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03-12-10 08:34 AM
codmw2gamer is Offline
| ID: 153369 | 52 Words

Level: 5

POSTS: 2/3
LVL EXP: 382
CP: 0.0
VIZ: 1869

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Good morning All,

I originaly joined Vizzed Board for the games, now that I am here, I see alot more. What is the purpose of Viz? How does it benefit me to have Viz? After I learn that, next I need to know how can I earn Tons of Viz?

Cpl Nichols
Good morning All,

I originaly joined Vizzed Board for the games, now that I am here, I see alot more. What is the purpose of Viz? How does it benefit me to have Viz? After I learn that, next I need to know how can I earn Tons of Viz?

Cpl Nichols

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-09-10
Last Post: 5417 days
Last Active: 5086 days

03-12-10 09:49 AM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 153381 | 621 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 7271/29312
POST EXP: 1956619
LVL EXP: 429264488
CP: 52824.4
VIZ: 567913

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Viz : The currency of Vizzed Board (can be sent to users using the Item Shop).
How to gain it
- Posting (0-15 per post (30 for really big posts) - if the post is to small, you will lose Viz; also see 'Viz Per Post')
- When users reply to your threads - Although you lose 10 Viz for making threads, you get Viz when people reply to your thread. So however much Viz a user earns from making a reply to your thread, you also make half that amount of viz; this applies for all your threads so make good threads!
- Referring Members (1000 Viz for member that gets above 5 posts and you must PM me afterward - and also receive 5 Viz per each of their posts)
- 50 Viz for each day you visit vizzed board (all you have to do is go to the board and you'll earn 50 Viz each day you do this)
- 10 Viz for Rating an Online Retro Game that you own
- Selling an Online Retro Game that you own (75% your Viz back)
- Doing favors for the site or others (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Various Contests (sometimes there are contests that you can enter to win Viz, such as the 'Surviving Fanisters Island' game show)
- Donating Money to Vizzed Board (10000 Viz per $10 you donate to Vizzed Board)
- SIM Battling (see 'Vizzed Battle Arena')
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)
How to spend it
- Item Shop (purchasing 'fake' items that upgrade your user stats; refer to 'Item Shop')
- Post layouts (some pre-made post layouts cost a small amount of Viz; refer to 'Custom Made Layouts')
- Request favors from fellow members (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Make an announcement, Calendar Event, Color Changed Thread, Stickied Thread (features soon to come)
- Buying Online Retro Games (see 'Online Retro Games')
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)

Viz Per Post : Before this feature, users received a flat rate of Viz per their posts.
Quality of Post - 1st factor that affects how much Viz you make per a post is the quality of your posts; staff members (and trusted members) can rate a post of yours either thumbs up or thumbs down. By default, with no multipliers, you make 10 Viz per a post. If you're posts are very low quality (no purpose, bad grammar, flaming/spamming, etc... people will give you thumbs down for your posts), than you may only get 5 Viz. However, if your posts are of great quality (and anything opposite of bad quality), than you can make up to 15 Viz per a post.
Size of Post - 2nd factor that affects how much Viz you make is how many words are in your post. If you're post is 10 words or less, than your total Viz is multiplyed by 0.5 - this would be your total amount of gained Viz for that post (example: if the quality of your post is worth 10 Viz but the size of your new post is less than 10 words, you make 5 Viz for that new post). Here are all the Viz multipliers:
Words :: Multiplier (based on 10 Viz)
1 :: -2.5 x
2 or 3 :: -0.1 x
4 :: -0.5 x
5 :: 0 x
6 - 9 :: 0.5 x
10 - 99 :: 1 x
100 - 499 :: 2 x
500 + :: 3 x

