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UPC: 45496901028

Released: 5-08-08
Players: 1-12
Online: 12
Offline: 1-4
Country Origin: US
Nintendo Points:
Exclusive: Yes

Game Genre:
Racing / Driving
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $19.89
Complete:  $19.95
New:  $28.99
Rarity:  2/10

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Wii Remote, Wii Wheel, Nunchaku, Classic Controller, GCN Controller

Mario Kart Wii (WII) - Reviews | Wii

Mario Kart Wii is a Racing / Driving game developed by Nintendo and published by Nintendo in 2008 for the Wii.

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart Wii Title ScreenMario Kart Wii Screenshot 1
Mario Kart Wii Box Art FrontMario Kart Wii Box Art BackMario Kart Wii Screenthot 2
Rating: 9.1 (32 votes)

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Mario Kart Wii Reviews 

Overall 9.1    Graphics 9    Sound 7.9    Addictive 9.3    Story 2.5    Depth 8.9    Difficulty 6.9

Mario Kart Wii review   IgorBird122
Time for another review my IB122, this game is on Mario Kart Wii, this is the 6th game in the whole Mario Kart Series that was released in 2008 for the Nintendo Wii, and this game can include a wireless steering wheel. This game has become the 2nd most popular Wii game (only behind Wii Sports) but it's the most popular non-bundle game in the whole console run which to my mind is a  huge accomplishment for this one game that Nintendo has made for this console, also prior to this game being released, the Nintendo Wii wasn't getting a lot of customers if you compared it to the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, so Nintendo had to catch up with the competition so they wanted to make another Mario Kart game with a new feature to include a wireless steering wheel for the Wii remote, so that way the player can control their character like their really driving it which I think what made this game catch up to the PS3's and the 360's popularity, which was a nice effort Nintendo has pulled off.
Well, on how this game got really popular for the Wii, let's go ahead and get on with this review and see on how this one game got popular.
The Graphics:
Lets start with the graphics of this game, I think for the time of it's release in 2008, I think that Nintendo really put a whole lot of effort onto this game, especially with the graphics, they really did a nice job on this. On how each and every racetracks are designed, the new tracks, they but a whole lot of details on the track and also and things that ain't part of the track as well, like the backgrounds, I think were a very nice touch as well, and for the track setting, they really put in a lot of effort into it, runs all smoothly, no problems with the graphics no blurs, no miscolors, and no other problems, everything looks all so nice. Also, it's not just the newer tracks, but also the remakes of previous tracks from previous Mario Kart games, they all really went though a huge upgrade to the Wii's graphics and they all look better than they ever have, which I think is a awesome upgrade. Now as for the character spites, I think they all look really perfect with how they look like, I like the design on all of those characters and all their vehicles they race in as well, no problems what so ever. Overall, I think the graphics in this one game were pretty outstanding for the Wii for a 2008 game, a really nice job all here.
With on how I mentioned about this game's graphics, I'm going to give this a 9 out of 10, very nice, and very well done for the Wii and I think the graphics came out the best on not just Mario Kart Wii, but one of the top games for the Wii for it's graphics.
The Sound & Music:
Moving on to the Sound Effects, I think how the sound effects that has turned out for this game to my opinion I think was a really nice job, like the driving, and the usage of the power-ups, and a whole bunch of other interesting and funny things you can also do for the sound effects, really nice and really clear and just extremely crazy. As for the Music in this game, although they're a couple new songs added into this game, but most of the Music in this game were recycled from the past Mario Kart games, which to my mind, it is good and bad, it's good because of them bringing back those classic tunes from past Mario Karts, but the bad thing to my own opinion, I think they should added in a little bit of newer tunes into this game, but I do understand they want to keep the songs a little bit classy with a modern twist, but still, it's great, but not amazing though.
With the great sound effects, but the music was not as great as the sound effects (but still good though), I'm going to give this an 8 out of 10, it's good, but not great
The Addiction Level:
I think personally in not just this game, but all of Mario Kart is all pretty addicting and I think this might be the most addicting series in the whole Mario series because you can be able to compete against friends in this series, and for Mario Kart Wii, I think has the biggest addiction level above the rest of the Mario Kart games because a whole lot of people really likes to play this and using the Wireless steering wheel for the Wii remote makes it looks like your driving that car that your character is operating, and with your friends challenging you for a race, I think personally, everyone really likes to challenge their friends which can be really fun and really addicting for that person, because I have played someone online and I really like to play online with that person, it's all fun and addicting, it's not just the online gameplay that is addicting, it's also the single player modes can also be a little addicting as well because all the goals in the game you want to accomplish.
So, for the addiction level for this one game with you playing it online and playing in single player that wants you to keep on playing this over and over, I'm going to give this a perfect 10 out of 10, it's just that great and addicting.
The Story:
Although, they're a lack of a storyline into this game, but if they was a storyline, I would be a really awesome storyline on how this game is played. But you don't really need a storyline for the game to be a really great game though and to my opinion, I think personally this game doesn't need one, it's fantastic on the way it is, so other than that, they're not a whole lot to say for the storyline other than what I mentioned on here, so that's why The Story isn't that big, but like I said, a great game doesn't really need a story, depending on what the game is mostly like this game, this is one of those games that don't really need a story though.
So without a storyline, sadly, the Story is un-ranked for this game, but it is still good though.
The Depth:
Alright, for the depth, you really got a whole lot of different modes to choose from and a lot of different tracks, but also in this series is all the interesting power-ups you can use on your opponents. Ok, for the modes, you got 6 different game modes you can choose from, the Grand Prix, the Time Trial, the VS. Race, the Battle, a Ghost race, and a Tournament race, which each of them are all unique in a way. Now for the tracks, you got a total of 42 different tracks you can choose from with 16 newer racetracks added in as well with 16 returning racetracks from previous Mario Kart games, and in addition, you got 10 additional battle stages to compete in as well. It's not just the newer tracks and the game modes, but you got a number of characters to choose from and all the power-ups you can have, like you can pick from, you start out with 12 drivers and you can be able to unlock 12 more later on in the game, so really, you got a total of 24 different characters to choose from and every one of them all have different vehicles you can also choose from which to my mind, you have like an unlimited amount of choices you can make and all the choices, no two races are the same when you're just racing for fun.
Now with all the things I have mentioned for the Depth of this game with all the things you can possibly do in this game, I'm going to give this a perfect 10 out of 10. This game just has a whole lot inside it and I think this game has got a lot more than in?previous Mario Kart games (but that's mostly based on my opinion).?
The Difficulty and Gameplay:
On how difficulty this game happens to be, it's really hard to first control it when you're not used to the game, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty much smooth sailing from there, especially if you're playing online with someone else, and if they're good, then it'll like forever to beat, but that is why mostly go with single player first so you get the hang of playing the game and once you do in fact get the hang of playing this game, you can take on your friends online and get a chance to beat them, but going onto the single player mode, the opponents in this game can be really easy to delete though so if you're mostly playing it on single player, I think that is the most easiest way you can play this game, mostly if you're more of a beginner of this game series of Mario Kart, especially for the Wii. Ok, now for the gameplay, it's all great and all smooth controls, although some parts of it can be a little messy at times like when your driving and racing your opponents, but like I mentioned all before, once you do know on what you're doing in this game and you get really used on the controls and the gameplay, it can be quite easy though, so it's all about practicing in this game and you take the quote "practice makes perfect".
So, with everything I have mentioned with the difficulty of the game and also on how the gameplay and controls that also works into this game, I'm going to give this game a 8 out of 10, it's really hard at very first, but once you do get the hang of this game, it can be quite easy though.
Overall, I think this is one of my most favorite Mario game, not just in the Mario Kart series, but one of the top games in the whole Mario series. With all that I mentioned above, they're some ups and downs with this game, but I still think it's all that good though, and if you look at it, I think the Graphics, the Depths, and the Addiction Level of this game I think what really made this game a real success for the Nintendo Wii to catch of to their competition (the PS3 and the 360), which was a nice effort by Nintendo, also, they had a few hiccups with this game though with the sounds and music and a lack of a storyline to this game, but I don't think both of those are that much of an issue though, still a really nice game all together, and also this game isn't really that hard when you're used to it though, so for this game, it's all that fun to try out and play for your self.
For my final thoughts of Mario Kart Wii, this is a really fun and entertaining game for you to try out and compete with your friends or just simply play on your own, neither way you look at it, it'll still really fun though, so, if you have an Nintendo Wii, I will highly recommend this game for you to play for your enjoyment, it's fun, it's exciting, it's addicting, and all and all, it's a must have game in not just the Mario Kart series, but in the entire Mario series all together.
So, my overall score for this game, I'm going to give this game a 9 out of 10, it's fun and all and I think the biggest part of that score is it's graphics, it's Depth in the game, and how much people are addicted to this game.

