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  Views: 3,260,369,611     06-05-24 01:51 PM  

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Real Name:
    Steven Cox
Age / Birthday:
    32 / 08-06-91

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CP: 48506.5 Trust Points: 8.0 Post Rating: 499
Position: Trusted Member

Registration: 11-28-12 11:36 PM (4206 days ago)
Last Activity: 05-29-24 01:48 AM

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Last Post: 10-10-19 10:51 AM
    in What was the last movie you saw in the THEATERS? v2.0 (Movies)
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Mynamescox44's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Nightmare Creatures One of the gems of my childhood. 'Bout to indulge in some glorious nostalgia XD
Backyard Football I agree with mlb's review. This game isn't exactly fun for anyone over 10 lol.
Backyard Basketball 199 - 19 in 2 min quarters. Even better record :P
Backyard Basketball Better yet, I actually got it on video. It'll be the last game of the video I upload soon. Come at meh if you think you got game XD
Backyard Basketball My team won 186 - 25 in 2 min quarters, and I got a screenshot for proof. Best record yet fools. Try and top that :P
My Bones Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. It's awful, and only 15 minutes long if you go slow...
35MM Meh. I tried to fill in the Publisher and Developer, but the characters were Russian. I didn't realize the site doesn't recognize those...
Portal The cake is a lie!!
Garry's Mod Yes Lex. Garry Newman is his name, creating mods is his game XD
Ecks vs Sever II - Ballistic I tried to fix the Back Box Art Image, but it still shows Earthworm Jim 2 art... Not sure what's wrong with it.

Mynamescox44's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Atomic Betty
01-06-17 05:07 PM
Atomic Betty
Atomic Betty is a Game Boy Advance title that is based on the cartoon which aired about the same time as this game's release in 2005. She is a 12 year old girl who leads a double life. She attends school, hangs out with friends, and does all the normal stuff a kid her age would, but she's also an interplanetary agent of the Galactic Guardians. Their mission is to keep peace in outer space, as well as uphold the law. This is a game intended for a young demographic, but I'm going to rate it as I would any other game. Now, let's get on to the actual review... 

[b] Graphics 7 / 10 [/b]-- The graphics are probably the best thing this game has going for it. By no means are they stellar (heh, that pun wasn't intentional), but they do fit the game well. It tries to mimic the art style of the show it's based on, and does a pretty good job of it. The bright colors and light-hearted style are perfect for the audience intended. The cut-scenes seem to use actual images from the series which is a nice touch, although the still frames with text underneath does feel a tad bit lacking. The sprite and environment animations are smooth, and everything used from the series is presented clearly. Although the visuals are styled well, I feel the system is capable of more, earning the Graphics a 7/10. 

[b] Sound 6 / 10 [/b]-- This is the next best thing this game has to offer. The title screen actually plays the theme song from the show, and surprisingly it doesn't sound half-bad. Other than that, the music is mostly generic. It uses tracks from the series in most of the levels, but none of them are really anything to write home about. They do at least set the mood as intended, but that's the bare minimum of what should be expected. A few of the boss battle tracks are pleasantly catchy though, which is something I liked. The sound effects are pretty standard, offering exactly what you'd expect for landing a hit or the explosion of a robot being destroyed. And ou... Read the rest of this Review
ATV - Thunder Ridge Riders
12-15-16 03:57 AM
Thunder Ri... It's Over Already??
ATV - Thunder Ridge Riders is a Game Boy Advance game about racing ATV's ( short for All Terrain Vehicles ) which are also sometimes referred to as "Quads." It is played from a First Person perspective, and there isn't any option to change that. It pits you against 3 other A-I controlled opponents and the first to finish, while making sure you reached every check-point, is decided the winner. Racing games of any kind aren't really my forte, so this review will probably be relatively short compared to most of my work. Anyways, let's get to it, shall we?

[b] Graphics 6 / 10 [/b]-- The graphics in this game aren't all that great. My biggest complaint would be the environments. Things like bushes, cacti, or the hills you are traversing are extremely pixelated. This would be fine if I truly believed it was the most this system was capable of, but I would like to think the GBA can do better while they just didn't put in the effort. In retrospect I don't think I've ever seen something that was going for a 3D model look and still appear so flat. To be fair, the other racers, the main parts of track you're generally on, and the handlebars with your arms that show from the First-Person perspective all look pretty good. If it had that amount of detail put into everything, the graphics wouldn't have been nearly as disappointing. I'd feel guilty going any higher, so the Graphics get a 6/10.

[b] Sound 5 / 10 [/b]-- The sound is even worse than the graphics. The sound track is very mediocre rock style music, featuring electric guitars, drums and probably a bass. Sadly due to the limited audio capabilities of the GBA, it doesn't sound all that great. It's similar to listening to an mp3 file that was put on the lowest possible quality setting when it was uploaded. Even more of a nuisance than that, the sound effects are used obnoxiously. They sound fine, but between the approving "ding" for passing each check-point, and the sound of the ATV's always running engine ... Read the rest of this Review
Sakura Clicker
10-13-16 08:07 PM
Sakura Clicker - Hot Clicker Action
Sakura Clicker is a Steam game that falls in to the category of basically being fan service. The Sakura franchise is well known for doing this, though usually in the form of slightly interactive visual novels, this game follows that same formula but in the form of a "Clicker" genre game. If attractive Anime girls aren't really your thing, then this probably isn't the game for you. Anyways, on to the review!

