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Master Higgins' Adventure on the Gameboy
08-08-18 07:01 PM
luigi25 is Offline
| ID: 1355887 | 1322 Words

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Adventure Island was first released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. I felt like that game had a lot of problems due to the lack of lives and continues. Several years later, around 1990 or early 91, Adventure Island 2 was also released on the NES. It was quite an improvement over the first game but still didn't have a very good continue system. That game would be ported to the Gameboy in early 1992 which is what this review is about. I felt like this game is easier to play in a way, but there are a lot of problems I have with this Adventure Island game also. It's mainly just a port of Adventure Island 2, and the problems with ports are their lack of originality. Most of the time the gameplay isn't as good either, but I'm not sure if that's the case. It does have a better continue option. However, there are lot of things that have been downgraded from the original. This game has terrible controls, bad music, and other issues I plan on talking about in this review/rant. Graphics 8/10: As you would expect with many games that are ported over to the original black and white Gameboy, the graphics aren't as good. Adventure Island on Gameboy looks okay but isn't as attractive of a game as Adventure Island 2 on NES. I kind of have mixed feelings about this game's graphics. Yeah, the game doesn't look as good as the original, but it isn't all that much of a downgrade. The sprites have about the same level of detail and so do the backgrounds. I guess, the only thing that is missing is the color that that game had. Overall, it isn't perfect, but it doesn't look terrible either. Music 0/10: All I can say about the music in this port is don't play it if you're in a bad mood. This game has the most depressing soundtrack I have ever heard! The tracks are just the same ones from Adventure Island 2 ported to the handheld Gameboy, and they sound horrible!! There is no originality here either, and that also is what hurts things even more. You just have the same music from the original game, but it has been downgraded big time for some reason. You can't expect the game to sound as good, but it could've been better than this. There could've also been some new tracks added as well. This soundtrack sucks and is a major disappointment over Adventure Island 2! Gameplay 6/10: Adventure Island on the Gameboy plays just like Adventure Island 2 on NES. You have to collect fruit along the way to keep from running out of time in the stages. Players have the item inventory to choose from at the start of each stage that includes: dinosaurs and axes. These items are found in eggs that reveal playing cards that turn into dinosaurs. Master Higgins can take more than one hit which is also nice. There are also overworld maps which are also pretty cool, and each island has their own theme. It's basically the same game as Adventure Island 2 on NES, but the 8 islands don't contain as many levels which in some ways can be good or bad depending on what players like. If you get a Game Over in this version, you are sent back a level or two and have to restart from there instead of restarting from the beginning of the island which is a big improvement over the gameplay of the original! However, you have the same 8 islands and the same bosses from the original, but the bosses don't take as many hits. Overall, this version is easier, but the controls are God-awful! Higgins is slippery as hell, and he either has no momentum in his jumps or too much momentum! If it weren't for the improved continue option this version would be impossible to play! I like the better continue option, and how the game isn't as hard. I don't like the lack of originality with the 8 islands. They're just the same ones, but at least the levels are different and easier from before. The controls are what really is a big turn off for me. The game takes forever to beat and still keeps giving me trouble even after several playthroughs. Adventure Island takes longer than it should to finish, and that's why I can't say I enjoy this version too much. I also feel like the game design is flat and doesn't do much that's different except for the improved continue system. Story 7/10: The plot of this game is just the same one ported over from Adventure Island 2. I liked the storyline from that game and how Tina became Higgins' girlfriend. He has to save her again because she has been re-kidnapped by an evil Witch Doctor and his followers and took to a new area with 8 different islands. This is a cool concept, and I can't expect much to change here. I feel like it could've been different, but in other ways I can live with it. To me, the plot is just the same, but it was a pretty nice storyline. You get the same thing for this game, and it is bland in some ways, but in a way I still like it. Content 7/10: Adventure Island on Gameboy doesn't take all that long to finish if you are skilled and experienced enough of a player. It can be beat in little under an hour but still contains the same 8 islands as before. However, these 8 areas contain fewer levels than they did in Adventure Island 2. So, as a result, this game is a little shorter. I feel like it still has a decent amount of content that will keep experienced players busy for a while and inexperienced players occupied for even longer. Difficulty 9/10: This version of Adventure Island lets you continue your game after getting a Game Over, but all the items/dinosaurs in your inventory are gone just like in Adventure Island 2. However, this time, you get to continue from only one level or so back from where you last were. This is a big improvement over Adventure Island 2 because in that game you had to replay the entire world which was at least 10 levels long and even longer on some worlds. I found this game hard as hell at first, and it never got that much easier. The controls are terrible, and I continue to find myself dying a lot because of this. Instead a game that can be finished in about 50 mins. takes over an hour and a half! If it weren't for the improved continue option, I would have the same problems as before with AI2. The first game was unplayable, the second game was playable but hard due to bad game design, here, the design is better, but the poor controls make it take longer than it should to finish. You have to be patient with this game, and not try to finish it in one go. My advice is to take a break or two or maybe even 3! This is still a hard game. Overall 5.6/10: Adventure Island on Gameboy is a big downgrade over Adventure Island 2 on NES. That game had a more upbeat soundtrack. This game sounds so depressing and just puts me in a bad mood. It's sad sounding!! The controls are also awful, and they make it take longer than it should to complete. I can live with the story being what it is. A lot of other things aren't that original, and I can tolerate that. I just can't deal with the bad controls and bad music. Even though, this version is an