So back in 2021, I happened to of bought myself a new PC. I was going to make it myself, however with how bad the market prices were for everything it was practically impossible to get a good deal on anything I really wanted. Prebuilds were the next option, and thankfully I didn't live too far away from a Best Buy. I see the price, 1,100 USD for a Ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB of DDR4 3200 Ram, a RX580 8GB GPU, seemed pretty good for me and what I was wanting. I snatch it up, and for a while that was that.
Then around 2022 having found out that Walmart was selling a new Nvidia GTX 3070 got me interested, and for basically retail price too. I didn't have a ton of money at the time but I went ahead and took one and really that was about it for me. I wasn't really thinking too hard about my desicion and thankfully it fit right into my computer. Nothing really could change how happy I was and for a while, things worked great!
Then suddenly I kept getting Black Screens, Errors that tell me pretty much nothing about why my computer was doing it. I start to look into it, seems like a lot of other people are also having this issue and it put me through the wildest goose chase to figure out my own issues. Did like the most "Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling" processes I possibly could, nothing fixed it. Tried to adjust my GPU to make sure it wasn't sagging or anything, it was not. Ran many benchmarks and test to see if it was Other things that could be the issue, it did nothing.
I then think to myself... huh. You know I should proabably check my power supply to see if it was the right amount of Watts. I never thought to think about it cause my RX580 was about 60 less watts then my GTX 3070 and didn't think that was much a difference maker to really get another PSU. Plus it was working fine before! Why would I of needed to? I was basically in denial until everything else didn't work and sighed. "Fine, I'll check my PSU"
Guess what? I found out this thing was a 600W power supply from... Apevia. I heard about the company before but why exactly? Well uh... turns out their power supplies are completely made on the cheap and are some of the worst possible ones you could put into your PC if you had any choice. Sheesh. Well I just went ahead and bought a 750w PSU from Evga and that'll be getting to me tomorrow so hoping and praying that it does the trick.
Lesson of the story? Always research the Company that your PSU comes from. Could go from causing you to lose all your hardware to basically saving your life.
So back in 2021, I happened to of bought myself a new PC. I was going to make it myself, however with how bad the market prices were for everything it was practically impossible to get a good deal on anything I really wanted. Prebuilds were the next option, and thankfully I didn't live too far away from a Best Buy. I see the price, 1,100 USD for a Ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB of DDR4 3200 Ram, a RX580 8GB GPU, seemed pretty good for me and what I was wanting. I snatch it up, and for a while that was that.
Then around 2022 having found out that Walmart was selling a new Nvidia GTX 3070 got me interested, and for basically retail price too. I didn't have a ton of money at the time but I went ahead and took one and really that was about it for me. I wasn't really thinking too hard about my desicion and thankfully it fit right into my computer. Nothing really could change how happy I was and for a while, things worked great!
Then suddenly I kept getting Black Screens, Errors that tell me pretty much nothing about why my computer was doing it. I start to look into it, seems like a lot of other people are also having this issue and it put me through the wildest goose chase to figure out my own issues. Did like the most "Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling" processes I possibly could, nothing fixed it. Tried to adjust my GPU to make sure it wasn't sagging or anything, it was not. Ran many benchmarks and test to see if it was Other things that could be the issue, it did nothing.
I then think to myself... huh. You know I should proabably check my power supply to see if it was the right amount of Watts. I never thought to think about it cause my RX580 was about 60 less watts then my GTX 3070 and didn't think that was much a difference maker to really get another PSU. Plus it was working fine before! Why would I of needed to? I was basically in denial until everything else didn't work and sighed. "Fine, I'll check my PSU"
Guess what? I found out this thing was a 600W power supply from... Apevia. I heard about the company before but why exactly? Well uh... turns out their power supplies are completely made on the cheap and are some of the worst possible ones you could put into your PC if you had any choice. Sheesh. Well I just went ahead and bought a 750w PSU from Evga and that'll be getting to me tomorrow so hoping and praying that it does the trick.
Lesson of the story? Always research the Company that your PSU comes from. Could go from causing you to lose all your hardware to basically saving your life.