong Ping-Pong Pingo Pipe Pipe Mania Pipeline Rat Pipes Piracy Pirate Adventure Pit Stop 2 Pit, The Pitfall 2 Pitfall 3 Pitfall! Pitstop Pitstop 2 Pixie Pete Plague Planet Attack Planet Force Planet of War Planet Qwarrk Planet Rover Plasm Plasm Preview Plasto Platform Mania Platforms Play a Match Playful Professor Plis Plopp Preview Pluff Preview Plutonium Pneumatic Hammers Pod Poga Pogo Joe Pogo Stick Pogo Stick Olympics Poing (Canetta) Point-X Poker Poker (Hain) Poker 256 Pokern Police acad ii Police Academy Polonaese Poltergeist Pong Pong! Pool 87 Pool Simulator '92 Pool-Billiards Pooyan Pop Quizz POPEYE Popeye 3 Popper Portal Preview Portfolio Poseidon Poster Paster Postman Pat Postman Pat 2 Postman Pat III Pot Fun Potty Painter in the Jungle Power Boat Race Power of Jump Power of Recollection Power Surge Power Surge (duplicate) Powerama Powerball Powerboat Powerdrift Powers of Gloom Ppat iii2 ils Pra-Se Predator II Predator, The Premetel President Pretzel Logic Pride Primitive Ping-Pong Prince Clumbsy Prince Glumsy Prisonball Prizone Pro Boxing Simulator Pro Eorit Pro Hockey Pro Sports Teams Pro Team Manager Simulator Pro-Does Probe-Y Proffesional Speedway Manager, The Proffessional Snooker Simulator Prohibition Project Pimlico Project S.O.L. Project X Prometheous Proof of Destruction Protector Protector II Proto-Type 2 Proton Run Prowler Psi-Droid Psi-Warrior Psycastria Psycho (Aldi) Psycho (Chromance) Psycho Pigs Psycho Soldier Psyco Hopper Psytron Psyxx Pub Trivia Puc Man Pull Pulse Pulsoid Punch and Judy Punchy Punkiller Pure Seed Purple Turtles Push Push 'em Push Em 2 Pushover Putt Putt Golf Puzzle Mania Puzzle Shuffle Puzzlenoid Puzznic Puzznic4 fox Pyjamarama Pyramid Pete Pyramid Puzzle Pythonesque Pytos Q-Bert Joystick in Part 2 Q-bopper Q10 tankb [v] Q10 Tankbuster Qazi the Mega Pinball Simulator QB Qbix Qix Qixunknown Quad Quadra Quadra ddt Quadratareatau Quadrato Quadris Quadris f4cg Quadrix c Quadromania Quadropowervgg Quadtron Fix+ QualofferWWE QUANGO Quango +3 Quantum [o] QUANTUMTR QUARI Quark ix Quartet triad QUASAR Quasimodo Quatrix! Quattro QUEDEX Quedex pic3532 Queens Queens c Quest for Atlantis, The Quest of Kron, The Quest of tires Quest rimmanian QUESTPRO Quick draw mcgraw Quick thinking Quickdraw Quicky QUINTIC Quinx Quiz f1mefxori Quota QUOVADIS Qx-9 Qx-9 (1) R emotions +6 R-NEST R-t u j k R-type R.i.s.k R.I.S.K. R.j.'s ultimatatium R1d1 unit Rabbit pie Racars rti Race against Time ,The Race for s cmm Race with the devil Racing manager ,The RADAR RAT Radar rat race RADAX PV Radciffes r3[m] Radius Raffel Rags to riches Raid 2000 Raid obbayabc Raid over Moscow Rain Forest Rainbow Rainbow chaser Rainbow dragon Rainbow gulas Rainbow runner Rainbow walker Raingame Ralley driver Rally africa Rally speedway RALLYSPE Rambo Rambo 4 blazon Rampage Rampart Ramsack Ranantat Ranarama Random the king Rapid fire Rapid-firec64cg Rasenmaeher Rasputin Rastants Raster runner Rator 2 Ratterflatter Rattler Ravenousdrive Raw recr ikari RAZ PREV Razor Reaction Real scener iii Real Stunt Experts, The Realm Realm of the Undead ,The Realm of Zaroc Realm oi5r-1 Realm oi5rem REARTU' Reaxion REBEL Rebel Racers Rebel [trianon] Rebels, The Rebounder Trainer Reckless Rufus Red alert [abc] Red heat Red heat [a] Red led Red max Red moon Red october Red prv V2 +5 Red200plus5mfix REDMAX REFLECT Rejuvanator Relax Remember Remember fix scs Remote control motion Renaissance RENEGADE F16 Report [ ] Repton 3 RESCUE Rescue m [d] Rescue on fracture Rescue squad Rescue [m] Retro Torque Return of Paul, The Return of the Jedi Return of the Lions Return of the Mutant Camels 2 Return of the space Warriors Return to Oz Reuter's world Revelation Revenge Revenge of doh Revenge of the Moon Goddess Revenge of the toothless vampire Revenge prvlxt Revenge, The REVENGEO Revenger Reversi Reversi gti Reversi x Revobalro Revolution dom REVS Rhaa Lovely Rhythm rocker Rick Dangerous Rick Dangerous +3 Rick dangr3pan Ricochet Rigels Rigels revenge Ring of Power ,The Ring of Power, The RINGOFPO Rings'n'up Ringside boxing Ringwars Ringwars +2 Risk Risk [ntsc]c Risk'tr Risk, River mission +6 River raid Road course Road duels Road toad Road wars ++hi Roadburner 3 Roadrunner +2 Roadrunner 3 ROADWARS Roadwars Roadwars 2 ROBBERS Robbo Robin hood Robin of Sherwood Robin of the wood Robin Smith's International Cricket Robin to rescue ROBOBOLT Robocop iii Robot Robot Raider Robotcop Robotics blazon Roboton Robotronix prv a Roc-O-Shay ROCK Rock n' bolt++ Rock Paper Shear Rock run s***men Rock runnner s***men Rocket Roger ROCKETBA Rockey Horror Show ,The Rockfall ROCKFORD Rockford ROGUE Rogue trooper Roland rat race Roland's Raterace+2 Roland's Ratrace +5 Roll-about Rollaround Rollaround sf Roller ball Roller coaster ROLLERBOARD Rollerboy Rolling thunder Rolling Thunder Rolling twins Rombus attack Romulan attack ,The Roofus - oofray Room ten Rootin' tootin' Ros warriors ROTATE Rough commando+6 Roulette ROUND ABOUT Round the Bend + Round the bend II Round the bend+ Rowdy 2 Rox 64 Rronny3prvx-r Rubicon Rugby - The World Cup Rugby boss Rugby man cls Rugby manager Rugby sim Rugby The World Cup Rugby, The World Cup Ruka Run for gold Run for gold [ho Run, The Runaway RUNESTON Runway 64 Rupert Rupert bear Rupert ice castl Russian toilette Rwars101%ikari RYGAR Ryshka+ 100% S glider S Mario's escape S t o r m S w a t S'words fix[m8] S-g-a S.P.U.D Saboteur ii Saboteur-1 Sabre wulf SABREWUL Sailing Sam's jammy heros Samantha fox Samantha Fox Samber Samber+11 Sammy lightfoot SAMSEQRD Samurai Warrior (Usagi Yojimbo) Santa Claus' Helper Santa xmas caper Santa's Xmas Caper SANTOLUS Sanxion+ Sanxion+2 Sanxionnewlook Sanxiontrainer Saper 3 Saper Man of Iron Nerves Saper prvf4cg SAS COMBAT Sas combat (Duplicate 2) Sas combat (Duplicate) Satan 4destiny Satans hollow Satans hollow (Duplicate) SatisfactionWWE Saturn 10moons Saturn 3 Saucer attack Saucer Attack (Duplicate) Sauerkraut 89 Savage platforms Savage pond Savage pond (Duplicate 2) Savage pond (Duplicate) Savage pond[no] Save gal1ha64 Save Me.Braue Save Me.Braue (Duplicate) Save new york Save New York (Duplicate) Saviour Say No! Say Yes! SAYIT Sbase4194hf4cg Sbrfxavtlnx Scalextr, Scalextric ScaleXtric Scarab Scare bear Scary hall Scary hall tbt Scary monsters Scary School Sceptre of Baghdad Schnuffi's Megamind Schnuffi's Megamind Preview Schupos SCIENCE FIGHTER Scobby Doo (Duplicate 2) Scooby doo Scooby doo (Duplicate) Scooby-doo Scoobydoo elite Scoop!, The Scorpion Scorpion (Duplicate) Scorpion 2 Scorpion 2 (Duplicate 2) Scorpion 2 (Duplicate) Scorpion maze Scorpion Maze (Duplicate) Scorpion prv v2 Scorpius Scortia Scortia # [m8] Scortia (Duplicate 2) Scortia (Duplicate 3) Scortia (Duplicate 4) Scortia (Duplicate) Scout Scout hotline Scr4p 100% [d] Scrabble nato Scracercrazy Scramble Scramble spirits Scratch 1th Screenians [d] Screenplay acs Screenplay info Screwy Screws Scro SCROLLO Scrollo ls Scrolls of Abadon ,The Scrolls of abadon ,The (Duplicate) Scrolls of Abandon ,The (Duplicate 2) Scrspirits [ ] SCS DOM Party Scuba dive Scuba Dive (Duplicate) Scuba kidz Scuba kidz (Duplicate 2) Scuba Kidz (Duplicate) Scuba kidz zen SCUMBALL Scumball (Duplicate 2) Scumball (Duplicate 3) Scumball (Duplicate 4) Scumball (Duplicate) Scumintro2flt Scumm x-ray Scumm intro Sdi dom Sdsnohsp[ex] Se-kaa of Assiah Sea Command Sea command (Duplicate) Sea cresta 1 Sea dragon Seacommfxtroep SEAFOX Seafox (Duplicate 2) Seafox (Duplicate) Search, The Seas of blood SEASIDE Seaside (Duplicate 2) Seaside (Duplicate 3) Seaside (Duplicate) SEASPELL Seastalker SEAWOLF Seawolf (Duplicate) Seawolfe Secret mission Secret of k dox Secret of k pic Secret of kandar Secret of Kandar Secret of Kublaith Secret of St. Bride's ,The Sector Sector 90 Sector 90 (Duplicate) sector90[tfd] Seesaw Seige Selv sugeren Senat Sensitive Sensitive (Duplicate) Senso Sensor Sensorfix [ ] Sentence Sentence (Duplicate 2) Sentence (Duplicate 3) Sentence (Duplicate) Sentinel ,The Sentinel ,The (Duplicate) Sentw6 [ ] September September (Duplicate 2) September (Duplicate) September pic Sequel fixmir Sequel ]h[ Serenade Serenity Serent SERPENTINE Serpentine (Duplicate) Seuck #2flt Seuckworm Seuckworm2 Seymor at the Movies Seymour at the Movies (Duplicate) Sga-2 intro Sgtseymour2[a] Shade moz Shadow dancerdm Shadow skimmer Shadow sktriad SHADOWFA Shadowfax Shadowfire Shadows in the Night Shaft raider Shaft rider (Duplicate) Shaker Shaman 5flt Shamus Shamus case 2 Shamus case 2 (Duplicate) Shamus cmm Shamus ii Shamus, Shangae Warriors Shanghai 1 c Shanghai karate Shanghai Karate II Shanghai warriors Shanghai warriors (Duplicate) Shao Lin's Road Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 2) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 3) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 4) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 5) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate) Shaolin Master SHAPETGT Shard of inovar Shards Shark Shark7 lazer Shark7 Sharkz Sharkz (Duplicate 2) Sharkz (Duplicate) Sharkz II Sharrier4hcpv Shatter lands Shatter lands (Duplicate) Shblib and Cheese Shblib and Cheese (Duplicate) Sheep in Space Shellreef Shellshock Shellshock (Duplicate) Sherwood Open Shiftrix Shifttrix (Duplicate) Shifty b intro Shifty Balls Ship, The Shipdox Shizofreniano SHOCKER Shocker (Duplicate) SHOCKWAY Shockway r[wow] Shockway-rider Shoikan Shoikan (Duplicate 2) Shoikan (Duplicate 3) Shoikan (Duplicate) Shoot Shoot (Duplicate 2) Shoot 'em up construction space (Duplicate) Shoot 'em up constructuon set Shoot (Duplicate) Shoot out Shoot out (Duplicate 2) Shoot out (Duplicate 3) Shoot out (Duplicate 4) Shoot out (Duplicate) Shoot out II Shoot the rapids Shoot the rapids (Duplicate) shootout, Short Short Circuit Short circuit (Duplicate) Shortwriter Shotaway 2 Shotgate Shout3fx[tbt] Shove Show Jump Showjumper Shuttle war Shymer Sideborder Sidewalk Sidewalk (Duplicate) sidewalk intrem Sidewalk3 rem Sidewin24xrnd Sidewinder ii Sidewize Sidewize (Duplicate 2) Sidewize (Duplicate) SIEGE Sige Sigma 7 Sigma 74hirem Sigma Seven Silent Down Silent Shadow Silico Silicon warrem silk worm5 rem Silkworm Silkworm Silkworm (Duplicate) silkworm 711 Silkworm ccc Silkworm htl Silo 64 Silva pfxtrsi Silva pod (Duplicate) Silver axe Silverfish! Sim city Simon Simulgolf Simulgolf pictur Sinchi Sinvasion Siren city Sirius Six Six (Duplicate) Six a Side Six-a-side SKAKANJE Skate crazy Skate crazy (Duplicate) Skate Or Ace Skate rock Skate rock Skate rock5rem Skateb sim'tds Skatebob SKATEROCK Skatewars Skatewars (Duplicate) Skeet shoot Skeet shoot (Duplicate) Skegpool Rock Skelter pic [l] Ski Ski (Duplicate 2) Ski (Duplicate) SKI-RUN Skidz Skidz (Duplicate 2) Skidz (Duplicate) Skis4 [ddt] Skmbl6melaser Skool daze ucg SKOOLDAZ Skramble (Duplicate 2) Skramble (Duplicate 3) Skramble (Duplicate 4) Skramble (Duplicate 5) Skramble (Duplicate 6) Skramble (Duplicate) SKULL Skull bischop Skull Tour Skulzzzz 2 Skwibly skwobly Sky fighter Sky high Stuntman Sky high Stuntman (Duplicate) Sky jack Sky jet Sky jet (Duplicate) Sky run Sky runner Sky runner (Duplicate 2) Sky runner (Duplicate 3) Sky runner (Duplicate) Sky Twice Sky twice (Duplicate) Skyassf***er Skyfall ace Skyfox Skyfox3fix cc SKYJET Skylight Skylight (Duplicate) SKYRAID SkyT Slaine Slaine (Duplicate) Slalom Slalom (Duplicate) SLAMBALL Slamball (Duplicate 2) Slamball (Duplicate) Slammer Slammer (Duplicate) Slap and Tickle Slap fight Slap shot Slap Shot (Duplicate) Slap tickle Slapfight Slaterman Slayer Slayer (Duplicate 2) Slayer (Duplicate) Sled ride htl SleepWalker Sleepwalker (Duplicate 2) Sleepwalker (Duplicate) SlemBL Slide slide 1 [f] Slideways 2 Slightly magic Slightly magic (Duplicate 2) Slightly Magic (Duplicate 3) Slightly magic (Duplicate) Slime piccy tal Slimer Slimey's Mine Slimey's mine (Duplicate) Slimeys Mine SLINKY Slinky (Duplicate) Slinky 6 docs [ Slip of the memory Slither 2M Slither iv SLUG Slugger, The Slugz Slugz dlx SLURPY Slurpy (Duplicate 2) Slurpy (Duplicate) Small is beautiful Small-tron Smaller-bigger Smash Smash 4k Smash glass Smash out Smash T.V. Smash tv Smash tv (Duplicate) Smash tv -intro- Smash tv5 Smash-ball 3 Smashed Smashed (Duplicate) Smiley's troep Smine 1993 [f] Smoke it Smoke IT Cori of DAL Smooth Criminal Smooth Rythm Smurfen Smurfen (Duplicate 2) Smurfen (Duplicate 3) Smurfen (Duplicate) Snackman Snacks 4 snakes Snacks 4 snakes (Duplicate) Snake Snake 2k Snake attack Snake byte Snake Byte (Duplicate) Snake for one Snake Mania Snake or die Snakebite Pinball Snakes Snakey Snap dragon Snap dragonflt Snare Snazzy snakes SNC NRK3 Sniper prv [m8] Snoball in Hell SNOCAT Snodger Snodgits Snokie Snokie (Duplicate 2) Snokie (Duplicate 3) Snokie (Duplicate 4) Snokie (Duplicate) Snokker Snokker (Duplicate 2) Snokker (Duplicate 3) Snokker (Duplicate) Snoopy Snoopy (Duplicate) Snoopy 2 Snow Caper 2 Snow Caper 2 (Duplicate) Snowball caper Snowball caper 2 Snowball sunday Snowboard Snowman Snowman empire Snowstorm Snowy snoopy So-PhisticatedBML Soccer Soccer 2 Soccer 3000 Soccer 7 dic Soccer challenge Soccer challenge (Duplicate) Soccer Cup Soccer cup2epic Soccer iv Soccer Pinball Soccer Pinball (Duplicate 2) Soccer Pinball (Duplicate 3) Soccer Pinball (Duplicate) Soccer rival Soccer rival (Duplicate 2) Soccer rival (Duplicate) Soccer Rivals Soccer1103 Soccsupremodcs SodomyByterapers Browbeat Sof darkon Sof light Software Hourse Software star Soldier Soldier (Duplicate) Soldier of fortune Soldier one Soldone3hirem Solid Africa+ Solid main Solider one Solitair tb Solitaire Solitaire (Duplicate) Solitaire [m8] Solitax epic Solitax epic (Duplicate) Solo flight Solo Flight (Duplicate) Solomkey #flt Solomon's Key Solomon's key (Duplicate 2) Solomon's key (Duplicate 3) Solomon's key (Duplicate) Son of blagger Sonar spike Sonic Anarchy Sonic Anarchy (Duplicate) Sonic b4triad Sonny Message SONOFBLA Sooty and Sweep's Fun with Numbers Sor of Darts Sorcerer's Apprentice sorcerer's apprentice 2 SORCEROR Sorcerorlord-inc Sorcery Sorcery (Duplicate 2) Sorcery (Duplicate) Sorcery3hirem sorvampssharks Sos Sos (Duplicate 2) Sos (Duplicate) Soswald Souls of darkon Souls of darkon (Duplicate) Sound apandora Sound ghostb Sounds 180 Southern belle Spac-man4 rem Space - harrier Space acadamy (Duplicate) Space academy Space Ace Space action Space Action (Duplicate 2) Space action (Duplicate) Space ball prv [ Space battle Space battle (Duplicate) Space bike 2 Space blitz Space business Space chase Space doubt Space doubt (Duplicate 2) Space doubt (Duplicate 3) Space doubt (Duplicate) Space doubt pic Space duel Space f [abyss] Space Fiends Space fight Space fight (Duplicate) Space g3fxtbt Space gallery Space harrier Space harrier (Duplicate) Space harrier trainer Space hawk Space hero Space Invadarz Space invader (Duplicate 2) Space Invaders (Duplicate) Space knight 2 Space one tbc Space pdx Space pigfort Space Pilot (Duplicate) Space pilot ii Space pope Space racer Space relief Space Sentinal Space Shootout Space shuttle Space Shuttle Simulation Space spy Space Tale Space talisman Space Towers Space towersgls Space tracker pr Space trap Space warrior Space Wars Space wars (Duplicate) Space Worms Space zoom Space zoom (Duplicate) Space-pilot Space-pilot ii Space-pilot3no Spacearena 2 Spacearena 2 (Duplicate) Spaceball II, The Spacebike2ltc Spacecdocsfrt SPACEDOU SPACEFIG Spacegun 3fx tb SPACEHAR Spacehawk blazon Spacehunter SPACEPIL Spacer Relief Spacerider 2 SpaceRox SPACESHU Spacewars gulas Spacey Vaders Spanish treasure SPAZIO Spball100%fx[m8] Spc racertcom Spdrbfixertwg Special Agent Special Operations Spectipede Spectral sneer Spectrum SPEECHES Speed Speed 2 Speed Ball Speed bingo math Speed duel Speed Duel (Duplicate) Speed king Speed king (Duplicate 2) Speed king (Duplicate 3) Speed king (Duplicate) Speed Math Speed Math (Duplicate) Speed racer Speed Runner Speed runner (Duplicate) Speed-o-cycles Speedb100%3532 Speedball Speedball (Duplicate 2) Speedball (Duplicate 3) Speedball (Duplicate 4) Speedball (Duplicate 5) Speedball (Duplicate) Speedballz rem Speedbpic3532 SPEEDDUE SPEEDKIN Speedoholic Speedracer Speedrintro[ ] Speedway Speedway hero Speedway tcburb Speedway team Speedwayfixtbt Speedway_nostlag Speedzone Speldizzy2emp Spellbound Spellbound (Duplicate 2) Spellbound (Duplicate 3) Spellbound (Duplicate 4) Spellbound (Duplicate) Spellbreaker Spellcast Spellcast (Duplicate 2) Spellcast (Duplicate) Spellcast cen Spelldiver Spellfire 3 Spellseeker Spenemy troep Spermer Trainer Spermer Trainer (Duplicate) Sphere Spherebrain Spherix Spheron Spheron (Duplicate) Sphinx jinx Sphinx jinx (Duplicate 2) Sphinx jinx (Duplicate 3) Sphinx jinx (Duplicate) Spider mountain Spider mountain (Duplicate) Spider [pc] SPIDERANIM HIT Spiderman Spidertrap SPIKE Spike (Duplicate) SPIKE IN Spike the King pic Spike's Peak Spike's peak (Duplicate 2) Spike's Peak (Duplicate 3) Spike's peak (Duplicate) Spike6 b0b Spikey in Transilvania Spikey in Transilvania (Duplicate 3) Spikey in transilvania (Duplicate 4) Spikey in Transilvania (Duplicate) Spikey in Transylvania (Duplicate 2) Spikey ithtl Spikey tpicfox Spiky harold SPIKYHAR Spin tran #enm Spin trandom Spinball Spinball pinball SPINDIZZY Spindizzy (Duplicate 2) Spindizzy (Duplicate) SPIRANZA Spiranza (Duplicate 2) Spiranza (Duplicate) Spiri of the Stones Spirit Of Art Spirit of the Stones (Duplicate 2) Spirit of the stones (Duplicate) Spirit Tappers SPITE Spite and malice Spite, Spite-1 SPITFIRE Spitfire (Duplicate 2) Spitfire (Duplicate 4) Spitfire (Duplicate) Spitfire ace Spittball Splash Splashdown Splat Splat (Duplicate) Splatform Splatform (Duplicate) Splidge's Snowball Caper SplishSplash Padua Split (Doesnt work please remove) Split Personalities Split personalities (Duplicate) Split perstr Split perstrain SPLITIMA Splitter Spnostalgaburp Spodfxtrsilnx Spook Spook (Duplicate) Spook in the mine Spooked dcs Spooked Spells Spooked Spells (Duplicate 2) Spooked Spells (Duplicate) Spooked+ SPOOKY Spooky casdom Spooky Castle Spooky, Spooky-1 Spork 64 Spork 64 (Duplicate) Sport of kings Sport of Kings (Duplicate 2) Sport of kings (Duplicate) Sport of kings-1 Sport of kings-3 Sports-aroninec SPORTTIM Spots Spots (Duplicate) Spread It Springreiten Springs Spritegame Sputnik104%twg Spy defense Spy Hunter Spy hunter (Duplicate 2) Spy hunter (Duplicate 3) Spy hunter (Duplicate 4) Spy Hunter (Duplicate 5) Spy hunter (Duplicate) Spy love p3532 Spy loved me pic Spy pic xr Spy school Spy strike back Spy strikes back ,The Spy Strikes Back ,The (Duplicate) Spy trek Spy vs spy Spy vs spy (Duplicate 2) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 3) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 4) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 5) Spy vs Spy (Duplicate 6) Spy vs spy (Duplicate) Spy vs spy 2 - t Spy vs spy 2rem Spy vs spy 3rem Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper Spy vs spy-2 Spy who loved -1 Spy who loved me Spy who loved me Spy who loved me (Duplicate 2) Spy who loved me (Duplicate 3) Spy who loved me (Duplicate) Spy Who Loved Me, The Spy who lpicbz Spy who picit Spy's demise Spy's Demise (Duplicate) SPY1 SPY2 SPY3 SQIJ Sqij (Duplicate) Square civitas Square out Square Scape Square Scape 2 Squared Squares Squares (Duplicate 2) Squares (Duplicate 3) Squares (Duplicate) Square[Civitas] SQUASH Squibbly Squob Squirm Squish 'em (Duplicate 2) Squish 'em (Duplicate 3) Squish 'em (Duplicate) Squish'em Squishy inc Srivalsscs Ss oblivion Ss panzer2 scg Sscaper Capper 2 (Duplicate 2) Sseymour Sseymour (Duplicate) Sseymour7 hys Sspirits5[ils] Sssslider [ts] Sst St Jives (Duplicate) St. Jives Stack up h Stagger Stagger (Duplicate) Star Ball Star Blazers Star Blazers (Duplicate) Star commando Star Commando Star fighter Star fighter (Duplicate 2) Star Fighter (Duplicate) Star fire cpv Star force Star force nova Star Hope Star hope pc Star Hope! Star League Star lifter Star maze5hrem Star merchant Star merchant[e] Star paws Star paws (Duplicate) Star pilot Star quake Star quake (Duplicate) Star Raiders II Star ranger Star ranger (Duplicate) Star ray Star run Star slayer Star slayer (Duplicate) Star soldier Star Soldier STAR SOLID Star tramp Star trek (Duplicate 2) Star trek (Duplicate) Star Trek - The Klingon Attack Star trooper Star trooper (Duplicate) Star troopers Star wars Star wars (Duplicate) Star wars droid Star Wreck Star wreck[fcs] Star-command Star-lifter dox Starace Starb4,d64 STARBALL Starballs Starbase defence (Duplicate) Starbase Defense Starburst Starburst (Duplicate) Starfighter Starfighter+ STARFIRE Starfire Starfire, Starflighttroep StarForce Starforce Fighter Starforce gp Starforce nova starfox #abyss# Stargate Starglider Starglider (Duplicate) Starglider keys starglider-1 Starglider-2 Stargoal3 flt Starhawk starinvaders 1k Starinvaders1k b Starion Starmecfxafl STARPAWS Starpaws Starpic Starpoker StarPost StarPost (Duplicate) Starquack Starquake (Duplicate 2) Starquake (Duplicate 3) Starquake (Duplicate 4) Starquake (Duplicate) Starquest ac Starray Starray (Duplicate) stars ar c STARSLAY Startrooper Startrooper1911 STARWARS State Art [advertisement] State Of Dark State of the Station wagon bl Stationfall Stcar racer [r] Stealth Stealth bomb (Duplicate) Stealth bomber Stealth mission Stealth6 rem Steam express Steel Steel (Duplicate 2) Steel (Duplicate) Steel eagl3xds Steel heros Steel heros dtc Steel htl Steel pulsar Steel thunder Steeplechase Steg 4m [ils] Steg the Slug Steg the slug (Duplicate 2) Steg the Slug (Duplicate 3) Steg the slug (Duplicate) Steg ts3mgen Stegs pwordsgen Steigar Steigar (Duplicate 2) Steigar (Duplicate 3) Steigar (Duplicate) Stellar Stellar (Duplicate) Stellar 7 Stellar 7 (Duplicate) Stellar Wars Sthe slug esm Stiegar [ ] Stiegar [ ]-1 Stifflip & CO Stifflip picrdi STIX Stix (Duplicate 2) Stix (Duplicate) Stix 2 Stix 2 (Duplicate) Stock Share Stocker 2 fx [l Stocker htl Stocks and bonds Stone previewgp Stone prv esm Stone prvh Stones Stoneville Manor Stonophobe 3 Stop the express Stop the express (Duplicate) Storm no Storm warr dox Storm warrior Storm warrior (Duplicate 2) Storm warrior (Duplicate 3) Storm warrior (Duplicate) Stormbringer Stormbringer (Duplicate) Stormbringerkey Stormlord Stormlord (Duplicate 2) Stormlord (Duplicate 3) Stormlord (Duplicate 4) Stormlord (Duplicate 5) StormLord (Duplicate) Stormlord 2 Stormlord htl Stormlord intro Stormlordpicmx Story Story-1 Story-2 STORYMAK Stowaway Stowaway (Duplicate) Strange Strat introprs Stratego Stratego # tb Stratego (Duplicate 2) Stratego (Duplicate 3) Stratego (Duplicate 4) Stratego (Duplicate 5) Stratego (Duplicate 6) Stratego (Duplicate) Stratego direm STRATTON Stratton (Duplicate) Street beat Street beat (Duplicate) Street Cred Football Street Cred Football (Duplicate) Street Hassle Street hawk [100 Street m Street m (Duplicate) Street surfer Street surfer (Duplicate 2) Street Surfer (Duplicate 3) Street surfer (Duplicate) Streets of London Stress Strike Strike f cobra Strike force Strike Force Harrier STRIKEFO Striker Striker3 trc Strikkespillet STRINGER Strip darts 666 Stripe attack Strippoker melis STRIVE Strmachine dft Strobotcrypt Strong man Stront dog myth Strontdog3nos Strsurfer yf Strucker3hdtc Strucker4scs Stryker2fixemp Stseym3fixemp Stuffy hysteric Stunrunner tb Stunt bike Stunt bike sim Stunt Car Racer Stunt car rxds STUNTBIK STUNTCAR Stuntcar race[ ] Stuntman dct Styx 5m tce Su pacman [ts] Sub attack 64 Sub chase Sub destroyer Sub hfprv[civ] Sub hunt0puke Sub hunt3 rem Sub-burn4laser Subbuteo Subbuteo ![st] Subbuteo cls Subbuteo it Subbuteo [st] Subbuteo-1 SUBCLAVI Subclavian-[ts] Subduel triad SUBHUNT Subhunt, Subhunt-1 Submarinesgulas Subsonic3fix wd Subsunk advent SUBTERRA Subterranea Suburban command Subway Success Suck IT Suckpipe Suddly cuburt Suicide solbmw Suicide solution Suicide strike Suicide strike-1 Suicide strike-2 Suicide strkthp SUICIDES Sult3fx [tbt] Sum-ka bad Summer zak anm Sumo wrestlrwe Sumrtime Sun star SUNBALL Sunburst Sunday omf4cg Sunday omfxemp Sunshine Sup-fotball [ts] Super Ball Super biljard Super bowl Super Can, The Super cars4rnd Super Champs Super cup[laser] Super delta-grb Super dogfight Super Dogfight Super froot Super g-man[ts] Super Galaxy Apocalypse Super galaxys du SUPER GM Super golf Super gridder Super gridder 3 Super hangon Super huey Super kaa atom SUPER KO Super kong Super league [l] Super lem burp Super man Super Mario Brothers Super monaco gp Super nudge htl Super oswald[ ] Super pac doxx Super pac twins Super pac-man 1 Super pac-man 4 Super pacman prv Super pipeline Super pipeline i Super pipeline-1 Super rider(abc) Super robin ho-1 Super robin hood Super Robin Hood Super robin mus Super sc3 abs Super scramble Super scrm2htl SUPER SE Super slalom Super snake sim Super sntscc Super soccer Super Space Invaders Super spy ddt Super stcarxds Super strike[x] Super stuntman Super Stuntman Super tact [ts] Super Tank Simulator Super ted dom Super ted tb Super trolley [f Super truck3[l] Super trux xds Super Tucker+3 Super zaxxonspg SUPER-DR Super-pentriad SUPER-PI Super-racetroep Super-tron ts Super.cuda Superball2 fix o Superballfx[o] Superbike SUPERBOW Superbowl SUPERCAR Supercars 7 [l] Supercodefx SUPERCRO SUPERCUD Supercuda Superdeal dom SUPERDOG SUPERFRO Supergran Superheroikari Superkid 3 [mr Superkid 5 cli Superkid In Space Superkid3hsvsn Superlander SUPERMAN Superman first s Superman game Superman, Supermarket mad Supermash Supermastermind Supernova Supernova iic Supernovafxafl SUPERPAC Superpacmanno SUPERPIP Superpipeline ii SUPERRID Supersapernt-2 Supersaperntscc SUPERSMA Superspy2hdom Superstar ping-pong Superstaringori Supertank2 it SUPERTRO SUPERZAX Supkong troep Supler Ball II Suppacman7wrf Suprallay opt Supseymourt-1 Supseymourtsm Surf champ Surfchampscf SURFER Survival otfc SURVIVOR Survivor '83 Survivors Svegcorpstrc Svigilanteps Sw blade f4cg Swag t18 Swalker2scs Swamp fever htl Swampfever hotli Swap exc[l] Swap or die fastWWE Swap or die TOOWWE Swap Or DieWWE Swap time 1 Swaphi dytec Swarehousefbr Swarrior dom Swarrior [fbr] Swarrior3hrem Swarriorstriad SWAT Swat rem Swat [yeti f Swblues [ff] Sweepmine 100% x Swinging Out Swinth Swisscontroep Switch Switch it des Switchbl-seals Switchbl2 c Switchbl3dytec Switchbla2tsm Swiv 6 x-rated SWOOP Swooper zeb Sword 1s Sword of fargdn Sword of fargo-1 Sword of fargo-2 Sword of fargoal Sword of fargol Swordbyterapers SWORDOFF Swordrose2exc Symbol4 troep Synopsis c Synopsisfixrsi Synpsisfix[rsi] Syntax5 pan Syntron prv[m8] Sysiphus3dytec Sysiphus3mir Szaxx3#triad T-Bird T-Bird [duplicate 2] T-Bird [duplicate] Taballoon tcs Table Tennis Table Tennis (duplicate) Table Tennis (end picture fixed) Tag Team Wrestling TAGTEAMW Tai chi t2c Tai chi t2scs Tai Chi Tortoise Tai Chi Tortoise [duplicate 2] Tai Chi Tortoise [duplicate] Tai-chi picav Tai-chi t3av Takashi prev3ad TAKEOVER Talent Meeting Tales of arabian Talesboon- ddt Talisman Talk to m TALLADEG Tamagotchi [Preview] Tamer Tamer Part Two Tamer Part Two [duplicate] Tamer [duplicate] Tamerfixempire Tangent Tangram Tanium - Warhawk II Tank Action Tank Atak Tank Battle Tank Battle v1 Tank v1 Tank v2 Tankattack Tanks v2 Tanks v3 Tanx Tapola! Tapper Target [Preview] Tarzan Tarzan goes ape Task-F Taskforce Taskmaster Tau Ceti Tau Ceti [Instructions] Tau Zero II Taxman v1 TAZZ Tazz Tcognita wgi Team Championship II Team Tetris Techno Plyn Technodream Preview Tectron Teela's Rescue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Temple of Terror Ten Pins Ten Speed Tenement, The Tera Attack Terminator Terra cresta Terra Cresta Terra Cresta II Terrafighter Terraquake Territory Terror of the Deep Terry's Big Adventure Test Master Tetris (Bobosoft) Tetris 1K Tetris v1 Tetris v5 Tetrisack Tetrys Thargon The Ball Game The machine The Shadows Fairlight Theatre Europe Thepsos Theseus and the Minotaur They Stole a million They Stole a Million (Duplicate) Thief Thing Thing Bounces Back Thing on a Spring Think Fast Think twice Think Twice Thinker, The Thomas the Tank Engine Threedox Threestone Through the Trapdoor THRUST Thrust Thrust II Thunder Arena Thunder Light Thunder Zone Preview Thunderbirds ThunderBolt Thundercats Thundercross Tiger Hell Tiger Tank Tile Tili-Toli Tilt Tilt (Genias) Time Bomb Time Fighter Time Machine Time Machine - Cheat Time Machine DOX Time Puzzle Time Race Time Runner Time Trax Time Tunnel Time Wagon Time Zero Timerunnner Timezone (Channel 8 Software) Timmy's Super League Timmy's Super League [duplicate 2] Timmy's Super League [duplicate 3] Timmy's Super League [duplicate] Timtris (English) Tip-Trick Tir Na Nog Titan Titanic v1 Titans To Hell and Back Toad Away Tobruk Tolteka TOM Tomahawk Tomb of Dracula, The Tomb of Dracula, The - Reloaded Tombola Tomcat Tomegafx trp Toobin Top Cat Top Duck Top Gun Topper the Copper Total Destruction Tour de France Tour of Duty Tournament Tennis Tower Commando TOWER OF Towers of Hanoi Toy Bizarre Toyballs Toys Tracer Track & Field v1 Traffic Trailblazer Trailblazer II Train Robbers Trains v2 Trajectory Tran Tranquilized Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge Transformers Transporter Trantor Trashman (Creative Software) Trashman (New Generation) Travlop Traxxion TRAZ Traz Treasure Island (Mastertronic) Treasure Island Dizzy Treasure Isle Treasuretroep TREMME Tremmel TRI-TRON! Triad Triad (Livewire) Triango Triaxos Tribbles Tric Trac Trigger Happy Trigon Triple Tournament Triplex Triss Trojke Troll Trollie Wallie Trolls and Tribulations Tron - Light Cycles II Tron Construction Set Tron v03 Tron!2000 Tronic Force Tronix the Wombat Trooper Truck Trooze Tropical Fever Trucking USA True Spit Tube Madness Tube, The Tunnel Vision Tunnels of Terror Turbo Boat Simulator Turbo Esprit Turbo Girl (Spanish) Turbo Kart Racer Turbo Pinball Turf-Form Turmoil Turn It Turn It 2 - Future Edition Turnabout Turrican TURRICAN III [Preview] Turtle Jump Turtle Rescue Turtle Toyland Junior Tutti Frutti Twierdza [Fortress] Twin Cobra Twin Cobra II Twin Kingdom Valley Twin Terrors Twin Tiger II Twin Tigers Twin Tornado Twinball Twinky Goes Hiking Twintris Twist Twix - Preview TX Tyco Typhoon U-96 U-R-Reg Uchi Mata UFO v08 Ugh! (Softek) Ultimate Tron II Ultra-Smash Underground v1 Underworld Underwurlde Undoroid Preview Unitrax Unpredictaball Unsure because it doesn't work :/ Up'n Down Ural Uridium Uridium Usagi USL - Universe, Space and Life Uss john young USS John Young Usurper Uuno Turhapuro Muuttaa Maalle V Valley of Death Valley of Doom Vampire Vampire's Empire Vapour Preview Varidian Vector Ball Vegas Craps Vengeance Venom Venom Strikes Back Venture Venus Trail, The Vermeer Vicious Circle Video Card Arcade Video Meanies (Mastertronic) Viduzzles Vier op een Rij Vietnam 3275 Vietnam Rescue Vietnam v1 Vietnam v3 Vigilante v2 Vikings, The Vin Tim Vindicators Vioris Viper Virus Virus - The Breakout Error Virus II Preview Vislice Voetbal 64 Void Voidrunner Volfied Volleyball Volleyball Simulator Voodoo Castle v2 Vortex Raider Vortron Voyage Voyager 19 Voyager 64 Vulgus Vultures Vyrus Wacky Darts Wacky Stories Walker v1 Walking Dead Walking on the Moon Wall, The Waller'sWobbler Wallie goes to Rhymeland Wallstreet II Wanderer War in Middle Earth WAR! WAR! II Warball Warfair Warflame WarGames v1 Warhawk Warlok Warp Warplay Warrior Warriors of Zypar, The Warspite Water Polo Waterfall Waterline Wavy Navy Waxworks abc Weatherwar II Web Wega Station Weird World Werewolves of London Werner - Eiskald Werner III West West Bank Wheelchair Race Wheelchair Soccer Wheelies Wheelin' Wallie Where Time Began Whirlinurd White Ninja, The (NInja Bros.) White Wash Who Becomes Millionaire [Preview] Who dares w Who Dares Wins I Who Dares Wins II Who Wants to be a Millionaire Wibstars Widow's Revenge Wild Ride Wild Streets Wild West Seymour Wild! Wildcats Mass Balls William Wobbler Willow Pattern Adventure, The Wimbledon '64 Winged Lizard Witch, The Wix-Wax Wix-waxjewels Wiz-Biz Wizard of Akyrz, The Wizard of Wor v1 Wizard of Wor v2 Wizard Willy Wizard's Lair Wizards Apprentice Wizards Pet, The WIZBALL Wladca Wolf and the Five Little Goats, The Wombles, The Wonderboy v1 Words Don't Come Easy Words Don't Come Easy (Laxity) Working Stone, The World Championship Soccer World Championship Squash World Class Rugby World Cricket World Cup Carnival World Cup Cricket World Cup v2 World Karate Championship World Rugby World Soccer World Soccer League World Soccer League (English) World Trophy Soccer Worldcup 90 - Arcade Soccer Worm 1992 Worm in Paradise Worm! Wormy Wrath of the Demon - Preview Wrestling Superstars Wulfpack Wyspa X Fighter X-15 Alpha Mission X-Mos Xama Xarion Xavier Xecutn3 Xeno Xenodron Xenon Ranger Xermaid Preview Xerons Xertyn-x Xertyn-X Xertyn-X - Fix Xetris Xevious Xevious - Mod Xiphoids Xiphoids - Cheat Xis Xoanon Reptile Xpiose-1 Xybots Xyron Y-Out Yaba Yahtzee Yahtzee v14 Yathzee Yeti Yie Ar Kung Fu Yie Ar Kung Fu - Cheat Yogi Bear Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster Yogi's Great Escape Yogi's Great Escape - Cheat Young Ones, The Yr3000impact Yuppie's Revenge (German) Yzon Z Z Zaga Zalagan Zamczysko (P) Zamzara Zappy Zooks Zarcon Zarjaz Zaxon Zaxxon v4 Zaxxon v1 Zaxxon v3 Zeittunnel Zellion Zenith Zenon Zenos Zepp Zero Gravity Zgadula [Preview] Zig Zag Zig Zag - The Remix Zig Zago Zillion Zim Sala Bim Zinj Complex, The Zip v1 Zjggen Zodia Zodiac Zodiac (Level 9 Computing) Zoid Zolo Zolyx Zombieparty Zompy Stomp Zonal Patrol Zone 7 Zone 7 Part 2 Zone Ranger Zone Six Zone Trooper Zoom Zoomerang Zorphon Zub Zulu Zwark Zwei Bereten Preview Zybex-1 Zylogon, Zynaps Zynaps [Preview] Zynax Zynax II Zynon Zyron's Escape Zyto Zytron - Mega Blast Zyx Zzap Hussein Zzzz 100 Meter Dash 100 Meter Dash (Mod) 1000 Miles 10000 Meters 10th Frame +Docs 12 o'clock 1942 1942 (stage 24) 1942 +7 (mod) 1943 (one year after +2) MOD 1943 (one year after) 1943 (Ten Years After) 1943 (Triad) 1943 (USA)The Battle of Midway 1943 +++++ (mod) 1944 (Mod Hard) 1948 MOD 1985 - The Day After 1985: The Day After (mod) 1994 Ten Years After 1994 Ten Years After (mod 2) 1994 Ten Years After (mod) 1st Division Manager 20 Tons 20 Tons+ (mod) 2112 (mod) 2pac Preview (2 man Pac Man) 3 Days In Carpathia 3-D Breakout 3-D Skramble 3-D Zoom 3D Gloopers 3d Golf 3D International Tennis 3D Morris 3D Scacchi Simulator 3D Skramble (mod) 3D Spacewar (mod) 3D Stock Car II (mod 2) 3D Stock Cars II 3D Stock Cars II (Mod) 3D Time Trek 3D Waterski 4 In-A-Row 4 Times Reflex 48 Hours 5 side footywhy 500cc Grand Prix 5th Gear 5th Gear (mod) 5th quadrrelax 5th quadsin 5x5 5x5 fix laxity 5x5-1 6-pukebowl puke 64 breakout 64 dragonmaster 64 Luff 64 luff pn c 64-Scene-Adventure, The 64mazezam blz 720 Degrees 720 Part 2 747 Flight Simulator 911 tiger shark 911 Tiger Shark A A - idefix A dark skytbt A Fi$tful of Buck$ A fistful A Journey to the Centre of the Earth A little fld A quest sports A SA Demo A safari 3532 A Simple One A-idefix A-team A-team+ A-z spiel Aaargh condor Aaargh condor [ Aaargh htl AAARGHC Aake 2 prvtriad Aake gmedlxt Aake picturelxt Aams dlx Aams Aanval Aardvark Aargh AB993 Ons Ab993 ons, Abadon Abc Abcrick Abcricket [ ] Abducted piss ABELREAD Abhor 4 fx lxt Abhor4 fix lxt Abiker 99 [o] Abnfactfixc AbnormalWWE Abracadabra prev Abrakadabra pr-1 Abrakadabra pr-2 Abrakadabra prv Abrasco golf Abrasco golfhdd ABS Demo ABSOLUTE ABUSE EXE ABUSE NOTE Abyss Ac-dc pinball ACCROBAT Accrobat, Acdc p100%tbt Ace Ace Ace 2 Ace 2 100% stl Ace 2 c64cg Ace 2 pic c64cg Ace 2 [fp] Ace 2088 Ace 2088 laser Ace 2088 [crackf Ace 2fbr Ace harrier Ace harriersci Ace ii Ace ii 8 tcs Ace ii introdox Ace ii [wizax] Ace of aces Ace of h -flt Ace of h prev Ace-1 Ace-fix byc ACE2 Ace2088 Ace2twr Acefix[byc] Acey-duecyc-64 Acfighter--- ACIAJUN ACID ACID AOD Acid ball- f4cg Acid fix ons Acid fix [O] Acid fixlaxity Acid runner Acid runner2v Acid runneraxe Acid runnersun ACIDBALL ACIDRUNN Acidrunner2emp Acinna mah jongg Acinna [active] Acinna [q] Acinnafix afl Acinnafix lxt Acirunner3dtc Actbiker5 rem ACTION ACTION B Action ball twg Action biker Action biker 99 Action biker-1 Action biker-2 Action biker-3 Action biker1 Action fighter Action fighter-1 Action force Action force bb Action force-1 Action forcetwg Action Replay Worm ACTIONAU Actionauts Actionauts 2 ACTIONBI Actionbikerudi ACTIONFO Actionforcehtl ACTIONON Actionprotection Activision zoids ACTNAUTS Actually Ad infinitum Ad infinitum-1 Addicta ball Addicta ball-1 Addicta ball ADDICTAB Addictaball[ts] ADINFINI Adonis Adrenalin wow Adrenalin2 c Adrenalin2mtdk Adrenalin3 dtc Adrian mole4tct Adroit prv[po] Adv of the year Adv pinballtcom ADV-1-AD Advanced art stu Advanced pinbs Advancps ADVENTUR Adventure 2000 Adventure castle Adventure Quest Adventure-1c Adventureland Adventureland-1 Advpinball sim Advtf7hirem Aegean voyage AEGEANVO Af simulator Af2 Afiendimpact Afighter8mils Afighters 4fe AFIM PL Afl boulder dash Africa gardends Africa gardens Africa nera African adventur African safari [ AFRICANA AFRICANS Aft simultr(ts) After the war -1 After the war p1 After the war p2 Afterforever AFTERMAT Aftermath 2 [pe Aftermath c64cg Aftermath [c64cg Afterw2 [va] AFTERWOR Agent - trainer Agent 909 