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Back to Square One


12-02-10 12:50 AM
legacyme3 is Offline
| ID: 287428 | 236 Words

Lord Leggy - King of IT
Level: 270

POSTS: 1495/27250
POST EXP: 2003421
LVL EXP: 325116790
CP: 42570.2
VIZ: 2986181

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Hello again,
My friends of friends,
The ones who read,
And ease their heads,

The ones who wish,
For me to have a happy ending,
For those who have been there,
Ever since the beginning,

I'm back to square one,
My friends of all friends,
This is not a bad thing,
As I knew this would end,

I've gone around in circles,
For years and years,
I just needed your guidance,
To make me face my fears,

You can't force or rush,
A happy ending like mine,
You have to cut your way
Through, every part of the vine,

The reward at the end,
We are tole it is worth it,
The joy everlasting,
And everything golden.

I want my slice of that pie,
So I will work for my piece,
I've been through a bit,
Although, others through more.

I'm far from having given' up,
If anything this will motivate me more,
So things didn't work out,
That's fine, because nothing can be forced,

The past three days
Were a learning experience,
And the lesson I learned,
I will never forget.

"Give it all for those you love,
Family and friends,
And rough through the bad times,
Because you've never had enough"

So while I'm back to square one,
And I am sure to think, and not sleep,
The future is bright, Even in the night,
When I write this at 1:33 in the morning
Hello again,
My friends of friends,
The ones who read,
And ease their heads,

The ones who wish,
For me to have a happy ending,
For those who have been there,
Ever since the beginning,

I'm back to square one,
My friends of all friends,
This is not a bad thing,
As I knew this would end,

I've gone around in circles,
For years and years,
I just needed your guidance,
To make me face my fears,

You can't force or rush,
A happy ending like mine,
You have to cut your way
Through, every part of the vine,

The reward at the end,
We are tole it is worth it,
The joy everlasting,
And everything golden.

I want my slice of that pie,
So I will work for my piece,
I've been through a bit,
Although, others through more.

I'm far from having given' up,
If anything this will motivate me more,
So things didn't work out,
That's fine, because nothing can be forced,

The past three days
Were a learning experience,
And the lesson I learned,
I will never forget.

"Give it all for those you love,
Family and friends,
And rough through the bad times,
Because you've never had enough"

So while I'm back to square one,
And I am sure to think, and not sleep,
The future is bright, Even in the night,
When I write this at 1:33 in the morning
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-14-10
Last Post: 1570 days
Last Active: 1570 days

12-02-10 06:16 AM
M!cH@3l 001 is Offline
| ID: 287487 | 21 Words

M!cH@3l 001
Level: 90

POSTS: 906/2074
POST EXP: 57685
LVL EXP: 6948225
CP: 255.3
VIZ: 43306

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
That is pretty cool I like how you rymed ''mine'' with ''vine'' thats my favorite part of the poem
That is pretty cool I like how you rymed ''mine'' with ''vine'' thats my favorite part of the poem
Trusted Member
affected by texting on my cell phone alot syndrome

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-10-10
Location: Lumberton,TX
Last Post: 5037 days
Last Active: 5037 days

(edited by M!cH@3l 001 on 12-02-10 06:17 AM)    

12-24-10 09:48 AM
Xado_Shikazo is Offline
| ID: 302317 | 16 Words

Level: 53

POSTS: 97/623
POST EXP: 24680
LVL EXP: 1114640
CP: 31.6
VIZ: 43705

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
That was deep my friend, you gotta real talent for words. keep up the good work
That was deep my friend, you gotta real talent for words. keep up the good work
Trusted Member

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-09-10
Last Post: 3455 days
Last Active: 1675 days


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