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Main Profile PixelBrick's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Thomas Johnson
    MGM Vault
Age / Birthday:
    27 / 03-22-97

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CP: 7070.0 Trust Points: 5.9 Post Rating: 167
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Registration: 07-05-13 06:16 PM (4232 days ago)
Last Activity: 01-04-19 04:18 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline

Last Post: 08-11-18 02:26 PM
    in i hope vizz is safe from meeting a similar fate (Video Games)
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PixelBrick's Last Game Comments
Final Fantasy IX FFX was a good game :P
Super Mario 64 This game is how I discovered Vizzed
Conan The AVGN brought me here xD
Final Fantasy VII I like how this only has about 1,000 plays. Why do you have to own the Playstation item to play this? :( But this is probably the best game I've ever played
Tottoko Hamtaro - Tomodachi Daisakusen Dechu What do you mean, worse than E.T?

PixelBrick's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Donkey Kong Jr
07-01-14 10:20 PM
Mario goes to the DARK SIDE
Welcome to my review of Donkey Kong Jr. I just decided to review this game for the heck o' it, so let's do this:

In the 80's the Donkey Kong games were known as the best arcade classics. Now, we're gonna dig deep into an early Nintendo game. We all know about the original Donkey Kong, which was known by millions. So, does Donkey Kong Jr. come close to the standards of the original Donkey Kong? Let's find out!

Story: 4/10

The story is flipped, but honestly it still doesn't change anything. In this game Mario is actually the villain himself. The story is about Mario kidnapping Donkey Kong (Revenge, bro). Donkey Kong's son embarks to rescue his father from the clutches of the apparently evil Mario. This is the first Mario game where Mario is actually the villain, which a lot of people were probably surprised about. I'm guessing Nintendo tried to add a twist to the already monotonous plot line, but when you think about it, they changed literally nothing, so that's why I gave this category such a short rating.

Depth: 2/10

This game honestly offers next to nothing. There's three levels which like the original Donkey Kong, you can play endlessly to get a high score, assuming you even want to try. There's a few items to score extra points, but there's only three levels and that's about all this game offers in depth. There's the original 2-player mode, which you don't even play simultaneously, so compared to it's predecessor, it adds nothing new to the curve.

Difficulty: 3/10

This installment is about as difficult as it's predecessor. In other words, it's incredibly easy. If you're looking for a challenging arcade game, this game isn't exactly for you. Not only is there only three levels, but the enemies are easy to dodge, plus the level design is super linear, like the original of the series.

Graphics: 6/10

The graphics are pretty good for the standards of the year the game was released. It giv... Read the rest of this Review
Snow Brothers
07-01-14 06:58 PM
Because Mario wasn't good enough
Welcome to my review of Snow Brothers! I was in the mood to do a review for an arcade game this time around, so here it is: Snow Brothers. Where do I begin? Well I actually discovered this game in March. I went to my local video game store, and found an NES cartridge in the glass case they put their most valuable games in. It was called "Snow Brothers," and they were selling it for $155. That's an awful lot for an NES game, especially for just the cartridge. I looked it up, and found out Snow Brothers is a rare and very obscure NES gem. I played it on Vizzed, and I was actually impressed. Before I could buy it, somebody already snagged it at the store :P. So I decided to review Snow Brothers for the NES. Let's dig in.

Graphics: 8/10

This game has very good graphics. This NES game was released in 1992, and that was when NES game started getting graphics as high quality as a Super Nintendo game. I honestly think the graphics in this game are very good. I like how they stand out, and everything is distinguishable. The graphics just show this charm that's really hard to explain. The graphics are rather colorful. It's like a Kirby game, to be honest. There's not really much to say about the graphics in this game, so let's move on...

Sound: 7/10

This game doesn't have much of a soundtrack, really, but the few songs in this game, I did enjoy. I thought they were really catchy. But what I liked most in the sound department are the sound effects. They remind me of your average 80's arcade game, and give you that sense of nostalgia. The sound effects are probably the best I've heard in any arcade game from this time. I wouldn't say they go above and beyond expectations though, and this game was released in 1992, but they're good none of the less.