pp Agent orange Agent orange yf Agent orange [we Agent orangepic Agent usa ii Agent usa [dsg] Agent usa3kvr Agent x ii 1 [j AGENTORA Agricola Ah diddums [rnd] Ah diddums [spee Ahdiddumsspeedy Ahido3pwfxavt Ahoi pie empori Ahuntress intro Ahuntressfx[ ] Air plane lander Air rescue i [ma Air support [abc Air traffic cont Air-raid preview Aircop 2000 2 [ AIRCOP20 Aircop20002lru Airline Airline minianl Airline [aek] AIRSUPPO Airwof ii stl AIRWOLF Airwolf Airwolf 2 Airwolf 2 docs Airwolf 2-1 Airwolf ii 1 [z Airwolf ii ice Airwolf ii [yeti Airwolf [abc] Airwolf, Airwolf-1 Airwolf2 rem Akat Aknakereso Aknakereso [ ] Akropolis rfo AKSJEMAR AL THE F Al the fish- hc Ala Albatros 2ori Alberts dr0mori ALCAZAR Alcazar [1103] Alcazar [abc] Alcazar, Alcon 2 [pudwer Alcon2 pudwerx Aldebaran Alderan 1 epic Alert previafl Alert prv scstr Alf Alf Alfabet Alfredo's parkin Alfredos parking Ali baba flt Alice ALIEN Alien Alien 2 Alien att6tbt Alien attack Alien attack Alien attack 1 Alien attack2 Alien blast Alien blast dlx Alien comm iii Alien commando Alien commando 2 Alien ii pic Alien jff Alien k 2 Alien k1triad Alien killgods Alien optical Alien panic Alien panic [sci Alien rescue Alien s9hirem Alien smashtg Alien syndrome Alien, ALIENATO Alienator 3 [m] ALIENNEW ALIENPAN ALIENS Aliens Aliens(uk)2whw Aliensmash3tlf Alioth All of rambo All risks ALL-AMER All-amerbbils Alle negen Alle negen Alley cat Alley oops ALLEYKAT Alleykat, Alleykat-1 Alleykat-2 Alliance fbr Alliance fln ALLIGATA Alligator ALLOYRUN Alloyrun 2 [hot Alloyrun [l] Alloyrunabyss ALLTHEFI ALMAZZ Almazz [swat] Almazz, Alohohltest Alpha command Alphoid Alpine tram ride Alr101%agile Alsmash4laser Alsoccercensor Alt world games Altair 4 Alternative Packer 1 1 Alternative Packer 2 Alternative Packer 3 ALTMINER Amadeus gcf AMAUROTE Amaurote jct Amaurote, Amazing mtriad Amazing spider-m Amazing Spiderman ,The AMAZINGS AMAZON Amazon Amazon warrior [ Amazon woman Amazon women Amazon2 100%[l] Amazon3(pal)]h[ AMAZONWA Ambassador Ambheroes [m8] AmbitionWWE Ambush Ambush [donald d AMC Amc 3532 Amc-1 Amc-2 Amerbasketesm America cup sail AMERICAN American 3d pool American footbal American ftb American tag-tea AMERICAS Amexpress ctx AMOBA Amoba [l] Amoba [l]-1 Amoeba prv c Anal Scanner Analyzer 2tat ANARCHY Anarchy prof13 Anarchy, Anarchy-1 Anarchy5hirem Anarchyrugby wc Anasthasia- c Ancient Tale, The Ancipital Anders limpar so ANDROID Android aldi Android ctrlts Android ii ANDROMED Andromeda conq Andy capp Andy capp ikari Andy capp [ikari Andy capp5 r-1 Andy capp5 rem ANDYCAPP Angels' boulder ANGLE Angle dytec Angle flt Angle hit Angle trc Angle(dd)vision Angle(pal)hyst Angle2 wow Angle2fx glory ANGLEBAL Angleball Angleball [ikari Angleball [ts] Angry ninja 1[m] Angry ninja inst Anights5hirem ANIHILAT Animal match Animate Animated strip p ANIMSTRI Aniso triad Ankh Anl thai boxing Anl werner Annaconda3xray Annals of rome Annalsromtriad Annihilator ii Annihilator ii [ Annihilator [sci Annihilator3c Announce Anoria ii twg Another dysp Ant attack ANTATTAC Anteater2tri-1 Anteater2triad Anter-planter Anter-planter [s Anthrsexadvtrb Anti wwe Anti100%msi Anticihilator Antihypeexult Antiisda9maldi Antiq 97 ANTIRIAD Antiriad Antiriad 3 Antiriad 4 rem Antiriad r Antiriad, Antiwar demo Antrock prvc Antrockfixa Apache gold Apache heli-xpb Apache raid [sof Apb final ctx Ape craze Ape craze-1 APECRAZE Apex prv[ ] Aplanter2d[no] Apocalypse dns Apocalypse now Apocalypse now Apollo 14 prv[ ] APOLLO14 Appcider spider APPLCIDS Apple cider Apple frenzy Apple frenzyfcs APPLECID Appleciderspider APPLEFRE Apydialuft[xyz] Aqua Aqua race [wmc-1 Aqua race [wmcs] Aqua wmcs Aquablasta rbl AQUANAUT Aquanaut [ts] Aquanaut+ Aquanauttr Aquantor hyst AQUAPLAN Aquaplane Aquariumscallop Arabian knights Arabian nights ARABIANN ARAC Arac [computerbr Arac, ARACHNE Arachne ii Arachne [abyss] Arachne [tdf] Arachne, Arachtl ARAKNIFO Araknifoe ARASHI Arc of yesod Arc of Yesod, The Arcad clac64cg Arcade cfxafl Arcade classic Arcade classic-1 Arcade classic-2 Arcade classics Arcade extrav Arcade party 199 ARCADECL ARCADEFL Arcadia Arcadia 64 [han Arcadia-1 ARCADIA6 Arcana Arcana 1 [ccgg] Arcana cccg Arcana-1 Arcflisimpan Archduelgulas Archeologist due ARCHETYP Archetype 4avt Archipelago Archipelago [abc Archipeligo ARCHON Archon # cpv Archon 2 Archon 3 exciter ARCHON I Archon ii Archon iii - exc Archon, ARCHON2 ARCOFYES Arctic antics Arctic hunt Arctic shipwreck ARCTICAN ARCTICSH Ardok hawk Ardok hawk-1 Ardy the aar Ardyaard Area 13 fxtroep ARENA Arena empire Arena football Arena fx [succe Arena, ARENAFOO Arex Arftbl[com]tbt Arg Argon 1 [hawkso Argon hsi Arhena the amaz Arise Arjon hsi Ark iintscts Ark pandora Ark pandora [isc ARKANOID Arkanoid 2 Arkanoid 3 Arkanoid 3 rem Arkanoid cfo Arkanoid i v2 Arkanoid ii Arkanoid iiflt Arkanoid v3 1 [ Arkanoid, Arkanoid2sonics Arkanoidmaster Arkatrax ARKNOID3 ARKTYCZN Arm reichtlf ARMADA Armada 1 [power Armada pwr Armada rti Armada, ARMADAPR Armadeus dlx ARMAGEDD Armageddon Armageddon man Armageddon man [ Armageddon-1 Armageddon3tbt ARMAGEDM Armalyte ARMOURD ARMOURDI Armourdillo Armourdillo [hot Armourdillo-1 Armut reichtum Army days 2 [av Army days 3avt Army men Army men tbt Army moves 1flt Army moves 1htl Army moves 2flt Army moves 2htl ARMYMOVE Arnie 2 Arnie 2 2fxarm Arnie picactive Arnie [active] Arnie2fix emp Array Is Born ARROW Arrow head Arrow of death Arrow of death Arrow [sci] Arrow, Arrowhead ARROWOFD Arscet [e] c ArseDekadence Art of china[a] Artax Artax4 Artax4 rfo Artemis ARTHEMA Arthema prv c Arti902brutal Artic shipwreck ARTILLER Artillery '90 4 Artillery 4xtc Artillery drem Artillery duel Artillery duel-1 Artillery ikari Artillery [sci] Artillery'90 ddt Artillery'90nei Artillerysci Artrisfix afl ARTURA Artura, Artura-1 Arun noteagile Asapera3hions Asbest asdf asd[doesnt work] Asgard Asgard ikari Ashido #pwgdn Ashido docs avt Asm97Report Asmyr Aspar gp 4 tbi Aspar gp maste ASPARGPM Aspiderman bz Aspiderman [l] Aspiderman[c] Assassins prv Assassins-v2 [o] Assault mach'86 Assault on memor ASSAULTC ASSAULTM Asscourse [l] Asscourse3it Astec tomb Asterix Asterix and the Asterix doxxts Asterix obelix ASTERIX' Asterix8role Asterixbeam-sof Asterixtrainer ASTEROID Asteroid lander Asteroids 3c Asteroids 64 Asteroids blaze Asterwartroep Astral attack Astral zone Astral zone [fra Astro blaster Astro blaster [s Astro chase Astro chase [jed Astro pilot [der Astro-mine prv [ Astroblaster ASTROBLI Astroblitz ASTROCHA Astroids ASTROMAN Astronaughtfbr Astronaut Astronaut fbr Astronomy ASTROPIL Astrostorm role Asylum [ccs] Asylum,d64 At the beach[ts] Ata - revengexc Atahscs Atak s1hiaxe ATALAN Atalan Atalan, Atc f4cg Atc flt Atcontrl ATF Atf, Atfdigital inte ATG Atg onslaught ATG PLUS Atg plus1 ons Athena 1 [triad Atlantic patrol ATLANTIS Atlantis Atlantis mdi Atlantis tlf Atlantis xen Atlantis zen Atlantis, Atlantis-1 Atom ant 2 [tal Atom ant doxvsn Atom ant mr-1 Atom ant mrc Atom ant4m vsn Atom ant5 fox Atom anti 3 ech Atom X ATOMANT ATOMIC H Atomic handball Atomic isle Atomic-handball Atomica omega8 ATOMICHA Atomino Atominopwd ATOMX Atphkaratecmm Attack force Attack of the -1 Attack of the mu Attack on windsc ATTACKOT Atv sim rad Atv simulator Atv simulator 1 ATVSIMUL Atwrestlngtsm Auf wied monty Auf wmonty#htl Auf wmontyhtl AUFWIEDE Augdogdad3dl Augdoggie6m8q Augdoggief4cg Auggie d5m Auggie dpic Augie dog2[ils] Augie dog3[l] Augie doggie4v AUGIEDOG AURIGA Auriga [1001] Auriga, Aurora orion Aus rfootbcen Auto mania AUTOMANI Automania1 cmm AUTORENN Autorennen AUTOSALT AUTOTEST Autotest3fxnei Avalange Avalange AVENGER Avenger Avenger 1986 Avenger 2blz Avenger, AVOID AVOID'EM Awa100 [exl] Awakener, The Awari Awari Awiedersmhtl Axel b22lapd AXIENS Axiensikaridcs AZTEC AZTEC CH Aztec ch3irem Aztec challeng-1 Aztec challenge Aztec challenge Aztec tomb [sci] Aztec [tci] Azteca lbs AZTECCHA Aztecdatamostt AZTECTOM B B - idefix B bobble [ne] B E A M B JACKS B NIGHT B O PLAN B uzal ikari B's nghtmredrm B-1 BOMB B-1 bomber game B-1 bomber game B-ball prv[afl] B-bobs 100% vsn B-idefix B-raid htl B.c. bill Baby blues 3 [a Baby blues2c Baby blues3dtc Baby jack 4 Baby jack3 [] Baby monty 1 Baby monty dns Baby of can guru Baby of canguru BABYJACK BABYLON Babylon 4bros Babylon prv2 ep BABYLONF BABYOFCA Bac pac Baccarat Baccys Nightmare Back to nature Back to reality Back to reality Back to the futu Back- gammon Backga1efxori BACKGAMM Backgammon Backgammon chall Backgammon1ori BACKTOFU Bad cat [legion Bad previewts BADBALLS Badballsfixafl BADCAT Badlands BADSTREE BAFFLO P Bagdad [sci] BAGITMAN Bagitman, Bagitman1 Bagitman1 cmm Balakon raid Balakon raider BALAKONR Ball barricade Ball barricade [ Ball bhikari Ball blasta Ball crazyhtl Ball fever [visi Ball game lnei Ball game [v] Ball job dmx Ball land trc Ball trc Ball-fever4scs BALL-LAN Balla bprvafl Balla bprvc BALLBLAS BALLBLAZ Ballblazer Ballblazer rem Ballblazer v2 Ballblazer [crac Ballbooster Ballbooster c BALLCRAZ Ballcrazy htl Balldemo BALLETJE Balletje balletj Balletje Balletje! Balletje de lu-1 Balletje de luxe BALLFEVE Ballfever 2pan Ballfever4scs BALLGAME Balliard c BALLISAT Ballisation-c Ballist picctx BALLISTI Ballisti x [ex] Ballistix 3532 Ballistix ctx Ballistix pic Ballistix tcom BALLJOB Balloon Balloon b v Balloon chtl Balloon rescue Balloonacy prv Balloonacy24h Ballooncy prv[o] Ballooning [m] Balloonpv4lxt Balls dl Balls tbt Balltris BALOON Baloon hunter 3 Balronline Banana d piss Banana drama Banana jns6tbt Banana jones6t BANANADR Bananadr, Bancers and Mash Bandage, The Bandana city Bandana city [sc Bandit [sci] BANDITS Bandits, Bandits4 rem Bang mash4mgen Bang'n'masharc Banger racerdom Banger raceremp Banger racerprs BANGERRA Bangers and mash BANGERSA Bangmash1tf Barbaland2gls BARBARIA Barbarian cprdi Barbarian jnr2 Barbarian p1flt Barbarian p2flt Barbarian part 1 Barbarian part 2 Barbarian [psygn Barbarians why Barbarjrob Barbaros burp Barbaros troep Barbaros ^troep Barmy builders Barmy builders Barney telftwg Barrel Jumping Barricade2 Barricade2 [$] Barrier system Barrier system [ Barry mcguigan w Barumble [tbc] Base 3 Base attack-[ ] BASEBALL Baseball Baseball world Baseball, BASIC IN Basic pinball Basil 2 [tpi] BASILDON Basildon bond Basket Master Basket master 1 Basket mastfac BASKETBA Basketball Basketball gods Basketball [707] Basketball [sect Basketballsa BASKETMA Bastard Bastard prv [ ] Bat attack BATALYX Batalyx, Bath time Bathroom chaos BATHTIME BATMAN Batman 1 [ikari Batman part 1 Batman part 2 Batman, Batman-1 BATMANJO BATMANPE Batshipntscrr BATT EAR Battfieldikari Battlchoppertdt BATTLE B Battle bars hit Battle barsc Battle barstrc Battle bound 2 Battle c Battle droidz Battle field [ik Battle foase Battle itcom Battle khaosblz Battle of bri Battle of britai Battle of midway Battle prvc Battle ship Battle shipsrdi Battle star god Battle stations Battle stations Battle thru ti-1 Battle thru time Battle valley Battle valley [z BATTLECH BATTLEFI Battlefield BATTLEOF BATTLEPL Battleplanets BATTLESH Battlesh, Battlesh-1 Battleshhirem Battleship Battleship (Fred Phreaker) Battleship modem Battleship scs Battleships no Battleships! Battleships3[f] Battleship[richt BATTLEST BATTLETH Battlethroug Battletrance 3 BATTLEVA BATTLEZO Battlezone [bad Battlezonebad-b Battshipsphi-1 Battshipsphinx BATTY Batty hi no Batty [dominator Batty, Battyrad Bauernp- pets Bauernskat Bay street s Baywatch fortres Baywatch nights Bazair Bazair 3 laser Bazair 3 [zenit Bazair rti Bazooka b6r-1 Bazooka b6rem Bazooka-billtlc BAZOOKAB Bbattle 1 -ex- Bbfof dom Bbfof oase Bbird's funhouse Bblast2fxtrp Bbrosonamission Bbrothersfbr Bbuilders2cpv Bbusters rad Bc bill Bc bill dc Bc's quest ii Bcars2 Bcbill Bcbill-1 Bcrhi[crapd] Bcs river raid Bdalienikari Bdash 50 urine Bdash brutalo Bdash col2cmm Be all end all Be Happy Beach blanket vo Beach comult Beach head 3 Beach head [the Beach head3 Beach volleyball Beach-head Beach-head dbt Beach-head4r-1 Beach-head4rem BEACHBUG BEACHCOM Beaky 2 dr Beaky and the eg Beam Beam 5 [ikari] Beam 5ikari Beam rider Beam [dominators BEAMRIDE Beamrider Beamrider [2703] Bear bovver cas Bear bovver [239 Bear bovver [sof Bear george Beardsley soccer BEARGEOR BEAST PR Beastiality Beastieb Beat it! (Jammin' II) BEATBALL Beatball, Beatball2fxmir Beatball5 [x] BEAUTY ELA Bedlam 1 [actua BEDLAM M Bee 52 2 [amnes Beelzebubbht Beep boy 64- [o] Beer belly burt Beer Belly Burt's Brew Biz BEERBELL Beerstation Behind front Beicepalacefbr Bekketre-nl Bellringer Ben Benji - space re Berend botje Bert the bug bit BESIEGED Besieged [motiv Besieged [o] Best IN 1987 Betrayal nei Better dead+htl Better deadhtl BETTERDE Beynight run Beyond the ice p Beyond, The Bfootballrfo Bheads2 [lsd] Bheads5 bomz Bheads6fx#dom Biathlonnor Biblehntsc rr BIFF Biff 1 Biff trc Biff, Bifffix empire Big apocrti BIG BEN Big ben 1984 Big bird Big mac Big mac [239] Big mac [sci] Big nose6 Big nosehsvsn Big nuadv[xf] Big sleaze htl Big Sleaze, The Big t in china BIG TOP Big tr docstlc Big trouble#trd Big troubletlc Big troubletrd BIGBEN BIGBIRD Bigdealg BIGFOOT Bigfoot it Bigfoot rip it Bigfoot rnd BIGGLES Biggles iidynam Biggles tune BIGKO BIGMAC Bigmomma 26fts Bigmomma3 frt Bignose 1 [f4cg Bignose usa ]h[ Bignose2 [v] Bignose2fxnei BIGNOSES Bignoses usa adv Bigtop barney BIGTOPBA BIGTROUB BILBO PR BILLIARD Billiard pgm Billy postman BingBong Bio ninja Biological warfa Bionic granny Bionic ninja Bionic ninja+ BIONICGR Bionninja 3 Bionninja3xds BIORITEM Bird mother [l] BIRDMOTH Bismarck gerbb Bismark no Bit exorcist-1 h Bit maps boingp Bit2fxavtlnx Bit3fx101[rsi] Bitexorcist6[d] Bizarre BIZYBEEZ Bj Bjuv2k Black belt pic Black edBML BLACK FR BLACK HA Black hawk Black hawk 2 jo Black hawk [slan Black hawk-1 Black hawk5rem BLACK HO Black jack Black jack 2tbt Black jack btk Black jack ii tb Black knight Black knightdom Black lamp Black light [l] Black lightning Black pearl Black pearl scs Black pearl [ ] Black tiger pic Black tower twr Black wyche qrt BLACKADD BLACKBOX Blackbox, BLACKHAW Blackhole 2lop BLACKJAC Blackjac, Blackjack Blackjack 2 tlf Blackjack htl BLACKKNI BLACKLAM BLACKMAG BLACKPEA Blackpool tower BLACKSHA BLACKTHU Blackwntscc BLACKWYC Blackwyche BLADERUN BLADES1 BLADESHO Bladeshot prv ex Blagger goes h Blagger goes h+ Blagger hollyw BLAGGERG Blakhole2 lop Bland iifx[m8] Blast ball1ddt Blast fest Blast fest urnie Blast top Blastapede BLASTBAL Blastballikari Blaster 2 [l] BLASTERO Blasteroids 1 [ Blasteroids 1-1 Blasteroidsika BLASTERS Blasters legend Blasters [inc] Blasters [l] Blasters [l]-1 Blasterusaphx Blaze romik soft Blazer [htl] Blazer1[htl] BlazeRomik Software BLAZINGT Blball cosmos Blbaron4p xtc Blib blob ax Blightningzap Blinky 2 Blinky's 2inc Blinky's 8 -sx Blinky's pic-sx Blip blop Blip! - Video Classics BLIPBLOP Blitz3k plus4fx Blitz3k4fix[ ] Blitzfix -rpk- Blitzfix rpk Blitzfxtalavt Blob Blob 3 [ ] Blob 5hiflt Blob4hfix avt BLOBBER Blobber 4ikari Blobber, Block busters Block f1f bor Block game [o] Block man 64-[o] Block out BLOCK'N' BLOCKB P BLOCKBUS Blockbuster2 lx Blockbusters Blockbustershtl Blockhopper3ad Blockrockeyslt Blocks hi [ ] Blocks1hfxlxt Blond blubht BLOOD AO Blood hand prv t Blood note ex Blood prv excess BLOOD RU Blood2 prv exces Blood3fix ex Blood3hizfxlxt Bloodhand6 kvr Bloodhandfix af Bloodhandfxafl Bloody stars prv Blopper Blown away 50- BLOWNAWA Blox dytec Blox scstrc Blox [ ] Blthunder2 gp Bltumble troep BLUBRIA Blue bar5px-r Blue baron2arc Blue baron4p m8 Blue enc2 btk Blue max Blue max 2001 Blue max 2001-1 Blue max-1 Blue max10 rem Blue moon Blue print Blue thunder Blue thunder-1 Blue-dim3fix[m] Bluebaron4 [ ] BLUEMAX BLUEMOON Bluemoon dfas Bluemoon [sty] Blues BLUETHUN Bluey blob ii 3 Blumen garden Bm picyforce Bmanager Bmanager 94 Bmanager iital Bmania2fixfa Bmusicwod Bmwcboxkvr BMX Bmx forraceori BMX FREE Bmx freest [d] Bmx freestyle BMX II E BMX II S Bmx kidz 3 [sol Bmx kidz6chr-1 Bmx kidz6chrem Bmx ninja Bmx ninja-1 Bmx ninjaikari Bmx racer ii Bmx racers Bmx si ii db ddt Bmx sim ii opt Bmx simulator Bmx trials Bmx trials hi-1 Bmx trials hino Bmx-stunts BMXNINJA BMXSIMUL Bmxsimulatorrem BMXSTUNT Bndash3[sweet] Bnightprvlxt Bo guran Bobby bearing BOBBYBEA Bobix prv [ ] Bobsleigh Bobsleigh twg Bobsleighptwg BOBSWINN BOCCE Boccef4cg BODEGA P Bodega prvf4cg Bodo illgner-a- Bodsquad prv BODYSLAM Bodyslam-2 Boeing-727 Simulator BOEING72 Boersenspiel Bofh Bofh beta triad Bofh4 dlx Boggman Bogue 26 .b0b Bogue 26 b0b Bogue6 .b0b Bogue6 b0b BOING Boing 2 ddt Boing ori Boing pandora Boing-bo Boing2 it Boingmaster rr Boingonline BOLO II BOMB Bomb chase Bomb chase previ Bomb fusion 1 [ Bomb fusion rip Bomb jack Bomb jack ii Bomb jack ii++ Bomb mania [ ] Bomb runner Bomb squad 3fx Bomb squad l64 Bomb squad3tbt Bomb, The BOMBAMAD Bombamad prvdmx Bombchase f piss BOMBER Bomberfix ils Bomberman 3 [m] Bomberman90%acp BOMBFUSI Bombfusio2nato Bombfusion oase Bombi 2e afl Bombi afl Bombi tlf BOMBJACK Bombjack ii [dan Bombjack ii [sir Bombjack iitg Bombjack, Bombjack3hir-1 Bombjack3hirem Bombmania 3flt Bombmania prv sc Bombmaniafx dtc Bombmaniakblxt BOMBO Bombo 1001 Bombo [ccs] Bombrunner3c Bombsweep elxt BOMBUZAL Bombuzal dct Bombuzal f4cg Bond BONDUELL Bonduelle s fd Bone cruncher3 BONECRUN Bonecruncher Bonecrusher[ts] Bongo BONKA Bonka, Bonka-2 Bonka2hikevlar Bonzo Booga boo BOOGABOO Book dead front BOOM Boom pal 7jwr Boom [pal] epic Boombbenny-[ ] Boomerang BOOST Bootcas BOOTLEGB Booty Booty cpv Bop'n rumble Bop'n rumple BOP'N'RU BOP-N-RU Borderwartroep Bored to death 2 Born2bewild Borza Borzak BOSCONIA Bosconian Bosconian 1 [ik Bosconian [ts] Bosconian+ Bosconian-1 Bosconian-2 BOSS Boss, The Botkiller dlx Bottle budepic Botunivers[l] Bou ball Bouheads 6dom BOULDER Boulder dash Boulder dash afl Boulder dash col Boulder dash god Boulder dash i Boulder dash ii Boulder dash pro Boulder dash xvi Boulder dashea Boulder-inst BOULDERC Boulderd Boulderdash con Boulderdash ii Boulderdashgods BOULDERH BOUNCE Bounce it 4pan Bounce it2 dtc Bounce, Bounce100%emp Bounce2 dytec BOUNCEIT BOUNCER Bouncer 1 [brai Bouncer 1 [m] Bouncer2 xtc BOUNCES Bounces rem Bounces rem-1 Bounch -tri-1 Bounch -triad Bouncheads4ns BOUNCHIN BOUNCING Bouncy carsafl Bouncy fix c BOUNCYCA Bouncycars2rr Bound .