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Blizzard Wolfang Bio


07-05-24 02:49 PM
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Time to do another biography of one of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6. That characters name is Bizzard Wolfang sometimes alternately spelled as Wolffang. Wolfang and Rainy Turtloid are two of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6. Like Turtloid, Wolffang is considered a tragic character. Indeed, lets learn about this tragic character who was wrongfully labeled a maverick, which are reploids that pose a danger.

Blizzard Wolfang was created by Gate. He originally had multiple roles. One of his roles was as a rescue in the cold polar climates. Another one of his roles was to help protect the environment in the polar regions. His main role was to lead eco friend development in the polar regions of the world. He had great leadership abilities and won several awards. He was also highly respected as he looked after his staff. He followed safety protocalls and if hi staff was in danger he would do everything he could to help them.

Despite winning awards some feared Wolfang due to his powerful attacks. The organizations where afraid that if Blizzard went maverick it would be a disaster due to the power he possessed. Despite possessing great power he only used these attacks in self defense.

One day while he was at the North Pole his unit was attacked by Mavericks. Over 90% of his unit was destroyed. Wolfang was able to destroy the mavericks. Some agents that hated Gate wanted to blame Wolfang for the attack stating it was because as feared he had gone maverick. However, thanks to the Maverick Hunter Zero he was proven to be innocent. Zero produced evidence in front of the agents that showed Blizzard had done everything he could to protect his unit.

Despite being cleared a conspiracy was brewing. Some of the organizations and agents that hated Gate got together and conspired to dispose of Wolfang not because of Wolfang's actions but mainly to prove a point to Gate that he was making reploids that could pose to be a danger. The agents got Alia who was still working for Gate to go along with them. Alia told them where Wolfang would be. However, Alia tried to back out at the last minute stating this was wrong. The agents told Alia if she did not go along with them they would dispose of her. The agents ambushed Bizzard while he was on a ship and put weights around him. They pushed him into the Arctic Ocean causing him to drown. Alia felt remorse that she was lied to and then forced to do the horrible deed. She also has PTSD from the event. After that she left to work for the Maverick Hunters.

During the events of Mega Man X6 Gate, who had been infected with the Sigma Virus, resurrected Wolfang to serve as an investigator. He was ordered to take over an arctic base. Wolfang knew this was wrong as he knew that the Nightmare was a death trap to reploids. Still, out of loyalty to Gate he went along with it. X and Zero made their way through his base and confronted him. The two maverick hunters felt sympathy toward Blizzard knowing the circumstances. Like Rainy Turtloid he asks the hunters to kill him to free him from Gate and so he can die with a clear conscience. Despite asking to be killed he puts up a decent fight but is destroyed by X and Zero. As he dies he says thank you to the hunters for killing him ending his torment once and for all. X and Zero feel remorse on having to kill him.

Appearance- Blizzard Wolfang is based off of a wolf, most likely a grey wolf. He is tall and has canine like teeth. He also has long claws. He is mostly blue in color, but has white and gray armor as well. Like most of Gate's creations he has the signature Gate horn on his forehead.

Personality- He is a dedicated person as he is dedicated to the safety of his unit. He takes his jobs seriously and believes he is contributing to society. He has a high sense of honor and is slow to anger. Despite his powerful attacks he does not like to use them unless its for self defense. He also has a high sense of morality and respect for law. This is proven when the way he follows safety protocalls.

Even when he is brought back to life he maintains his original personality. He is loyal to Gate as Gate gave him a second chance. On the other hand, he knows that Gate has become a maverick. Like he was in his previous life he is full of torment due to his sense of morality. He was in torment the first time as he was feared due to his size and powerful attacks. Also being labeled a maverick for an incident he had nothing to do with. Now as a nightmare investigator he is in torment because he knows that it is a death trap. His torment, sense of honor, and morality is one reason he asks the two Maverick Hunters to kill him in battle. Most likely, so he would be free from Gate's control and could die at peace. As he is dying he thanks the two Maverick Hunters for freeing him and ending his inner torment.

Abilities- Wolfang has great abilities. He can function in the coldest temperature known to mankind. He also has sensors that can detect motion and heat in the Arctic. Since he is a wolf he can walk on all fours and howl. His long claws can be used for rescue as they can dig through several feet of snow. They also serve as a weapon as they can slice through armor. In addition, his claws allow him to go on ceilings and walls. His ice weapons are also used for offensive purposes as they do significant damage. Moreover, he is both fast and powerful. He can run at very fast speeds.