  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 10-31-13     Updated: 10-31-13     Review Replies: 4

Mario Kart Wii Review   TheFadedWarrior
Hey, everyone! I'm back again with yet another review. Today, I will be reviewing a great game called Mario Kart Wii, the 6th installment in the Mario Kart series. It's (obviously) for the Nintendo Wii gaming console. This game is highly regarded as one of the best games you can get for your Wii, as well as being the 2nd-best selling Mario game on the entire Wii console. As you may know, this game is an unrealistic racing game. You race across various Mario-styled courses, throwing items and getting hit by some as well. Here we go!
Graphics - 9
The graphics in Mario Kart Wii are definitely some of the best on the console. Everything is smooth, animations are realistic, and the textures are great, even for a Mario game. I have honestly never seen any graphical errors or bugs. Everything is near-perfect. So why not give the graphics a 10? Simply because of the lack of detail and the "cartoony" feel about the game. I give the graphics a 9.
Performance - 10
Online Play Performance - 10
This game performs almost unbelievably well. There is very rarely any lag on the game, even online. If there are multiple items in the same spot as well as an explosion hitting multiple racers, you still won't experience any lag. Mostly due to this, the game will also pretty much never crash. Performance gets a 10.
What about online play? It's probably choppy and poorly made just like Brawl's, right? Wrong. Mario Kart Wii should be all Nintendo companies' role model for online play. No lag, you rarely disconnect from the online server, and if something desyncs then it instantly catches up again. Yeah, it has great online performance. Enough to give it another 10.
Sound/Music - 7
The sound and music in this game is great. The tunes are exactly what you would call "catchy," but at least they don't sound like crap. Each of the 32 race tracks has its own individual soundtrack, as well as the battle stages. Combine those with the title music and the miscellaneous tracks, and you have a large variety of 135 songs in total. If you never learned how to count, that's a big-ish number. Here is most of the main/more important soundtrack. (link)
Then there are the sound effects. Most of them are very well designed. Some of them are... well, to say the least, they're quite annoying. Take Funky Kong (an unlockable character) for example. Every sound he makes is unbearably annoying. He's supposed to sound like an ape, but he rather sounds like an idiot that's overdosed on drugs and caffeine. Why must he yell so much? Here's his full voice track (link). But other than that, the sounds are pretty good and fitting.
Because the music and sounds are so good and there's so many tracks, I give them a rating of 9.
Convenience and Comfortability in the Controls - 9
The controls in this game are very convenient. You can use either the Gamecube controller (my choice), the Wii Remote, and the Wii Remote inside of Mario Kart Wii's exclusive Wii Wheel. For the Wii Remote, you hold it sideways and tilt it towards the direction you want to go. Your character will then steer in that direction, the sharpness depending on how much you turn the remote. However, if you turn it too much, the Wii Remote doesn't recognize it and it starts to steer as sharp as possible in the opposite direction. Just try not to steer that hard. Everything else is pretty great and convenient.
The GameCube controller? Even more convenient. There are multiple buttons for most of the actions you need to do (e.g. for the brakes and for items). I give the controls a 9.
Gameplay/Addictiveness - 10
Here we go, the best part of the game (duh). Mario Kart Wii is by far my favorite in the Mario Kart series. For starters, there is a huge variety of everything. Textures, soundtracks, race tracks, characters, etc. Mario Kart Wii is, of course, a racing game where you race as various characters from both the Mario and Donkey Kong universes. You throw items and objects at each other to make the game more "Mario-ish." This game is incredibly addicting due to the 32 racetracks, the character variety, and the items. I give the gameplay/addictiveness a 10.
Item Variety - 10
The items in Mario Kart Wii are totally and completely awesome. Its only rival that comes even close are the items from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! There are 19 items not including the item box which is used to receive these items. 2 of them are new and 1 of them is only in this game and the arcade game. Well, here we go. The items:
Mushroom: The mushroom gives the player a short boost which allows full offroading. Used mainly for shortcuts.
Triple Mushrooms: A pack of 3 mushrooms. Duh.
Golden Mushroom: The Golden Mushroom allows the player an infinite amount of Mushrooms for 7.5 seconds. Probably my favorite item due to it allowing you to take massive?shortcuts.
Mega Mushroom (NEW): The Mega Mushroom turns the user giant for 7.5 seconds, allowing them to squash opponents in their path as well as full offroading abilities.
Banana: The banana is, well, a banana. You place it behind you (or you can throw it in front of you), and whoever is unlucky enough to run into it spins out. You almost always get this in 1st place seeing as it's one of the most useless items. This can deflect red shells.
Triple Bananas: Gee, I wonder... A trail of 3 bananas drags behind you.
Green Shell: The green shell is an item that you throw in front or back of you that keeps going. It ricochets off of walls for awhile, so it's great if you take good aim.
Triple Green Shells: 3 green shells orbit around you. Each of them can be thrown.
Red Shell: The red shell is very useful if you are in 2nd or 3rd place. It seeks the player in front of you, following the racetrack to get to the opponent. This can be deflected by bananas.
Triple Red Shells: Gives your three red shells that orbit around you. They're awesome until the moment when someone bumps into you and hits all 3 of your shells, leaving you empty handed.
Spiny/Blue Shell: This shell is different from the others. It's almost completely undodgeable and goes directly to the racer in 1st place. It then explodes, flipping the player and anyone else who hits the explosion into the air. A dream come true when you're in second... as long as you don't get hit by it.
Star: The star is normally gotten in 8th place and below. It gives the user total and complete invincibility as well as full offroading and a small speed boost for 7.5 seconds. Destroys almost everything in its path.
