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What's the weirdest dream you've ever had that you remember?


08-30-10 11:30 AM
jmc1097 is Offline
| ID: 232506 | 60 Words

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The weirdest dream I've ever had involved me as a detective researching a murder of some movie star (kind of like the Black Dahlia case). It turned out that the murderer was an alien that looked like Winnie The Pooh and it kicked me in the shin and took off on a hoverboard. Very strange dream. So what are yours?
The weirdest dream I've ever had involved me as a detective researching a murder of some movie star (kind of like the Black Dahlia case). It turned out that the murderer was an alien that looked like Winnie The Pooh and it kicked me in the shin and took off on a hoverboard. Very strange dream. So what are yours?
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08-30-10 07:06 PM
95jake1 is Offline
| ID: 232684 | 47 Words

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man i dreamnt i was on a playground and kids where laughing and playing then all of sudden there heads came flying off and the whole sky turned dark then people with white sheets on there head where chasing me with chainsaws lol god what a nightmare
man i dreamnt i was on a playground and kids where laughing and playing then all of sudden there heads came flying off and the whole sky turned dark then people with white sheets on there head where chasing me with chainsaws lol god what a nightmare

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08-31-10 12:45 PM
computernorman12 is Offline
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I Remember Once Having A Dream I That I Was A Fly And Everyone Had Fly Swatters Trying To Kill Me Then I Run Into A Bug Zapper And I Died Then I Woke Up From That Nightmare Glad It Was All Just A Dream And None Of It Was Real.
I Remember Once Having A Dream I That I Was A Fly And Everyone Had Fly Swatters Trying To Kill Me Then I Run Into A Bug Zapper And I Died Then I Woke Up From That Nightmare Glad It Was All Just A Dream And None Of It Was Real.

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Registered: 07-09-10
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08-31-10 06:34 PM
flamingfuzzy is Offline
| ID: 233329 | 101 Words

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Probably when I was sent in as a special agent(like James Bond) to another planet. My undercover assignment was to go to an all you can eat buffet with a very attractive woman lady babe. I was there for about 5 hours eating everything I could find.

When I left the buffet I appeared in Hogwarts... But things were different. Someone used an experimental spell which shifted the very fabric of the universe. Everything started getting rusty, brown, covered in moss or literally dissolving away from the universe. It was up to me to change everything back.

Then I woke up.
Probably when I was sent in as a special agent(like James Bond) to another planet. My undercover assignment was to go to an all you can eat buffet with a very attractive woman lady babe. I was there for about 5 hours eating everything I could find.

When I left the buffet I appeared in Hogwarts... But things were different. Someone used an experimental spell which shifted the very fabric of the universe. Everything started getting rusty, brown, covered in moss or literally dissolving away from the universe. It was up to me to change everything back.

Then I woke up.

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Registered: 08-28-10
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09-01-10 06:06 AM
big fat cat is Offline
| ID: 233632 | 182 Words

big fat cat
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so....I went to sleep at around 12 PM one night and I dream all my neighbours were based off of a video game or movie character. so I call for someone whom I know in real life(thought he was a shark ) and we went to the shop to get a drink. the bottle was in the shape of my friends head :s

anyway after that we met up with a few other of my friends and then it started to get freaky. first off when it went dark there were yellow eyes in my room and when I went near them all I heard was this growling sound. so I rushed downstairs and everything changed.
first off everything was warped, a bit like giyagas's face. then it all sorta blacked out, but I could still hear these growling sounds. so then I woke up sweating like a pig(seriously I wringed out my shirt and there was tons of it) and then I went back to sleep for another hour with no dream at all

sorry if its a bit long!
so....I went to sleep at around 12 PM one night and I dream all my neighbours were based off of a video game or movie character. so I call for someone whom I know in real life(thought he was a shark ) and we went to the shop to get a drink. the bottle was in the shape of my friends head :s

anyway after that we met up with a few other of my friends and then it started to get freaky. first off when it went dark there were yellow eyes in my room and when I went near them all I heard was this growling sound. so I rushed downstairs and everything changed.
first off everything was warped, a bit like giyagas's face. then it all sorta blacked out, but I could still hear these growling sounds. so then I woke up sweating like a pig(seriously I wringed out my shirt and there was tons of it) and then I went back to sleep for another hour with no dream at all

sorry if its a bit long!

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09-01-10 09:24 PM
vizwiz123 is Offline
| ID: 233997 | 42 Words

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The weirdest dream I ever had was me logging on to Vizzed and I kept refreshing on the index page. Every time I refreshed the page, a user on the board was banned. Once everyone was banned, my computer just vanished. :/
The weirdest dream I ever had was me logging on to Vizzed and I kept refreshing on the index page. Every time I refreshed the page, a user on the board was banned. Once everyone was banned, my computer just vanished. :/
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<font color=yellow> mer Legendary Walrus of Vizzed, Former Underpants Gnome. Placed 1st in the October 2010 VCS! Hit O.P.S. Syndrome on 10/2/10!

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09-02-10 07:45 PM
XxChaosxX is Offline
| ID: 234388 | 77 Words

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I've been having this same dream since I was a little girl. I'm walking through this mansion and I pass through some double doors. In the room I see this big lab tank with blue water in it. Inside the tank is a woman wrapped loosely in white bandages. Opera music plays in the background and for some reason I'm reeeeaaaalllllyyyy scared. I don't know why or what it means but it always scares me real bad.
I've been having this same dream since I was a little girl. I'm walking through this mansion and I pass through some double doors. In the room I see this big lab tank with blue water in it. Inside the tank is a woman wrapped loosely in white bandages. Opera music plays in the background and for some reason I'm reeeeaaaalllllyyyy scared. I don't know why or what it means but it always scares me real bad.
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09-02-10 08:21 PM
metal572 is Offline
| ID: 234406 | 76 Words

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CP: 121.2
VIZ: 16717

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After I found out my "dad" was really my step dad, I had a nightmare about that. I was still in elementary school, so this really scared me. The dream was I met my real dad and he stayed the night, all of a sudden he flips out and chases me through the house. Then my dad tore his face off and i try to scream, but I can't breathe anymore, that's when I woke up.
After I found out my "dad" was really my step dad, I had a nightmare about that. I was still in elementary school, so this really scared me. The dream was I met my real dad and he stayed the night, all of a sudden he flips out and chases me through the house. Then my dad tore his face off and i try to scream, but I can't breathe anymore, that's when I woke up.
Vizzed Elite
I am vengeance, I am the night, I, AM, BATMAN!!!

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