Addictiveness: 8/10

Like a lot of arcade games, this game in particular is very addicting. It's an awful lot like Mario, really. It's basically like a spin-off of Mario Bros, the ... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy VII
07-01-14 03:27 PM
A Realm Reborn
(This is supposed to be for Alex's Trials of Vizzed competition, but it's still a review, so...yeah)
Hello and welcome to a very special review. I'm supposed to create a post on my favorite video game for the Trials of Vizzed, so here it is. This is a game that I've had mixed feelings about reviewing, but I finally decided I was going to do it. Why? A week ago, I finished this game after last playing it when I was ten years old. And it really opened my eyes. Here, my favorite video game of all time; Final Fantasy VII. I have no other words for this introduction, so let's just jump right in.

In the late 90's, the talk o' the town was Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64. The Nintendo 64 and Playstation 1 were the two hot systems at the time. In 1998, you were either hearing about Ocarina of Time...or Final Fantasy VII. This game was huge! And back then, many people didn't even know about the previous Final Fantasy games, so this was Square Soft's (Or Square Enix's) comeback. Nowadays, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII are known as one of the best games ever. Because of the success of Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix continued to make even more games in the franchise. I believe you've heard about Final Fantasy XIII? Yeah, forget that piece of crap. Today, Final Fantasy VII is considered one of the best, if not, the best game ever made. And I agree with the fandom who say this. But Pixel! Why IS this your favorite game, and why is THIS specific game known as the best? Well I can answer that. In my review for Final Fantasy VII...

Story: 10/10

I think this review would be more fitting if I start with this category. You'll see why. The plot of this game is a big reason on why this is considered the best game of all time. It's also a major reason of why a certain someone (*Cough* *Cough* *Haaaaacccck* Davideo7) likes this game so much. The story revolves around a gargantuan city known as Midgar. The president o... Read the rest of this Review
Mortal Kombat II
06-30-14 05:33 PM
Mortal Review 2 (Corny title)
Welcome to my review for the famous Mortal Kombat. This'll be a rather interesting review. I mean, it's for an M-rated game. I've actually never done this before. Before I start, if you're willing to check out this game, be warned, there's blood and gore...and a lot of it. We all know how Mortal Kombat became famous. Mortal Kombat became famous for its blood and gore, and most importantly, the fatalities. When Mortal Kombat 1 was released in the early 90's, Sub-Zero's "Spine Rip" move sparked a lot of controversy, as well as Kano's heart rip. Mortal Kombat even spawned the pointless rating system, the ESRB. That's right, we're digging deep into the reason you couldn't play Resident Evil in your childhood. Mortal Kombat was without a doubt the bane of every parent's nightmare. They believed their children would become bullies or criminals, as if ripping someone's head off is physically possible. But now, we're focusing on the sequel that was better in every way, more violent, more gruesome, Mortal Kombat 2. Let's dig in!

Graphics: 9/10

You've probably heard of Mortal Kombat 9, released in 2011. That game had excellent graphics, but this is a different story. Mortal Kombat was released back when video games were family friendly. If this game was released on the Atari or NES, or any other 8-bit system or just had bad graphics in general, that's a different story. But when Mortal Kombat 2 has graphics such as this, it's no wonder parents were biting their nails when they took their children to the arcades. Mortal Kombat utilized digital graphics. Every character is a real person doing the moves. Cool, huh? This makes the characters more realistic. The blood and gore in this game is great, but the blood looks a bit like ketchup. It was 1994, but back then, the blood in this game was like nothing ever witnessed. The gore is actually pretty realistic for Super Nintendo standards. The characters have smooth textures, as well as the stages themselves. The s... Read the rest of this Review
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers
05-21-14 09:19 PM
Street Fighter II: The New Review, er I mean..Challengers
Okay, after playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo, I decided to revisit one of my favorite video games of all time: Street Fighter II: The New Challengers. Now I haven't reviewed a game on Vizzed in a long time, so I may be out of touch. Now, Street Fighter is an interesting game. Almost every Street Fighter game ended up in arcades because of its arcade style fighting game, like Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter II on Game Boy was mediocre, but it got a great upgrade. And the Super Nintendo can do that to a series. Super Mario World is considered the best Mario game of all time, and Super Metroid is...well, you get the idea. Street Fighter even got an animated television series, crappy movie adaptations, and there was the animated movies which actually had something to do with Street Fighter. But anyways, I shouldn't ramble on, let's get my Street Fighter marathon started. I'll be reviewing every Street Fighter game I can find. Let's get started.