Lightning: The lightning bolt can only be achieved in last place. It shocks every racer with a lightning bolt. Once hit, they spin out, turn small (and able to be squashed), and only drive about half speed. Very helpful if you're not too far behind.
Thunder Cloud (NEW-ISH): The thunder cloud is considered unlucky by many. It instantly puts a cloud above your head that gives you a lasting small speed boost as well as total offroading. However, it strikes you with lightning after 10 seconds. You can pass this to another character by bumping into them.
Bob-omb: The Bob-omb is the little bomb guys from the Mario series. You can drop this behind you or throw it in front of you. It goes off after about 3-5 seconds and creates a large explosion, spinning out everyone that hits it.
blooper : The most pointless item in the game. It affects everyone ahead of the player that uses it. The Blooper puts ink on your screen so you "can't see." What's so pointless about it? You can still see almost perfectly. It rarely affects gameplay.
Bullet Bill: Normally gotten in 11th or 12th place, this is probably the best item there is. You transform into a Bullet Bill, giving you super speed (faster than mushrooms). Even better, it puts the user in autopilot, so they don't have to steer. Even better yet, it knocks over anyone in the way and makes them lose their items.
POW Block (NEW): The POW Block puts a POW Block on everyone in front of the user's screen. It will pound twice before doing a final pound and spinning everyone out. This can be dodged if you are in the air or if you wheelie at the exact moment it does the third pound.
Whew. That took awhile. Item variety gets another 10... You know what? This is pointless. There's a 10 for pretty much everything.
Character and Kart Variety - 9
As you may know, there are various racers from the Mario series and the Donkey Kong series that you can play as as well as 2 Mii racer outfits. There are 3 classes that determine stats and karts/bikes: Small, Medium, and Large. You start with 12 characters and there are 14 more unlockable, totaling a whopping 26 playable characters. Each has its own unique stat boosts. So what are the stats? Speed (top speed), Weight (resistance to being knocked back by larger characters), Acceleration (time it takes to reach top speed), Handling (turning sharpness in automatic mode), Drift (turning sharpness in manual mode), Off-road (ability to maintain speed while off the road), and Mini-turbo (how effective a boost in manual mode is). Small characters have good acceleration, off-road, and handling, but low speed and weight. Medium characters are pretty much average. Large characters are the opposite of small; great speed and weight, but bad acceleration, off-road, and handling. I usually choose Rosalina (large) due to her great speed and handling.
The karts and bikes? There are 3 karts and 3 bikes for each class, so 18 vehicles altogether. 9 of them are unlockable. Each vehicle has its own unique stats. Karts are good for mini-boosts in manual mode as well as weight, while bikes allow wheelies which give you small speed boosts. I usually choose bikes because I abuse wheelies.
Since there are so many characters, vehicles, and stats, I give the variety a 9. Gosh, this game is good...
Courses - 8
As I have stated earlier, there are 32 courses altogether. 16 retro courses which are from previous Mario Kart titles, and 16 non-retro (or nitro) courses which are new to this installment. Some of the courses are very well designed and quite fun to race on. Some good ones are Wario's Gold Mine and Mushroom Gorge. However, there's always gotta be some bad ones. There's this one called Moonview Highway that has a whole bunch of cars that squash you, making you half as fast and screwing up the camera so you can barely see.. This course almost ruins the entire game. It sucks. Bad. I give the courses an 8.
I'm not saying I like to mod things a lot, but there's a mod for Mario Kart Wii that has 218 custom tracks. Some of them are really crappy, while others are amazing. One of them even has custom music... heck, that course literally has custom everything. Another great course is Heart of China. Search it on YouTube, it's a MASSIVE exploring course. This mod is called CTGP Revolution, and I recommend it if you love Mario Kart Wii but you're tired of the same 32 courses.
Story - N/A
There is no story. There's really nothing much else to say. Let's just pretend that the world is going to collapse unless you win some Grand Prixs.
Depth - 9
This installment is by far the largest in the entire series. Only this, MKDS, and MK7 (not including MK8) have had 32 courses. None of the others have had 26 characters, though, and a few haven't even 18 karts and bikes. This is actually the only game yet that has bikes. This game also has a really big amount of items as well as music tracks, so it's pretty awesome. I give the depth a 9. Nope, not a 10. A 9.
Difficulty - ? (completely varies)
We're nearing the end of this review by talking about the difficulty.?There are 3 difficulties and a mode that reverses the directions of turns.?This game's difficulty strongly varies between which modes you choose, which courses you choose, which characters and karts/bikes you choose, luck, and how good the player is. For a beginner, this game can be pretty hard to get used to. However, once you've fully played each of the courses a few times, you can become pretty good at this game. Myself, even as a Mario Kart Wii Veteran (been playing since release), I can't guarantee what I would say about the difficulty. I can easily get star ranks on Grand Prix mode on difficult Mirror, but then again there are courses that I couldn't beat even if my life depended on it (e.g. Moonview Highway). So I give the difficulty a question mark.
Overall - 9.2
Overall, Mario Kart Wii is an amazing game. It has incredible graphics, good sound, great variety, performance, and it's REALLY addictive. It has a lot to offer, and can be a game for gamers with any amount of experience. You can be a beginner (not a complete beginner though) and play easy mode on an easy grand prix, you can be pretty average and play medium mode, you can be expert and place hard mode and/or mirror mode, and you can be pro and play online worldwide against those scary Japanese gamers. It's fun for the whole family! Overall, Mario Kart Wii gets an incredible 9.2.
Well, then. That took awhile. I hope you enjoyed it (if you actually read it fully. Skimming doesn't count). Feel free to give me feedback and/or criticism! 2300 words
  Graphics 9   Sound 7   Addictive 10   Depth 9

