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Are you on a special diet?


11-30-10 11:08 AM
Totts is Offline
| ID: 286008 | 91 Words

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I'm trying the Atkins diet, you know it really is the best diet i have ever been on. I am not losing any weight now, probably eating too much meat, but its a grat diet for all of us that cannot stop eating. I love Cheese, Meat, nuts and vegetables and you can eat as much of these as you want, the only thing I avoid is anything white: bread, pasta, rice, noodles and crackers; apart from that its all systems go.

My friend eats Kosher,

My nan is diabetic too
I'm trying the Atkins diet, you know it really is the best diet i have ever been on. I am not losing any weight now, probably eating too much meat, but its a grat diet for all of us that cannot stop eating. I love Cheese, Meat, nuts and vegetables and you can eat as much of these as you want, the only thing I avoid is anything white: bread, pasta, rice, noodles and crackers; apart from that its all systems go.

My friend eats Kosher,

My nan is diabetic too

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-23-10
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Last Active: 2313 days

11-30-10 11:41 AM
sophielove23 is Offline
| ID: 286042 | 127 Words

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Well while I was living in Mexico, me and my mom would go to a Nutritionist every Saturday and she'd put these stickers on certain parts of our bodies (Places with more concentration of fat, like the belly and hips) and special ones with tiny metal spheres on the indent that you get by your ear when you open your mouth. Then she'd scan us with some laser gun that's supposed to make you burn cals.

After this treatment was done, she would give us a menu (which we were supposed to follow all week) with 2 options for each of the 3 meals of the day, and small snacks between meals like fruit.

It was kinda bad at first, but I eventually got used to it.
Well while I was living in Mexico, me and my mom would go to a Nutritionist every Saturday and she'd put these stickers on certain parts of our bodies (Places with more concentration of fat, like the belly and hips) and special ones with tiny metal spheres on the indent that you get by your ear when you open your mouth. Then she'd scan us with some laser gun that's supposed to make you burn cals.

After this treatment was done, she would give us a menu (which we were supposed to follow all week) with 2 options for each of the 3 meals of the day, and small snacks between meals like fruit.

It was kinda bad at first, but I eventually got used to it.
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I'm like super cute. (:

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-10-10
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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11-30-10 07:00 PM
Cyprian is Offline
| ID: 286342 | 58 Words

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As yet another PWD ( as I've said elsewhere, Person With Diabetes) yeah i'm pretty much on a vastly different diet than I was. No sugar, reduced carbs, more's all stuff I had been planning on doing eventually anyways, this just gave me the good enough reason to go ahead and do it!

Just my two cents.
As yet another PWD ( as I've said elsewhere, Person With Diabetes) yeah i'm pretty much on a vastly different diet than I was. No sugar, reduced carbs, more's all stuff I had been planning on doing eventually anyways, this just gave me the good enough reason to go ahead and do it!

Just my two cents.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-25-10
Location: Chattanooga
Last Post: 4146 days
Last Active: 3946 days


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