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The computer


11-29-10 09:44 PM
Didowe is Offline
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You know that we have computers, most of us user it everyday, for vizzed and all sorts of stuff.

Do any of you care care about the Earth when using it ? My mother has been nagging about this for awhile so I just want to know, do any of you worry about the earth with about 3 MIL + people using the computer everyday ?

You know that we have computers, most of us user it everyday, for vizzed and all sorts of stuff.

Do any of you care care about the Earth when using it ? My mother has been nagging about this for awhile so I just want to know, do any of you worry about the earth with about 3 MIL + people using the computer everyday ?

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11-30-10 10:19 AM
geeogree is Offline
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nope.... I don't worry about it. Computers don't use that much energy. All those new flat screen TV's are likely using more power than my computer is using.
nope.... I don't worry about it. Computers don't use that much energy. All those new flat screen TV's are likely using more power than my computer is using.
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11-30-10 04:00 PM
Davideo7 is Online
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Didowe : I personally think that's being a little fanatical. If you're going to think like that than the only way you're not harming the earth is by living like the Amish and I really doubt anyone wants to do that. No matter what you do or how "eco friendly" you try to be, you're still pissing off someone because someone is always going to think you can do better to satisfy "mother earth".
Didowe : I personally think that's being a little fanatical. If you're going to think like that than the only way you're not harming the earth is by living like the Amish and I really doubt anyone wants to do that. No matter what you do or how "eco friendly" you try to be, you're still pissing off someone because someone is always going to think you can do better to satisfy "mother earth".
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11-30-10 05:49 PM
is Offline
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I have a short time to live and being a tree huger conservative won't save much in my case , the earth still has tons of resources. When we run out we will invent new technologies that will help with our energy needs. Solar power is one, if we use all the energy up we can have our computers run off that

Looking out the window I see cars, buildings, trash, and the carpet I'm sitting on its probably made from an animal (not really) lol. But I don't think anyone should be that conservative unless you want to live in the stone age. If your worried about energy to the extreme, then how do you eat seeing all the dead animals or all the resources being used for every day products. One way or another your going to have to waste resources to survive whether its food, water, energy, or oxygen.
I have a short time to live and being a tree huger conservative won't save much in my case , the earth still has tons of resources. When we run out we will invent new technologies that will help with our energy needs. Solar power is one, if we use all the energy up we can have our computers run off that

Looking out the window I see cars, buildings, trash, and the carpet I'm sitting on its probably made from an animal (not really) lol. But I don't think anyone should be that conservative unless you want to live in the stone age. If your worried about energy to the extreme, then how do you eat seeing all the dead animals or all the resources being used for every day products. One way or another your going to have to waste resources to survive whether its food, water, energy, or oxygen.
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11-30-10 05:50 PM
jmc1097 is Offline
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Nope, I really don't care. Plus I doubt computers do that much damage to the environment.
Nope, I really don't care. Plus I doubt computers do that much damage to the environment.
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12-13-10 04:58 PM
DarkHyren is Offline
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Actually despite what people think computers are becoming more and more enviromentally friendly and use less and less power.
As someone that looks at different parts I can tell you for a fact that there are a multitude of components, such as hard drives, power units, and even fans that use a fraction of the power the used to use in the past.
So really the solution isnt to stop using computers, it is to just use ones with parts that are eco friendly
Actually despite what people think computers are becoming more and more enviromentally friendly and use less and less power.
As someone that looks at different parts I can tell you for a fact that there are a multitude of components, such as hard drives, power units, and even fans that use a fraction of the power the used to use in the past.
So really the solution isnt to stop using computers, it is to just use ones with parts that are eco friendly
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12-16-10 05:48 AM
Didowe is Offline
| ID: 296327 | 47 Words

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DarkHyren : I guess that's a way to save the Earth, I actually like this way better then "NO, YOU CANNOT USE COMPUTERZ 1111ONEONEONETWOONEZERO!".

This applies to other objects then too.

I don't know if this thread has any purpose anymore, I will close it if requested.
DarkHyren : I guess that's a way to save the Earth, I actually like this way better then "NO, YOU CANNOT USE COMPUTERZ 1111ONEONEONETWOONEZERO!".

This applies to other objects then too.

I don't know if this thread has any purpose anymore, I will close it if requested.
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02-14-11 04:57 PM
Shane is Offline
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I think that a whole bunch of people leave their comp's on at night. Don't just put it on sleep mode, turn the darn thing off. It saves a crudload of power.
I think that a whole bunch of people leave their comp's on at night. Don't just put it on sleep mode, turn the darn thing off. It saves a crudload of power.

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02-14-11 05:07 PM
icrazy is Offline
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Computers use less energy than LCD TV's even if it did help the enviroment people will not let go of computers we humans are just plain stubborn and hard headed

Computers use less energy than LCD TV's even if it did help the enviroment people will not let go of computers we humans are just plain stubborn and hard headed

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02-14-11 05:15 PM
YourMajestyKen is Offline
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Didowe : Not necessarily. I don't think about the world when using the computer all the time...if anything, I'm more concerned of my electric bill.
Didowe : Not necessarily. I don't think about the world when using the computer all the time...if anything, I'm more concerned of my electric bill.
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03-27-11 07:17 PM
pacman1755 (old) is Offline
| ID: 355680 | 24 Words

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Not really, I know that it uses a lot of energy, but I dont think it will really kill a huge amount of energy.
Not really, I know that it uses a lot of energy, but I dont think it will really kill a huge amount of energy.
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08-02-11 09:18 AM
Austin96 is Offline
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I don't think it uses a lot of energy
I don't think it uses a lot of energy
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08-03-11 01:43 PM
crazycatpup is Offline
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Well computers aren't much of a problem,
the problem would be cars and litter.
Computers don't use much energy at all.
Well computers aren't much of a problem,
the problem would be cars and litter.
Computers don't use much energy at all.
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08-03-11 03:12 PM
mike345 is Offline
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I don't worry too much about it that much computers use less energy than most kitchen appliances.
I don't worry too much about it that much computers use less energy than most kitchen appliances.
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08-04-11 07:41 AM
Lord Billiam is Offline
| ID: 433505 | 82 Words

Lord Billiam
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When you consider the environmental impact of computers you have to factor email into the equation.  Just think of how much energy and paper (trees) was used to transport all those letters, not to mention all the business and government files that are now paperless.  Also, the increased use of the Internet is providing a forum for like minded individuals to discuss how we can ultimately solve the many problems plaguing our planet.  This means computers = more good than harm
When you consider the environmental impact of computers you have to factor email into the equation.  Just think of how much energy and paper (trees) was used to transport all those letters, not to mention all the business and government files that are now paperless.  Also, the increased use of the Internet is providing a forum for like minded individuals to discuss how we can ultimately solve the many problems plaguing our planet.  This means computers = more good than harm

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