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American McGee's Alice
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American McGee's Alice


06-02-10 09:47 AM
Dragonessa is Offline
| ID: 191859 | 164 Words

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I have been reading about this interesting computer game that came out waay back in 2000. From videos on YouTube I could see that it looked amazing! Now I want to play it really has a Mac version which makes me happy and so I am trying out the Demo to see what it is like. I've heard it is visually stunning and also difficult as far as linear games go. However I am a fan of rpg/adventure stories so this should be lots of fun. The game in question? American McGee's Alice. This game presents a twisted version of the Wonderland we know and love. Alice has been sent to the looney-house after a house fire killed her parents and she is suffering from survivor's guilt. The only way to regain her sanity is to return to Wonderland and bring down the tyrannical Red Queen. Have any of you people out there played this game? Care to offer an opinion or review?
I have been reading about this interesting computer game that came out waay back in 2000. From videos on YouTube I could see that it looked amazing! Now I want to play it really has a Mac version which makes me happy and so I am trying out the Demo to see what it is like. I've heard it is visually stunning and also difficult as far as linear games go. However I am a fan of rpg/adventure stories so this should be lots of fun. The game in question? American McGee's Alice. This game presents a twisted version of the Wonderland we know and love. Alice has been sent to the looney-house after a house fire killed her parents and she is suffering from survivor's guilt. The only way to regain her sanity is to return to Wonderland and bring down the tyrannical Red Queen. Have any of you people out there played this game? Care to offer an opinion or review?
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06-03-10 01:54 PM
seeron is Offline
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I remember this game, It was just after American McGee released Diakatana and found out it was a massive failure Making this game somewhat unheard of. I enjoy the dark humor of the game. The gameplay is mediocre but kind of reminds me of phyonaughts.
I remember this game, It was just after American McGee released Diakatana and found out it was a massive failure Making this game somewhat unheard of. I enjoy the dark humor of the game. The gameplay is mediocre but kind of reminds me of phyonaughts.
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07-26-10 12:07 PM
Dragonessa is Offline
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Hmm...mediocre huh?
Well the game did come out in 2000something xD
I think it still looks pretty cool though.
Hmm...mediocre huh?
Well the game did come out in 2000something xD
I think it still looks pretty cool though.
Dragon Lover

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07-27-10 06:50 PM
xfighter1138 is Offline
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seeron : I believe that's John Romero that you're thinking of, however Daikitana couldve been good if Ion Storm wasnt dicking around with the game (unlike Deus Ex.)

Personally, Alice is the only good game that American McGee ever made but that's not bad considering it's a masterpiece. I say check it out, its probably out on Steam. And I think there's a sequel coming out soon for it. Either check out the sequel when it comes out or get it from Steam. Don't listen to Seeron, it's an excellent game.
seeron : I believe that's John Romero that you're thinking of, however Daikitana couldve been good if Ion Storm wasnt dicking around with the game (unlike Deus Ex.)

Personally, Alice is the only good game that American McGee ever made but that's not bad considering it's a masterpiece. I say check it out, its probably out on Steam. And I think there's a sequel coming out soon for it. Either check out the sequel when it comes out or get it from Steam. Don't listen to Seeron, it's an excellent game.
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10-07-10 04:32 PM
hawkwind_dragon is Offline
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I bought the original game used quite sometime ago but it wouldn't run on my Windows XP, and no updates were available (I took it back). I more recently download the demo and it played fine, an interesting game with downloads for costumes.
I bought the original game used quite sometime ago but it wouldn't run on my Windows XP, and no updates were available (I took it back). I more recently download the demo and it played fine, an interesting game with downloads for costumes.
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10-08-10 08:22 AM
Baree is Offline
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Firstly, I am pretty sure seeron was talking about Daikatana being a failure, not American McGees Alice.

In my opinion, this game is one of those slightly hidden gems not that many people have played. I personally feel its not particularly hard, but the story is very grasping and the game breathes a very edgy, slightly dark atmosphere that I really enjoy. Cheshire Cat especially adds a lot of depth to the game, and he really helps setting the mood. He is voiced by Roger Labon Jackson, and Roger did a great job. All in all, yes, if you can get your hands on this game I certainly would give it a go.
Firstly, I am pretty sure seeron was talking about Daikatana being a failure, not American McGees Alice.

In my opinion, this game is one of those slightly hidden gems not that many people have played. I personally feel its not particularly hard, but the story is very grasping and the game breathes a very edgy, slightly dark atmosphere that I really enjoy. Cheshire Cat especially adds a lot of depth to the game, and he really helps setting the mood. He is voiced by Roger Labon Jackson, and Roger did a great job. All in all, yes, if you can get your hands on this game I certainly would give it a go.

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10-10-10 05:59 PM
billythekidmonster is Offline
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I played this game and thought that it was really screwed up. I did not like it at all was not the alic that I knew
I played this game and thought that it was really screwed up. I did not like it at all was not the alic that I knew
3rd place in the August 2011 VCS! I got 3rd place in the October 2010 VCS! 3DS friend code 1762-2680-4239 pm me yours

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10-14-10 12:17 AM
Dark_Link is Offline
| ID: 257976 | 55 Words

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I still have this game installed on my computer. Its a pretty cool game and it had a neat book that came with the game. It was a diary from the doctor of Alice that explained her days in the reformatory that wasn't wonderland. I recommend the read if your going to play the game.
I still have this game installed on my computer. Its a pretty cool game and it had a neat book that came with the game. It was a diary from the doctor of Alice that explained her days in the reformatory that wasn't wonderland. I recommend the read if your going to play the game.

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