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 02-02-14     Updated: 02-02-14     Review Replies: 0

Not a good driving simulator, but a great game!   patar4097
   Mario Kart Wii is the 6th game in the Mario Kart series, and as you can tell, it was released on the Nintendo Wii in 2008. As you know, Mario Kart is a kart racer with fun tracks, tons of havoc because of the items, and great multiplayer fun. This installation of the series doesn't disappoint. Pretty much everything that made all previous Mario Kart games are here, making what I think is the best game in the series.
   First, I want to go over the new thing introduced in Mario Kart Wii. Aside from the obvious graphical improvements, you can now control your car using the Wii remote like a steering wheel. This is a really fun mode to use, and brings new life to Mario Kart. You can also now use motor cycles alongside the normal karts. When using the bikes, you can no longer get the red sparks when flying for a mini-turbo. But instead you can use wheelies, which improve you speed. Although I liked the initial thought of them, the fact that they are much more useful the cars is a little disappointing, especially since “karting” is the name of the game.
   Mario Kart Wii also added some new items. The POW block from the classic Mario Bros. game is an item for those in the middle of the pack, and can spin all opponents in front of you spin out unless they shake the Wii remote (or do the trick action with another controller). But unfortunately, the added what is probably the worst item ever created. The Thunder Cloud will automatically equip itself, and will shrink whoever is holding it after a certain amount of time. The only way to get rid of it is to bump other players. This item is really annoying, and doesn't add to the game whatsoever. And what’s worse is they replaced the Boo item for it, which was probably my favorite from the DS version.
   Another difference is that now there are twelve racers instead of the usual eight. This gives a greater variety for when the items appear. There is something about it that makes it feel so much more fun with all the extra racers. But although there are some great things, one thing that was surprising was they removed the co-op player from Double Dash. I loved playing with two people in one car because of all the different combos you can do, and was fun to try to play with friends together.
   And one more thing I want to go over is the motion controls that were introduced. You can now do tricks over ramps, which give you speed boosts when landing them. This added many new opportunities to add some new shortcuts, and are helpful for a quick little boosts.
 Gameplay: 9 – The gameplay in Mario Kart Wii is probably my favorite of all of them. It has tons of cars and bikes to choose from, with most cars having a motorcycle clone, with similar speed, acceleration, off-road, etc. I loved this, even though it somewhat limited your options. I liked it though, because if there was a good car that had good stats, there is most likely a bike that has stats almost exactly like it.
   Something that is kind of underrated in the Mario Kart series is the retro tracks. They take old tracks, like the GBA and SNES tracks that don’t seem to work anymore with the way that the series has gone, and redo them perfectly. It’s great to see these old tracks again. However, not all of them were taken well. I am talking mostly about Super Circuit’s Shy Guy Beach. It was one of my favorite tracks on the GBA title, but in the Wii version, the water is now half off-road, making it sometimes a pain to race on.
   Actually, there is another one that I feel disappointed to play. DK’s Jungle Parkway was one of the hardest levels in the N64 version, and was still pretty hard here. But there is something that really was strange: they removed the attacking coconuts. If you remember, if you ever went onto the grass after the big ramp, going on the grass would cause a spiky coconut to fly at you, which was both funny and made it so you have a bigger reason to stay on the track. I don’t know why this was removed, and it did make me a little sad.
   Another big change from all other Mario Kart games was the battle mode. With the extra racers, the team mode can be a much bigger focus. Unfortunately, because of this, solo was removed, but I never really played battle solo anyways. Unlike DS, you can no longer hurt your own team, and now the balloon battles are timed, instead of balloon based. This was probably mostly because of the heavy focus on multiplayer. I found this to be a change for the better, because it made me feel like battle mode was not just a tacked on extra.
   Graphics: 9 – The graphics look beautiful. As usual, Nintendo made use of every piece of technology they could get out of the underpowered Wii. The items all look great, and so do all the characters. If I were to make a complaint about the graphics, it would be that the Miis look bad. If you look to the right at the beginning of Luigi Circuit, the Miis look like paper. It’s kind of disappointing that they were done like this, especially when you use the Miis during racing, they look great.
   Now just like how the retro tracks worked really well as far as tracks, they were also great visually. It gave tracks like Ghost Valley 2 and Bowser’s Castle 3 the beauty they so rightfully deserved. The graphics is probably the biggest reason that the retro tracks are so fun to play on the newer systems.
   Story: N/A: It’s Mario Kart. What do you expect? It’s about racing, and racing only.
   Sound: 9.5 – The sound in Mario Kart Wii is immersive. It keeps you in the game, and has some really great tunes. All the retro tracks music didn't disappoint. From the two classic SNES and GBA levels, to the N64 tracks, and also the more modern DS and GameCube tracks; they all sound terrific, and don’t let down what the original music was supposed to be. There aren't any complaints. As for the new tracks, I liked them as well. As for the new tracks, there were some great new additions, including Koopa Cape, DK Summit, and of course Rainbow Road. They drew you into the game like no other Mario Kart game before.
   As for the other sounds of the game, they are all very nice. From the honking horns when you bump into another car, to the simple sounds of hopping when drifting, and the picking up of items, they sound like how Mario Kart should be done.
   Depth: 10/ Addictiveness: 9.5 – There are a total 32 different tracks to chose from, with 16 being from previous games, and 16 brand new tracks. And for the first time, there are 12 battle courses. Like DS, half are retro and half are new. There was a good variety of different types of tracks. They vary from small, more competitive tracks like Cookie land, to amazing, big stadiums like Funky Kong Stadium.
   And of course the biggest reason the depth gets a 10 is because of the Wi-Fi game. Much improved from the crappy online racing from the DS, you can now fight up to 11 random people from either around the word, or just from your region. You can pick from any track you want as well. No limits to your choices. You can also choose any battle course from battle mode. However, the battle mode suffers from fewer players than race, so bigger groups are harder to come by. And the fact that it switches between balloon and coin runners each time is a negative. To be honest, I find the Coin Runners mode to be cheap, especially online.
   One more thing that was part of the Mario Kart online experience was the tournaments. They are set up like how the DS missions were. A variation of a normal track was presented, and you had to complete the challenge. Kill enemies, race backwards, and other fun challenges were all included. I never got into them, and the fact that they took a while to gather the worldwide results was a minus, because you couldn’t do a new challenge during that time. But the challenges themselves were very fun to play.
   Difficulty: 6 – Unfortunately, the difficulty of the GP mode has gone down since the N64 days. Although the CPU can be pretty smart, and can even take shortcuts, they still weren't as challenging as before, although you will get much more difficulty on Wi-Fi, for obvious reasons. And if you play with other people, the screen being smaller will also make it more difficult. Not really on purpose, but this does make it harder.
   And the other problem is that a lot of the difficulty comes from one item. And of course, this is the dreaded Blue Shell. Unlike the GBA and N64 versions, this Blue Shell flies above everybody, and instead of simply hitting you like a normal shell, it will blow you up like a Bob-omb will. But that’s not all folks! Above all this, it is impossible to see when people have this item, and by the time you figure out it’s coming, it’s too late, and the best you can do is try to take the 2nd place racer with you.
   Controls: 9 – I am only really going to talk about the Wii wheel controls, since that is what the developers intended to use the most. The controls are really well done. I was skeptical at first how it would work, and unless you turn so much your Wiimote is perfectly vertical, it will not mess up. The controls are tight, and, especially the inward drifting (which is where you will turn in when first drifting) is controlled perfectly.
   There are some small flaws in how the motion controls were structured into the game. For instance, tricks are preformed when shaking the Wiimote. It worked well, but shaking incorrectly could cause a slight change in trajectory. And the other flaw was with the POW item. Like I mentioned before, it will spin you out unless you shake the remote. Like with the tricks, you could lose your control when shaking, because a pretty good amount of waggle is needed to shake the item off.
   Overall: 9.6 – Mario Kart Wii is by many considered the best Mario Kart game. However, most people say this because it is easy to glitch and hack, and as gotten a hacked version of it that has over 100 tracks. It also has some crazy physics, which like the hacked tracks, were not intended, so not included into my rating.
   With its huge selection of tracks, and improved battle mode, this game will keep you playing for hours and hours. It has great gameplay, and is great fun with multiplayer. It has some great music, and you will find it hard to the game down. I feel that the charm of Mario Kart is at its highest point in this game. I haven’t played another racing game that could beat Mario Kart Wii in terms of being a “fun” game.
   Thanks for reading my review, and don’t forget to rate the review and to comment if you have any constructive criticism or any feedback. Thanks, and God bless!