Story: 5/10

The Street Fighter story line is rather simple. Fighters from around the world compete in the "Street Fighter Circuit" to determine who is the best fighter in the world, and the star, Ryu, wants to become the world warrior as well as everyone else. The Street Fighter movies do open up a little more about the plot, for an example, Sagat of Thailand, murdered Ryu's father. M. Bison killed Chun Li's master, Gen. Ryu and Akuma, who isn't even in this game, were close, but they then became rivals. If you're looking for the story in the video games, look else where. The story in the game is average, but the movies will do a much better job explaining the plot.

Depth: 5/10

Street Fighter is NOT a long game at all. You fight 12 people in a random order, however the final 4 are set at a specific order. You can play as these characters: Ryu of Japan, E. Honda of Japan, Blanka of Brazil, Guile of U.S.A, Balrog of U.S.A, Ken of U.S.A, Chun Li of China, Zangief of the U.S.S.R, Dhalsim of India, Saga... Read the rest of this Review

PixelBrick's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Mortal Kombat II
06-11-14 10:53 PM
Mortal Kombat II Moves, Strategies, and Tricks
So I decided to make my first walkthrough, or guide, really, on Vizzed. It's for an obscure, yet popular game, so hopefully this is of use to you. I will be telling you the button combinations for the moves for each character. I will not be talking about the moves, like the uppercut, only the fatalities and special moves. Here it is: (Information gotten from discovery, my friend, and Nintendo Power) Oh, and as a bonus, I've thrown in some little secrets you can try, and also some strategies!


I: Control Key

II: Liu Kang

III: Kung Lao

IV: Johnny Cage

V: Reptile

VI: Sub-Zero

VII: Shang Tsung

VIII: Kitana

IX: Jax

X: Mileena

XI: Baraka

XII: Scorpion

XIII: Rayden

XIV: Secrets

I: Control Key

HP=High Punch
LK=Low Kick
LP=Low Punch
HK=High Kick
"+"=Same time

II: ?Liu Kang

Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 5 seconds, then release
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
High Fireball: F, F, HP
Low Fireball: F, F, LP


Dragon : D, F, B, B, HK
Uppercut: Hold BK and rotate 360 degrees away from opponent
Stage Fatality: B, F, F, LK
Friendship: F, B, B, B, LK
Babality: D, D, F, B, LK

III: Kung Lao

Dive Kick: U, D, HK
Spinning Takedown: BK, U, LK
Teleport: D, U
Hat Toss: B, F, LP


Hat Slice: F, F, F, LK
Hat Decapitation: Hold LP, B, F, Release LP, Tap U right as the hat reaches the foe's neck (Full Screen Attack)
Stage Fatality: F, F, F, HP
Friendship: B, B, B, D, HK
Babality: B, B, F, F, HK

IV: Johnny Cage

High Fireball: Half Circle B, HP
Low Fireball: Half Circle F, LP
Low Blow: BK, LP
Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP

Fatalities:?Read the rest of this Guide
Super Mario 64
09-07-13 04:23 PM
Super Mario 64 - Cheato 64 Part 2
Welcome back to Cheato 64! Nintendo Power, but has better opinions about games! :) We last left off at our other cheats.


Well, let's get back from where we left off. I feel proud about the last Cheato 64 thread. Let's-a-go!

11. Haunted Book. A real American Hero Location: Big Boo's Haunt

That's right. Books are for winners! Want to know why? Because in Big Boo's Haunt, if you run into the flying book and you jump to hit them like you hit blocks in Mario games, they drop blue coins being worth five coins should you NEED them. The 100 coins are easy to obtain on this course.

12. Look! A ! Block! Is This Metal Gear Solid??? Location: Big Boo's Haunt

Okay, this one is fairly small. But I decided to add this one in. On the second floor of the mansion, walk to the very right. Across from you, you will see the ! block that contains the Vanish Cap to complete the sixth mission of the course. Just...long jump to it. Not rocket science. Just...this is it...

