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03-29-10 07:25 PM
03-31-10 07:49 AM
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Taking a job.


03-29-10 07:25 PM
RedMageCole is Offline
| ID: 161011 | 138 Words

Level: 58

POSTS: 327/732
POST EXP: 32645
LVL EXP: 1486518
CP: 364.7
VIZ: 24050

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I need a job, and Viz to get the V-Machine.
Here are my talents.

1. Spriting.
2. Searching.
3. Photographing.
4. Testing Games.

However, my services don't come cheap. I require 1000 Viz to 9000000000000000 (ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!) Viz as my pay. Look, I have a high pay needed because I am a kid. And as a kid, I have stuff to do. I have to take care of my dragons, I have other sites that I go on, I have HOMEWORK, and I am working on a comic right here. So, I will take any job, but if the pay is suck for the job you gave me, like 1000 Viz for making 50 sprites, then I will either suggest a higher price, or decline the job period.

So, where are the jobs that I can do?
I need a job, and Viz to get the V-Machine.
Here are my talents.

1. Spriting.
2. Searching.
3. Photographing.
4. Testing Games.

However, my services don't come cheap. I require 1000 Viz to 9000000000000000 (ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!) Viz as my pay. Look, I have a high pay needed because I am a kid. And as a kid, I have stuff to do. I have to take care of my dragons, I have other sites that I go on, I have HOMEWORK, and I am working on a comic right here. So, I will take any job, but if the pay is suck for the job you gave me, like 1000 Viz for making 50 sprites, then I will either suggest a higher price, or decline the job period.

So, where are the jobs that I can do?
Affected by 'Red Magic'

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-31-09
Location: In your nightmares.
Last Post: 4792 days
Last Active: 2700 days

03-31-10 07:49 AM
Juliet is Offline
| ID: 161658 | 11 Words

Level: 150

POSTS: 2125/6750
POST EXP: 348455
LVL EXP: 41928883
CP: 10737.0
VIZ: 1380696

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
[closed upon Cole's request, will be opened when he comes back]
[closed upon Cole's request, will be opened when he comes back]
Vizzed Elite

3rd Place in the July 2009 VCS Competition!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-10-09
Location: Manila, PH (Asia)
Last Post: 1822 days
Last Active: 232 days


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