  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 9   Depth 10   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 07-03-13     Updated: 07-04-13     Review Replies: 10

how i trained for the driving exam   ender44
My first review as a full blown staff member! Thanks all you guys who cheered me on, you're the best.
(yes the title is a joke)
You guys haven't met my family, and you don't really want to. But if you had the misfortune of having a talk with one of us psychos, you would find out that we are unreasonably competitive. A few weeks ago, during one of those family gatherings I avoid, a brother of mine brought a wii. We looked at it and laughed, joking about how we were too old to be playing games like super sluggers and Mario kart. Though, after we agreed to play, we instantly got back into Mario kart, and the competitiveness started.  That's how Mario kart got into my mind, and I'm reviewing it now. So lets do it.
Gameplay: There are multiple control schemes for this game, so I will break it down into three categories.
Wii wheel: hand down the most awkward and difficult control scheme they could have possibly thought of. It was a cute idea, though its execution was awful. You will use the wheel to steer, the button on the wheel to use items, and the 2 button to go. It is incredibly awkward to use, and you will be crashing and falling off of ledges often. I have used it tons of times, solely so I could give you an educated opinion for this review. I still have not even learned how to use it well, and I would recommend one of the other schemes listed below.
Wii mote and nunchuck: the medium setting of this game. I would recommend this to someone who is used to the feel of a wii mote in their hand. You will use the nunchuck to steer, the wii mote to use items, the A button to go. It is quite a bit easier to use than the wii wheel, although steering with the nunchuck can get difficult.
Gamecube controller: used best by the previous gamecube owner, this is the easiest of the control schemes. You will use the joystick to steer and the R button to use items. The A button makes you go. This is very precise and easy to use.
Graphics: okay, this game certainly did not bring the wii to its full potential, I think very few games on the wii may have actually done that. It looks very similar to Mario kart double dash, which is a shame. The wii was superior to the gamecube hardware-wise, and the fact that it looks so much like a gamecube game is ridiculous. Well, regardless of whether or not this game did the system justice, it looks really good. They could have done more with it, but just because they didn't does not mean the game looks bad.
Sound: No, I am not crazy about the sound. I preferred in the original games. It is typical music, and they try to style it from the game that the race track is based off of.
Addictiveness: its there. While the one player can get boring, if you get a couple of friends over for a tournament, this game can be incredibly addictive. If you spend your time only playing one player, than you will likely only play a few tracks. If you play multiplayer though, I can guarantee a better experience. Unless the people you play with are annoying, I cant help you with that.
Story: none to speak of. You entered a race, try to win.
Depth: there are 32 tracks, all but one based on various areas in the Mario series. The exception being rainbow road. There are 24 characters that you can use, each with a weight that will determine which cars they can use, their stats, and how far they will push people of different weights when two cars crash. There are also 6 karts and 6 bikes for each different weight. This game will also allow you to use mii's, the weight you set them with determining their weight in game.
Difficulty: One-player wise, this game will not throw much challenge your way. The computers can get difficult on certain stages, but I cant imagine you having too many serious problems with them. Two player wise, it completely depends on who you are playing with.
Overall, its a really fun game that I think you will have a fun time with it. See ya

