SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C) (Arcade) World Map Screenshots
SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C) (Arcade) World Map Screenshots
Almost done!
SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C)
by SonicTailsSonAmy (3/5)
World Map Almost done!: alright,this is it.eggmans tower
by SonicTailsSonAmy (3/5)
World Map Almost done!: alright,this is it.eggmans tower
SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C)
by Shogun Gamer (3/5)
World Map : Just so you know, I have gotten to the end
by Shogun Gamer (3/5)
World Map : Just so you know, I have gotten to the end
Page Comments
Dauntez - 07-09-24 11:32 AM
How did that happen???
Barathemos - 01-15-23 06:12 PM
does anyone read these comments it looks like bro's ceiling fell on him
takahiro4 - 05-11-21 03:05 PM
some upstairs collapsed.
blaze800000 - 03-19-20 08:40 PM
for level skip pause and hit a b a b a b a b