hopefully that explains everything well enough for you. All that information could have been found in the FAQ/Help section at the top of the board.
Viz : The currency of Vizzed Board (can be sent to users using the Item Shop).
How to gain it
- Posting (0-15 per post (30 for really big posts) - if the post is to small, you will lose Viz; also see 'Viz Per Post')
- When users reply to your threads - Although you lose 10 Viz for making threads, you get Viz when people reply to your thread. So however much Viz a user earns from making a reply to your thread, you also make half that amount of viz; this applies for all your threads so make good threads!
- Referring Members (1000 Viz for member that gets above 5 posts and you must PM me afterward - and also receive 5 Viz per each of their posts)
- 50 Viz for each day you visit vizzed board (all you have to do is go to the board and you'll earn 50 Viz each day you do this)
- 10 Viz for Rating an Online Retro Game that you own
- Selling an Online Retro Game that you own (75% your Viz back)
- Doing favors for the site or others (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Various Contests (sometimes there are contests that you can enter to win Viz, such as the 'Surviving Fanisters Island' game show)
- Donating Money to Vizzed Board (10000 Viz per $10 you donate to Vizzed Board)
- SIM Battling (see 'Vizzed Battle Arena')
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)
How to spend it
- Item Shop (purchasing 'fake' items that upgrade your user stats; refer to 'Item Shop')
- Post layouts (some pre-made post layouts cost a small amount of Viz; refer to 'Custom Made Layouts')
- Request favors from fellow members (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Make an announcement, Calendar Event, Color Changed Thread, Stickied Thread (features soon to come)
- Buying Online Retro Games (see 'Online Retro Games')
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)

Viz Per Post : Before this feature, users received a flat rate of Viz per their posts.
Quality of Post - 1st factor that affects how much Viz you make per a post is the quality of your posts; staff members (and trusted members) can rate a post of yours either thumbs up or thumbs down. By default, with no multipliers, you make 10 Viz per a post. If you're posts are very low quality (no purpose, bad grammar, flaming/spamming, etc... people will give you thumbs down for your posts), than you may only get 5 Viz. However, if your posts are of great quality (and anything opposite of bad quality), than you can make up to 15 Viz per a post.
Size of Post - 2nd factor that affects how much Viz you make is how many words are in your post. If you're post is 10 words or less, than your total Viz is multiplyed by 0.5 - this would be your total amount of gained Viz for that post (example: if the quality of your post is worth 10 Viz but the size of your new post is less than 10 words, you make 5 Viz for that new post). Here are all the Viz multipliers:
Words :: Multiplier (based on 10 Viz)
1 :: -2.5 x
2 or 3 :: -0.1 x
4 :: -0.5 x
5 :: 0 x
6 - 9 :: 0.5 x
10 - 99 :: 1 x
100 - 499 :: 2 x
500 + :: 3 x

hopefully that explains everything well enough for you. All that information could have been found in the FAQ/Help section at the top of the board.
Vizzed Elite
Former Admin

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-03-05
Last Post: 6 days
Last Active: 1 day

03-12-10 01:11 PM
bigNATE is Offline
| ID: 153411 | 30 Words

Level: 118

POSTS: 871/3938
POST EXP: 201901
LVL EXP: 18306903
CP: 232.1
VIZ: 28104

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
One correction to geeogree's list:
A few weeks ago, Davideo7 changed the Viz amount you get for rating games to 25% of the Viz you spend to purchase the game.
One correction to geeogree's list:
A few weeks ago, Davideo7 changed the Viz amount you get for rating games to 25% of the Viz you spend to purchase the game.
Vizzed Elite
Vizzed's resident Jesus Freak
Looks like Teach just got tenure!
Summoner of Slowbro
Fifth Place in February '11 VCS

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-06-10
Location: Thulcandra
Last Post: 3409 days
Last Active: 2305 days

03-12-10 01:15 PM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 153414 | 47 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 7278/29312
POST EXP: 1956619
LVL EXP: 429264488
CP: 52824.4
VIZ: 567913

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0

There have been some changes made that haven't been added in to the FAQ yet.

I think most of the changes made have been to increase the amount of Viz you get so even if the number is wrong it is wrong in your favor

There have been some changes made that haven't been added in to the FAQ yet.

I think most of the changes made have been to increase the amount of Viz you get so even if the number is wrong it is wrong in your favor
Vizzed Elite
Former Admin

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-03-05
Last Post: 6 days
Last Active: 1 day


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Adblocker detected! is very expensive to keep alive! The Ads pay for the servers.

Vizzed has 3 TB worth of games and 1 TB worth of music.  This site is free to use but the ads barely pay for the monthly server fees.  If too many more people use ad block, the site cannot survive.

We prioritize the community over the site profits.  This is why we avoid using annoying (but high paying) ads like most other sites which include popups, obnoxious sounds and animations, malware, and other forms of intrusiveness.  We'll do our part to never resort to these types of ads, please do your part by helping support this site by adding to your ad blocking whitelist.