  Graphics 7   Sound 5   Addictive 6   Depth 7   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 03-29-13     Review Replies: 4

Grab your friends! It's Mario Kart!   darthyoda
Grab up to three of your friends to test your skills in the ultimate battle! You can play as virtually any Mario Character. (Only the ones in the actual games, and no Gumpas are not counted under that description...) Choose your Character, kart, and track and battle to the death for ultimate race track domination! Join me as I review the great Mario Kart Wii!
Graphics: The Nintendo Wii isn't one of the best consoles out there, especially when it comes down to graphics, but surprisingly, Mario Kart Wii has good graphics. I didn't have any complaints, and I even enjoy the graphics, style and everything! They took many classic tracks, made them look cool and even found some way to improve several elements. The textures in the Grass, Sand, Water, Cement, and anything else, is really great! The tracks look amazing, especially when compared to other Wii games! The Wheels turn realistically, the head of the character moves, with no problems, there is no problem with the graphics! It's realistic, and fun!
I give the game a 9/10 for graphics. Although good, It's not the best out there either. 
Sound: The sounds are really cool, but it can get annoying if you play the tracks for a few hours, with little pause. After how many hours I've invested into the game, I don't get annoyed, and I really love the themes for most tracks! (I say most, because there are some soundtracks that I'm not overly fond of.) The Engines of the karts are also good in sound, and they captured every element of the kart tire sounds! I really found no problem with the sound! I give it a slightly lower rating, because some tracks could get annoying, and this takes a few points off...
I give the game a 9/10 for sound. (I know, same rating as above.) 
Addictiveness: You want to talk about addictive? This game takes the cake here! Few games can get a full score, because as much as I love most of my games, none get as addictive as Mario Kart. If you have friends, there is no stopping, it's as though you play for hours, and you could just keep going, even though there are only 4 modes, and 8 racing track categories. This doesn't stop the game at all! You have several Cups, racing track categories/ difficulty. Each Cup has a degree of difficulty, not to mention that each track can be played in Mirror Mode, which turns the track inside out. (The turns are exact opposite of the original.) This makes the game more interesting, because you can play it over and over, with many various modes and tracks.
You get the point, right? I give the game a full 10/10. 
Story: N/A There is no story, so I won't talk about it, nor will I give a rating on this category.
Score: N/A. 
Gameplay/ Controls: The game handles amazingly! The turns are done with accuracy, and ease. It's hard to get a game that handles without freezing and with roughly 20 people on the screen at the same time. The game does a good job, and in fact, it handles as smooth as can be. The controls are really easy. You have only three buttons you need to press. The "2," the "Arrow Keys" and the "B." Some may play slightly different, but I like to use the arrow keys for dishing out revenge with my items. (Using Items.) You can send it back to the people behind you, or to the people in front of you, if there are any in front of you that is. The two button is the gas, the "B" is drift, if you put manual transmission on.
The game handles like a dream! I give it a 9/10. 
Depth: As I said earlier, it seems like there isn't really much to do, but this is a very bad misconception. There is so much to do. If you feel like it, you can race in Two types of Battle modes. Coin and Balloon battles are the best! You need to either, collect all of the coins to make your team have the most, while shooting other enemy team members, to make them lose coins, or you need to shoot the enemy's balloons, floating above them. This can also be played with friends, which is really the entire game. All of this in one game! You have the normal mode, which can be done in three difficulties, 50cc, 100cc, and 150cc. (They really are just speed settings, but the faster you go, the harder it gets.) This and much more can be found in Mario Kart Wii!
I give the game an 8/10. It has a lot to do, but it really has little, after you start playing solo. 
Difficulty: The game really isn't that hard. You race, race and race. Simple, right? I'll answer that question with a simple two word noun. Rainbow Road! After that track, all others begin to seem simple. An entire road, with little to mostly no barrier. You can fall of the side for the majority of the track! Also, Mirror Mode. This means that you need to race all tracks in reverse. (Not the kart physically, but the track is backwards.) I think you get the idea, it can get really hard. Other tracks are actually simple, except when you begin to play a friend that's much better then you. That's when the fun begins!
The game gets hard sometimes, but it's not really that hard most of the time. I give it an 8/10. 
Overall: The game is really fun! I love playing Mario Kart. If I boot up the Wii, it's to play Mario Kart Wii. That's how good the game is! If friends play, it's one of the best multiplayer games in the console! I give the overall rating of 9.5/10.
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 1   Depth 8   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4.5/5     Submitted: 12-22-14     Review Replies: 2

Mario Kart Wii   mlb789
   Mario Kart Wii is the sixth installment of the Mario Kart series.  This game features sixteen new maps and new characters such as Rosalina, Funky Kong, and your very own Mii!  The basis of this story is, as usual, to race around the Mario world and collect cups to unlock more maps.   Not only that, but you get to play online against other players.  This adds a whole new dimension to how you play the game.  The game also introduces a new function called tricks.  These tricks will give you a speed boost upon landing the trick, making it easier to win a race.  This is also the first Mario Kart game where you get to have the experience of driving a car with the new Wii Wheel attachment.
  Graphics 10:  The graphics are very good for this game.  They surprised me very much in how good they are, which earned them this very deserving 10.
   Sound 8:  The sound in this game is definitely not the best sound that the Wii has to offer, but it is still very good.  I appreciate how they kept the old music from the older tracks while still adding a new feel to the sound. 
   Addictiveness 9:  This game is one of the most addictive games on the Wii (even though most Wii games are not that good).  I like how you have the ability to race while being able to crash into each other and not spin out (that is, unless they manage to throw a banana right when you make impact, spinning you out).
   Story :  There is no story affiliated with this Mario Kart game, which is something that I think they should do.  They could make it so you buy parts for your Kart as you go along in the game, thus eliminating the need for unlocking various parts throughout the game.
   Depth 10:  Basically, you get to play a Grand Prix mode, Time Trial Mode, Versus Mode, Battle Mode, and Online Mode in this game.  This provides hours of fun for you and your family as you play this game.
   Difficulty 4:  Now you may disagree with me, but I thought this game was pretty easy.  The computers really don't know what they are doing, leaving the only challenge to Time Trial and Online modes.  Nevertheless, you should still be able to beat this game in only a few sittings, unless you play for one Grand Prix a sitting, making it absolutely impossible to beat in a few sittings.
   Overall 8.2:  This game is a very good game, not only for us, but for Nintendo and the Wii.  Many thought that the Wii was not doing so well at the time this game came out, but this game changed that.  Not only did it do that, but it reinforced Nintendo's status as one of the top companies in the video gaming world.  I would recommend this game to basically everyone, because it offers so much fun even if you do not know who Mario even is.
  Graphics 10   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 10   Difficulty 4