improvement as far as its design, it isn't as nearly as enjoyable as the original. Adventure Island was first released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. I felt like that game had a lot of problems due to the lack of lives and continues. Several years later, around 1990 or early 91, Adventure Island 2 was also released on the NES. It was quite an improvement over the first game but still didn't have a very good continue system. That game would be ported to the Gameboy in early 1992 which is what this review is about. I felt like this game is easier to play in a way, but there are a lot of problems I have with this Adventure Island game also. It's mainly just a port of Adventure Island 2, and the problems with ports are their lack of originality. Most of the time the gameplay isn't as good either, but I'm not sure if that's the case. It does have a better continue option. However, there are lot of things that have been downgraded from the original. This game has terrible controls, bad music, and other issues I plan on talking about in this review/rant. Graphics 8/10: As you would expect with many games that are ported over to the original black and white Gameboy, the graphics aren't as good. Adventure Island on Gameboy looks okay but isn't as attractive of a game as Adventure Island 2 on NES. I kind of have mixed feelings about this game's graphics. Yeah, the game doesn't look as good as the original, but it isn't all that much of a downgrade. The sprites have about the same level of detail and so do the backgrounds. I guess, the only thing that is missing is the color that that game had. Overall, it isn't perfect, but it doesn't look terrible either. Music 0/10: All I can say about the music in this port is don't play it if you're in a bad mood. This game has the most depressing soundtrack I have ever heard! The tracks are just the same ones from Adventure Island 2 ported to the handheld Gameboy, and they sound horrible!! There is no originality here either, and that also is what hurts things even more. You just have the same music from the original game, but it has been downgraded big time for some reason. You can't expect the game to sound as good, but it could've been better than this. There could've also been some new tracks added as well. This soundtrack sucks and is a major disappointment over Adventure Island 2! Gameplay 6/10: Adventure Island on the Gameboy plays just like Adventure Island 2 on NES. You have to collect fruit along the way to keep from running out of time in the stages. Players have the item inventory to choose from at the start of each stage that includes: dinosaurs and axes. These items are found in eggs that reveal playing cards that turn into dinosaurs. Master Higgins can take more than one hit which is also nice. There are also overworld maps which are also pretty cool, and each island has their own theme. It's basically the same game as Adventure Island 2 on NES, but the 8 islands don't contain as many levels which in some ways can be good or bad depending on what players like. If you get a Game Over in this version, you are sent back a level or two and have to restart from there instead of restarting from the beginning of the island which is a big improvement over the gameplay of the original! However, you have the same 8 islands and the same bosses from the original, but the bosses don't take as many hits. Overall, this version is easier, but the controls are God-awful! Higgins is slippery as hell, and he either has no momentum in his jumps or too much momentum! If it weren't for the improved continue option this version would be impossible to play! I like the better continue option, and how the game isn't as hard. I don't like the lack of originality with the 8 islands. They're just the same ones, but at least the levels are different and easier from before. The controls are what really is a big turn off for me. The game takes forever to beat and still keeps giving me trouble even after several playthroughs. Adventure Island takes longer than it should to finish, and that's why I can't say I enjoy this version too much. I also feel like the game design is flat and doesn't do much that's different except for the improved continue system. Story 7/10: The plot of this game is just the same one ported over from Adventure Island 2. I liked the storyline from that game and how Tina became Higgins' girlfriend. He has to save her again because she has been re-kidnapped by an evil Witch Doctor and his followers and took to a new area with 8 different islands. This is a cool concept, and I can't expect much to change here. I feel like it could've been different, but in other ways I can live with it. To me, the plot is just the same, but it was a pretty nice storyline. You get the same thing for this game, and it is bland in some ways, but in a way I still like it. Content 7/10: Adventure Island on Gameboy doesn't take all that long to finish if you are skilled and experienced enough of a player. It can be beat in little under an hour but still contains the same 8 islands as before. However, these 8 areas contain fewer levels than they did in Adventure Island 2. So, as a result, this game is a little shorter. I feel like it still has a decent amount of content that will keep experienced players busy for a while and inexperienced players occupied for even longer. Difficulty 9/10: This version of Adventure Island lets you continue your game after getting a Game Over, but all the items/dinosaurs in your inventory are gone just like in Adventure Island 2. However, this time, you get to continue from only one level or so back from where you last were. This is a big improvement over Adventure Island 2 because in that game you had to replay the entire world which was at least 10 levels long and even longer on some worlds. I found this game hard as hell at first, and it never got that much easier. The controls are terrible, and I continue to find myself dying a lot because of this. Instead a game that can be finished in about 50 mins. takes over an hour and a half! If it weren't for the improved continue option, I would have the same problems as before with AI2. The first game was unplayable, the second game was playable but hard due to bad game design, here, the design is better, but the poor controls make it take longer than it should to finish. You have to be patient with this game, and not try to finish it in one go. My advice is to take a break or two or maybe even 3! This is still a hard game. Overall 5.6/10: Adventure Island on Gameboy is a big downgrade over Adventure Island 2 on NES. That game had a more upbeat soundtrack. This game sounds so depressing and just puts me in a bad mood. It's sad sounding!! The controls are also awful, and they make it take longer than it should to complete. I can live with the story being what it is. A lot of other things aren't that original, and I can tolerate that. I just can't deal with the bad controls and bad music. Even though, this version is an improvement as far as its design, it isn't as nearly as enjoyable as the original. |
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