Mirko Vosk 02-06-16 - 02:16 AM Considering Empoleon and Feraligatr fill different niches altogether that's dependant on what you need more.
ehj_77 02-05-16 - 11:23 AM empoleon or feraligatr
Mirko Vosk 02-04-16 - 04:13 AM @ehj_77: Between the two, I would rather go with Rotom, considering you can use evolution stones to access all its forms (Fire Stone: Heat, Water Stone: Wash, Sun Stone: Fan, Moon Stone: Frost, Leaf Stone: Mow) as to gain additional coverage as you need it
ehj_77 01-28-16 - 09:54 AM Question to anyone please: Should I use a rotom or Ampharos?
Jmoneycash 11-27-15 - 09:33 AM How do i play the game?
mrcoolguy3d 06-08-15 - 03:21 PM you people complain way to much these days this hack is amazingly awsome i dont see any of you kids making one this guy put alot of effort into making this i am greatful to play this hack keep up the awsome work whoever you are
Ninjaxplosion 04-26-15 - 05:51 AM What do I do after beating the elite 4?
Zerokun1996 04-22-15 - 05:34 PM The hack is good...except the stats for pokemon that May has is wrong. Venesaur level forty four outsped Garchomp at the same level...that is not possible. period.
Ninjaxplosion 04-22-15 - 08:38 AM Thank you Mirko Vosk.
Mirko Vosk 04-22-15 - 06:41 AM @Ninjaexplosion: There's a small pathway through the "wall" if you go a bit to the left. Go through, and then you'll find the way easily.
Ninjaxplosion 04-22-15 - 02:02 AM I'm trying to get past the Arctic Cave...I'm stuck. I can't get past the third floor. http://gyazo.com/4dfaaf1b963bf10c7bb858fe47b3c7bb
That's where I am on the third floor.
Kabak 04-18-15 - 12:16 AM Does anyone know if it is possible to get a lucky egg? If so where it?
Mirko Vosk 04-14-15 - 01:39 AM For future references, this link provides accurate appearance and encounter rates, if there's a pokemon you miss: http://pokemondarkrisinghq.weebly.com/uploads/3/2/2/6/32269477/wild_pokemon_list.txt
Mirko Vosk 04-14-15 - 01:34 AM @zangetsukai50: Noble Cave. Which is pretty late ingame, it comes just before the 7th badge. Do note however that Torchic is both a rare encounter (1% chance of appearing) and it can have Blaze too, so finding a speed boost one may take a little time.
zangetsukai50 04-13-15 - 07:25 AM does anyone know where speed boost torchic is?
joeycole 04-08-15 - 03:11 PM not letting me save :(
Mirko Vosk 04-03-15 - 03:03 AM @Shawn2013: Larvitar: Gemstone Mines, Riolu: Gemstone Ridge/River, Charmander: Inside Vulcan Canyon
Shawn2013 03-17-15 - 09:39 PM Larvitar, Charmander and Riolu where are they?
EndOfStormX 02-26-15 - 11:49 AM Can you enter cheats for Dark Rising 2 through vizzed? And if you can, how?
Mirko Vosk 02-11-15 - 03:01 AM @rjfoisy: Not in Dark Rising 2. Archen was obtainable in the first part of the series however.
rjfoisy 02-10-15 - 01:06 PM Is it possible to get Archen or Archeops?
jordiieboyy18 01-20-15 - 12:26 PM HELP!!! I dont knw what to do next, i beat the elite four and i only have six badges... have i missed something? What do i do next? Where do i go? I cant even fly yet.
muzammil ahmed 12-31-14 - 10:25 AM how do you get milotic
muzammil ahmed 12-30-14 - 10:30 AM can we mega evolve our pokemon
arshaq 12-17-14 - 11:19 AM this game is really great but only if the starter pokemons weren't fully evolved then it would be more fun training and evolving them