[ ] Bound [ ] BOUNDER Bounder, Bounheads3c Bounty bob Bounty h iv prv BOUNTYBO Bowlen BOWLING Bowling champ Bowling ii Bowling night Bowling triad BOX SIM Boxauto1 cmm BOXES Boxes prv c Boxes2 demonix Boxing mpvf4cg Boxmania 2gulas Boxworld[sweet] Bozo's night out Bozos night ou-1 Bozos night out BOZOSNIG Bparty1988 by academybyterapers Bracer c Brain d2-intro Brain d2fixc Brain sfixafl Brain spasm acy Brain spasm c Brain straintnd Brain-picyionix BRAINSPA BRAINSTO Brainstorm prv m Brainstormfir Brainwar troe-1 Brainwar troep BRAINWAV Brainwave Brainwave ult BRANDS Brands delux-2 BRAVESTA Bravestar Bravestarr-2 Brdisease [a] Brdmotherburp Break ball Break ball [d] Break dance Break itfixc Break through Break thru Break-in Breakb50 [csi] BREAKDAN BREAKDOW Breakdown4mils BREAKER Breaker xades Breaker [htl] BREAKFAS BREAKFEV BREAKIT Breakout crunch BREAKSTR BREAKTHR Breakthru Breakthru in 3d Breath4[%] Breathalyzerc BREEZE Brian bx 3d hf Brian c Brian jack chall BRIANBLO Bride frankflt Bride of BRIDEOFF Bridgeton Bridgeton tbt BRIGHTON Brighton strand Briliant Briscola htl BRISTLES Bristles, British slcsi BRITISHS Brix Broad street Bronx medal dtc Bronx001 Bronx002 Brotharms2-fbr BROTHERS Brothers iafbr BRSTMPRV Bruce lee Bruce lee 1 [em Bruce lee 2 [fa Bruce lee [proby Bruce lee-1 BRUCELEE Brutal Board Brutal Party Bsquad fix[psi] Bthat planeori Bthndr5fixrnd Btl china f4cg Bttf softrunner Bubbdizzy4scs Bubbernp'fxbmw BUBBLE BUBBLE B Bubble bobble Bubble bobble-1 Bubble bobble-2 Bubble burst Bubble d5 hit Bubble d6scs Bubble diz5vsn Bubble dizzy5v Bubble it [#] Bubble j gulas BUBBLE P Bubble prv triad Bubble trouble BUBBLEBO BUBBLEMA Bubbles Bubbles triad BUBBLETR Bubblez Bubblybob Bubbobble8rem Bubdizzy1 tat Buble bobbledec Buccaneer Buck rogers Buck rogers BUCKANEE BUCKROGE Buckrogers6 kvr Buckrogers6kvr Buddha zu bodhna Buddy bubble BUDDYBUB Buergermztroep Buffalo bill Buffalo roundup Bug blast Bug blitz BUGBLAST Bugbomber2pflt Buggy boy Buggy boy rich Buggy boyhirem Buggy boytpi BUGGYBOY Buggyboy100%twb BUGSYPAR Build it2m lru Build ithdytec BUILDIT Bulderjones Bulderjones aldi Bull's eyezhc BULLDOG Bulldog, Bulldog-2 BULLET Bullet fx c0d BULLSEYE BULLY BULLY'SD Bullys dartsils Bumble bee mp Bumble bee [dutc Bump-em pinbal Bumpin buggy Bumping buggie-1 Bumping buggies Bumping buggies! BUMPINGB Bunches of m#26 BUNDESLI BUNGELIN Burgenkampf Burger riot Burger timeinte BURGERTI Burgertime Burgertime3dhf Burnin rubber BURNIN'R Burny v10js Burt tbugtriad Bushido Bushido [l] Businessmanf4cg Busta v10 previ Butcher hillbust Bute 6 tbt Bute pictbt Buzz off(abc) Buzzard ramjets BUZZARDR BUZZOFF Bvalley5hirem C'est la vie C-F Adventure C.I.A. Adventure C.I.A. Agent 009 C5 Clive C64 golf Cad-Cam Warrior CadCam Warior [mod] Caesar the Cat Cairo Connection, The Caitan Call Me Psycho CALLMEPS CALVIN Calvin game ts Cambogia 2 chr Cambogia 2 [dyn Cambogia2ntsc c Camel trophy-2 Camelot warrio-1 Camelot warrior Camelot warriors Camelot-warrior CAMELOTW Camelotw, Camels in space CAMELTRO CAMOUFLA CAMPAIGN Canals of mars Canals of mars Candy bandit CANDYLAN Candyman- [o] Candyman- [o]-1 Cannon craze 3fi Cannon fodddlx Cannon gd CANNONRI Cannonrider Canoe race lru CANOERAC CANYONSO Capdynamo3ils Capt America in Doom Tube Captafizz5tal Captain america Captain cactus Captain d c Captain d2c Captain dynamo Captain k2fx[d] Captain kidd Captain kidd[no] Captain Power CAPTAINA CAPTAINC CAPTAIND CAPTAINF CAPTAINK Captive Captive-1 Captstarl pwr Captu2 102%3ad Capture 2 doxx Capture 2 excess Capture afl Capture fix avt CAPTURED Captured 3 docs Captured grb Captured, Car wars 2 3[m] Card landfxavt CARDGAME CARDRIAN CARGO Carnage 8 [prid Carnage2 [a] Carnage2fix [a] CARNIVOR Carrier comctx Carrier command Carry on laughin CARWARS CASANOVA Casanova fbr Cascade excess Cascade [ex] Case of the Mixed-up Shymer, The Cash grabinc Cash-bash CASHMAN Cashman Cashman [ ] Cashman, Cashman2 avt Cashman3 dytec Casino king CASINOKI CASINORO CASTLE Castle batt[xf] Castle belmar Castle dmx Castle master 1 Castle master[ ] Castle master[-1 Castle of doom Castle of doom Castle skullord Castle terror Castle terror CASTLE-Q Castle-quest Castlede CASTLEMA Castlemasternpm CASTLEQU CASTLESO Cat and rat prev Cat game gods Cat splat 2 [m] Cataball2laser Cataball3 dsh Cataballhtl Cataballstl Cataclysm CATAPULT CATASTRO Catastrofe Catastrophebu-1 Catastropheburp CATCH Catch 2 empire Catch empire CATCH II Catch ii3dytec Catch it -2 Catch mefx afl Catch2fix lx-1 Catch2fix lxt Catcha trooper Catchem wdr Catchmefix afl Catchp gls Catrat prv role Catrat5fixtwg Catwb Cauldron Cauldron 25rem Cauldron ii Cauldron ii-1 Cauldron4 rem Cauldronii#no Causes of chaos Cav of eriban Cav of sillahc Cave 112 troep Cave fighter Cave fighter bb Cave guennie Cave raid Cave raid hyst CAVE-GUE CAVEBALL Caveball prv [l] CAVECLIM CAVEFIGH CAVEGUIN Cavelon Cavelon 1 cmm Cavelon ii Cavelon ii phs CAVEMAN CAVEMANI Cavemania3mrnd Caveners eriban Cavern of khafka Cavern raider CAVERNRU Caverns eriban Caverns o'Khafka CAVERNSO CAVESOFI Caza Cbomber- 3c Cc deluxe [ ] Ccause13hr-1 Ccause13hrem Ccave grdtbt Ccircus3p [d] Ccircus7hirem Cclimberfis Ccomets3hirem Cd invaders flt Cdiamond cavt Cdirector 2[m8] Cds wordsearti Cdwarr4 laser Cdynamo3mep-1 Cdynamo3mepic Ceasar the cat Celebrity front Celler, The Cellrator htl CELLULOI Celluloid4 c Celtix [ ] CENTIPED Centipede Centipede [239] Centipede2 rem Centrepods Centric prv ons CENTRIPO Centripod gods CENTRO'S CENTRON CENTROPO Centuri CENTURIO Centurionsc64cg CESAR Cesar c Cesar f4cg Cetimiex ori CFDEMO CG HALFP Chain reaction CHAINREA CHALLENG Challenge golf CHAMELEO Chameleon v2 Chameleon[pc] CHAMP 3D Champ 3d sc Champ sprint Champ sprinthtl Champbaseball % CHAMPION Championship Jet Ski Simulator Championship Jet Ski Simulator (Hack) Championship Jet Ski Simulator [duplicate] Champsprintflt Changed Channel4 CHAOS Chaos fingame Chaos Land Preview edition Chaos Lands Chaos road2 rr Chaos xr Charhouseori Charlatan CHATERPI Chchester3dtc Cheap skate Cheap skinc Checkers Cheeky Twins III Cheeseb2gothic Chernobyl#cmm Chero4fx afl Cherry dash exce Cherry dash [ex] CHESS Chess champ tjc CHESSMAS Chessmaster 2000 Chessmaster2000 Chevalier blz Chevychasetsm CHICAGO Chicago 30shtl Chicago ob Chicago ob-1 Chicago's 30 Chicago's 30 ad Chicago's 30+ Chicago's 30fu CHICAGOS CHICKEN Chicken Race preview edition Chicken race3ad Chicken3 dn CHICKENC Chickenfx avt Chickenrace-axe CHILLER Chiller, Chiller2 rem CHILLYWI CHIMERA Chimera Chimera d Chimera part 2 Chimera solution Chimera+ Chimera, Chin juggler China clan CHINAMIN Chinese juggler CHINESEJ Chip factory Chip of the line Chip war fcs Chipwar [fcs] Chitaown Chof the gobots CHOLO Cholo, Chomp chomp Chopfix [abyss] Choplifer CHOPLIFT Choplifter Choplifter 1 [5 Chopper 1 triad Chopper command Chopper demo CHOPPERC Choppercikari Choppercommand-1 Choppercommander Chopperh 23tbt Chopperhunt ii3 ChorusDDG Chr-editor anm Christmas Demo Chromewave Chronic the badg Chsnookerscs CHUBBYCH CHUBBYGR Chubgristles8 Chuck norris Chuckegg4hrem Chuckegg4h[no] Chuckie egg Chuckie egg lt CHUCKIEE CHWAT Chwat fix f4cg Cia adven Cibertman Cine prv3 lxt Cinvert2- [wr] Ciphoid 9 Ciphoid 9(jabba) CIPHOID9 Circlesquestoat and tim Circletwist 2 CIRCOPOL CIRCUIT Circuit1 [m8] Circus circuss8 Circus gamesnfi Circus [twgi] CIRCUSAD CIRCUSCH CIRCUSGA Cischeat3f4cg CISCOHEA CITADEL Citadel adv [l] Citadel ins Citadel tal Citadel2 [ ] City bomber City c[bros] City fighter CITYATTA CITYSURV Ciuffy Ciuffy docs Cj in usa 2s Cj in usa2scs Cj in usa2[lsd] Cj's 42 pal [ ] Cj's-42pal[ ] CJS4 Clabatnball[o] Classic adv Classic torion CLASSICS CLASSIX Classix csilru Claymore castl-1 Claymore castle Claymorgue castl Clean up service Clean-up time Cleanup s-trp Cleanup time CLEANUPS CLEANUPT Clearout bored Cleo t'dog 2rr Cleo the dog 23 CLEVERS Cleversmartshd Cliff hanger CLODERUN CLONE Clone Clone, Clone5 dytec Clone5mfixemp Cloud k3m [l] Cloud king2f Cloud king4xds Cloud Kingdoms 3++ Cloud strike CLOUDKIN Cloux ensign Cloux fix f4cg Cloux laxity Cloux tlf Cloux [ ] CLOWNS Clowns joy Clowns [239] Clowns [antirom] Clue master it Clue master [l] CLUEDO Clueless a3tbt Clueless adv tbt Clueless adv3 t CLUEMAST Clueso dlx CLYSTRON Clystron2fxemp Clystron4 chr Cman4h100%3ad Cmaster1#cmm Cmintro100%lru CNID Cnoidii2laser Co co Co-axis5fixlxt Co-DemoSTARIONLEVEL99 Cobayasnaru[t] Cobforce5 mow COBRA Cobra, COBRAFOR Coc5 exc Coccinellatriad COCK'IN CODEHUNT Codename-mat ii Cohan's land COHEN'ST Cohens towers Coherentlight Coil cop Coillusion2[l] COINEDPR Coinedprv afl COINQUES CoitusOrigo Dreamline Cokraifxf4cg COLDITZ Colditz intscs Colditz success Colee prv3f4cg Collapsar2 3ad COLLAPSE Collapse trs Collection 1 Collins [m8]lnx Collisionstroep Colonel's house COLONIZA Colonization prv COLONY Colony htl Colony-2 Colony2 Color l Color maniaf4cg Color-mania axe Colora 2fixavt Colora triad Coloris- laser Colormania pldox COLOROFM COLORS Colors [ ] Colors [rad] Colossus 20 Colossus chess Colossus chess 4 Colosuss anl COLOUR B Colour bind htl Colour of magic Coloura4fxavt Colourationlxt Coloured Coloured4dytec Coloured5fx[ ] COLSCN COLUMNS Columnsfx[do] Com directortf ComaJob Oxyron Crest Combakery4r-1 Combakery4rem Combat lynx Combat lynx max Combat School Combat zone dom Combat zone[ts] COMBATSC COMBATZO Combinat5pc Comdirectorscl COMET Comet prv [va] Comic bakery COMICBAK Coming Coming Soon COMMANDO Commando 3 s Commando 86 Commando 86rwe Commando abc Commando ii Commando libya Commando, Commando5hir-1 Commando5hirem Commercial Town Commkuwaittpz Commodore Soccer Company director COMPARE Compare 2fx m8 Compare23fxafl Compare2fx[m8] COMPLETE Complete bastard Complete Computer Fireworks Celebration Kit, The Compod Music Pack COMPU-TA Compunet Compunet 7 gp Compunet rip gp Compunet5[ddt] COMPUTER Computer killer 2 Computer Yahtzee Computrivia CONCORDE Concorde, Concours hipique Coney island [cf Conflvietcodes Confused CONFUZIO Confuzion theme Confuzionlaser Congo bongo CONGOBON Connect 4 [ff] Connect 4 [ff]-1 Connect the dots CONNECT4 Connect4fixlru Connectfx c Connection - Gravity Connection moz Connection trc Connectn CONQUEST Conquest crown Consto 2triad Contact Demo CONTACT DEMO ENT Contact us magicans Contact- Contcircusram Continentcircus Contra CONTRIBU CONVOY Convoy raid scg Convoy raider Convoy Raider insturctions Convoy raider+ Convoy raiderbb CONVOYRA Cookie eaterhtl COOKIE-E Cool gamesbored Coops Up COPS Cops3 4 100%rr COPSANDR Copsrobb3cmm Copsrobb5abs Copterduel3twg Cordiego CORE Core, Corman Corx racersacr Corya iii trp Coshero2ef4cg Cosine warflame Cosinecoaxis5m COSMIC Cosmic 1 Cosmic 2 Cosmic Bizness COSMIC C Cosmic carpers Cosmic Causeway II Cosmic commando Cosmic commando Cosmic commandor Cosmic convoy Cosmic convoy [s Cosmic hero Cosmic pirates Cosmic split Cosmic tunnels Cosmic Tunnels, The Cosmic tunnels-1 COSMICCA COSMICPI COSMICSP COSMICTU Cosmonout COSMONUT Cosmonut [goonie Cosmos '98 dns Cosmos 3000 gls Count duckit Count, COUNTDOW COUNTDWN COUNTERF COUNTSCA Cowboy kidz 2 [ Cowboy kidzddt Cowboykidz2inc Cowpat Frisbee Cowpat frisbeer Cpavingzenith CPX-BOOT Cpx-booty CPX-CRYS Cpx-CrystalCastles CPX-FIRE Cpx-FireOnePlus CPX-HAPP Cpx-HappiestDayOfLife Cpx-HHeadbeanger CPX-LADY Cpx-LadyTut CPX-SKRA Cpx-Skramble CPX-SPAC Cpx-SpaceInvaders CPX-STAR Cpx-StarFirePlus Cpx-Streetsurfer CPX-THES Cpx-TheSentinel CPX-WIZA Cpx-WizardryPlus Cr kingdomnei Crab grab [o] Crabyx Crack bad Crack it drive CRACK-UP Crack-uppiclru Cracker league Cracker v2 prv m Cracker's reveng Crackers rev5 Craft Craft2 br Craft2 gulas CRANMORE Crantor CRASH Crash balltroep Crash garbage Crash Race Crash, Crasher 6laser Crasher [ddt] Crasher4 c Crasher6[laser] Crazy - the mine Crazy business f Crazy Bytes Crazy car4m [] Crazy caveman Crazy climber CRAZY CO Crazy coaster Crazy comets Crazy comets-1 Crazy kong Crazy pavin Crazy paving Crazy paving 1 CRAZY PR Crazy prev[afl] Crazy sample ii Crazy-mcfxf4cg CRAZYBAL CRAZYCAR CRAZYCAV CRAZYCOA CRAZYCOM Crbros4 laser Crbusiness-[o] Creaction3abs Creaper Creaper dox CREATORS Creators revenge Creatures 2 iffl Creatures iiils Creautres 2-eni CreepozoidsWWE Creepspread [o] Creepspread2[o] Crescendo CRESCND1 CRESCND2 Crest's Pacman Cribbage master Crick crazyhtl Crick matchhtl CRICKET Cricket 64 Cricket captit Cricket intc Cricket masrti CRICKETC CRICKETI Crillion Crillion (duplicate 2) Crillion (duplicate) Crillion II Crillion II (duplicate) Crime and Punishment Crisis Mountain Crisis Mountain (duplicate 2) Crisis Mountain (duplicate 3) Crisis Mountain (duplicate) Critical Mass Critical Mass (duplicate 2) Critical Mass (duplicate) Croak (obscenity) Croak (obscenity) (duplicate) Crocodile Down-Under Croll Ship Croscirfxafl Cross Invert II Cross Invert II (duplicate) Cross It Cross It (duplicate 2) Cross It (duplicate 3) Cross It (duplicate 4) Cross It (duplicate) Cross It II - The Revenge Cross Link Depacker Cross Racer Cross Racer (duplicate) Crossbow Crosses & Cirkels Crossfire Crossfire (duplicate 2) Crossfire (duplicate 3) Crossfire (duplicate 4) Crossfire (duplicate) Crossfire Chicago Crossroads II - Pandemonium Crosswords Crown Crown Rebellion Crown Voyage Crucible Crucible [fe] Cruel Zone Crunch Point Crush Game Editor Crypt (documents) Crypt, The Crystal Castles Crystal Castles (duplicate 2) Crystal Castles (duplicate 3) Crystal Castles (duplicate 4) Crystal Castles (duplicate 5) Crystal Castles (duplicate) Crystalcave Crystalcave Deluxe Crystals of Carus, The Crystals of Carus, The (duplicate) Crystals of Zong CRYSTAPO CSA- Intro Cruncher CTR Sonix 3 CTR Sonix 4 (adult David remove) CTR Sonix 5 CTR Sonix 6 CTR Sonix 7 Cube Heads Cubic Cubin' Cubin' (duplicate) Cuddly Cuburt Cue Boy Cue Boy (duplicate 2) Cue Boy (duplicate) Cup Challenge Cup Final Cup Football Cup Football (duplicate) Curse of Sherwood, The Curse of Sherwood, The (duplicate 2) Curse of Sherwood, The (duplicate) Curse of Volcan, The Custer Cut-In Cut-In (duplicate) Cuthbert in Space Cuthbert in the Tombs Cuthbert in the Tombs (duplicate) Cyberball Cyberball +2 (Cyberball hack) Cyberball +2 (Cyberball hack) (duplicate) Cyberdyne Warrior Cyberdyne Warrior (duplicate 2) Cyberdyne Warrior (duplicate) Cyberdyne Warrior +3 (Cyberdyne Warrior hack) Cyberdyne Warrior +3 (Cyberdyne Warrior hack) (dupe) Cyberiad Cybermen Cybermine Adventure Cybernator Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 2) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 3) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate 4) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (duplicate) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine +++++ (Cybernoid hack) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine +++++ (Cybernoid hack) (dupe) Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine DOX (Cybernoid hack) Cybernoid 2 Picture Gallery Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack) Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack) (duplicate Cybernoid II - The Revenge + 100% (Cybernoid II hack)(duplicate2 Cybernoid II - The Revenge +3 (Cybernoid II hack) Cybershot Cybertron Mission Cybertron Mission + 100% (Cybertron Mission hack) Cyberwing Cyberwing +4 (Cyberwing hack) Cyberworm Cyberwormz Cyberzone Cyborg Cyborg (duplicate) Cyborg 2900 Cyborg 2900 (duplicate 2) Cyborg 2900 (duplicate 3) Cyborg 2900 (duplicate) Cybotron Cybotron (duplicate) Cycles Cycles (duplicate) Cyclon Bomb Cyclon Bomb (duplicate) Cyclone Preview Cyclones Cyclones (duplicate) Cyforce One Cylon Zap Cylu Cylu (duplicate 2) Cylu (duplicate) Cyrus Cyruss II D o t e 2 ddt D r o i d s3[m] D sharkikari D t supertest D-BUG D-idefix Da flackering Da wombles2vsn Daedalus triad Daily doubf4cg Daley thirem Daley thompson's Daley thompson-1 DALLAS DALTO Dalto lions Dam busters DAMBUSTE Dambusterswho Dame Dame [engl] s Dammagic2rem Dammen Damned prv f4cg DAMNEDPR Dan cooper Dan cooper htl Dan cooper Dan dare Dan dare 22rad Dan dare 2rad Dan dare 3 3gp Dan dare 37ddt Dan Dare II Dan dare ii do-1 Dan dare ii docs Dan dare ii pic Dan dare iifs Dan dare iii Dan dare iii 8 Dan dare instr Dan dare pic Dan dare picfox Dan dare picture Dan dare-1 Dan dare-2 Dan dare-3 Dan dare-4 Dan dare-5 Dan dare6 fox Dan daretwa Dance fantasy Dancing monster DANCINGM DANCOOPE DANDARE Dandare jr DANDY Dandy triad Dandy [hotline] Danger DANGER A Danger h v- Danger hv-c Danger mouse Danger mouse 2 Danger mouse in Danger ranger Danger ranger [b Danger! High Voltage [Preview] Dangerm2 Dante's i3rem Dantes inferno b Dantesin Dapo Mix20CC Dare devil den Dare devil den-1 Dare devil denis DAREDEVI Daredevil dennis Darifix engafl DARIUSHA Dark cosmostrp Dark empirerdi Dark Packer 3 1 Dark prison Dark side Dark side-1 Dark sky op Dark star Dark tower ftm Dark tower [m8] Dark tower(abc) DARKDUNG Darkest roadavt DARKs*** DARKSIDE Darkside 100% Darkside ts Darkside, Darksword 4 [ ] DARKSYDE Darksyde out DARKTOWE Dart 180 Darth vader DARTHWAD DARTS DARTS CH DARTZ Dartz fbr Das Haus Des Magiers Das Leere Grab im Moor Das unfreiwerbe Das wortspiel DATER Dater, The Dattack2h [o] DAVID'SM DAVIDS M Davids midnight Davis cup Dawn omummyapg Dawn patrol mcl DAWNPATR DAY Day light out Day the univ d DAYAFTER Days of th3532 Daysofth Dball22fixc Dbl crotch f4-1 Dbl crotch f4cg Dcolours[l] Dcryst100%f4cg DD Ddigger2fixtwg Ddistress 2[m8] Ddragon preview Ddt burp De erfenis De ontsnapping De'sign 3 [o] De'sign3fixlxt DEACTIVA Deactivators Dead alivikari Dead head2 [o] Dead mans e hh Dead or alive Dead or alivespirit Dead ringer fcs Dead ringer(fcs) Dead zone 1-2 Dead-r-aliv[ts] DEADENDE Deadenders rti Deadlevil2ils Deadly Deadly crystals DEADLY E Deadly messafl Deadly messenger Deadly mfxhit Deadly racer [o] Deadly rain 3hi DEADORAL DEADRING Deadzonetr Deaevil2dytec Death cubes sks Death dealertwg Death glorytcs Death maze Death race 64 t Death ridefbr Death star Death wake(s-2 DEATH-RA Death-race htl DEATH-VA Death-valley Deathdream ii DEATHINE DEATHORG Deathorglorykvr Deathracefbr DEATHRID Deathride Deathridetwgi Deathsca Deathscape DEATHSTA Deathstar-2 Deathwiii3r-1 Deathwiii3rem Deathwishtop Deathzone [fe] DECATHLO Decathlon Decathlon rem Decathlon rem-1 Decathlon-1 Decathlon-2 Deceptor DECLEM Declem fan Declem100%hf Declem4 dn DECSTONE Decstone2scs DECTON Decton5[laser] Deep space Deep space [soft Deep strike Deep strike4dr Deep strikefbr Deep void - [x] Deep void prv ex Deep voidfix hi Deep voidfxhit Deep zone dns Deepseasalvage Deepseasalvage-f DEEPSPAC Deer huntob DEFCOM Defcom 1 [d] Defcom pic Defcom triad Defcom [triad] Defector prvciv DEFENDER Defender+ Defender, Defender-1 Defenders of the DEFENSIV Defensive Defensive pv[o] Defensive- [l] Deflector DEFLEKTO Deflektor Deflektor Deflektor 3532 Deflektor dct Deflektor [the s Deflektor++++ Deflektor5h[no] Deflektor6hrem Defof earth [l] Defuzi33fxlxt Defuzion 1 [o] DEFUZION 21 [O] Defuzion 21[o] Defuzion 3 prv r Defuzion 3 prv v Defuzion 3 prv [ Defuzion 3-2c