13. Suicide Is A Good Thing, Kids! Location: Peach's Secret Slide

At Peach's secret slide, located inside the room of the 'one star required' door, there is a slide. At the end, there is two stars. One appears if you reach the finish line within twenty-one seconds. The second is always going to be there in the yellow ! Block. To make the first mentioned star a lot easier? Well go on the slide. When there is suddenly no railings, fall to the left. You will land at the end, making it so you can reach the end in 6-9 seconds.

14. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Episode Two Location: Bowser in the Dark World

This one is dreadfully easy. There will be a Metal Cap ! Block at the very beginning. Use that, and you can just run through everything. Fire, goombas, any enemy! There really isn't much to say about this. In the DS version of Super M... Read the rest of this Guide
Super Mario 64
09-07-13 02:57 PM
Super Mario 64 - Cheato 64
Hello, and welcome to Cheato 64. I will be reviewing ways to do little cheats within the game only for Nintendo 64 games. However, when this series is done, I may do Nintendo Entertainment System OR Super Nintendo Entertainment System game cheats. Anyways, here's the list. I'll try to put them in very good order.

1. Warp Mario Location: Bob-Omb Battlefield

So this is a pretty simple and explanatory cheat. I recommend trying these two out on the race with Koopa the Slow to try to get a good record on time. So where all the rocks are, and where the Koopa that drops a blue coin is, there should be a patch of flowers. Should you stand in them, you will warp to the patch of flowers that is located right next to the cannon you can use to blast yourself to the summit, unless you're racing Koopa the Quick. But in this level, there is another warp. On the mountain, at one point, there will be a hole in the mountainside. Should you hop into it, you will warp to the summit.

2. 'Go Mario Go!' Location: Bob-Omb Battlefield

This is going to be the last cheat for this course. So. Where the seventh red coin is, if you get them in order, there is a slippery slope. You can just walk up that to skip a lot of the mountain, making things a lot easier. Mario may run slow on the slope, but it's faster than just holding Zed, then moving around with the analog stick up the slope.

3. Cutting Your Corners Location: Whomp Fortress

Yeah, that's right, cutting your corners. It is quite literal. If you go to where the thwomps and that sleeping piranha plant is, you will see a whomp across you. If you just do a triple jump towards that direction then dive while you're sliding, you can easily make it to the end to fight King Whomp/complete mission two/get up to the top to get to the floating islands.

4. Who Needs Cannons? Location: Whomp Fortress

Okay, this one has to be one of my favorites. Clearly, it has to be. Should you ... Read the rest of this Guide
Super Mario 64
09-02-13 12:02 PM
Easter Eggs - Super Mario 64
Welcome to a new series of threads that I decided to do. Here, I'll be sharing video game Easter Eggs. If there is more, and I have not noticed one, feel free to post about it in this thread. Well, let's get the hunt started.

Eternal Star

Ah, the Eternal Star. Possibly the most known Easter Egg in Super Mario 64. In the courtyard where all the Boo's are, there is a stone statue of a star in the little fountain. If you look closely where all the scribbles are on the star, it'll look like it says Eternal Star. At another glance, it'll also look like 'L is real 2401,' which got people to believe that Luigi was an unlockable character. He may be in the game's memory, but surely you cannot obtain Luigi.

Yoshi's Camp

Well this isn't really much of an Easter Egg, but I thought this would be a good place to put this. On top of the castle, after obtaining 120 stars, will be Yoshi walking around on the castle. Use the cannon next to the lake to blast yourself, then talk to Yoshi. There is a typo in his text ('Mario! IT that really you?). But upon talking to him, he will give you 100 lives, and a triple jump. When using the triple jump, you will have sparkles come out of Mario, and slightly jump making shortcuts in levels easier.

Super Mario Bros

Yes, I said it. Super Mario Bros. One of the first Super Mario games. If you go to the end of Bowser in the Sky, you will notice that the stone statues have markings from Super Mario Bros. It features goombas, koopas, and Mario fighting Bowser. If you want some nostalgia to fill you up, don't forget to take a peak at the stone statues on Bowser in the Sky.

School of Fish

Outside Peach's castle where the cannon is, will be the lake I mentioned. Now, if you swim near a school of fish, they'll swim away from you. But if you stand at where only your feet touch the water, keep jumping, and there will be a 5% chance that a fish will pop out of Mario upon jumping.Read the rest of this Guide

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Arcade Games PixelBrick owns (2)

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Intellivision Games PixelBrick owns (1)

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