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 06-23-12     Review Replies: 2

Mario Kart Wii Review   supercool22
Mario Kart Wii : Game Review
Release Date - 2008
System - Nintendo Wii
Developer - Nintendo
Publisher - Nintendo
Genre - Action / Racing & Driving
What I know about This game ?
Mario Kart Wii was released around 2008 . The system it was made for was the Nintendo Wii ( everyone's favorite system ) . The Developer is Nintendo and the Publisher is also Nintendo . Also everyone knows that this game is a Action / Racing & Driving game , which makes it a great game . Mario Kart Wii was the sixth mario kart game in the Mario Kart series ( Mario Kart 64 , Super Mario Kart , Mario Kart - Super Circuit and Mario Kart DS came out before this game ) and I nearly forgot to mention that this game is 3rd Person prospective , so you know what means basically .
Overall 10 / 10
Graphics 9 / 10
Sound 8 / 10
Addictiveness 10 / 10
Story 4 / 10
Depth 8 / 10
Difficulty 7 / 10
Mario Kart Wii is the 2nd Best Mario Kart game ever . ( Behind Mario Kart 7 that is ) . Its like your really in the game it self . This game has new tracks that are a real challenge , and full of fun . Also there are all new characters and new Karts that are fast and great . But choose your kart carefully because they each have something that the others don't . As you win every race it just gets harder to ein each time and I think that the main feature of the game . That is why I rated this Category a 10 / 10 .
The graphics are really great . For all I know Wii games have great graphics anyway . Playing this game make me feel like i'm actually racing . Mario Kart Wii was like the start of a new Mario Kart game with all new feathers and a different 3rd Person view . When racing everything looks different . Looks all new and better than the old mario kart games . Nintendo must of really thought this through completely .
The music is great . Its completely original but some of the music is kinda from older Mario Kart games . The sounds are not original because its basically the same sounds from other Mario Kart game but these sounds are more better and sometimes sounds different . So Overall I don't have much to say about the sounds but the fact that the music and sound is great .
Mario Kart Wii is very addictive . I had this game before and I played this game over and over again even if I already have beaten the game , I still want to win every race and beat everyone over and over again . So its a pretty game , beating the game doesn't make it boring at all because you could beat it again . Every course is very fun to race and its fun to play this game for Hours even days . So when you want to have fun just play Mario Kart Wii .
There is not much of a story to this game . So that is why it has a low rating . But i'm going to say that all you need to do is win . Win every race known to this game and try to beat your friends and/or enemies to the finish . Also never forget to have fun while racing .
Mario Kart Wii is a big game and has a lot to offer . Here is what this game has . So basically this game offers a lot from Winning every race , playing against other racers such as your friends and enemies . To obtaining every Grand Prix Cup and playing some minigames such as Ballon Battle and other things I might of Forgot about . But thats all I need to say for the Depth for now .
This game is hard at times . Not only because you make it difficult by putting it in a hard difficulty . Its hard because its suppose to be hard for people to have more fun . Without a difficulty games would be boring because it will be too easy to beat . So this game is somewhat hard , but not always .
That is all I got to say about this game , hope you all like my review . Have a good day everyone .
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 10   Story 4   Depth 8   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 05-18-13     Updated: 05-18-13     Review Replies: 1

Mario kart wii review   SuperCrash64
This is Mario kart wii. For Nintendo 7 Gen system .
Game intro The intro starts out with  Mario and Luigi using wii steering wheels . Which is included with Mario kart wii.  Then peach joins and catches up with Mario and Luigi . And bumps Luigi with her big butt lol I was laughing too hard at that. After that Mario and peach stopped Luigi tried to take the lead and he ended up getting a boom from that annoying blue shell. 
Plot the plot of Mario kart wii is almost the same plot ,as other racing games . U basically go around doing cup or tournaments. As some of you may call it. Anyways you go and win the cup as along as your in first  second or third. If you don't get 1st  2nd or 3rd you get a bad ending.  however I don't know what the bad ending is because I never got that low in the game. Mario kart wii or the franchise . Is slightly different do to the koopa shells stars and a whole bunch of items. From Mario and Luigi's plat forming adventures.
Graphics. Like smash brothers brawl. This is a game that used a lot of the wii,s graphical capabilities. These graphics are nicely done  with great sharp and smoothness. All stages have mii detail. And Mario detail. In fact if you take a look at the course showing. You can see that there are a bunch of ghost . Known as boos. In the crowd. Although these graphics are nicely done. I will say it looks very similar to the earlier Mario kart double dash. And Nintendo also fixed up some of the earlier Mario kart stages as well to make them blend in with the graphics.  Graphics gets 10 very true to the console and Mario series with very nicely done stages.
Game play  Like smash bros brawl. You have different control options. 1 wii steering wheel a plastic shell shaped like a wheel which would where you put the wii mote in its  good for this type of game. However u mainly do motion controls if your gonna use that. 2 wii mote and nunchuk. This control option comes in very handy. Only thing you will need to do . If you wanna do tricks while bouncing on mushrooms and what not. You have to shake the wii mote and still steer with the nunchuk. 3 classic controller. I used the wired nyko wing. This features a comfortable control option. You use the left thumbs tick for steering and the a button to drive. In order to do tricks u will need to use the d pad , 4 game cube this control option works almost like the classic controller. Only thing I hated was you have to use the tiny game cube d pad in order to do tricks. My recommendation for controlling would be the nunchuk. 2 nd best classic controller I prefer it better than the game cube controller do to the larger dpad. 3 game cube although it works just like the classic controller that small d pad will take some getting used to. 4 wii steering wheel I naturally use a game pad . If your used to using a game pad. And wanna use the wii steering wheel its best you get some practice with it before you start using it against online players or other stuff.
Sound the Mario kart series was known for having a lot of wacky grunts. That happen when you throw shells leave banana peels and others stuff. Pretty much crashing the other peoples karts. As fair as the soundtrack goes. There are some new songs that sound great. While the other stages . Have been left the same. Sound also gets a 10 there are a lot of variety's and a good soundtrack  which is Mario kart is best known for. 
Addictiveness  hitting other people with bullet bills koopa shells and other stuff. Is the main reason I find it addicting. Only thing I dislike is I think the blue shell comes around too often. Anyways Addictiveness gets a 10 this game is really fun and addicting if you own a wii you should give this game a try.
Story while I explained the plot . I never think Mario kart has a an actual storyline so I'm leaving this score blank
Depth Mario kart wii offers a lot of unlock able stuff and if you created a mii character and after finishing multiple tracks u can unlock your mii character and use him in races. If that's not enough theres also online play where you can challenge other people. Which is a good thing because the single player stuff alone will get boring. Depth gets a 10 lots of things that you can do in this game
Difficulty 7 the ai is faster and harder. And koopa shells and specially the blue shell will appear at random times. Causing you to screw up. On races . I could rant about that but I'm not going to. 
Overall 9.5 good for graphics . Number of stages and characters. Great number of retro console Mario kart stages. I really happen to like Mario kart wii. If you own a Nintendo wii you should totally give this game a try.