Defuzion3prv rol Deja Vu Delectation-lxt Delirious9 DELIVERA Deliverance [pc] Deliverancegp Deliverancehtl DELTA Delta htl Delta info Delta mission v2 Delta mk iipe Delta Patrol Delta plane Delta scf Delta tr Delta v11(tfg) Delta [1001fp] Delta [tiger sof Delta(srg) Delta, Delta-1 Delta5hz [cpv] Delta9hi# rem DELTAFIG DELTAMIS Deltatraintls Deluxe monopoly Dem con set [pe] Demigod Demigod [exile] Demigood legend DEMO Demo of a nameless game Demo-8 pin tbt DEMOLITI Demolition cs Demolition tli Demolition# tli Demon attack Demon attack-1 Demon blue %gen Demon blue3gen Demon blues Demon blues [ ] Demon bluesc Demon bluesvsn Demon blues^c Demon kiss2htl Demon knightgfs Demon's kbc Demon's kiss Demonmis Demons kiss ddt Demons of topaz Demons oosi-c- DEMONSKI Demonskiss3it DEMONSOF Demonstration DENARIUS Denarius, Denarius-1 DENEB Deneb htl Deneb pic htl Deneb [d] Deneb [d]-1 DENGA Denis through th Dennysquest ab Der kl hobbit DERBY DA Derby day Deri colour DERICOLO Des magiers Desert front Desert front [cf Desert ha3cmm Desert hawk Desert race Desert war6b0b DESERTDU Desertduel-2 DESERTFO DESERTHA Desperado Destattack3[m] Destination 91 DESTRUCT Destruct 2 [inx Destruct ikari Destruct [ts] Destruct, Destructo Destructohtl DETECTIV Detective Game, The Detective wow Detective [ff] Detective [ff]-1 Detektyw Detonators Detonators4m[a] Detonators6exl Detonators7vdv Detroit invpvi DETROITI Dev revenge2cl Deva blowgulas DEVASTAT Devblow 2 [g] Deverstblowtlf DEVIANTS Deviants Deviantsm3532 Devil's g4t3ad Devil's wheel DEVIL'SW DEVILSRE Devolator13dom Devons airebb Dfalcon2drive Dfr cheatctx DHAT DI'SBABY Di-tris nei DIABLO Diablo, DIAMENTY Diamenty fix[a] Diamenty ipt DIAMOND DIAMOND Diamond hunter Diamond jones ii Diamond mine Diamond, DIAMONDD Diamondm2k3rvs Dicdiamonds666 Dicky's dt[xf] DICKY'SD Dickydiam2dhhf Dickys diamonds DICTATOR Dictator Dictator [sci] Die alien pic[-] Die alien [-] Die erbschaft 2 Die hard ddt Die hard2[ddt] Die hard6 [d] Die Pyramide Die pyramythrfo Die slime2 tal DIE-INCH DIEALIEN DIEPYRAM Dig dug Dig dug-1 Dig dug4 rem Dig dug4 rem-1 DIGDUG DIGGITS Diggitsfix emp Digi-Mix One DIGIDRUM Digits previw[m] Digits ripp [m] Dimension-x fort Dinky doo mr DINKYDOO Dinkydoo softwa Dino eggs Dino eggs5 rem DINOEGGS Dinorace wwe Dioroidfix hit Dip diver3bomz Diplomac Direct d pvafl DIRTYMOV Disc-o-veryscs Disc4hitmen Disco party vol2 DISCOVER Discoverytriad Disk-o-very3v Dithousefxe DITRIS Ditris, DIZASTER Dizblasterdcs Dizzy - prince o Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk! Dizzy 1 2 cmm Dizzy 2 1 cmm Dizzy 3 1 cmm Dizzy 4 2 cmm Dizzy 5 2 cmm Dizzy 6 2 cmm Dizzy 7 2 cmm Dizzy dice v Dizzy dtr3cmm Dizzy fantasy wo Dizzy ikari Dizzy panic tsm Dizzy poty2acr Dizzy poty2c Dizzy rapids[l] Dizzy yolkf2v Dizzy yolkfolk Dizzy3 pic Dizzy33ittsm Dizzy7 DIZZYBUB DIZZYCRY DIZZYDIC DIZZYDOW DIZZYPAN DIZZYPRI Dj puff's vcda Dj pufffixnei Django bloods Django c Django music ax Django [sav] Djihad chess Djlocker [m8] Djones3fixtrp Dkingdom picbz Dkingdom xr Dkingdom5cmm Dmaze 1k Dmaze1k blazon Dmess2fxf4cg Dmessange2lxt Dmidt cpv Dna warr 2htl DNAWARRI Dnawarrior2htl Do not disturbeWWE Do thund Doc destr flt DOCDESTR Docter j sfc Docthede DOCTORWH Dodge city Dodgeball 2 tbt DODGYGEE Dof hazardtdt Dogfight2187-2 Doing Damage Dolphin force Dominator-m [l] Dominatorikari Dominefortress DOMINION Dominion [no] Dominion, Dominiondom Domino Domino 2h hit Domino 64 Domino tb Domino troep Dominoes '88 Dominoes [o] Domplay3ikari Don't be anafl Donald duck Donald duck's Donald herobros Donald the hero Donald the hero+ DONALDDU DONALDTH Donkey donggods DONKEY K Donkey k5hrem Donkey kong ii Donkey kong jr Donkey kong jr DONKEYKO Dont Forget Dont get angry m Dontbeangryfix Dontmissbyterapers DOOM PRE Doom preview [o] Doom prv [f4cg] Doom vally6tbt Doom world htl Doom6 b0b Dor glorybilbo DORIATH Doriath [softrun Doris3fix [ ] Dot pic3532 Dotearth2opt Dothunder i-1 Dothunder it Dothunderi-1 Dothunderit Dotn2 rr Dots dlx DOTY Double Action Double falcdr Double take Double take cfo Double takehtl Double-tr dlx Double4fix lxt DOUBLEBR Doubledragonmusicsbyterapers DOUBLETA DOUBLETR DOUGHBOY Doughboy htl Doughboy htl-1 Downhill racer Dpryolk emp Dr j Dr mad 3 avt Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide [duplicate] Drachentoettwg Draconus Draconus++ Draconus-1 Draconus3h[cpv] Draconus5hirem DRACSTER Dracula Dracula adventur DRACULA1 DRACULA2 Dragcave 3d-1 Dragcave 3ddt Drago f DRAGON Dragon hawk Dragon hawk-1 Dragon ninja Dragon's kingdom Dragon, Dragon, The DRAGONFI Dragonhawk Dragonhawk5r-1 Dragonhawk5rem Dragons den [ant Dragons kingdom DRAGONS-TOWER DRAGONSD Dragonsden DRAGONSK Dragonskmflt Dragonskulle DRAIDER Drak Drakingdom4bz Drakingdom7[p] Draughts[tbtff] Draw poker Drd dreamsfs Drdestruc6pdhf Dreadnought Dream ballc0d Dream prv [chrom Dream rt f4cg Dream warrior Dream1 Dream2 Dreamcarshilxt Dreamcarslaxity DRELBS Drelbs, Drelbs-1 Drelbs3 rem Dreraider2c Dreraider2c-1 Drfoster Drfoster 4c Drfoster-scs Driller Driller[sharks] DRINKDR Drip 4pw axe Drive fx [tbt] Drivelogobyterapers Driven99 Driving test Drkingdf4cg Drkingdom2dtc Drkingdpicdtc Drmad3mfixavt Droid dreamsrad Droid dreamsts Droid3fxempire Droids Dropdown3fxlxt Dropper fix[ ] DROPZONE Dropzone '84 Dropzone, Dropzone3 tal Drraider2bomz DRUID Druid 2 Druid 5hi 2ny Druid ii ikari Druid moon [fbr] Druid7hi rem Druids Druids moon mcg DRUIDSMO Drunk and lameWWE Drunk100%fix[m8] Drunkenball101%f Drwho Drwho2 Dshoot3hirem Dslayer-action DSNKII DSP PRV Dt-super test Dtonator3fxemp Dtrbl3fix emp Dtrbl3ntscemp DTUD Dual Cassette II Dual1024lap-da Dualstrike crs Duck ahoy Duck dun Duck shoot Duck shoot-1 Duck shoot-2 Duckgame Duckpark pal [n] Ducks ahoy Ducks ahoy-1 Ducks ahoys8 DUCKULA DUCKULA Duckula ii4 [ ] Duckula ][2arc Duel Duel strike[] Duel [ ] Duel, The Duelcedo1 DUELSTRI Duelstrike pan Dukes of hazzard Dumi100%3fix hi Dumi5fix avt Dumi5fixavt Dump prv dor DUNE II Dungeon4fxc Duo blaster koi Duomato fixf4cg Duonoid laser Duonoid xr Duonoid2triad Duotris Duotris dytec Duotris exc Duotris [x] Duotris-1 Duotrishi cmm Dwarf, The Dwarriorfxavt Dwarrior[xds] Dycp Dynambenchemp Dynamic duo may DYNAMICD DYNAMITE Dynamite dan Dynamite skier Dynamix fbr Dynamix inc Dynamix Music Dynamix tcom Dynamixhikari Dynamixtr Dynamoid fan Dynamoiddynam-1 Dynamoiddynamix Dystopiafix[m8] E E-idefix E-motion E-motion 2 [f4c E-motion 2 [l] E-motion 2f4cg E-motion exc E-motion it Eagle empire Eagle empire+ Eagle's Nest Eagle's Nest (duplicate) Eaglehunt -ucf- EAGLES Eagles htl Eagles n3hitr Eagles nest Eagles rdi Eagles, Eanest8hirem Easter Eat My p**** Eat yer pants ECHOLON Ecstatic Code Ectoplasm fac Ectoplasm kvr Edd duck3x-ray Edd tduck2tb Edd the duck Edd the duck Edd the duckaa Eddie Eddie, EDDIEKID Eds Dream20CC Educk2mfixrnd Efarth intro EFM PRV Efrom arth4dn Egbert Egg catcher 4k Egg cup Egg cup-2 Egg theif-sickne Egg thiefsick Egg-notebyterapers Eggbyterapers Eggcup ikari Eggman burp Ehsoccerikari Eierfeile II HIT Eindeloos Eindeloos Einstein1 htl Einstein2 [ddt] Einstein3 f4cg Einstein4 Einsteinempire Ejac a piss urin Ejac a racer Ejac-a-race aldi ELAROO P ELDORADO Eldorado, Election Elector garbage Electra magic 64 Electric cover Electro world Electron Pinball and Flippers Pinball 2-N-1 Elektra glide Elektraglide Elektraglide-1 Elektrix 3 [tal Elektrix mrs Elektrosmoglxt Elevator action Elevatorpictlc Elf Caper Elicoph aldi ELIDON Elidon+ Elidon, Elidon-1 Elimin-#[sharks] Elimin5[sharks] ELIMINAT Eliminator atc Eliminator pul Eliminator sav Eliminator ^sav Eliminator3xds Eliminatortr ELITE ELITE Elite germanml Elite ikari war Elite, ELITEUPSCROLLER Elon blaze ELVEN WA Elvenwarriorblz Elvin fac Elvira 2 Elvira i Elvira prv c Elvis Emerald mine Emerald mine 2 Emerald mine fe Emerald mineflt EMERALDI Emil3fx [tbt] Emlyn hughes EMLYNHUG EMPIRE O Empire of karn Empire sbcos Empire strback Empirekkk(d) EMPIREST ENCLAVE Enclave, ENCOUNTE Encounter Encounter-1 Encounter3 rem End zone inc ENDLESS Endless, Endracerrelax Enduro racer Enduro racer++ Enduro racer-1 Enduro racer-2 Enduro racer-3 Enduro racf4cg Enduro tls Enduro(inst)htl ENDURORA Endzone Endzone tcom ENERGEM Energy 3 fx [no Energy ikari Energy warrior ENERGYWA Enewyork6mlxt ENFORCER Enforcer htl Enforcer rnd Enforcer scg Enforcer v1, The Enforcer6hiscs Engcivil warc Engcyvil warra Engineer humpty Enigma c Enigma force ENIGMAFO Enter the ninja ENTERPRI ENTOMBED Entombed Entombed 6pdhf Entombed, Eof karn laser Eoroid hi tbt Eoroid200%scs Epsilon4fixemp EQUALIZE Equalizertriad EQUESTRI Equinox Equinox kvr EQUINOXS EREBUS Erebus tr [tlc] Erebus [new star Erebus6hi rem ERECTION Eriban 4hi#no Eriban4hfx#[no] Erik de viking Erik the viking Erik tvikings8 ERIKTHEV Ermonst nato Esc fr paradise Escape doomworld Escape For the Planet of Robot Monsters Escape from arth Escape from ger Escape gfs Escape hi [no] Escape mcp Escape paradise Escape pl flt Escape pulsarc Escape tfreedom Escape to freedo Escape while you ESCAPE2 [O] Escapedungeonc Escapefp ESCAPEFR ESCAPEFT ESCAPEMC Escapepalnetrobo Escape[tbt] Escarth4fxavt Eskimo eddie Eskimo edition Esoccer ch[ils] Espionage atc ESPITAL Et puzzel Eureka! Euro boss [lts] Euro city cops6 Euro footbalnei Euro scf4cg Euro soccer Euro soccerf4cg Euroboss big Euroccops6tbt EUROPAGE Europan European 2 cls European games European iirdi European soccer Evasion cmm Evening starhtl EVENTYRS Everest ascc Everest ascent t EVERYONE Everyone's a wal Everyone's wally Evil crown EVILCROW EVILDEAD EVOLUTIO EWYC PRV Excalibahotline Exceleron Exceleron 2 Exceleronikari Exented gunstar Exod ii magicans Exod magicans Exodus EXOLON Exolon 3 Exolon ccs Exolon mflt Exolon tcs Exolon, Exolon-1 Exolon4m laser Exolon[twgi] Exor Exp titanichtl Expectations 2 Expfist super Exphyper biker Expire2mfixscs Explfisthirem EXPLODIN Exploding fist Exploding fist-1 EXPLORER Explorer tcs Explorer, Explosion [m8] Expraider [htl] Express raider Express-raider EXPRESSR Exptitanic #[q] Exptitanice[q] Expwallfixexc Extend2 dor Exterminator EXTREME Extreme 5 x-r Extreme 8 3532 Extreme 9 [dyte Extreme sharks Extreme8sharks EXTRICAT Eye game Eye of Horus Eye of horus[l] Eye [tri-dos] Eyeris prv F F 1 F fighter afl F-104 F-idefix F.A cup football 1987 F.BERESI KICK OFF F1 tornado F1 tornado F1 tornado pic F15 strike eagle F40 pursuit Fablous Wanda, The Facemaker Faces of Haarne, The Fade out Fade to Black preview FADENKREUZ Fairlight a Prelude Fairlight xcg Falcon Class Interceptor Falcon Dash 2004 - The Big Diamond Falcon patrol Falcon Patrol Falcon Patrol II Falconian Invaders Fall of Rome, The Fallschirmspringen Familiaoa Fast Eddie FASTEDDI FBI-Crew TRCWWE FBR (the legend continues) 1943 mod FBR - The Legend Continues Fdungeons4c Fearless Fred and the Factory of Doom Federation Felix Felix in the factory Fernandez Must Die Ferris's Christmas Caper Fetris Fetz-out II Feud Fflgh Fields Fields of Hades Fields of Hades (the 1st Demopreview) Fields prv Fieldsfix [ ] Fiendish Freddy's Fifteen - AFL Fifteen lepsi Fifth Axis, The Fifth ball Fifth dream FIFTH QUADRANT, THE Fight driver FiGhTeR oF tHe MaRsH Fighter pilot Fighter Pilot Fighting warri-1 Final blow Final blowtal Final Conquest, The - Cargo Run Final Tennis FIND IT (preview) Finders Keepers Fine Tin preview FIONA RIDES OUT FiRE ANT Fire eagle Fire flash Fire king htl FIRE ONE Fire track jc-1 FIRE-GALAXY Firebird Firebug Firefly Firefly2 rad Firelord Firelord6 rem Fireman Sam the hero next door FIREPIT Firequest Firetrack Firetrap Firey fight First Australian Hero, The - The Adventure First Division Manager (soccer First Past the Post First Samurai First Starfighter, The First Strike Firstro Fish Zone Fist fighter Fist+ Fistfullbucks Five a row Five a side Fiveteen Flagfight Flagmania (preview) Flak, Flappy Flare fix Flaschbier 2 Flaschbier II Flex demonix Flight Path 737 Flight path 737 instructions Flight simulator Flik flak Flikflak Flintstones ** Flintstones - Yabba-Dabba-Dooo! Flintstones, The FLIP and FLOP Fliptris Flix triad Floodiym Florbingel Flotsam Flower man flt Floyd of the jungle Fluch des pharao Fly Part III, The Flyer fix ori Flyerfox Flying Ace FLYING FEATHERS Flying High Follow the Sigh Fool's Gold Football director Football director II Football Frenzy Football Manager Football Manager - World Cup Edition Football manager 97 Football Manager II Football Manger 1995 Football Strategy Footballer of the year II Footballer, The Footy Play For speed we need Forbidden Forest Forbidden Fruit Force One Force seven Forced Encounter Foreign, The Forest Raider Forester Forester5 hit Formula 1 Simulator Formula one Fort Apocalypse Fortress Fortress (Duplicate) Fortress Underground Fortuna Kolem Sie Toczy Forward Observer Foto fitter Foton Four by Four Four Team Tournament Four wins Four Years Fourth Sarcophagus, The Fourty five Fox and Hounds Fox fights bac-1 Fox fightsdom Foxhounds flt FRANIC Frankenspicacr Frankenstein Frankenstein (action) Frantic Freddie FRANTIK9 Freak factory FRED (there is grahpic error but made mistake) Fred the fruiter Fred's b24lxt Fred's Back Freedom hyst Freespace 2075 FREEWAY Freiheit FRENCHVE FRENESIS FRENZY Frenzy3 epic Friday the 13th FRIDAYTH FRIGHTMA Frightmare Frightmare-3 Frog ! Frog Jumper Frog Master 64 Frog Run 64 FROGGER Frogger Frogger '93 Frogger (unreleased clone) FROGGER 64 FROGGER II Froggy Goes Splatt Frogs 'n goblins Frogs and Files 64 Frogs and Files 64 preview Frogs in space Front line Front line Front242 Frospi [acc crack] Frost byte+ Frosty the Snowman Fruit machin[ts] Fruitautomaat Fruitbank Fruitmachine Fruitman +3HI Fruitmania+2 Fruitmania+5 f***ing Bytes Fugitive Fun duel Fungus Fungus II Fussball Futura64 alpha 1 Future Future knight Future Race Future Shock Futureforce Fuzzball G-a-m-e-#-2 rap (unknown name) G-Force G-loc r360 Galactic Chaos Galactic Zone, The Galacto Honoris GALAGA GALAGA (coloured) Galaxian Galaxian II Galaxions Galaxis 9199 Galaxis II Galaxy Galaxy Birds Galaxy Crago GALAXYBI Galaxys Galivan Game got no name (preview) Game Master Game masterlts Game of Life Game over Game Over Game Over II Game Over II (access code unknown) Game prev amok (unknown title) Game wnn 1001 (unknown title) Gameo2-1 Gammaron Gandalf the Sorcerer Gangbusters Gangster Gap Man Gaplus Garfield-Big,Fat,Hairy Deal Gary Lineker's Hot Shot Gates of Dawn Part II Gates-Shooter Gateway to Apshai Gatic Honaoras Gatwick Express Gazza's Super Soccer Geebee Air Rally Geisterhaus (don't know name) Genesia Gensis Geo-Marix GeoDestruct Geoff Capes Strongman Challenge Geometric Gerhard Berfer's F1 Quiz Gerloc Gerry the Germ Get it Ghettoblaster Ghost 'n Goblins Ghost Chaser Ghost Driver Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunter II Ghost Hunters Ghost Manor Ghost Mansion II Ghost-Driver Ghostbusters GHOSTHUN Gift Craze Giger Pool Gilligans Gold Gilm Football Gladiator Gladiator, The Gladiators Glider Rider Globetrotter Globetrotter Gloopers Glory Quest Glosor Gnome Go ape [Preview] Go-kart Go-Moku Gobang Gobi Desert Goblin Gobottgi 2096 Gods Boulder Dash Goldrausch Goldrunner [demo] Golf Golf Construction Set GOLFABRA Golff Golum [lizard] Gorbatjo Gordiantomb[l] Gordonstombnei Gordtomb hds GORF Gorf, GORF-SYS Gosa spellmix Gotcha Gotcha s Gotcha tbt Gotcha-1 Gotcha4 gp Gotcha4 gp-1 Gothik Gothik attc3[m] Gothik pic3532 Gothik-1 Gothik-2 Gothik6 3532 GP Report Gp tennisikari Gpcircuit- ns Gpmanager wck Gpyramidfxnot Gr pool ikari Gr prix picexc Gr prix sim 2 Graeme Souness International Soccer Graeme Souness International Soccer (duplicate) Grand Larceny Grand prix 2exc Grand Prix Master Grand Prix Simulator Grand Prix Simulator 2 Grandell island Grandmaster Graphic Adventure Creator Grav [preview] Grave Robbers Gravinauts Gravity GRAVITY 1 [O] Gravity 2 Great American Cross-Country Race, The Great Courts Great escape, the Great escape, the (map) Great Giana Sisters, The Great Gurianos Greatest Greel & Falla Green Beret Greenhouse Greenrunner Gremlins Gremlins - The Adventure Grendel is backbyterapers Grfx-jump Gribbly's day out GRID Grid Trap Grid Zone Grid Zone remix Gridder Gridrunner Grips Ground Snipe Ground-gobeler GRYZOR Guadalcanal GUARDIAN Guess the animal Guesseravtlnx Gull Rush Gulper 64 Gun City Gun dogs Gun Dogs Gun Fighter Gun Runner Gunboat Gunfighter (Fontana) Gunship Gunship (docs) GUNSTAR Gunstar Gunstartlg Gutz pic 3532 Guzzler Gyrofalcon Gyrofalcon (trainer) Gyropod Gyroscope Gyruss H H encounterexa H hoodlum afl H.E.R.O H.E.R.O (duplicate) H4K HACKER Hacker Hacker ii rem Hackman 1bob Hades Hades n2hi[no] Hades nebula 2 Hades nebula2tc Hades ngap Hades1 kevlar HADESNEB Hagar preview-1 Hagar previewgp Hagrsv fix[rsi] Halcyon Halcyon twg Halfway Halifax c Hallax 2 [hotli Hallax zen Halloween dns Halls of death Halls of thcmm Halls of things HALLSOFD HALLSOFT Hammarubi Hammer Hammer And Jarre Hammer boy 2ns Hammer boy2gdn Hammer boy4ods Hammer boy5td Hammer bros[] Hampstead Handicap golf Handicap Golf Handmade HANG HANGMAN Hangman Hangman 2 [ ] Hangman ii v Hangman ii [rap] Hangman, Hangmandeluxeprv Hans kloss Hans kloss Hans kloss2[pan Hans klossars HANSKLOS Hansolo Happiest days Happiest Days of Your Life, The Happiest dflt Happy Birthday Jetan Happy birthday syndrom Happy hackerhtl Haras Harboro c Harboro tbt HARD Hard beat Hard driv f4cg Hard drivin [] Hard drivin' bz Hard drivin' [ce Hard'n'he9rem Hard, Hardball101%rem HARDFIRE Hardhat climber HARDHATM Hardheavy8p[n] HARRIER Harrier attack Harrier attack-1 Harrier attack-2 Harrier attacks HARRIERA Harry at nz2rr Hart hat mack HARTE DO Harte dollar Harvey headb Harvey headbang Harvey headbange Harvey Headbanger Harvey headtwa HARVEYHE Hat trick tpi Hat-trick Hatchet h bts Hatchet honeymoo Hate Hate [hotlin Hate [pulsar Hate! HATTRICK Haunted hause Haunted house Haunted house-1 Haunted house-2 HAUNTEDH Havinfun Havoc Havoc 4 m [l] Havoc4 tsm HAWK Hawk 'x-ray Hawk miii3 [#] Hawk mis23tbt Hawk mission ii Hawk mission'ult Hawk-monsters[l] Hawke song Hawkeye # Hawkeye notes Hawkeye ripanm Hawks 64 Hawkstorm Hazar Hazar nei Hazar-1 Hball 3fixinc Hcopperfixinc He-man triad He-man2 ikari He-manpopeye Head ball 3 [l] Head ball3 it Head coach Head coach nbe Head karatehtl Head oheelsccs Head over heel-1 Head over heel-2 Head over heels Head t ballhtl Head the ball 3 HEADACHE Headache, Headachebb HEADCOAC Headcoach [yeti Headheelrelax HEADON HEADOVER Heart a3hic HEARTLAN Heartland Heartland triad HEATHCLI Heavenbound# [ ] Heavenbound3[ ] Heavy metal Heavy metal delu Heavy Metal Deluxe Heavy metal deluxe (duplicate 2) Heavymetal dlx v HEBEL PR Hebel prvgulas