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10-06-10 04:22 PM
hawkwind_dragon is Offline
| ID: 252972 | 88 Words

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Originally I had the game for PS2 but was frustrated by the camera locking in high view when in the towns, but then I got the PC version and found more pluses about the game and the camera didn't lock in high view. This is one of my favourite games, it plays a lot like Final Fantasy XII, and sometimes you have to split the group up to solve situations, you start out alone and meet up with 3 others to join you. A GREAT game!

Originally I had the game for PS2 but was frustrated by the camera locking in high view when in the towns, but then I got the PC version and found more pluses about the game and the camera didn't lock in high view. This is one of my favourite games, it plays a lot like Final Fantasy XII, and sometimes you have to split the group up to solve situations, you start out alone and meet up with 3 others to join you. A GREAT game!
Warrior at the Edge of Time

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(edited by hawkwind_dragon on 10-09-10 07:06 PM)    

10-12-10 05:37 PM
billythekidmonster is Offline
| ID: 256911 | 22 Words

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I remeber playing this game with my friend. I really did not like it much because we thought it was really boring.
I remeber playing this game with my friend. I really did not like it much because we thought it was really boring.
3rd place in the August 2011 VCS! I got 3rd place in the October 2010 VCS! 3DS friend code 1762-2680-4239 pm me yours

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10-13-10 05:03 AM
hawkwind_dragon is Offline
| ID: 257359 | 44 Words

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Was it the PC or PS2 version ? The PC version is the one to play, I hated that in the PS2 version in town all you got was high view and the streets being fairly wide gave you a view of just that.
Was it the PC or PS2 version ? The PC version is the one to play, I hated that in the PS2 version in town all you got was high view and the streets being fairly wide gave you a view of just that.
Warrior at the Edge of Time

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10-13-10 02:17 PM
supernerd117 is Offline
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I'm not much of a PC gamer(With the exception of the RGR), so I probably won't try it out as of now. It does sound interesting, though. Does it feature a lot of puzzles, or is it mostly an action game?
I'm not much of a PC gamer(With the exception of the RGR), so I probably won't try it out as of now. It does sound interesting, though. Does it feature a lot of puzzles, or is it mostly an action game?
Vizzed Elite

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10-13-10 04:35 PM
hawkwind_dragon is Offline
| ID: 257590 | 103 Words

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It's an older RPG game now, lots of puzzles but not so difficult that you need to read up the solution. Some may think the characters a bit grotty looking but this gives this game its charm. Interesting that many of the enemies are like Japanese knights. I would say this game has a bit of everything, having to split everyone up often is pretty cool, and you can zip between each charater as leader, much like FFXII. Aidyn Chronicle (N64) heroines look very similar to the two in Summoner.

There's Summoner 2 for Playstation 2 which is different but also quite good.
It's an older RPG game now, lots of puzzles but not so difficult that you need to read up the solution. Some may think the characters a bit grotty looking but this gives this game its charm. Interesting that many of the enemies are like Japanese knights. I would say this game has a bit of everything, having to split everyone up often is pretty cool, and you can zip between each charater as leader, much like FFXII. Aidyn Chronicle (N64) heroines look very similar to the two in Summoner.

There's Summoner 2 for Playstation 2 which is different but also quite good.
Warrior at the Edge of Time

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-04-10
Location: London Ontario
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