[b] Graphics 9 / 10 [/b]-- The graphics in this game are gorgeous. To be entirely fair, almost every single piece of art in the game is just drawn or computer generated still pictures, but none the less they are of extremely high quality. Every thing the game presents visually is colorful, detailed, and has a high resolution. This includes the characters, enemies, environments, and even the gold coins dropped from each defeated opponent. All of your characters are depicted as little anime stills on the one side of the screen which contains all of your menus, and they present a much more simplistic style to them, which is a nice off-set to the high quality of the enemies. Even the artwork used for the player's and allies' abilities is beautifully animated. The visuals are border line perfect for what they were trying to accomplish, earning the Graphics a 9/10.

[b] Sound 4 / 10 [/b]-- Here's probably my biggest problem with the game. On the plus side, the music is great. It has a nice action-adventure feel to it, providing an excellent level of tension. I was very pleasantly surprised with how nice it actually is to listen to the music while playing the game. On the down side, the voices used are just incredibly annoying. It's more or less just girls speaking in Japanese ( I think ? ), and tons of erotic moans and / or grunts when you click on them to do damage. And they do it with every single click. So when you have to click a good 75 times to kill a single opponent, you're going to hear A LOT of it. Thankfully the game as an option to turn off ... Read the rest of this Review
Grey Cubes
10-13-16 12:05 AM
Grey Cubes - Cubes That Are Grey
Grey Cubes is another incarnation of the classic game genre of Brick Breaker. It is offered on Steam, and judging by the User Interface as well as the controls, is probably compatible with mobile devices as well. The game has some classic features of the genre, such as power ups and down grades to collect as you break the bricks ( or cubes, if you will ), but also adds some new mechanics to keep things fresh. For those who aren't familiar, Brick Breaker is the type of game where you control a pad at the bottom of the screen, and you use it to bounce a ball upward in to a designated area, the goal being to destroy every brick in said area by hitting it with the ball. You can use the pad to determine the trajectory of the ball, and certain bricks can be more difficult to destroy than others. Any ways, on to the review!

[b] Graphics 7 / 10 [/b]-- First things first, the graphics in this game are by no means mind blowing. Though that said, they look pretty good for what the game was trying to accomplish. The ball has a nice glimmer to it, leaving a trail of light behind it as it moves across the screen. The 3-Dimensional aspect in the game is beautiful, as each different cube is displayed brilliantly as they some times move or tumble. The lighting effects are also nicely done, providing a good deal of detail in the few shadows that are present, as well as the many sources of light. On the down side, the game is some what bland visually, as indicated by the color in the title. There is virtually no color, excluding shades of blue, grey, and also red which is used exclusively for the down grades. I chose to give the Graphics a 7/10, if only for presentation.

[b] Sound 5 / 10 [/b]-- Sadly, this is probably where the game is most lacking. The game features a very futuristic feel to it, in both effects and music. The effects are very lack luster and the noise for when the ball makes contact with a cube is a little too high pitched for my tastes. It got some... Read the rest of this Review
10-06-16 10:13 PM
Shmadow - Not A Typo
Shmadow is a 2D shooter that's based entirely on the concept of light shining through darkness. It's featured on Steam, and carries a very low price tag. The way the game works is that you're a ball of light, and light emits from the pellets you shoot, as well as yourself. Everything else is shrouded in darkness, and there are also little balls of darkness that fly past from one direction that harm you. You can fire in any given direction, as well as maneuver across the entire game screen, as the game is based on dodging while focusing your fire where it need be. Anyway, on to the review!

[b]Graphics 6/10[/b] -- The Graphics presented are extremely simplistic, but I do love the concept behind them. Shading is a huge factor in the visuals here, as light vs darkness seems to be the general theme of the game. Not only do you and your ammo emit light, but to a lesser degree the opposing blobs of darkness also emit your counterpart. As you take damage, the ball of light that you are will shrink a little with each hit, resulting in less light being emitted. Boss enemies and their shots fired take on a solid color such as Red, Yellow, or Purple, and can be seen over the darkness entirely. Although the style is very basic, the presentation at the very least deserves some praise. I'm giving the Graphics a 6/10.

[b]Sound 4/10[/b] -- Sadly, this area of the game is quite lacking. There are virtually no sound effects whatsoever. Be it the shooting, destroying an enemy, or a boss' actions, none of them have any sound to indicate it is taking place. On the bright side, the game does feature music. Sadly, it's only one track that plays on repeat. To be fair, it's a very long track that doesn't eat away at your sanity or anything like that, but the lack of variety is definitely a down-side. Ideally, it's best to either have the music playing softly in the background, or just listen to some thing of your choosing from external sources while playing the game. The la... Read the rest of this Review

Mynamescox44's Last 7 Game screenshots (7547 total) (view last 250)

Mynamescox44's Last 7 Game Videos (254 total) (view last 250)

Mynamescox44's Game History
Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Wild Arms (psx),   Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Castlevania - Dawn of Symphony (gba),   Nightmare Creatures (psx),   Nightmare Creatures (psx),   Nightmare Creatures (psx),   Nightmare Creatures (psx),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Lufia - The Ruins of Lore (gba),   Breath of Fire Color Restoration (gba),   Pokemon Glazed (beta 7: final) (gba),  
Game Boy Advance Games Mynamescox44 owns (22)

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