HEIST Hektic 3 [dytec Hektic 6 [chrom Hektic ii6m m8q Hektic2 2fxs-1 Hektic2 2fxscs Hektic4hi lgy Hektic5 byg Hektic5fixmir Hektik Hektik 3 joy [n Hektik 3 no Helden trc Heli command Heli drop 1 [fu Heli rescu3scs Heli squad rti Heli-jump2t3ad Heli-squadmay Helicopjagd tw Helicopter jagd Helikopter jagd Hell Hell f fixc Hell in space HELLDIVE Helldiver prv on Hellfire riffs Hellfire4 fox Hellfire5hirem Hellfire6light Hellfireram HELLGATE Hellgate triad Hellgate4hi no Hellhole4gap Hellhole5h it Hellraid fan Hells bells HELLSBEL Hellzone 23 [m] Helter Skelter Helter skelter3 Heman movi3flt Hengmaennchen HENRY V2 Henry v2 prevhc Henry's house Henry's House HENRY'SH HERBERT' Herbert's run HERCULES Hercules sla-2 Herculesdcsnwa Hero 2020 [p] Hero 2020napalm Hero lv Hero Of The Golden Talisman Hero, Herobotiks Herobotiks (duplicate 2) Herobotix Herobotix (duplicate) Herzogtum Kronland Hexenküche Hexenküche II - Der Kürbis schlägt zurück Hexpert Hi Bouncher Hi Ska Do Hi skado xtc Hideous bill & the Gi-Gants Hideous! High Frontier High Noon High Rise or Three Card Brag High Roller Highway Encounter Hindenburg Hindenburg tbt Hires to Zoom4 Hirnris Hitler-Diktator Hobbit, The Hobgoblin Hockey Mania Hocus Focus Hole in One Holiday Cops Holiday Games Hollanditis Hollywood or Bust Homer Simpson's Tic Tac D'Oh Hong Kong Phooey Hoodoo Voodoo Hoops Hope to Hopp 2 (preview) Hopeless Hoppin' Mad Horace Goes Skiing Hot Foot Hot Pop Hot Shot Hot Wheels Hotfoot II - I'm Walking Again Hotline 3D Pool House Jack built, The House of Usher Hover (not sure of title) Hover Raider Hover Raider (duplicate) Hover! HOVERBOV (unknown title) Howard the Duck - Adventure on Volcano Island HOWZATCR (unkown title and unkown if game ) Htbacb Htlwclass rgby HUBSCHRA (unknown title ) Huddy Hulk Human Race, The Humanoids Humblebug [Preview] Humdinger3 inc Humdingr (pcture only :O) HUMINTRO (not a game ?) Hummdinger (duplicate) Hummdingertcom Humpty Dumpty Meets The Fuzzy Wuzzies Humpty in the Garden Hunchb23hirem Hunchback Hunchback at the Olympics Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge Hungaroring Hungaroring (duplicate 2) Hungry Horace Hunhorace2rem Hunt for Red October, The Hunter Patol Hunter's Moon HUSTLER Huxley Pig Huxley pig 3 [i Hybrid Hypa Ball Hypaball, Hyper Active Hyper Aggressive Hyper Biker Hyper Blob Hyper Circuit Hyper Sports Hyper-Hen Hyperbowl Hyperforce Hyperion II Hyperrace Hypersnake2 (cannot get past title) Hyperspeed Hysteria HYSTERIX [O] I I ball I ball [pc] I ball2 I be a lep dlx I play 3d sc I play 3d soccer I Play 3D Soccer I-alien4 [ts] I-BALL i-Ball - Demo I-ball scg I-wizard I-xera 1 [stack I-xera ecc I.O - Into Oblivion I.O - Into Oblivion (duplicate) Iamborred tempest pal Ice age -scl- Ice busters Ice hunter Ice palace Ice teafx [o] Ice temple Ice temple2[l] Ice titans htl Ice-hocky mtbt Iceblstr4fxtal Icecave c Icecave minigame Icecave ssx Icetea fix ons Icicle works ICICLEWO ICUPS Icups(1941) Iduna prev [ ] Igadget 2 trd Ignaciopretzel logic Ihand fsi Ikari w100%3fx Ikari w8hirem Ikari war3htl Ikari war4flt Ikari warriors Ikari Warriors Ikari wiitriad Ikari's Cookie Eater +++ IKARUS Ikarus 2 seals Ikarus 2 tcom Ikarus c Ikarus dytec Ikarus2 h[mir] Iketa Iketa dytec Iketa3fix[afl] Iketa4excess Ikinava triad Ikplus 2 flt Ilan blazon Ilan [o] Ilan-fix blazon ILLGEN Illusions Ilpo war beyond Im speech IMAGINAT Imaginatonx-ray Imhotep Imhotep-1 Immortal space v IMPACT Impact [hotline] Impact [no] Impact [rad] Imperoid avt Imperoid3fxafl Implosion Implosion-1 Implosionhtl Impmission lt Impmissionjedi IMPOSIBL Impossible miss Impossible missi Impossibubble Impossim Impulsetac Imshi 4 f4cg In Action (cannot get past title screen thingy) In The Chips In the chips (duplicate 2) In the chips (duplicate) In the Year 2525 Inbergen Incagematchfbr IncestByterapersBloodsuckers Incredible egg Incredible eggs Incub8or Indespr Indi jones 3 rip INDIANA Indiana trouble INDIANAT INDIANPO Indoor version Indygheadlxt Infared 2 motiv8 Infared [m8] Infection [o] INFERIOR Infilator 3 INFILTRA Infiltrator p2 Infiltrator [icg Info alien syn Info micro ball Info president Info thrust2twa INFODROI Infodroid not Infs1 blz Inheitasance ii Inheritance ii Inhumanity-3 fix InhumanityIII INIGHT P Inmiddle Inner space dox Input-reversi Ins gadgetikari Insanity Insanity, Insanity2 f4cg Insanity3 triad Insdelta Insect Insector Hecti In The Inter Change Insects 2 [l] Insensetime Inside outikari Inside outing Insideouting Insidoutingtpi Insoba1mfxlxt INSP GAD Inspace2x-ray Inspctr h3[] INSPECTO Inspector Inspgadgettria Instnethearth Instpic ol INSTRUCT Instthunderbolt Int karate+ ++ Int'l tennisi-1 Int'l tennisils Interch tb Interchange (PASSWORDS OLY, not a game) Interchange2ps Intercp afl INTERDIC Interdictorpilot Intergalactic Cage Match Internakarate International -1 International -2 International 3D Tennis International 5 A Side Football International Basketball International ho International Hockey International ic International Ice Hockey (duplicate 2) International Ice Hockey (duplicate) International Sports Challenge International Tennis International Tennis (duplicate) International Truck Racing International Truck Racing (duplicate 2) International Truck Racing (duplicate 3) International Truck Racing (duplicate) Internatoinal Soccer (Computer Rentals Limited) Internkarate+ IntertenniInternational Tennis (Commodore Business) Intihockeyvsn Into eagles nest Into the eagle's INTRO Intro (not a game?) Intro Collection (intro collection for crack compines that make Intro001 Intro002 Intro003 Intro004 Intro005 Intro006 Intro007 INTRODUCION1 WWE (cannot get past some sort of werid screen..I c INTRODUCION3 WWE Introduction Demo II ( I cannot get past title) Intros (collection) Intruder Intruder (duplicate) Intruder The Game Intsoccer 1103 Invader A Lord Invader Shoot Invader [top] Invaders Invaders 64 Invasion aldi (unknown title) Invasive Action Invasive ah-1 Invertus Invertus (duplicate 2) Invertus (duplicate) Invision Invision (duplicate) IO Io 4 100%triad Io jewels IONS-Documents (not game) Ions4m#fixlxt Ions4m#fxflt IQ Teszt Iridis Alpha IRIDISAL Iron Horse Iron Lord (Preview) Ironhand Ironhorseabyss IRONMAN Ironman cenxds Irq Nmi Loader 1 (Not a game ?) IRRGARTE Ishido (preview) Ishido [Preview] (duplicate) Isidoro Island of Dr Destructo, (duplicate) Island of Dr Destructo, The Island of Dr Destrusto, The Island of Spies Isnogud Isnogud (duplicate) Isnogud [twg] ISOLATIO ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere (duplicate) Iss2rawhead Issuar It's a knock out (idk? error, anyways it is a duplicate) It's a knockout It's a nosey (not sure if right name) It's Magic II [Demo] It's Magic II [Demo] (duplicate) Italris Italy '90 Soccer Italy 1990 Soccer ! Itsme (cannot get past crack screen) Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Ivan lendlob Iwo jima Izod pinballtbt J J i J j k Jabcojada Jabcojada [duplicate] Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk [duplicte] Jack Attack Jack Bullet Jack Bullet [duplicate] Jack pot Jack the nippe Jack the nippe-1 Jack the Nipper Jack the Nipper II Jack the Nipper II [duplicate 2] Jack the Nipper II [duplicate] Jack the Pac Jack the Ripper Jack train(fcs) Jackal Jackal (Imagine) Jackal+ Jackel-usa nec Jackpot 64 Jackpot 64 [duplicate 2] Jackpot 64 [duplicate] Jackpot v2 Jackpot v2 [duplicate] JACKTHEN Jagd auf roter Oktober Jagten Pa Bubbers Badekar Jai alai c Jail War Jailbreak Jailbreak (Mastertronic) Jailbreak (Mastertronic) [duplicate] Jailbreak [duplicate] James bond 007 JAMES FL James Fly James fly prv hi James Fly [duplicate] JAMESBON Jammin' Jammin' [duplicate 2] Jammin' [duplicate] Japanese Bird JaqScallop Jasmyne Ronda - Female Agent [Preview] Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble Jaw breaker Jaw Breaker Jaw Breaker [duplicate] Jax Jax [duplicate 2] Jax [duplicate] Jeep Command Jeep Command [duplicate 2] Jeep Command [duplicate 3] Jeep Command [duplicate 4] Jeep Command [duplicate 5] Jeep Command [duplicate] Jeep command-1 Jeep cv2 [tfd] Jeepers creepers Jeremias Ratterflatter Jeremias [d] Jessy The Worm Jesus loves you Jet Ace Jet intro ts Jet Power Jack Jet Power Jack [duplicate] Jet Set Willy Jet Set Willy (Hack) Jet set willy 1 Jet Set Willy II Jet Set Willy [duplicate] Jet set willy-1 Jet set willy-2 Jet set willy-4 Jet v2, The Jet-Boot Jack JETBOY Jetboys Jetboys [duplicate] Jetflight Jetflight [duplicate] Jetpack Jetpack [duplicate 2] Jetpack [duplicate 3] Jetpack [duplicate] Jetrace 2000 Jetrace 2000 [duplicate] JETSETWI Jetski--dock Jewel Chest, The Jewel Chest, The [duplicate] Jhothamia 6 Jhothamia 6 [duplicate] JIMBO Jimbo Jimbo [duplicate] Jimmy's Soccer Manager Jingle hells ccs Jinks Jinks title htl Jinn genie Jinn-Genie Jinn-Genie [duplicate 2] Jinn-Genie [duplicate] Joakim allsta Joakim allstar1 Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium Jodie4ev JOE BLAD Joe Blade Joe Blade II Joe Blade II [duplicate] Joe Blade [duplicate 2] Joe Blade [duplicate 3] Joe Blade [duplicate] Joe Gunn (English) Joe the Whizz Kid Joe [abyss] John playercncd Johnny Reb II Joinpanc Jolly Roger Jonah Barrington's Squash Jordgubb Jori prv ons Joul l l Journey Into SoundTS Journey to earth Jouste Jouste [duplicate 2] Jouste [duplicate] Joystick fodns Jr. Pac-Man Jr. Pac-Man [duplicate 2] Jr. Pac-Man [duplicate] Js willy 2laser JS90 Judge dredd Judge dreddyeti Juice! Juice! [duplicate] Juice, Juke Box Julia ][ [pc] JUMBLE P Jumble prvepic Jumble- success Jump Ball Jump challenge Jump Jet Jump Out Jump Out [duplicate 2] Jump Out [duplicate] Jump! Jump! [duplicate] Jumpin' Cubes Jumpin' cubesc (Duplicate 2) Jumpin' cubesc (Duplicate) Jumping Jack Jumpjack2 lti (cannot get past something) Jumpman Junior Jumpman Junior (Duplicate 2) Jumpman Junior (Duplicate 3) Jumpman Junior (Duplicate) JUNGLE B Jungle Drums Jungle Hunt Jungle hunt (Duplicate) Jungle hunt-1 Jungle Jack Jungle Patrol Jungle Patrol (Duplicate) Jungle Quest Jungle Raid Jungle Story JUNGLE-H Junkyard Jalopies Juno First Jupiter Lander Jupiter lander (Duplicate 2) Jupiter Lander (Duplicate) Just a Game Just a Game [duplicate] Just-art Justforfunjerpanic Jwdarts cech K K-Ring Kactus Kaktus Kalah Kamikaze (Codemasters) Kane Kane II Kaos Karate (unkown title or something) Karate Champ Karate Chop Karate Kid II Karting Grand Prix Kat Trap Katakis Kayleth Kdalgl sm (Play at your own risk, controls not really working) Ke Rulen Los Petas Kellogg's Tour Kendo Warrior Kenny Dalglish Soccer Keno (Comp-u-soft) Kentucky Racing Kestrel - Bird of Prey [Preview] Kettle Key Game KGB Agent KGB Superspy Kick Box Vigilante Kick Off (Anco) Kick Off (I cannot get past title) Kick off htl (cannot get past crack screen) Kick off note (cannot get past something) Kick! Kickman Kicktro (cannot get past title, unsure if game) Kid Grid Kid Grid II - Kid vs. Kid Kid mice3ult (unknown name) Kikstart Kikstart C16 Kikstart II - The Construction Set Kikugi Kill Him (preview) Kill It Kill the Saucers (controls might not be working, as I cannot get Kill your stick Kill Your Stick Killer Killer Piller Killer Watt Killface Killing Fields Killing Machine Killing Zone Kindercomp King Kong King Tut's Tomb Kings Randsom Kings Ransom Kiss Me Kiss of Death Klax Klaxtr Klemens Klepkomania Kljuc Knight Rider Knight Tyme Knightmare Knightmare Knightmare-1 Knock Out Knockout Knoorkie - The Pig Knotie in Cave Knuckle Buster (preview) Koalapainter (unknown game name) Kobayashi Naru Kodann Kodeknacker Koko Kolko Kolo Fortuny Koncept Kong Strikes Back Kongo Kong Kopido Korea Karate Kosci zr c-1 Koshimo (Preview) Kosmic Kanga Krakout Krakout construction Set Krakout Pro Krakout [softnet Krazy Kar Krazy Kong 64 Kredki Krieg um die Krone Kriegungluk Krisp Krisp 1992 Krizci in krozci (unknown name) Kromazone Kromazone htl Kron Kruis Wood Krymini Krymini3fixemp Krypton Krypton (Cp verlag) Ksiega Honorowa (Master Head) Kubus van rubek (unknown title) Kung-Fu Master Kunibert und Kunigunde KYB - Kick Your Brain [Preview] L.A. Police Dept. LA SWAT Labe Me Labe Me Preview Labirinto Labyrinth Labyrinth (action) Labyrinths Lady Tut Ladybug +Hi Lair of the Necromancer Lame Pack V1 Lame Shot Lamer Wars Land of Heroes Land of Oblivion Demo Land of Solaria, The Land of the Giants Land of the Purple Sea Lands of Havoc, The Las Vegas Casino Las Vegas Video Poker Laser Chess Laser Gun Laser Legion Laser Storm Laser Storm II Laser Wheel Laser-Kendo Laserforce Laserstorm3fai Last Fight Last Fight, The Last G Last Mission Last Ninja 3, The Last Ninja, The Last Survivor, The Last v8 3bod Last V8, The Last War Latent +3 Later Preview Laurel and Hardy Lawman +3 Lawn Tennis Lazarian Lazarus Lazer Duel Lazer Tag Lazer Zone Lazer-Force Lazertech Lazy Jones Le President Leaderboard League Soccer League, The Leap of Action Pinball Sim Leaping Larry Led Storm Leer Wereld Legend of Bath, The Legend of Kage Legend of the Knucker Hole Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The [duplicate] Legendary Deeds Legendary Deeds Preview Legionnaire Legions of Death Leisure Suit Leo 2 Soundtrack Lemans Lemonade Let It Rip Lethal Lethal 2 +5 Lethal Combat Lethal Zone +2 Liberte License To Kill License to Kill +7 Life Expectancy Test Life-Term Lifeforce Liga Manager Light Cycles Lightforce Lightphaser Archery Lightphaser Archery Preview Likk It Limbo LIMBO II Linear Lingo Lingos Linking Leroy Linking Leroy Preview Lions of the Universe 2 Preview Lions of the Universe Preview Little Batty Little Duck Preview Little Ghost Kid Little Hat's Maze Little Hero Preview Little Icarus Little Puff Little Sara Sisters Live and Let Die Live From Bonzai Liverpool Living Daylights, The Living Dead Livingstone Load N Play Loco 4 Locomotief 3737 Locomotion Lode Runner Logic Fix Logic [C] Logo-Artshow Fabo Loko-Attack Lomilec SRC Lone Wolf Loogaroo - Werewolf Simulator Looney Balloon LORD MC Lords of Time Lost City Lost Dwarves Lost in the Amazon Lost Maze Lotterie Lotti Love Bazza Love Tramp Luna landa c Lunar Jailbreak Lunattack! Luxor The Moonprince Lyrik Maail Man Macadam Bumper Mad Flunky Mad Games - Darts 180 Mad Monkey Mad nurse Mad Nurse Mad Planets Mad Springs Madball Madballs Madman Madness Madrax Magertris Maggot Mania Magic Ball Magic Balls Magic Carpet Magic Fields Magic Johnson's Basketball Magic Madness Magic Marbles Magic Micro Mission Magic Mouse Magic Rufus Magic Stone Magician's Apprentice Magische Steine Magnetic Magnetron Magyk Mah Jong (dom) Mah Jong (law) Mah Jongg Mah Jongg (duplicate) Majik Malicious, The Mandroid Mangrove Maniax Manic Miner Manky Map Race Marauder Marbloid Preview Mario (LOTR) Mario Bros II (by The Riffs) Mario Bros. III Mario Bros. Preview Mario's Brewery Markanoid Mars Patrol Martians Master Blaster (BB) Master Blaster (SF) Master Chess Master Head Master Mind Master of Magic, The Masters of the Lamps Masters of the Universe Match Match Cricket Match Day Match day 2 Match Day 2 Match day ii [ho Match of the Day Match Point Match, The Matchday 2 Matchmaker Maths Marathon Matrix Matrix Crown Mau Mau Max Headroom Max Torque Maxit Mayday Squad Mayday! Mayhem (scs) Mayhem (tbt) Mayhem III Maze Maze Mania Maze Master Maze Runner Maze Zam Maze, The Maze-Man Maze-Mania Mazer Maziacs MB MC Rat Mean City Mean Machine Mean Streak Mediator Mega Apocalypse Mega Blagger Mega Blobber Mega Draconus Mega Galaxia 7 Mega Jet-pack Mega Phoenix Mega Poing Mega Roadwars Mega Sanxion Mega Space Mega Tetris Mega Triaxos Mega Warz Mega Worm Mega Zynapse Megabrain Megabrain Preview Megaforce Megahawk Megamania Meganova -The Weapon Melee Melt Down Memologie Memomania Memorie 64 Memorix Memorix 2 Memory (Chromance) Memory (Intershade) Memory 2 Memory Bank Memult Mental Blocks Mental Kombat Mental Moons Mercenary (Chromance) Mercenary (T.C.S.) Mercenary 2 - Revenge Mercenary II - The City Mercurious Merlin Mermaid Madness Metabolis Metagalactic Llamas Metal Metal Ball Metal Force Metal Warrior 2 Preview Metallien 2, The Metamorphosis IV Metaplex Meteor Methodos Metranaut Metro Blitz Metrocross Metron Metropolis Miami Chase Miami Dice Miami Vice Mickey Mouse Micro Ball Micro ball dox 2 Micro ball htl Micro Drivin Micro Fighter Micro Go Micro Machine Micro Man Micro Rescue Micro Tetris Microchess Microcosm Microprose Soccer Midway Campaign MIG 29 Mighty Bomb Jack Mighty Mike Mikie Miljoonakeikka Milk Race Milky Weigh Milky Weigh, The Mill Mania Mille Borne Millenium Assault Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The [duplicate 2] Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The [duplicate] Mind Control Mind Games Mindbreaker Mindless Adventure Mindmaze Mindtrap Mindwarp Mine Field Mine Fields Mine Sweeper 9000 Mine Zone Minefield Miner Miner (FF) Miner 1998 Mines! Minesweep Minesweeper 64 Mini Me Mini Munch Mini-Golf Mini-golf tcom Mirage Miser Mishun Preview Missile Blasta Missile Busters Missile Busters 2 Missile command Missile Command Mission A.D. Mission Cobra Mission Egg Mission Elevator Mission Genocide Mission Jupiter Mission Monday Mission Nada Mission Possible Mistero a villa Mistero a Villa Martini Mobster Moby Dick Modulus Moebius Moggy Molar Madness Mole Attack Molecule Man Molla Money Wars Monkey Magic Monkey Match Monkey See, Monkey Spell Monolith Tank Monopole Monopole Ultra Monopoly Monopool Monster Mash Monster Munch Monster Smash Monster Squad Monster station Monsters Monsters and Magic Monsters! Monstrum Montanatbt Monte Carlo Casino Montezuma's Revenge Montrix Monty Mole Monty on the Run Mood Preview Moon Buggy Moon Caves Moon City Moon Cresta Moon Crises 1999 Moon Crystals Moon Flight Moon Madness Moon Patrol (Atarisoft) Moon Patrol 2 Moon Sweeper Moonfall Moonracer Moonraid Moonraker Moonshadow Moonshuttle Moontorc Moose Mordon's Quest Morfix Morpheus Morphicle Mosquito Motocross Racer Motocross v1 Motocross v2 Motor Mania Motorbike Madness Motorcycle 500 Motorhead Motorhead 2 Motos Mountain Bike Racer Mountain Bike Sim Mountie Mick's Death Ride Mouse Mania Move On Movement Moving Target Mr. Angry Mr. Ant Preview Mr. Chip Mr. Cool Mr. Dig Mr. Do! Mr. Do's Castle Mr. Freeze Mr. Mephisto Mr. Robot Mr. TNT Mr. Weems and the She Vampires Mr. Wimpy Mr. Wino Mr. Wiz Mr. Wong Mr. Worm Mravac, The Mrs. Mop Ms. Pacman Muehle Mugsy's Revenge Muhle Multi Player Soccer Manager Munch Munch Man 64 Munch Mania Muncher Munchy Munsters, The Murder Mushroom Alley Music Match Mutant Camels Strike Back Mutant Spiders, The Mutants My Chess 2.0 My House My house tbt Mysterious World Preview Mystery Mystery of the Nile Mystery Preview (Alpha Flight) Mystic Mansion Mystical Mission N.E.I.L. NaCl Najemnik Najemnik-Powrot Nato Assault Course Nato Documents Naughty Nudger Slots Nautilus Navigator Neagox: The Hero Nebraska Joe Nebulus Necris Necromancer Needle in the Haystack Neiw Preview NEMESIS Nemesis the Warlock Neoclyps Neptune's Daughters Nervana Nether Earth Netherworld Neutmare Neutral Zone Neutralizor Never Forget Carmen New York City Next Generation, The - Brothers in Arms 3 Nibbly 92 Nibly Nick Faldo Golf Night Drive Night Mission Pinball Night of the Aliens Night Patrol Night Racer Night Shade Night Wing Nightmare Ninja Ninja (sculptured software) Ninja Attack Ninja Commando Ninja commhtl Ninja commpan Ninja Massacre Ninja Master Ninja Master, The Ninja Pac Man Ninja Scooter Nith1fxlxt No Deep Meaning No Name Game Nodule Nodule Preview Nomad Nomad of Time Noname Preview Nonsense Nonterraqueous North Sea Inferno, The North Star Nosferatu Not Even Human Nova Nova Level Codes Nuclear embargo Nuclear Embargo Nuke Adventure Number Game Number Nabber Numm Nuts Nyaaaah! 