Attacks- Blizzard has several powerful attacks that he uses when he has too. One of his main attacks is his rush attack. In this attack he howls like a wolf, will then run toward his opponent, and pounce on them at amazing speed. In some versions of the game he will use his teeth to bite when he does this move. His other attack is his dash and slice attack. In this attack Blizzard will run toward his opponent dash into them and then use his sharp claws to slice for extra damage. Another powerful attack is his ice burst weapon. He will either spit or fire a powerful ice boulder. The ice boulder will do extra damage if it hits his opponent, it can also do damage to thick armor. Another version if this attack is Wolf fires an ice burst that splits into multiple pieces doing extra damage. His final attack is his ice storm or ice avalanche attack. In this attack he will fire several ice bursts at once. The ice can split into multiple pieces.

Weakness- He is weak to the Magma weapon or any heat related weapon. This is because the fire weapons melt his ice. Furthermore, he is sensitive to extreme heat. Blizzard likes it very cold. The colder it is the stronger he is. Any heat weapon will do damage to him. Another weakness is sometimes he is too loyal. He follows Gate even though he admits to Zero he knows what Gate is doing is wrong. However, this could be due to him being in torment and due to his past circumstances. Another weakness is sometimes his moves can be seen as simple.

Being a Meteorologist Rainy Turtloid and Blizzard Wolfang are my two favorites from this game. I like how both have meteorological weapons rain and ice. I also like how they both are good guys that were wrongfully judged.

Overall, Blizzard is a tragic character. He was never a bad guy to being with just like Rainy Turtloid. Both tried to do good in the world but where wrongfully judged. In Blizzard's case it was due to fear. Even after being found innocent some had it out for him just to prove a point to Gate. He was also the victim of a crime in his case it was murder and conspiracy. After being resurrected he maintains his good guy personality. He knows the nightmare is a ruse but he lacks the power to stop it. He also is loyal to Gate for bringing him back. As I stated this causes him inner turmoil. When he is confronted he ask the two maverick hunters to take him out after explaining his circumstances to them. Even Zero feels remorse for having to kill him. In some games Zero even bows his head after destroying him. He was one of the few reploids to thank the hunters for taking him out. This clearly proves he is not a maverick and is not even infected with the Sigma Virus.

For this reason Blizzard is considered a victim in the Maverick Wars just like Storm Eagle, Magnet Centipede, Blizzard Buffalo, Volt Catfish, Neon Tiger, The Skyvier, and fellow nightmare investigator Rainly Turtloid. Indeed, this is why according to Capcom and the makers of Mega Man X6 him and Turtloid are not considered mavericks in the events of Mega Man X6. This concludes the biography of one of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6.
Time to do another biography of one of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6. That characters name is Bizzard Wolfang sometimes alternately spelled as Wolffang. Wolfang and Rainy Turtloid are two of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6. Like Turtloid, Wolffang is considered a tragic character. Indeed, lets learn about this tragic character who was wrongfully labeled a maverick, which are reploids that pose a danger.

Blizzard Wolfang was created by Gate. He originally had multiple roles. One of his roles was as a rescue in the cold polar climates. Another one of his roles was to help protect the environment in the polar regions. His main role was to lead eco friend development in the polar regions of the world. He had great leadership abilities and won several awards. He was also highly respected as he looked after his staff. He followed safety protocalls and if hi staff was in danger he would do everything he could to help them.

Despite winning awards some feared Wolfang due to his powerful attacks. The organizations where afraid that if Blizzard went maverick it would be a disaster due to the power he possessed. Despite possessing great power he only used these attacks in self defense.

One day while he was at the North Pole his unit was attacked by Mavericks. Over 90% of his unit was destroyed. Wolfang was able to destroy the mavericks. Some agents that hated Gate wanted to blame Wolfang for the attack stating it was because as feared he had gone maverick. However, thanks to the Maverick Hunter Zero he was proven to be innocent. Zero produced evidence in front of the agents that showed Blizzard had done everything he could to protect his unit.

Despite being cleared a conspiracy was brewing. Some of the organizations and agents that hated Gate got together and conspired to dispose of Wolfang not because of Wolfang's actions but mainly to prove a point to Gate that he was making reploids that could pose to be a danger. The agents got Alia who was still working for Gate to go along with them. Alia told them where Wolfang would be. However, Alia tried to back out at the last minute stating this was wrong. The agents told Alia if she did not go along with them they would dispose of her. The agents ambushed Bizzard while he was on a ship and put weights around him. They pushed him into the Arctic Ocean causing him to drown. Alia felt remorse that she was lied to and then forced to do the horrible deed. She also has PTSD from the event. After that she left to work for the Maverick Hunters.

