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Do you prefer questions with or without polls?


04-07-19 11:25 PM
pennylessz is Offline
| ID: 1371194 | 62 Words

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I've never considered asking other people's thoughts on opinions before. But I always kind of figured that a poll gives people the chance to be lazy. They don't have to write out their point of view, they can just select the option they agree with.

It's hard to say which I prefer. I'd like to see how all of you feel first.
I've never considered asking other people's thoughts on opinions before. But I always kind of figured that a poll gives people the chance to be lazy. They don't have to write out their point of view, they can just select the option they agree with.

It's hard to say which I prefer. I'd like to see how all of you feel first.
Vizzed Elite

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04-08-19 04:36 AM
m0ssb3rg935 is Offline
| ID: 1371221 | 68 Words

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It really depends on whether or not you want something to be anonymous. If you do, just a poll is good. Otherwise, I'd put up polls but request an explanation for their choice. That way you still get the input from the lazy ones that won't reply but benefit from getting to know the reasoning of anyone willing to offer it.

Unfortunately, I think polls are still broken...
It really depends on whether or not you want something to be anonymous. If you do, just a poll is good. Otherwise, I'd put up polls but request an explanation for their choice. That way you still get the input from the lazy ones that won't reply but benefit from getting to know the reasoning of anyone willing to offer it.

Unfortunately, I think polls are still broken...
Vizzed Elite
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04-08-19 04:43 AM
pennylessz is Offline
| ID: 1371225 | 23 Words

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m0ssb3rg935 : I can tell, this thread was supposed to be a poll. A lot of things seem to be broken around here.
m0ssb3rg935 : I can tell, this thread was supposed to be a poll. A lot of things seem to be broken around here.
Vizzed Elite

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Registered: 02-10-10
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04-08-19 04:55 AM
m0ssb3rg935 is Offline
| ID: 1371229 | 108 Words

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There've been a number of really unfortunate happenings over the last several years. Decreased site traffic, the hit from Nintendo, the fact that forums are an aging platform, donations drying up, and a number of home problems for David have made it where development has slowed as a whole since the older days due to working a full time job elsewhere, and there have been times where he had to take a couple weeks off due to unexpected complications that had to be dealt with. He's still making it work, though. Still taking all the time he reasonably can to get stuff fixed. It's slow going, but gradual.
There've been a number of really unfortunate happenings over the last several years. Decreased site traffic, the hit from Nintendo, the fact that forums are an aging platform, donations drying up, and a number of home problems for David have made it where development has slowed as a whole since the older days due to working a full time job elsewhere, and there have been times where he had to take a couple weeks off due to unexpected complications that had to be dealt with. He's still making it work, though. Still taking all the time he reasonably can to get stuff fixed. It's slow going, but gradual.
Vizzed Elite
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Token Clueless Guy to Make Others Look Smarter

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-09-13
Location: Tennessee
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