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02:01 AM
Virtual Boy
Nintendo of America
Nintendo Co.
UPC: 45496770037

Players: 1
Country Origin: US
Exclusive: Yes

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective
Genre Sport:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $6.91
Complete:  $124.56
New:  $124.56
Rarity:  5/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings

Mario's Tennis (VB) - Virtual Boy

Mario's Tennis is a Sports game developed by Nintendo Co., Ltd. and published by Nintendo of America Inc. in 1995 for the Virtual Boy.

Mario's Tennis

Mario's Tennis Box Art FrontMario's Tennis Box Art BackMario
Rating: 8.5 (25 votes)

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Mario's Tennis Box Description

Smashing tennis action with incredible depth on a realistic 3-D court! Experience the ultimate Virtual Boy sports game in either singles or doubles mode.

Mario's Tennis (Virtual Boy) Screenshots

X Mario's Tennis
Mario's Tennis
by Dahaka (3/5)
Level : Princess posing.
Mario's Tennis
by 8bitNESPlayer (3/5)
Menus Result: Mario wins, Luigi loses
Mario's Tennis
by 8bitNESPlayer (3/5)
Menus Result: Mario Bros. wins!
Mario's Tennis
by 8bitNESPlayer (3/5)
Menus score: Luigi the winner
Mario's Tennis
by Divine Aurora (4.4/5)
Introduction : serving the ball
Mario's Tennis
by 9-Volt (4/5)
Introduction : Looks a bit like the Mario Clash logo.
Mario's Tennis
by 9-Volt (3/5)
Introduction : The title is getting closer
Mario's Tennis
by Divine Aurora (4.5/5)
serving the ball from 1st person stance
Mario's Tennis
by Divine Aurora (4.25/5)
ball goes through mario when hit
Mario's Tennis
by hardcoregamer2 (3/5)
This looks harder than it looks
Mario's Tennis
by 9-Volt (3/5)
Location Random place: What's that bird in the background?
Mario's Tennis
by hardcoregamer2 (3/5)
Location : For a toad he sure plays hard
Mario's Tennis
by hardcoregamer2 (3/5)
Location : Finnaly got a point
Mario's Tennis
by tyranit (3/5)
Character Select : Characters to choose from
Mario's Tennis
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : The character select screen
Mario's Tennis
by 9-Volt (2.5/5)
Battle : Luigi happy!

Videos of Mario's Tennis Gameplay

10-16-13 07:10 PM
00:12:01  Views: 176
Play Mario's Tennis for Virtual Boy - The EXPERIENCE
09-21-13 07:07 PM
00:28:18  Views: 21,427
Virtual Boy - Gameplay
05-02-15 05:40 PM
00:01:48  Views: 249
Mario's Tennis (Virtual Boy) - Main Theme
Divine Aurora
09-29-13 11:45 AM
00:03:51  Views: 1
Mario tennis on the virtual boy system

Mario's Tennis Featured Review

Mario's Tennis Review by: tgags123 - 6.9/10

Mario's Tennis for Virtual Boy
Hello Vizzed and welcome to another tgags123 review! Today I will be reviewing Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy. You are probably wondering "What the heck is the Virtual Boy?" The Virtual Boy is a system that used to be made by Nintendo. It failed miserably. You wear it on your head. Yep that's right. A console that you wear on your head. It was the first attempt at a 3D video game system. Apparently the failure of the Virtual Boy wasn't enough to discourage Nintendo from trying to make a 3D game system, as evident by the 3DS. Now that you have some background info, let's get to the review!

Overall (6.9)

I am not going to lie and say that this is a good game, but it is better than I expected. I was expecting it to be awful, since the system was such a failure, but it wasn't actually that bad. I wouldn't look to buy it on eBay, or even grab it if they had it at GameStop (they won't since the system wasn't very popular and they are older than the DS), but it is a somewhat decent game. It is a very simple tennis game, and I kind of feel like it was made more for the purpose of testing or experimenting than to be released as an actual game. There really isn't much to the game. I feel like Nintendo used this as a way to test out the Virtual Boy.

Graphics (4)

It is kind of hard to rate the graphics and give an accurate description since playing the game on Vizzed does not show the game in 3D. I decided to rate it a 4 for a few reasons. One reason is that it is really annoying that everything is a redish pinkish color. The reason for that is because, like I said earlier, the 3D effect doesn't work when played on this site. Another reason is that the graphics in general are just... bad. The characters look kind of weird (mainly their faces), it is really lacking in detail, the background consists only  a few hills or trees, and it just feels like the people in charge of the graphics of this game rushed through it. The 3D effects also hurt my eyes a little and give me a little headache after a while, but that probably has something to do with my awful eyesight and refusal to wear my contacts as well.

