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Not looking good for P2P


03-29-05 04:44 PM
Remlee is Offline
| ID: 23530 | 16 Words

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Tho i doubt this case will will prevail if enough coorperatiosn push it will prevail.

Tho i doubt this case will will prevail if enough coorperatiosn push it will prevail.
Vizzed Elite

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03-31-05 02:55 PM
Zylo is Offline
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Do you think that they might crack down hardcore and knock on my door? I mean how could they prove it was you that downloaded it and not your dad, or even your little brother, or a friend.
Do you think that they might crack down hardcore and knock on my door? I mean how could they prove it was you that downloaded it and not your dad, or even your little brother, or a friend.
Vizzed Elite
The Doom Slayer AKA: Akuma Eek The UNDERTAKER

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03-31-05 06:00 PM
John is Offline
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The problem with that zylo, is that its your computer and your still responsible for it.
The problem with that zylo, is that its your computer and your still responsible for it.
Vizzed Elite
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03-31-05 06:27 PM
Mrmenz is Offline
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I doubt you will be apprehended unless you download a massive load of things ranging from movies to music and ALOT of it.

The RIAA seems to be targeting software makers and bigger BT sites rather than indivual users.
I doubt you will be apprehended unless you download a massive load of things ranging from movies to music and ALOT of it.

The RIAA seems to be targeting software makers and bigger BT sites rather than indivual users.

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03-31-05 07:51 PM
Remlee is Offline
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omfg. Did you gusy read? Its nto abotu signle IT'LL make P2P networks illegeal.
omfg. Did you gusy read? Its nto abotu signle IT'LL make P2P networks illegeal.
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04-03-05 08:26 PM
Mrmenz is Offline
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A P2P network is simply a network without a server, how can that be made illegal? The article is about them cracking down on the software. If the law or whatever passes the software creators will be fined for ever piece of copyrighted media passed through the network.
A P2P network is simply a network without a server, how can that be made illegal? The article is about them cracking down on the software. If the law or whatever passes the software creators will be fined for ever piece of copyrighted media passed through the network.

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(edited by Mrmenz on 04-04-05 01:29 AM)    

04-03-05 09:08 PM
Remlee is Offline
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Which means the software will be discontinied.
Which means the software will be discontinied.
Vizzed Elite

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04-04-05 02:53 PM
Mrmenz is Offline
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Yes for most of the big guys, although I dont see how they can make something like Bit Torrent illegal. Its not always used for illegal uses and theres many different clients.
Yes for most of the big guys, although I dont see how they can make something like Bit Torrent illegal. Its not always used for illegal uses and theres many different clients.

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04-04-05 07:23 PM
Remlee is Offline
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Well for now its techniclly freedon of speech... in a way that is. It won;t happen as logn as a democrat is president so make sure u vote democrat...
Well for now its techniclly freedon of speech... in a way that is. It won;t happen as logn as a democrat is president so make sure u vote democrat...
Vizzed Elite

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04-04-05 07:36 PM
Lowell is Offline
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It can't happen as long as anybody is president. It doesn't matter if they know how to pronounce Nu-clear or not!

What can they do, post a computer literate armed guard in every house, with a gun aimed at the person sitting in front of the computer? Ludicrous.

Besides, Radio is a P2P software that distributes free music. And every tape deck has a record button to "steal" it. And what about VCR's and MTV? Have people forgotten that "Recording Media" is what humans do? It's in our nature to share. We learned to Share in PreSchool. If you didn't Share, you weren't Social.

Maybe I'm just a socialist(radical democrat), though. =p
It can't happen as long as anybody is president. It doesn't matter if they know how to pronounce Nu-clear or not!

What can they do, post a computer literate armed guard in every house, with a gun aimed at the person sitting in front of the computer? Ludicrous.

Besides, Radio is a P2P software that distributes free music. And every tape deck has a record button to "steal" it. And what about VCR's and MTV? Have people forgotten that "Recording Media" is what humans do? It's in our nature to share. We learned to Share in PreSchool. If you didn't Share, you weren't Social.

Maybe I'm just a socialist(radical democrat), though. =p
Vizzed Elite

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04-05-05 04:56 PM
Remlee is Offline
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Yea... if u believe that ur a socialist... which is why i said it won't happen wit a democrat president.

Republican can be more controlled by the coorperations.
Yea... if u believe that ur a socialist... which is why i said it won't happen wit a democrat president.

Republican can be more controlled by the coorperations.
Vizzed Elite

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04-05-05 07:26 PM
Lowell is Offline
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Republicans can, but Democrats can too. It's not a perfect system. It's Bipartisan. It ruins the whole idea when you hear Kerry say "Yeah, I supported everything Bush stands for."
Republicans can, but Democrats can too. It's not a perfect system. It's Bipartisan. It ruins the whole idea when you hear Kerry say "Yeah, I supported everything Bush stands for."
Vizzed Elite

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04-06-05 05:28 PM
Remlee is Offline
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But no democrat would dream of banning P2P networks... i mean how else would the main populous of democrats get their expensive software?
But no democrat would dream of banning P2P networks... i mean how else would the main populous of democrats get their expensive software?
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by Remlee on 04-06-05 10:28 PM)    


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