During the events of Mega Man X6 Gate, who had been infected with the Sigma Virus, resurrected Wolfang to serve as an investigator. He was ordered to take over an arctic base. Wolfang knew this was wrong as he knew that the Nightmare was a death trap to reploids. Still, out of loyalty to Gate he went along with it. X and Zero made their way through his base and confronted him. The two maverick hunters felt sympathy toward Blizzard knowing the circumstances. Like Rainy Turtloid he asks the hunters to kill him to free him from Gate and so he can die with a clear conscience. Despite asking to be killed he puts up a decent fight but is destroyed by X and Zero. As he dies he says thank you to the hunters for killing him ending his torment once and for all. X and Zero feel remorse on having to kill him.

Appearance- Blizzard Wolfang is based off of a wolf, most likely a grey wolf. He is tall and has canine like teeth. He also has long claws. He is mostly blue in color, but has white and gray armor as well. Like most of Gate's creations he has the signature Gate horn on his forehead.

Personality- He is a dedicated person as he is dedicated to the safety of his unit. He takes his jobs seriously and believes he is contributing to society. He has a high sense of honor and is slow to anger. Despite his powerful attacks he does not like to use them unless its for self defense. He also has a high sense of morality and respect for law. This is proven when the way he follows safety protocalls.

Even when he is brought back to life he maintains his original personality. He is loyal to Gate as Gate gave him a second chance. On the other hand, he knows that Gate has become a maverick. Like he was in his previous life he is full of torment due to his sense of morality. He was in torment the first time as he was feared due to his size and powerful attacks. Also being labeled a maverick for an incident he had nothing to do with. Now as a nightmare investigator he is in torment because he knows that it is a death trap. His torment, sense of honor, and morality is one reason he asks the two Maverick Hunters to kill him in battle. Most likely, so he would be free from Gate's control and could die at peace. As he is dying he thanks the two Maverick Hunters for freeing him and ending his inner torment.

Abilities- Wolfang has great abilities. He can function in the coldest temperature known to mankind. He also has sensors that can detect motion and heat in the Arctic. Since he is a wolf he can walk on all fours and howl. His long claws can be used for rescue as they can dig through several feet of snow. They also serve as a weapon as they can slice through armor. In addition, his claws allow him to go on ceilings and walls. His ice weapons are also used for offensive purposes as they do significant damage. Moreover, he is both fast and powerful. He can run at very fast speeds.

Attacks- Blizzard has several powerful attacks that he uses when he has too. One of his main attacks is his rush attack. In this attack he howls like a wolf, will then run toward his opponent, and pounce on them at amazing speed. In some versions of the game he will use his teeth to bite when he does this move. His other attack is his dash and slice attack. In this attack Blizzard will run toward his opponent dash into them and then use his sharp claws to slice for extra damage. Another powerful attack is his ice burst weapon. He will either spit or fire a powerful ice boulder. The ice boulder will do extra damage if it hits his opponent, it can also do damage to thick armor. Another version if this attack is Wolf fires an ice burst that splits into multiple pieces doing extra damage. His final attack is his ice storm or ice avalanche attack. In this attack he will fire several ice bursts at once. The ice can split into multiple pieces.

Weakness- He is weak to the Magma weapon or any heat related weapon. This is because the fire weapons melt his ice. Furthermore, he is sensitive to extreme heat. Blizzard likes it very cold. The colder it is the stronger he is. Any heat weapon will do damage to him. Another weakness is sometimes he is too loyal. He follows Gate even though he admits to Zero he knows what Gate is doing is wrong. However, this could be due to him being in torment and due to his past circumstances. Another weakness is sometimes his moves can be seen as simple.

Being a Meteorologist Rainy Turtloid and Blizzard Wolfang are my two favorites from this game. I like how both have meteorological weapons rain and ice. I also like how they both are good guys that were wrongfully judged.

Overall, Blizzard is a tragic character. He was never a bad guy to being with just like Rainy Turtloid. Both tried to do good in the world but where wrongfully judged. In Blizzard's case it was due to fear. Even after being found innocent some had it out for him just to prove a point to Gate. He was also the victim of a crime in his case it was murder and conspiracy. After being resurrected he maintains his good guy personality. He knows the nightmare is a ruse but he lacks the power to stop it. He also is loyal to Gate for bringing him back. As I stated this causes him inner turmoil. When he is confronted he ask the two maverick hunters to take him out after explaining his circumstances to them. Even Zero feels remorse for having to kill him. In some games Zero even bows his head after destroying him. He was one of the few reploids to thank the hunters for taking him out. This clearly proves he is not a maverick and is not even infected with the Sigma Virus.

For this reason Blizzard is considered a victim in the Maverick Wars just like Storm Eagle, Magnet Centipede, Blizzard Buffalo, Volt Catfish, Neon Tiger, The Skyvier, and fellow nightmare investigator Rainly Turtloid. Indeed, this is why according to Capcom and the makers of Mega Man X6 him and Turtloid are not considered mavericks in the events of Mega Man X6. This concludes the biography of one of my favorite characters from Mega Man X6.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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