Sound (6)

There really isn't much to say about the sound. Both the music and the sound effects are filled with beeps and boops and have a very electronic sound, almost like a stereotypical robot. It is high pitched and just, well, annoying. The music reminds me more of an arcade game than a Mario game.The sound effects definitely don't fit with what they are supposed to be, and neither does the music. I expected better from Nintendo since most of their games usually have very good soundtracks.

Addictiveness (6)

This game doesn't really grab your attention or keep your interest. It is lacking that special thing that makes you want to play again. I don't think I will play this game again. It definitely isn't the most fun game in the world and there isn't a whole lot to do in it. If you do decide to try it, you probably will not play it more than once either.

Story (N/A)

There is no story. All you do in this game is play tennis with Mario characters. Wow a Mario game that doesn't involve Peach getting herself kidnapped!

Depth (5)

There is very little that you can do in this game. You can choose from only seven characters, which is a very strange number. Usually it is an even number, but whatever. You have the option to play a singles game or a doubles game with the computer as your team mate. There are only two game modes. These game modes are regular play and tournament. That is it. Really simple and basic. This game is definitely lacking in depth. At first I didn't believe how little you could do, I thought there must be more. But, sadly, there isn't. This surprised me since most Nintendo games offer a variety of different game modes and levels to choose from.

Difficulty (9)

I find this game to be really difficult. I might just suck at it, like most video games, but I think it is a pretty hard game. It is difficult to tell where you are in relation to the ball, partly because of the failed 3D effect. The timing is a little off too. It isn't too bad, but if you look really close, you can see that the ball moves at a different time than when you hit it. Your opponents are pretty difficult, even if you have the difficulty set to easy. I played a bunch of games and lost them all. Actually, I only scored twice. The controls are pretty simple and easy to learn, which is what made me drop the difficulty rating from a 10 down to a 9. Overall, it is a pretty difficult game to master.

So that's my review. I hope you liked it. I hope it was helpful and I didn't bore you to death. I wouldn't recommend playing this game, but it isn't completely terrible. Feel free to try it if you want to, but don't expect anything special. There is also something strange that I discovered while playing. This game features Donkey Kong Jr. as a character, but not Donkey Kong. That seemed a bit strange to me, so I thought I would share it. I am sorry that I couldn't make this review longer, but there isn't a whole lot to write about with this game. Anyway, thanks for reading. Just thought I should share that this is my first review that is over 1,000 words! I am very happy to finally make it over the 1K mark.  Any comments, whether they are positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

~ tgags123
  Graphics 4   Sound 6   Addictive 6   Depth 5   Difficulty 9

Mario's Tennis Reviews

Overall 8.5    Graphics 4    Sound 6    Addictive 6    Depth 5    Difficulty 9

Mario's Tennis for Virtual Boy   tgags123
Hello Vizzed and welcome to another tgags123 review! Today I will be reviewing Mario's Tennis for th...
  Graphics 4   Sound 6   Addictive 6   Depth 5   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.5/5     Submitted: 09-20-13     Review Replies: 7

Mario's Tennis Highscores

There are no submitted highscores for this Game

Mario's Tennis Cheat Codes

Hard mode : On the Title screen, press L, L, R, L, R, SELECT
Harder serve : Press A and B to start the serve

Mario's Tennis Threads


Mario's Tennis Guides and Walkthroughs

There are no submitted Guides for this Game

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Comments for Mario's Tennis

KillerLatias 07-27-14 - 09:03 AM
 I Missed The Days when i had the acutal virtual boy with this game, Best experience ever
jayshaun123 04-08-14 - 11:44 PM
 vb is kinda creepy
Sidewinder 11-28-13 - 10:45 PM
 Luigi vs Mario...down with Mario!!
Awesome-Kid 11-19-13 - 07:41 PM
 man I suck at this game
cafeman55 09-24-13 - 03:05 AM
 the game is ok
8bitNESPlayer 09-22-13 - 02:44 PM
 ...I didn't look it before. I improved a bit playing this game in my video. I accidentaly posted my other comment without finishing it, sorry.
8bitNESPlayer 09-22-13 - 02:42 PM
 Well, I was wrong, I didn't look i
8bitNESPlayer 09-20-13 - 07:44 PM
 Looks like it's the only Virtual Boy game that doesn't have red graphics, but pink.

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