2000 Nyaaaah! 2003 Nyaaaah! 3 Nyaaaah! 8 O'Riley's Mine Oasis Shalimar Oberon Obesanje Oblivion Octagon Pinball Octoplex Offical Father Christmas Game, The Ograton 2 Oh no! Oil Tycoon Oils Well Oldskool (a creaters demo october 2001 - not a game) Ole Olie Olli & Lissa Olli & Lissa 3 Ollie's Follies Ollo Ollo 2 Olympic Skier Olympics 2004 Athens Omega Ceti Omega Race On Court Tennis On Cue On Field Football On Ice On Table Preview On the Run - Escape and Evasion Part 2 On-Track Computer Model Car Racing One Man and his Droid One On One Backyard Basketball Oops! Opera House Operation Anomia Operation Cyborg Operation Fireball Operation Fox Operation Hanoi Operation Hormuz Operation Ironhawk Operation Ironhawk (dulicate 2) Operation Lemmings Operation Proboszcz Operation Whirlwind Operation Wolf Operation Wolf Preview Optima Rax Oracle Oracle's Cave Orange Squash Orb Orbit (Fairlight) Orbit (Legend) Orbyt Orc Attack Ori Orion Orion (Dytec) Orion (GP) Orion (GraftGold) Ortotris Oskar Oslo Bors Osmium Ossidoki OTER (The First Invasion) Othello ard Ouch! Ouch! 2 Out Out of Deep Out of this World Out on a Limb Out on the Tiles Outback Outlaw Outlaws Outrun Outtake II Over the Net Preview Over the Top Overlander Overload Oxxonian P B Blast P.P. Digger Pac and Mac Pac-Family Pac-Mania Pac-Mann Pacball Paccie Pacos Pete II Pain, The Painterboy Pair of Memory Pakacuda Pale Moon Pancake Pancho Pand the Sub Pandora Pang! Pango Panic Panic 64 Panic Button Panic Dizzy Panic dizzy c Panic Express Panoramia Panoramia II Panther Panzers East Panzerschlacht Paperboy Paradroid Parallax Parallax (LondonSoft) Paranoid's Empire Paranom Paratrooper Park Patrol Parody Adventure Pass Your Driving Test Passing Shot Pastfinder Pastfinder Patience Patternia Paul's Gamble Machine Paulchen's Schiebung Payday Pebbles Pedro Peewee Hockey Pegasis Pegasus Odyssey Penalty Shoot 'em Up Penetrator Penguin t- c-1 Penguin Tower Preview Penquin Pentagramm Pentron Percy Penguin Perfect Weapon, The Perplex Perplex 1001 Persian Gulf Persian Gulf Inferno Petch Peter Pack Rat Petopoly Phaedra Phantom Phantom Assault Phantom Karate Devils Phantoms of the Asteroid Pharaoh's Curse Pharaoh's Grave Pharoah's Revenge Phase 4 Phobia Phobos Phoenix II Photon-Ranger Phu Pick 'n' Pile Pick Up All Pigs in Space Pilgrims Pill-Box Pilot 64 Pilot Master Pinball Blaster Pinball Power Pinball Spectacular Pinball Wizard Pinfaball Ping Ping pong Ping Pong Ping-Pong Pingo Pipe Pipe Mania Pipeline Rat Pipes Piracy Pirate Adventure Pit Stop 2 Pit, The Pitfall 2 Pitfall 3 Pitfall! Pitstop Pitstop 2 Pixie Pete Plague Planet Attack Planet Force Planet of War Planet Qwarrk Planet Rover Plasm Plasm Preview Plasto Platform Mania Platforms Play a Match Playful Professor Plis Plopp Preview Pluff Preview Plutonium Pneumatic Hammers Pod Poga Pogo Joe Pogo Stick Pogo Stick Olympics Poing (Canetta) Point-X Poker Poker (Hain) Poker 256 Pokern Police acad ii Police Academy Polonaese Poltergeist Pong Pong! Pool 87 Pool Simulator '92 Pool-Billiards Pooyan Pop Quizz POPEYE Popeye 3 Popper Portal Preview Portfolio Poseidon Poster Paster Postman Pat Postman Pat 2 Postman Pat III Pot Fun Potty Painter in the Jungle Power Boat Race Power of Jump Power of Recollection Power Surge Power Surge (duplicate) Powerama Powerball Powerboat Powerdrift Powers of Gloom Ppat iii2 ils Pra-Se Predator II Predator, The Premetel President Pretzel Logic Pride Primitive Ping-Pong Prince Clumbsy Prince Glumsy Prisonball Prizone Pro Boxing Simulator Pro Eorit Pro Hockey Pro Sports Teams Pro Team Manager Simulator Pro-Does Probe-Y Proffesional Speedway Manager, The Proffessional Snooker Simulator Prohibition Project Pimlico Project S.O.L. Project X Prometheous Proof of Destruction Protector Protector II Proto-Type 2 Proton Run Prowler Psi-Droid Psi-Warrior Psycastria Psycho (Aldi) Psycho (Chromance) Psycho Pigs Psycho Soldier Psyco Hopper Psytron Psyxx Pub Trivia Puc Man Pull Pulse Pulsoid Punch and Judy Punchy Punkiller Pure Seed Purple Turtles Push Push 'em Push Em 2 Pushover Putt Putt Golf Puzzle Mania Puzzle Shuffle Puzzlenoid Puzznic Puzznic4 fox Pyjamarama Pyramid Pete Pyramid Puzzle Pythonesque Pytos Q-Bert Joystick in Part 2 Q-bopper Q10 tankb [v] Q10 Tankbuster Qazi the Mega Pinball Simulator QB Qbix Qix Qixunknown Quad Quadra Quadra ddt Quadratareatau Quadrato Quadris Quadris f4cg Quadrix c Quadromania Quadropowervgg Quadtron Fix+ QualofferWWE QUANGO Quango +3 Quantum [o] QUANTUMTR QUARI Quark ix Quartet triad QUASAR Quasimodo Quatrix! Quattro QUEDEX Quedex pic3532 Queens Queens c Quest for Atlantis, The Quest of Kron, The Quest of tires Quest rimmanian QUESTPRO Quick draw mcgraw Quick thinking Quickdraw Quicky QUINTIC Quinx Quiz f1mefxori Quota QUOVADIS Qx-9 Qx-9 (1) R emotions +6 R-NEST R-t u j k R-type R.i.s.k R.I.S.K. R.j.'s ultimatatium R1d1 unit Rabbit pie Racars rti Race against Time ,The Race for s cmm Race with the devil Racing manager ,The RADAR RAT Radar rat race RADAX PV Radciffes r3[m] Radius Raffel Rags to riches Raid 2000 Raid obbayabc Raid over Moscow Rain Forest Rainbow Rainbow chaser Rainbow dragon Rainbow gulas Rainbow runner Rainbow walker Raingame Ralley driver Rally africa Rally speedway RALLYSPE Rambo Rambo 4 blazon Rampage Rampart Ramsack Ranantat Ranarama Random the king Rapid fire Rapid-firec64cg Rasenmaeher Rasputin Rastants Raster runner Rator 2 Ratterflatter Rattler Ravenousdrive Raw recr ikari RAZ PREV Razor Reaction Real scener iii Real Stunt Experts, The Realm Realm of the Undead ,The Realm of Zaroc Realm oi5r-1 Realm oi5rem REARTU' Reaxion REBEL Rebel Racers Rebel [trianon] Rebels, The Rebounder Trainer Reckless Rufus Red alert [abc] Red heat Red heat [a] Red led Red max Red moon Red october Red prv V2 +5 Red200plus5mfix REDMAX REFLECT Rejuvanator Relax Remember Remember fix scs Remote control motion Renaissance RENEGADE F16 Report [ ] Repton 3 RESCUE Rescue m [d] Rescue on fracture Rescue squad Rescue [m] Retro Torque Return of Paul, The Return of the Jedi Return of the Lions Return of the Mutant Camels 2 Return of the space Warriors Return to Oz Reuter's world Revelation Revenge Revenge of doh Revenge of the Moon Goddess Revenge of the toothless vampire Revenge prvlxt Revenge, The REVENGEO Revenger Reversi Reversi gti Reversi x Revobalro Revolution dom REVS Rhaa Lovely Rhythm rocker Rick Dangerous Rick Dangerous +3 Rick dangr3pan Ricochet Rigels Rigels revenge Ring of Power ,The Ring of Power, The RINGOFPO Rings'n'up Ringside boxing Ringwars Ringwars +2 Risk Risk [ntsc]c Risk'tr Risk, River mission +6 River raid Road course Road duels Road toad Road wars ++hi Roadburner 3 Roadrunner +2 Roadrunner 3 ROADWARS Roadwars Roadwars 2 ROBBERS Robbo Robin hood Robin of Sherwood Robin of the wood Robin Smith's International Cricket Robin to rescue ROBOBOLT Robocop iii Robot Robot Raider Robotcop Robotics blazon Roboton Robotronix prv a Roc-O-Shay ROCK Rock n' bolt++ Rock Paper Shear Rock run s***men Rock runnner s***men Rocket Roger ROCKETBA Rockey Horror Show ,The Rockfall ROCKFORD Rockford ROGUE Rogue trooper Roland rat race Roland's Raterace+2 Roland's Ratrace +5 Roll-about Rollaround Rollaround sf Roller ball Roller coaster ROLLERBOARD Rollerboy Rolling thunder Rolling Thunder Rolling twins Rombus attack Romulan attack ,The Roofus - oofray Room ten Rootin' tootin' Ros warriors ROTATE Rough commando+6 Roulette ROUND ABOUT Round the Bend + Round the bend II Round the bend+ Rowdy 2 Rox 64 Rronny3prvx-r Rubicon Rugby - The World Cup Rugby boss Rugby man cls Rugby manager Rugby sim Rugby The World Cup Rugby, The World Cup Ruka Run for gold Run for gold [ho Run, The Runaway RUNESTON Runway 64 Rupert Rupert bear Rupert ice castl Russian toilette Rwars101%ikari RYGAR Ryshka+ 100% S glider S Mario's escape S t o r m S w a t S'words fix[m8] S-g-a S.P.U.D Saboteur ii Saboteur-1 Sabre wulf SABREWUL Sailing Sam's jammy heros Samantha fox Samantha Fox Samber Samber+11 Sammy lightfoot SAMSEQRD Samurai Warrior (Usagi Yojimbo) Santa Claus' Helper Santa xmas caper Santa's Xmas Caper SANTOLUS Sanxion+ Sanxion+2 Sanxionnewlook Sanxiontrainer Saper 3 Saper Man of Iron Nerves Saper prvf4cg SAS COMBAT Sas combat (Duplicate 2) Sas combat (Duplicate) Satan 4destiny Satans hollow Satans hollow (Duplicate) SatisfactionWWE Saturn 10moons Saturn 3 Saucer attack Saucer Attack (Duplicate) Sauerkraut 89 Savage platforms Savage pond Savage pond (Duplicate 2) Savage pond (Duplicate) Savage pond[no] Save gal1ha64 Save Me.Braue Save Me.Braue (Duplicate) Save new york Save New York (Duplicate) Saviour Say No! Say Yes! SAYIT Sbase4194hf4cg Sbrfxavtlnx Scalextr, Scalextric ScaleXtric Scarab Scare bear Scary hall Scary hall tbt Scary monsters Scary School Sceptre of Baghdad Schnuffi's Megamind Schnuffi's Megamind Preview Schupos SCIENCE FIGHTER Scobby Doo (Duplicate 2) Scooby doo Scooby doo (Duplicate) Scooby-doo Scoobydoo elite Scoop!, The Scorpion Scorpion (Duplicate) Scorpion 2 Scorpion 2 (Duplicate 2) Scorpion 2 (Duplicate) Scorpion maze Scorpion Maze (Duplicate) Scorpion prv v2 Scorpius Scortia Scortia # [m8] Scortia (Duplicate 2) Scortia (Duplicate 3) Scortia (Duplicate 4) Scortia (Duplicate) Scout Scout hotline Scr4p 100% [d] Scrabble nato Scracercrazy Scramble Scramble spirits Scratch 1th Screenians [d] Screenplay acs Screenplay info Screwy Screws Scro SCROLLO Scrollo ls Scrolls of Abadon ,The Scrolls of abadon ,The (Duplicate) Scrolls of Abandon ,The (Duplicate 2) Scrspirits [ ] SCS DOM Party Scuba dive Scuba Dive (Duplicate) Scuba kidz Scuba kidz (Duplicate 2) Scuba Kidz (Duplicate) Scuba kidz zen SCUMBALL Scumball (Duplicate 2) Scumball (Duplicate 3) Scumball (Duplicate 4) Scumball (Duplicate) Scumintro2flt Scumm x-ray Scumm intro Sdi dom Sdsnohsp[ex] Se-kaa of Assiah Sea Command Sea command (Duplicate) Sea cresta 1 Sea dragon Seacommfxtroep SEAFOX Seafox (Duplicate 2) Seafox (Duplicate) Search, The Seas of blood SEASIDE Seaside (Duplicate 2) Seaside (Duplicate 3) Seaside (Duplicate) SEASPELL Seastalker SEAWOLF Seawolf (Duplicate) Seawolfe Secret mission Secret of k dox Secret of k pic Secret of kandar Secret of Kandar Secret of Kublaith Secret of St. Bride's ,The Sector Sector 90 Sector 90 (Duplicate) sector90[tfd] Seesaw Seige Selv sugeren Senat Sensitive Sensitive (Duplicate) Senso Sensor Sensorfix [ ] Sentence Sentence (Duplicate 2) Sentence (Duplicate 3) Sentence (Duplicate) Sentinel ,The Sentinel ,The (Duplicate) Sentw6 [ ] September September (Duplicate 2) September (Duplicate) September pic Sequel fixmir Sequel ]h[ Serenade Serenity Serent SERPENTINE Serpentine (Duplicate) Seuck #2flt Seuckworm Seuckworm2 Seymor at the Movies Seymour at the Movies (Duplicate) Sga-2 intro Sgtseymour2[a] Shade moz Shadow dancerdm Shadow skimmer Shadow sktriad SHADOWFA Shadowfax Shadowfire Shadows in the Night Shaft raider Shaft rider (Duplicate) Shaker Shaman 5flt Shamus Shamus case 2 Shamus case 2 (Duplicate) Shamus cmm Shamus ii Shamus, Shangae Warriors Shanghai 1 c Shanghai karate Shanghai Karate II Shanghai warriors Shanghai warriors (Duplicate) Shao Lin's Road Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 2) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 3) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 4) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate 5) Shao Lin's Road (Duplicate) Shaolin Master SHAPETGT Shard of inovar Shards Shark Shark7 lazer Shark7 Sharkz Sharkz (Duplicate 2) Sharkz (Duplicate) Sharkz II Sharrier4hcpv Shatter lands Shatter lands (Duplicate) Shblib and Cheese Shblib and Cheese (Duplicate) Sheep in Space Shellreef Shellshock Shellshock (Duplicate) Sherwood Open Shiftrix Shifttrix (Duplicate) Shifty b intro Shifty Balls Ship, The Shipdox Shizofreniano SHOCKER Shocker (Duplicate) SHOCKWAY Shockway r[wow] Shockway-rider Shoikan Shoikan (Duplicate 2) Shoikan (Duplicate 3) Shoikan (Duplicate) Shoot Shoot (Duplicate 2) Shoot 'em up construction space (Duplicate) Shoot 'em up constructuon set Shoot (Duplicate) Shoot out Shoot out (Duplicate 2) Shoot out (Duplicate 3) Shoot out (Duplicate 4) Shoot out (Duplicate) Shoot out II Shoot the rapids Shoot the rapids (Duplicate) shootout, Short Short Circuit Short circuit (Duplicate) Shortwriter Shotaway 2 Shotgate Shout3fx[tbt] Shove Show Jump Showjumper Shuttle war Shymer Sideborder Sidewalk Sidewalk (Duplicate) sidewalk intrem Sidewalk3 rem Sidewin24xrnd Sidewinder ii Sidewize Sidewize (Duplicate 2) Sidewize (Duplicate) SIEGE Sige Sigma 7 Sigma 74hirem Sigma Seven Silent Down Silent Shadow Silico Silicon warrem silk worm5 rem Silkworm Silkworm Silkworm (Duplicate) silkworm 711 Silkworm ccc Silkworm htl Silo 64 Silva pfxtrsi Silva pod (Duplicate) Silver axe Silverfish! Sim city Simon Simulgolf Simulgolf pictur Sinchi Sinvasion Siren city Sirius Six Six (Duplicate) Six a Side Six-a-side SKAKANJE Skate crazy Skate crazy (Duplicate) Skate Or Ace Skate rock Skate rock Skate rock5rem Skateb sim'tds Skatebob SKATEROCK Skatewars Skatewars (Duplicate) Skeet shoot Skeet shoot (Duplicate) Skegpool Rock Skelter pic [l] Ski Ski (Duplicate 2) Ski (Duplicate) SKI-RUN Skidz Skidz (Duplicate 2) Skidz (Duplicate) Skis4 [ddt] Skmbl6melaser Skool daze ucg SKOOLDAZ Skramble (Duplicate 2) Skramble (Duplicate 3) Skramble (Duplicate 4) Skramble (Duplicate 5) Skramble (Duplicate 6) Skramble (Duplicate) SKULL Skull bischop Skull Tour Skulzzzz 2 Skwibly skwobly Sky fighter Sky high Stuntman Sky high Stuntman (Duplicate) Sky jack Sky jet Sky jet (Duplicate) Sky run Sky runner Sky runner (Duplicate 2) Sky runner (Duplicate 3) Sky runner (Duplicate) Sky Twice Sky twice (Duplicate) Skyassf***er Skyfall ace Skyfox Skyfox3fix cc SKYJET Skylight Skylight (Duplicate) SKYRAID SkyT Slaine Slaine (Duplicate) Slalom Slalom (Duplicate) SLAMBALL Slamball (Duplicate 2) Slamball (Duplicate) Slammer Slammer (Duplicate) Slap and Tickle Slap fight Slap shot Slap Shot (Duplicate) Slap tickle Slapfight Slaterman Slayer Slayer (Duplicate 2) Slayer (Duplicate) Sled ride htl SleepWalker Sleepwalker (Duplicate 2) Sleepwalker (Duplicate) SlemBL Slide slide 1 [f] Slideways 2 Slightly magic Slightly magic (Duplicate 2) Slightly Magic (Duplicate 3) Slightly magic (Duplicate) Slime piccy tal Slimer Slimey's Mine Slimey's mine (Duplicate) Slimeys Mine SLINKY Slinky (Duplicate) Slinky 6 docs [ Slip of the memory Slither 2M Slither iv SLUG Slugger, The Slugz Slugz dlx SLURPY Slurpy (Duplicate 2) Slurpy (Duplicate) Small is beautiful Small-tron Smaller-bigger Smash Smash 4k Smash glass Smash out Smash T.V. Smash tv Smash tv (Duplicate) Smash tv -intro- Smash tv5 Smash-ball 3 Smashed Smashed (Duplicate) Smiley's troep Smine 1993 [f] Smoke it Smoke IT Cori of DAL Smooth Criminal Smooth Rythm Smurfen Smurfen (Duplicate 2) Smurfen (Duplicate 3) Smurfen (Duplicate) Snackman Snacks 4 snakes Snacks 4 snakes (Duplicate) Snake Snake 2k Snake attack Snake byte Snake Byte (Duplicate) Snake for one Snake Mania Snake or die Snakebite Pinball Snakes Snakey Snap dragon Snap dragonflt Snare Snazzy snakes SNC NRK3 Sniper prv [m8] Snoball in Hell SNOCAT Snodger Snodgits Snokie Snokie (Duplicate 2) Snokie (Duplicate 3) Snokie (Duplicate 4) Snokie (Duplicate) Snokker Snokker (Duplicate 2) Snokker (Duplicate 3) Snokker (Duplicate) Snoopy Snoopy (Duplicate) Snoopy 2 Snow Caper 2 Snow Caper 2 (Duplicate) Snowball caper Snowball caper 2 Snowball sunday Snowboard Snowman Snowman empire Snowstorm Snowy snoopy So-PhisticatedBML Soccer Soccer 2 Soccer 3000 Soccer 7 dic Soccer challenge Soccer challenge (Duplicate) Soccer Cup Soccer cup2epic Soccer iv Soccer Pinball Soccer Pinball (Duplicate 2) Soccer Pinball (Duplicate 3) Soccer Pinball (Duplicate) Soccer rival Soccer rival (Duplicate 2) Soccer rival (Duplicate) Soccer Rivals Soccer1103 Soccsupremodcs SodomyByterapers Browbeat Sof darkon Sof light Software Hourse Software star Soldier Soldier (Duplicate) Soldier of fortune Soldier one Soldone3hirem Solid Africa+ Solid main Solider one Solitair tb Solitaire Solitaire (Duplicate) Solitaire [m8] Solitax epic Solitax epic (Duplicate) Solo flight Solo Flight (Duplicate) Solomkey #flt Solomon's Key Solomon's key (Duplicate 2) Solomon's key (Duplicate 3) Solomon's key (Duplicate) Son of blagger Sonar spike Sonic Anarchy Sonic Anarchy (Duplicate) Sonic b4triad Sonny Message SONOFBLA Sooty and Sweep's Fun with Numbers Sor of Darts Sorcerer's Apprentice sorcerer's apprentice 2 SORCEROR Sorcerorlord-inc Sorcery Sorcery (Duplicate 2) Sorcery (Duplicate) Sorcery3hirem sorvampssharks Sos Sos (Duplicate 2) Sos (Duplicate) Soswald Souls of darkon Souls of darkon (Duplicate) Sound apandora Sound ghostb Sounds 180 Southern belle Spac-man4 rem Space - harrier Space acadamy (Duplicate) Space academy Space Ace Space action Space Action (Duplicate 2) Space action (Duplicate) Space ball prv [ Space battle Space battle (Duplicate) Space bike 2 Space blitz Space business Space chase Space doubt Space doubt (Duplicate 2) Space doubt (Duplicate 3) Space doubt (Duplicate) Space doubt pic Space duel Space f [abyss] Space Fiends Space fight Space fight (Duplicate) Space g3fxtbt Space gallery Space harrier Space harrier (Duplicate) Space harrier trainer Space hawk Space hero Space Invadarz Space invader (Duplicate 2) Space Invaders (Duplicate) Space knight 2 Space one tbc Space pdx Space pigfort Space Pilot (Duplicate) Space pilot ii Space pope Space racer Space relief Space Sentinal Space Shootout Space shuttle Space Shuttle Simulation Space spy Space Tale Space talisman Space Towers Space towersgls Space tracker pr Space trap