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11-10-10 09:39 PM
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Was FFX-2's final boss too easy?

Was the final boss of FFX-2 too easy?
Yes, way too easy
100.0%, 5 votes
Yes, kinda easy
0.0%, 0 vote
No, Kinda hard
0.0%, 0 vote
No, Really hard
0.0%, 0 vote
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11-10-10 09:39 PM
meepturtle is Offline
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I found the final boss of FFX-2 to really easy. I might have been over-leveled/overpowered, (lv.71?) but I want to know what you guys think. You can include favorite dress-sphere if you want. Go berzerker!
I found the final boss of FFX-2 to really easy. I might have been over-leveled/overpowered, (lv.71?) but I want to know what you guys think. You can include favorite dress-sphere if you want. Go berzerker!

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11-11-10 01:05 PM
serphvarna is Offline
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I was lv. 41 and I found it extremely easy. The real challenges were Angra Mainyu and Trema.
I was lv. 41 and I found it extremely easy. The real challenges were Angra Mainyu and Trema.

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11-11-10 10:36 PM
XxChaosxX is Offline
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There wasn't a single hard boss in that game next to the Mega Tonberry. Vegnagun was a complete pansy. I always beat him no matter what dresspears I used, but two berserkers and an alchemist always did the job for me (and three mascots after I got that dressphear). Against Angra Mainyu I used an alchemist and two Dark Knights and beat him in no time. As for Trema, he was pathetically easy considering the game gives you the cat nip after you beat that one boss in the via infinito. All you have to do with trema is put one of your people in the gunner dressphear, equip the cat nip, knock her down to yellow, and spam the crap outa trigger happy. Dead Trema in minutes.
There wasn't a single hard boss in that game next to the Mega Tonberry. Vegnagun was a complete pansy. I always beat him no matter what dresspears I used, but two berserkers and an alchemist always did the job for me (and three mascots after I got that dressphear). Against Angra Mainyu I used an alchemist and two Dark Knights and beat him in no time. As for Trema, he was pathetically easy considering the game gives you the cat nip after you beat that one boss in the via infinito. All you have to do with trema is put one of your people in the gunner dressphear, equip the cat nip, knock her down to yellow, and spam the crap outa trigger happy. Dead Trema in minutes.
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12-21-10 04:22 PM
MinatoArisato1000 is Offline
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that battle was really easy i find Trema more difficult
that battle was really easy i find Trema more difficult

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04-04-11 03:51 PM
Chaosflame is Offline
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I just found this game to be pretty easy. I didn't really find any difficult points. And the final boss was more of a joke it seemed. I was scared going in, because most bosses are really hard, but this was pretty simple.
I just found this game to be pretty easy. I didn't really find any difficult points. And the final boss was more of a joke it seemed. I was scared going in, because most bosses are really hard, but this was pretty simple.

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05-30-11 08:59 AM
Dalunas18 is Offline
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The problem with the final boss is that it can be reached in a matter of hours, if the player only completes the core missions. As a result, Enix made the entire ending sequence relatively easy for players still at lower levels.
What they should have done was make the final section much, much harder, demanding players put more time into the game. The problem with FFX-2, as a whole, is that 75% of it is optional. The player gets a lot more out of it by doing everything, but there is enough that is redundant to put us off. The Den of Woe subplot, for example, is hugely important to the main narrative; yet, it is sidelined by the game's haste to get to the end.
If one does aim to complete everything and get the full worth of these subplots, bulking up the main story into something actually engaging, they are too overpowered at the end to make the bosses a good challenge.
It's a shame, really.
The problem with the final boss is that it can be reached in a matter of hours, if the player only completes the core missions. As a result, Enix made the entire ending sequence relatively easy for players still at lower levels.
What they should have done was make the final section much, much harder, demanding players put more time into the game. The problem with FFX-2, as a whole, is that 75% of it is optional. The player gets a lot more out of it by doing everything, but there is enough that is redundant to put us off. The Den of Woe subplot, for example, is hugely important to the main narrative; yet, it is sidelined by the game's haste to get to the end.
If one does aim to complete everything and get the full worth of these subplots, bulking up the main story into something actually engaging, they are too overpowered at the end to make the bosses a good challenge.
It's a shame, really.

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07-11-11 09:22 PM
Don_Rob is Offline
| ID: 422783 | 73 Words

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Eh...X-2 was for people more interested in the story of Final Fantasy X its not too surprising that the game as a whole was easy...
never played it myself, but know someone who did, so i know enough about it. At least in Final Fantasy X the final boss being easy made sense, since Yu Yevon was nothing without the summons to take over and use to create a new Sin body. 
Eh...X-2 was for people more interested in the story of Final Fantasy X its not too surprising that the game as a whole was easy...
never played it myself, but know someone who did, so i know enough about it. At least in Final Fantasy X the final boss being easy made sense, since Yu Yevon was nothing without the summons to take over and use to create a new Sin body. 

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-05-10
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