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What do you define as swagger?


11-29-10 06:09 PM
spectergaj is Offline
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Dou you have swagger? The answer should be yes if you are in VBSC. I want to know what your definition of swagger is.

My definition:
Swagger- Chuck Norris-like attitude, utter coolness, total righteousness.
Dou you have swagger? The answer should be yes if you are in VBSC. I want to know what your definition of swagger is.

My definition:
Swagger- Chuck Norris-like attitude, utter coolness, total righteousness.
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11-29-10 08:46 PM
legacyme3 is Offline
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Swagger, it's that thing that you do when you are in anuppity get out of my face mood.

It's you being at the top of your game with no one being able to stop you.

It's you taking a stand and never backing down.

It's you hollering from the rooftops like an insane madman.

It's you making threads in this forum.

It's you stepping up and taking a chance.

It's you making an important decision.

It's never letting anyone or anything get you down.

It's Hakuna Mattata

It's you and everyone else being above the playing field.

Swagger is you being you. An it's a part of ALL of us. If you are accepted here then you have swagger!
Swagger, it's that thing that you do when you are in anuppity get out of my face mood.

It's you being at the top of your game with no one being able to stop you.

It's you taking a stand and never backing down.

It's you hollering from the rooftops like an insane madman.

It's you making threads in this forum.

It's you stepping up and taking a chance.

It's you making an important decision.

It's never letting anyone or anything get you down.

It's Hakuna Mattata

It's you and everyone else being above the playing field.

Swagger is you being you. An it's a part of ALL of us. If you are accepted here then you have swagger!
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

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11-30-10 11:13 AM
YourMajestyKen is Offline
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Is that the real definition Legacyme3? :O In that case..I have swagger!!! *Throws confetti*
Is that the real definition Legacyme3? :O In that case..I have swagger!!! *Throws confetti*
Vizzed Elite
WINNER of February 2011 VCS! WINNER of June 2011 VCS! WINNER of October 2011 VCS!

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12-01-10 04:58 PM
SilverMaestro is Offline
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Maybe that maeans that I'm not cazy afterall! Just extra swaggery!

I guess a simpler definition of Swagger would be to just be yourself, be confident in what your doing, and always do what you think is right, whether other people think so or not.
Maybe that maeans that I'm not cazy afterall! Just extra swaggery!

I guess a simpler definition of Swagger would be to just be yourself, be confident in what your doing, and always do what you think is right, whether other people think so or not.
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12-01-10 06:18 PM
hnnn is Offline
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I define swag or swagger as confidence but not being cocky
I define swag or swagger as confidence but not being cocky
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12-01-10 06:19 PM
jmc1097 is Offline
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I define it as being full of awesomesauce, enjoys kittehs (eating them the best), likes long walks on the beach, and setting stuff on fire, preferably yelling "BUMPITY BUMP BUMP!" while doing it.
I define it as being full of awesomesauce, enjoys kittehs (eating them the best), likes long walks on the beach, and setting stuff on fire, preferably yelling "BUMPITY BUMP BUMP!" while doing it.
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12-01-10 06:33 PM
shredknives is Offline
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Swagger is when you get the door held for you by your friend, and he doesn't sarcastically say "Lady's First."
Swagger is when you get the door held for you by your friend, and he doesn't sarcastically say "Lady's First."
Creator of Planet Kotonashi For some reason, This doesn't make me outrank anyone...

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12-03-10 04:07 PM
hackerman is Offline
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swagger is when you shake something that would be what i would say if i hads never heard of the word
swagger is when you shake something that would be what i would say if i hads never heard of the word
Vizzed Elite
2nd Place In The June 2011 VCS 7th Place In the July 2011 VCS

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