Space warrior Space Wars Space wars (Duplicate) Space Worms Space zoom Space zoom (Duplicate) Space-pilot Space-pilot ii Space-pilot3no Spacearena 2 Spacearena 2 (Duplicate) Spaceball II, The Spacebike2ltc Spacecdocsfrt SPACEDOU SPACEFIG Spacegun 3fx tb SPACEHAR Spacehawk blazon Spacehunter SPACEPIL Spacer Relief Spacerider 2 SpaceRox SPACESHU Spacewars gulas Spacey Vaders Spanish treasure SPAZIO Spball100%fx[m8] Spc racertcom Spdrbfixertwg Special Agent Special Operations Spectipede Spectral sneer Spectrum SPEECHES Speed Speed 2 Speed Ball Speed bingo math Speed duel Speed Duel (Duplicate) Speed king Speed king (Duplicate 2) Speed king (Duplicate 3) Speed king (Duplicate) Speed Math Speed Math (Duplicate) Speed racer Speed Runner Speed runner (Duplicate) Speed-o-cycles Speedb100%3532 Speedball Speedball (Duplicate 2) Speedball (Duplicate 3) Speedball (Duplicate 4) Speedball (Duplicate 5) Speedball (Duplicate) Speedballz rem Speedbpic3532 SPEEDDUE SPEEDKIN Speedoholic Speedracer Speedrintro[ ] Speedway Speedway hero Speedway tcburb Speedway team Speedwayfixtbt Speedway_nostlag Speedzone Speldizzy2emp Spellbound Spellbound (Duplicate 2) Spellbound (Duplicate 3) Spellbound (Duplicate 4) Spellbound (Duplicate) Spellbreaker Spellcast Spellcast (Duplicate 2) Spellcast (Duplicate) Spellcast cen Spelldiver Spellfire 3 Spellseeker Spenemy troep Spermer Trainer Spermer Trainer (Duplicate) Sphere Spherebrain Spherix Spheron Spheron (Duplicate) Sphinx jinx Sphinx jinx (Duplicate 2) Sphinx jinx (Duplicate 3) Sphinx jinx (Duplicate) Spider mountain Spider mountain (Duplicate) Spider [pc] SPIDERANIM HIT Spiderman Spidertrap SPIKE Spike (Duplicate) SPIKE IN Spike the King pic Spike's Peak Spike's peak (Duplicate 2) Spike's Peak (Duplicate 3) Spike's peak (Duplicate) Spike6 b0b Spikey in Transilvania Spikey in Transilvania (Duplicate 3) Spikey in transilvania (Duplicate 4) Spikey in Transilvania (Duplicate) Spikey in Transylvania (Duplicate 2) Spikey ithtl Spikey tpicfox Spiky harold SPIKYHAR Spin tran #enm Spin trandom Spinball Spinball pinball SPINDIZZY Spindizzy (Duplicate 2) Spindizzy (Duplicate) SPIRANZA Spiranza (Duplicate 2) Spiranza (Duplicate) Spiri of the Stones Spirit Of Art Spirit of the Stones (Duplicate 2) Spirit of the stones (Duplicate) Spirit Tappers SPITE Spite and malice Spite, Spite-1 SPITFIRE Spitfire (Duplicate 2) Spitfire (Duplicate 4) Spitfire (Duplicate) Spitfire ace Spittball Splash Splashdown Splat Splat (Duplicate) Splatform Splatform (Duplicate) Splidge's Snowball Caper SplishSplash Padua Split (Doesnt work please remove) Split Personalities Split personalities (Duplicate) Split perstr Split perstrain SPLITIMA Splitter Spnostalgaburp Spodfxtrsilnx Spook Spook (Duplicate) Spook in the mine Spooked dcs Spooked Spells Spooked Spells (Duplicate 2) Spooked Spells (Duplicate) Spooked+ SPOOKY Spooky casdom Spooky Castle Spooky, Spooky-1 Spork 64 Spork 64 (Duplicate) Sport of kings Sport of Kings (Duplicate 2) Sport of kings (Duplicate) Sport of kings-1 Sport of kings-3 Sports-aroninec SPORTTIM Spots Spots (Duplicate) Spread It Springreiten Springs Spritegame Sputnik104%twg Spy defense Spy Hunter Spy hunter (Duplicate 2) Spy hunter (Duplicate 3) Spy hunter (Duplicate 4) Spy Hunter (Duplicate 5) Spy hunter (Duplicate) Spy love p3532 Spy loved me pic Spy pic xr Spy school Spy strike back Spy strikes back ,The Spy Strikes Back ,The (Duplicate) Spy trek Spy vs spy Spy vs spy (Duplicate 2) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 3) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 4) Spy vs spy (Duplicate 5) Spy vs Spy (Duplicate 6) Spy vs spy (Duplicate) Spy vs spy 2 - t Spy vs spy 2rem Spy vs spy 3rem Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper Spy vs spy-2 Spy who loved -1 Spy who loved me Spy who loved me Spy who loved me (Duplicate 2) Spy who loved me (Duplicate 3) Spy who loved me (Duplicate) Spy Who Loved Me, The Spy who lpicbz Spy who picit Spy's demise Spy's Demise (Duplicate) SPY1 SPY2 SPY3 SQIJ Sqij (Duplicate) Square civitas Square out Square Scape Square Scape 2 Squared Squares Squares (Duplicate 2) Squares (Duplicate 3) Squares (Duplicate) Square[Civitas] SQUASH Squibbly Squob Squirm Squish 'em (Duplicate 2) Squish 'em (Duplicate 3) Squish 'em (Duplicate) Squish'em Squishy inc Srivalsscs Ss oblivion Ss panzer2 scg Sscaper Capper 2 (Duplicate 2) Sseymour Sseymour (Duplicate) Sseymour7 hys Sspirits5[ils] Sssslider [ts] Sst St Jives (Duplicate) St. Jives Stack up h Stagger Stagger (Duplicate) Star Ball Star Blazers Star Blazers (Duplicate) Star commando Star Commando Star fighter Star fighter (Duplicate 2) Star Fighter (Duplicate) Star fire cpv Star force Star force nova Star Hope Star hope pc Star Hope! Star League Star lifter Star maze5hrem Star merchant Star merchant[e] Star paws Star paws (Duplicate) Star pilot Star quake Star quake (Duplicate) Star Raiders II Star ranger Star ranger (Duplicate) Star ray Star run Star slayer Star slayer (Duplicate) Star soldier Star Soldier STAR SOLID Star tramp Star trek (Duplicate 2) Star trek (Duplicate) Star Trek - The Klingon Attack Star trooper Star trooper (Duplicate) Star troopers Star wars Star wars (Duplicate) Star wars droid Star Wreck Star wreck[fcs] Star-command Star-lifter dox Starace Starb4,d64 STARBALL Starballs Starbase defence (Duplicate) Starbase Defense Starburst Starburst (Duplicate) Starfighter Starfighter+ STARFIRE Starfire Starfire, Starflighttroep StarForce Starforce Fighter Starforce gp Starforce nova starfox #abyss# Stargate Starglider Starglider (Duplicate) Starglider keys starglider-1 Starglider-2 Stargoal3 flt Starhawk starinvaders 1k Starinvaders1k b Starion Starmecfxafl STARPAWS Starpaws Starpic Starpoker StarPost StarPost (Duplicate) Starquack Starquake (Duplicate 2) Starquake (Duplicate 3) Starquake (Duplicate 4) Starquake (Duplicate) Starquest ac Starray Starray (Duplicate) stars ar c STARSLAY Startrooper Startrooper1911 STARWARS State Art [advertisement] State Of Dark State of the Station wagon bl Stationfall Stcar racer [r] Stealth Stealth bomb (Duplicate) Stealth bomber Stealth mission Stealth6 rem Steam express Steel Steel (Duplicate 2) Steel (Duplicate) Steel eagl3xds Steel heros Steel heros dtc Steel htl Steel pulsar Steel thunder Steeplechase Steg 4m [ils] Steg the Slug Steg the slug (Duplicate 2) Steg the Slug (Duplicate 3) Steg the slug (Duplicate) Steg ts3mgen Stegs pwordsgen Steigar Steigar (Duplicate 2) Steigar (Duplicate 3) Steigar (Duplicate) Stellar Stellar (Duplicate) Stellar 7 Stellar 7 (Duplicate) Stellar Wars Sthe slug esm Stiegar [ ] Stiegar [ ]-1 Stifflip & CO Stifflip picrdi STIX Stix (Duplicate 2) Stix (Duplicate) Stix 2 Stix 2 (Duplicate) Stock Share Stocker 2 fx [l Stocker htl Stocks and bonds Stone previewgp Stone prv esm Stone prvh Stones Stoneville Manor Stonophobe 3 Stop the express Stop the express (Duplicate) Storm no Storm warr dox Storm warrior Storm warrior (Duplicate 2) Storm warrior (Duplicate 3) Storm warrior (Duplicate) Stormbringer Stormbringer (Duplicate) Stormbringerkey Stormlord Stormlord (Duplicate 2) Stormlord (Duplicate 3) Stormlord (Duplicate 4) Stormlord (Duplicate 5) StormLord (Duplicate) Stormlord 2 Stormlord htl Stormlord intro Stormlordpicmx Story Story-1 Story-2 STORYMAK Stowaway Stowaway (Duplicate) Strange Strat introprs Stratego Stratego # tb Stratego (Duplicate 2) Stratego (Duplicate 3) Stratego (Duplicate 4) Stratego (Duplicate 5) Stratego (Duplicate 6) Stratego (Duplicate) Stratego direm STRATTON Stratton (Duplicate) Street beat Street beat (Duplicate) Street Cred Football Street Cred Football (Duplicate) Street Hassle Street hawk [100 Street m Street m (Duplicate) Street surfer Street surfer (Duplicate 2) Street Surfer (Duplicate 3) Street surfer (Duplicate) Streets of London Stress Strike Strike f cobra Strike force Strike Force Harrier STRIKEFO Striker Striker3 trc Strikkespillet STRINGER Strip darts 666 Stripe attack Strippoker melis STRIVE Strmachine dft Strobotcrypt Strong man Stront dog myth Strontdog3nos Strsurfer yf Strucker3hdtc Strucker4scs Stryker2fixemp Stseym3fixemp Stuffy hysteric Stunrunner tb Stunt bike Stunt bike sim Stunt Car Racer Stunt car rxds STUNTBIK STUNTCAR Stuntcar race[ ] Stuntman dct Styx 5m tce Su pacman [ts] Sub attack 64 Sub chase Sub destroyer Sub hfprv[civ] Sub hunt0puke Sub hunt3 rem Sub-burn4laser Subbuteo Subbuteo ![st] Subbuteo cls Subbuteo it Subbuteo [st] Subbuteo-1 SUBCLAVI Subclavian-[ts] Subduel triad SUBHUNT Subhunt, Subhunt-1 Submarinesgulas Subsonic3fix wd Subsunk advent SUBTERRA Subterranea Suburban command Subway Success Suck IT Suckpipe Suddly cuburt Suicide solbmw Suicide solution Suicide strike Suicide strike-1 Suicide strike-2 Suicide strkthp SUICIDES Sult3fx [tbt] Sum-ka bad Summer zak anm Sumo wrestlrwe Sumrtime Sun star SUNBALL Sunburst Sunday omf4cg Sunday omfxemp Sunshine Sup-fotball [ts] Super Ball Super biljard Super bowl Super Can, The Super cars4rnd Super Champs Super cup[laser] Super delta-grb Super dogfight Super Dogfight Super froot Super g-man[ts] Super Galaxy Apocalypse Super galaxys du SUPER GM Super golf Super gridder Super gridder 3 Super hangon Super huey Super kaa atom SUPER KO Super kong Super league [l] Super lem burp Super man Super Mario Brothers Super monaco gp Super nudge htl Super oswald[ ] Super pac doxx Super pac twins Super pac-man 1 Super pac-man 4 Super pacman prv Super pipeline Super pipeline i Super pipeline-1 Super rider(abc) Super robin ho-1 Super robin hood Super Robin Hood Super robin mus Super sc3 abs Super scramble Super scrm2htl SUPER SE Super slalom Super snake sim Super sntscc Super soccer Super Space Invaders Super spy ddt Super stcarxds Super strike[x] Super stuntman Super Stuntman Super tact [ts] Super Tank Simulator Super ted dom Super ted tb Super trolley [f Super truck3[l] Super trux xds Super Tucker+3 Super zaxxonspg SUPER-DR Super-pentriad SUPER-PI Super-racetroep Super-tron ts Super.cuda Superball2 fix o Superballfx[o] Superbike SUPERBOW Superbowl SUPERCAR Supercars 7 [l] Supercodefx SUPERCRO SUPERCUD Supercuda Superdeal dom SUPERDOG SUPERFRO Supergran Superheroikari Superkid 3 [mr Superkid 5 cli Superkid In Space Superkid3hsvsn Superlander SUPERMAN Superman first s Superman game Superman, Supermarket mad Supermash Supermastermind Supernova Supernova iic Supernovafxafl SUPERPAC Superpacmanno SUPERPIP Superpipeline ii SUPERRID Supersapernt-2 Supersaperntscc SUPERSMA Superspy2hdom Superstar ping-pong Superstaringori Supertank2 it SUPERTRO SUPERZAX Supkong troep Supler Ball II Suppacman7wrf Suprallay opt Supseymourt-1 Supseymourtsm Surf champ Surfchampscf SURFER Survival otfc SURVIVOR Survivor '83 Survivors Svegcorpstrc Svigilanteps Sw blade f4cg Swag t18 Swalker2scs Swamp fever htl Swampfever hotli Swap exc[l] Swap or die fastWWE Swap or die TOOWWE Swap Or DieWWE Swap time 1 Swaphi dytec Swarehousefbr Swarrior dom Swarrior [fbr] Swarrior3hrem Swarriorstriad SWAT Swat rem Swat [yeti f Swblues [ff] Sweepmine 100% x Swinging Out Swinth Swisscontroep Switch Switch it des Switchbl-seals Switchbl2 c Switchbl3dytec Switchbla2tsm Swiv 6 x-rated SWOOP Swooper zeb Sword 1s Sword of fargdn Sword of fargo-1 Sword of fargo-2 Sword of fargoal Sword of fargol Swordbyterapers SWORDOFF Swordrose2exc Symbol4 troep Synopsis c Synopsisfixrsi Synpsisfix[rsi] Syntax5 pan Syntron prv[m8] Sysiphus3dytec Sysiphus3mir Szaxx3#triad T-Bird T-Bird [duplicate 2] T-Bird [duplicate] Taballoon tcs Table Tennis Table Tennis (duplicate) Table Tennis (end picture fixed) Tag Team Wrestling TAGTEAMW Tai chi t2c Tai chi t2scs Tai Chi Tortoise Tai Chi Tortoise [duplicate 2] Tai Chi Tortoise [duplicate] Tai-chi picav Tai-chi t3av Takashi prev3ad TAKEOVER Talent Meeting Tales of arabian Talesboon- ddt Talisman Talk to m TALLADEG Tamagotchi [Preview] Tamer Tamer Part Two Tamer Part Two [duplicate] Tamer [duplicate] Tamerfixempire Tangent Tangram Tanium - Warhawk II Tank Action Tank Atak Tank Battle Tank Battle v1 Tank v1 Tank v2 Tankattack Tanks v2 Tanks v3 Tanx Tapola! Tapper Target [Preview] Tarzan Tarzan goes ape Task-F Taskforce Taskmaster Tau Ceti Tau Ceti [Instructions] Tau Zero II Taxman v1 TAZZ Tazz Tcognita wgi Team Championship II Team Tetris Techno Plyn Technodream Preview Tectron Teela's Rescue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Temple of Terror Ten Pins Ten Speed Tenement, The Tera Attack Terminator Terra cresta Terra Cresta Terra Cresta II Terrafighter Terraquake Territory Terror of the Deep Terry's Big Adventure Test Master Tetris (Bobosoft) Tetris 1K Tetris v1 Tetris v5 Tetrisack Tetrys Thargon The Ball Game The machine The Shadows Fairlight Theatre Europe Thepsos Theseus and the Minotaur They Stole a million They Stole a Million (Duplicate) Thief Thing Thing Bounces Back Thing on a Spring Think Fast Think twice Think Twice Thinker, The Thomas the Tank Engine Threedox Threestone Through the Trapdoor THRUST Thrust Thrust II Thunder Arena Thunder Light Thunder Zone Preview Thunderbirds ThunderBolt Thundercats Thundercross Tiger Hell Tiger Tank Tile Tili-Toli Tilt Tilt (Genias) Time Bomb Time Fighter Time Machine Time Machine - Cheat Time Machine DOX Time Puzzle Time Race Time Runner Time Trax Time Tunnel Time Wagon Time Zero Timerunnner Timezone (Channel 8 Software) Timmy's Super League Timmy's Super League [duplicate 2] Timmy's Super League [duplicate 3] Timmy's Super League [duplicate] Timtris (English) Tip-Trick Tir Na Nog Titan Titanic v1 Titans To Hell and Back Toad Away Tobruk Tolteka TOM Tomahawk Tomb of Dracula, The Tomb of Dracula, The - Reloaded Tombola Tomcat Tomegafx trp Toobin Top Cat Top Duck Top Gun Topper the Copper Total Destruction Tour de France Tour of Duty Tournament Tennis Tower Commando TOWER OF Towers of Hanoi Toy Bizarre Toyballs Toys Tracer Track & Field v1 Traffic Trailblazer Trailblazer II Train Robbers Trains v2 Trajectory Tran Tranquilized Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge Transformers Transporter Trantor Trashman (Creative Software) Trashman (New Generation) Travlop Traxxion TRAZ Traz Treasure Island (Mastertronic) Treasure Island Dizzy Treasure Isle Treasuretroep TREMME Tremmel TRI-TRON! Triad Triad (Livewire) Triango Triaxos Tribbles Tric Trac Trigger Happy Trigon Triple Tournament Triplex Triss Trojke Troll Trollie Wallie Trolls and Tribulations Tron - Light Cycles II Tron Construction Set Tron v03 Tron!2000 Tronic Force Tronix the Wombat Trooper Truck Trooze Tropical Fever Trucking USA True Spit Tube Madness Tube, The Tunnel Vision Tunnels of Terror Turbo Boat Simulator Turbo Esprit Turbo Girl (Spanish) Turbo Kart Racer Turbo Pinball Turf-Form Turmoil Turn It Turn It 2 - Future Edition Turnabout Turrican TURRICAN III [Preview] Turtle Jump Turtle Rescue Turtle Toyland Junior Tutti Frutti Twierdza [Fortress] Twin Cobra Twin Cobra II Twin Kingdom Valley Twin Terrors Twin Tiger II Twin Tigers Twin Tornado Twinball Twinky Goes Hiking Twintris Twist Twix - Preview TX Tyco Typhoon U-96 U-R-Reg Uchi Mata UFO v08 Ugh! (Softek) Ultimate Tron II Ultra-Smash Underground v1 Underworld Underwurlde Undoroid Preview Unitrax Unpredictaball Unsure because it doesn't work :/ Up'n Down Ural Uridium Uridium Usagi USL - Universe, Space and Life Uss john young USS John Young Usurper Uuno Turhapuro Muuttaa Maalle V Valley of Death Valley of Doom Vampire Vampire's Empire Vapour Preview Varidian Vector Ball Vegas Craps Vengeance Venom Venom Strikes Back Venture Venus Trail, The Vermeer Vicious Circle Video Card Arcade Video Meanies (Mastertronic) Viduzzles Vier op een Rij Vietnam 3275 Vietnam Rescue Vietnam v1 Vietnam v3 Vigilante v2 Vikings, The Vin Tim Vindicators Vioris Viper Virus Virus - The Breakout Error Virus II Preview Vislice Voetbal 64 Void Voidrunner Volfied Volleyball Volleyball Simulator Voodoo Castle v2 Vortex Raider Vortron Voyage Voyager 19 Voyager 64 Vulgus Vultures Vyrus Wacky Darts Wacky Stories Walker v1 Walking Dead Walking on the Moon Wall, The Waller'sWobbler Wallie goes to Rhymeland Wallstreet II Wanderer War in Middle Earth WAR! WAR! II Warball Warfair Warflame WarGames v1 Warhawk Warlok Warp Warplay Warrior Warriors of Zypar, The Warspite Water Polo Waterfall Waterline Wavy Navy Waxworks abc Weatherwar II Web Wega Station Weird World Werewolves of London Werner - Eiskald Werner III West West Bank Wheelchair Race Wheelchair Soccer Wheelies Wheelin' Wallie Where Time Began Whirlinurd White Ninja, The (NInja Bros.) White Wash Who Becomes Millionaire [Preview] Who dares w Who Dares Wins I Who Dares Wins II Who Wants to be a Millionaire Wibstars Widow's Revenge Wild Ride Wild Streets Wild West Seymour Wild! Wildcats Mass Balls William Wobbler Willow Pattern Adventure, The Wimbledon '64 Winged Lizard Witch, The Wix-Wax Wix-waxjewels Wiz-Biz Wizard of Akyrz, The Wizard of Wor v1 Wizard of Wor v2 Wizard Willy Wizard's Lair Wizards Apprentice Wizards Pet, The WIZBALL Wladca Wolf and the Five Little Goats, The Wombles, The Wonderboy v1 Words Don't Come Easy Words Don't Come Easy (Laxity) Working Stone, The World Championship Soccer World Championship Squash World Class Rugby World Cricket World Cup Carnival World Cup Cricket World Cup v2 World Karate Championship World Rugby World Soccer World Soccer League World Soccer League (English) World Trophy Soccer Worldcup 90 - Arcade Soccer Worm 1992 Worm in Paradise Worm! Wormy Wrath of the Demon - Preview Wrestling Superstars Wulfpack Wyspa X Fighter X-15 Alpha Mission X-Mos Xama Xarion Xavier Xecutn3 Xeno Xenodron Xenon Ranger Xermaid Preview Xerons Xertyn-x Xertyn-X Xertyn-X - Fix Xetris Xevious Xevious - Mod Xiphoids Xiphoids - Cheat Xis Xoanon Reptile Xpiose-1 Xybots Xyron Y-Out Yaba Yahtzee Yahtzee v14 Yathzee Yeti Yie Ar Kung Fu Yie Ar Kung Fu - Cheat Yogi Bear Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster Yogi's Great Escape Yogi's Great Escape - Cheat Young Ones, The Yr3000impact Yuppie's Revenge (German) Yzon Z Z Zaga Zalagan Zamczysko (P) Zamzara Zappy Zooks Zarcon Zarjaz Zaxon Zaxxon v4 Zaxxon v1 Zaxxon v3 Zeittunnel Zellion Zenith Zenon Zenos Zepp Zero Gravity Zgadula [Preview] Zig Zag Zig Zag - The Remix Zig Zago Zillion Zim Sala Bim Zinj Complex, The Zip v1 Zjggen Zodia Zodiac Zodiac (Level 9 Computing) Zoid Zolo Zolyx Zombieparty Zompy Stomp Zonal Patrol Zone 7 Zone 7 Part 2 Zone Ranger Zone Six Zone Trooper Zoom Zoomerang Zorphon Zub Zulu Zwark Zwei Bereten Preview Zybex-1 Zylogon, Zynaps Zynaps [Preview] Zynax Zynax II Zynon Zyron's Escape Zyto Zytron - Mega Blast Zyx Zzap Hussein Zzzz |
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