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Jigglypuff is pudding
Japanese calls Jigglypuff "pudding'
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Jigglypuff is pudding


07-30-18 07:54 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
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Well, I was tied between posting this thread on either here (the pure puddingness, and TOF is a 90% pudding), or post it in the Pokemon forum (because of well, Jigglypuff being a Pokemon and all).

In case some of you don't know this, but in the Pokemon franchise, one of the Pokemon named Jigglypuff happens to be called "Pudding" in Japan which is funny.

In Japan, they have given Jigglypuff the name "
Purin" and if you translate Purin into English, it translate to "Pudding". So, in retrospect. Jigglypuff is just a big, pink, puffy ball of pudding.

I just find it weird and funny on how they named Jigglypuff Pudding in Japan.
Well, I was tied between posting this thread on either here (the pure puddingness, and TOF is a 90% pudding), or post it in the Pokemon forum (because of well, Jigglypuff being a Pokemon and all).

In case some of you don't know this, but in the Pokemon franchise, one of the Pokemon named Jigglypuff happens to be called "Pudding" in Japan which is funny.

In Japan, they have given Jigglypuff the name "
Purin" and if you translate Purin into English, it translate to "Pudding". So, in retrospect. Jigglypuff is just a big, pink, puffy ball of pudding.

I just find it weird and funny on how they named Jigglypuff Pudding in Japan.
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07-30-18 08:19 PM
EX Palen is Offline
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EX Palen
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Following that logic, in Japan we can name Pudding whoever sings in a way that everyone listening falls asleep. And how irresistible to say that the singer is pudding them to sleep lolololol

The name isn't actually as weird as some may think. Purin is the Japanese name for flan style pudding, which is fitting due to its soft and puffy body. I wonder why it wasn't given a true flan-like color for it's shiny form if so, or why hasn't appeared any scene of an anime character licking a Jigglypuff to see if it was true to its name.

Funny thing is that Igglybuff is named "Pupurin", which combines the first part of "puchi", meaning petit, with its evolution's name, essentially making it "petit pudding". Wigglytuff attempted to follow a similar scheme, though its naming can have several different meanings beyond "big and round pudding".

This makes me wonder what else can we find if we search for the Japanese names of some Pokemon, though that thread would (probably) no longer belong here. Something tells me this case isn't the weirdest one we could find, so if I'm ever bored now I know what to do to kill time xD
Following that logic, in Japan we can name Pudding whoever sings in a way that everyone listening falls asleep. And how irresistible to say that the singer is pudding them to sleep lolololol

The name isn't actually as weird as some may think. Purin is the Japanese name for flan style pudding, which is fitting due to its soft and puffy body. I wonder why it wasn't given a true flan-like color for it's shiny form if so, or why hasn't appeared any scene of an anime character licking a Jigglypuff to see if it was true to its name.

Funny thing is that Igglybuff is named "Pupurin", which combines the first part of "puchi", meaning petit, with its evolution's name, essentially making it "petit pudding". Wigglytuff attempted to follow a similar scheme, though its naming can have several different meanings beyond "big and round pudding".

This makes me wonder what else can we find if we search for the Japanese names of some Pokemon, though that thread would (probably) no longer belong here. Something tells me this case isn't the weirdest one we could find, so if I'm ever bored now I know what to do to kill time xD
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07-30-18 09:59 PM
vizzy900 is Offline
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Jigglypuff sure is one good Balloon Pokemon! Even though Jigglypuff has a Japanese name that means flan style pudding!
Jigglypuff sure is one good Balloon Pokemon! Even though Jigglypuff has a Japanese name that means flan style pudding!
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07-30-18 10:42 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
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EX Palen : It's really weird on how everyday food or other items you randomly think about that got a name of a certain Pokemon, quite interesting. But the question that has to be asked though? I wonder if those Japanese people came up with Jigglypuff and it's evolution line by looking at a flan-style pudding.

vizzy900 : Just like I told EX, Japan must love their flan pudding that they created a Pokemon named after the flan pudding and gave it the name Jigglypuff.
EX Palen : It's really weird on how everyday food or other items you randomly think about that got a name of a certain Pokemon, quite interesting. But the question that has to be asked though? I wonder if those Japanese people came up with Jigglypuff and it's evolution line by looking at a flan-style pudding.

vizzy900 : Just like I told EX, Japan must love their flan pudding that they created a Pokemon named after the flan pudding and gave it the name Jigglypuff.
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07-30-18 11:52 PM
zanthehero is Offline
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That does make sense for Jigglypuffs name to mean pudding in Japanese. I always thought too in the US it's name was like a Jello reference or something too. I'd say Jigglypuff and all it's forms are 90% gelatinous and 10% air XD. 
That does make sense for Jigglypuffs name to mean pudding in Japanese. I always thought too in the US it's name was like a Jello reference or something too. I'd say Jigglypuff and all it's forms are 90% gelatinous and 10% air XD. 
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07-31-18 07:15 AM
EX Palen is Offline
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EX Palen
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IgorBird122 : Well, maybe flan style pudding was an absolute craze in Japan in the mid-90s that they gave it this "homage" in the form of a Pokemon, because Gen I was full of simplicity. The big unknown is why does this round pudding evolve into a gelatinous rabbit, I guess it's because rabbits are so fluffy?

And well, regarding your question, there's somebody in here who can probably answer it.

Pudding Overlord : Do you think you could come up with Jigglypuff's design by looking at a (well-served) flan style pudding?
IgorBird122 : Well, maybe flan style pudding was an absolute craze in Japan in the mid-90s that they gave it this "homage" in the form of a Pokemon, because Gen I was full of simplicity. The big unknown is why does this round pudding evolve into a gelatinous rabbit, I guess it's because rabbits are so fluffy?

And well, regarding your question, there's somebody in here who can probably answer it.

Pudding Overlord : Do you think you could come up with Jigglypuff's design by looking at a (well-served) flan style pudding?
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(edited by EX Palen on 07-31-18 07:15 AM)    

07-31-18 07:30 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
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EX Palen : Either that or someone that was working at Game Freak in Japan when they were creating the first pair of the Gen I games (Pokemon Red & Green) in the mid 1990's decided to bring in a plate of some flan style pudding to have for lunch or something and then someone else at Game Freak seen their pudding and said "Hey, your snack gave us a brilliant idea, let's make a Pokemon that is based on that, let's make it pink, round ball of pudding that sings that puts others to sleep", that ladies and gentlemen is how we got the Pokemon Jigglypuff.
EX Palen : Either that or someone that was working at Game Freak in Japan when they were creating the first pair of the Gen I games (Pokemon Red & Green) in the mid 1990's decided to bring in a plate of some flan style pudding to have for lunch or something and then someone else at Game Freak seen their pudding and said "Hey, your snack gave us a brilliant idea, let's make a Pokemon that is based on that, let's make it pink, round ball of pudding that sings that puts others to sleep", that ladies and gentlemen is how we got the Pokemon Jigglypuff.
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08-28-18 10:44 PM
Eirinn is Offline
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EX Palen : Late to the party, but the answer is definitely a yes. Pudding is inspirational. With a well served pudding of any kind, one can do anything.

Though I can't help but wonder if Jigglypuff is actually just sentient pudding now. Hmm... Good thing I'm not in their world.
EX Palen : Late to the party, but the answer is definitely a yes. Pudding is inspirational. With a well served pudding of any kind, one can do anything.

Though I can't help but wonder if Jigglypuff is actually just sentient pudding now. Hmm... Good thing I'm not in their world.
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