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 03-03-13     Updated: 05-18-13     Review Replies: 1

Tricks, tricks, and more tricks   Furret
Mario Kart Wii is the 6th game in the Mario Kart franchise. The game was released for the Nintendo Wii in 2008 and is one of the most iconic games for the system. It introduced some welcome new quality of life changes and some new additions to the franchise as well.
While I probably have more total hours clocked into Mario Kart DS, my all time favorite has to be Mario Kart Wii. I’m just able to fully immerse myself into the game and the race, whereas with other Mario Kart games I’ve always felt more of a disconnect on that end. Not that they aren’t fun, but this is the only Mario Kart game where I feel like I’m the one actually racing.
Sadly, my Wii was taken away from me as a kid (something that I’m still not completely over) and I have only rarely been able to play the game since. I used to still bring it with me to a friend’s house, but now I can only play through emulators. Anyway, how does the game hold up today?
Graphics - 10/10
I’m sorry, what? You’re telling me this game came out only a few years after the DS one? I mean, sure, the Wii is a much more powerful console. The graphical capabilities are always going to be higher. Still, the difference is staggering. The game, more than anything, looks alive. The colors are vibrant, the water flows naturally, and the models are full of life as well. Not to mention the insane amount of creative and fun vehicles in the game. Cars and… bikes? BIKES! Yes, this game introduced bikes and they look fantastic.
The backgrounds for the tracks are also splendid. They do a great job of creating an atmosphere that amplifies the experience of racing through them. Some absolutely stunning examples include Maple Treeway, Coconut Mall, Koopa Cape, Toad’s Factory, and my personal favorite, Grumble Volcano.
Sound - 9/10
Yet again the Mario Kart franchise delivers. I can’t stress enough how important a good soundtrack is to a racing game. It makes your experience a million times better. One of the best ways I’ve found to remember tracks in these games is to just imagine the music playing in my head. It never fails to put me right back into those moments years ago of trying to make it to a cannon blast right as you see a red shell approaching behind you.
A staple of the Mario Kart franchise in the quick arrangement of the background music during the final lap also returns. It really signifies that it’s now or never. You only have one more lap to maintain your lead or to crawl your way back to the front of the pack.
Oh and a special shout out to Funky Kong’s voice actor. I find it so funny imagining someone in the studio recording all this. The dude is an absolute legend for these soundclips; [url][/url]
Addictiveness - 10/10
Easiest 10 I’ve ever given. If there’s one Mario Kart game that never gets old, it’s this one. The tracks are super replayable, and doing stunts and tricks over the million ramps and obstacles will never get old. If there’s one thing I’ll still be doing by the time I’m 75 it’s performing tricks on Mario Kart Wii.
Playing with your friends is once again possible here too. 4 players can race at the same time on one Wii console so all you need is a few extra controllers. Speaking of, have I mentioned the amazing Wii Wheel that you get with the game for your Wii-mote? Just plug that bad boy in the wheel and you’re actually steering your vehicle in real time. Brilliant addition to make use of the Wii’s motion detection. If you want to race with more people, you’ll need to get an online connection. Sadly, this feature is no longer available as Nintendo removed Wifi compatibility from the Wii altogether. At the time though, you could play with up to 12 players! 12! Imagine the usual chaos of playing with a party of 8, only now add an additional 4 players to the mix. Insanity. There are still ways to play online thanks to the very active online community, but I won’t delve too much into that as I don’t want to get in trouble. You can look it up on your own.
Online was made even better by the tournament system. You could host tournaments that others from all over the world could join. On top of that, there existed some sort of rating or ranking to determine a player’s level of expertise. Winning or scoring well in races would make your score go up, whilst getting near the bottom of the table would make it go down. I believe the maximum was 9999 VR. I never personally got that high, but I was around the 7500-8000 level at one point. Some of these people were cheating, I swear. Still, going up against people of your own skill level constantly made for a very entertaining playtime. And chasing the big 9999 was a great motivator to keep playing.
Story - N/A
The old tale. A racing game, no story. There is nothing to see here. Your princess is in another castle.
Depth - 9/10
I actually rate it slightly lower than Mario Kart DS. The removal of Shine Runners and Mission Mode kind of hurts. Yes, it did add the tournament mode in online play, but this didn’t really make up for the loss of other creative game modes as it was just another racing mode at the end of the day. The game was still great, don’t get me wrong, but it lacked the diversity that its predecessor had.
On the other hand, they went all out when it came to unlockables, carts, and characters. A whopping 24 characters are playable in this game (26 if you count your Mii characters as well). There was pretty much a character for everyone. The addition of bikes also increased your options a ton. They play similarly to karts, but with a few slight differences. While both can drift and get a drift boost, karts get a slightly better boost from their drifts. Bikes (most of them), on the other hand, can use inside drift to cut corners better and increase your level of driving. They also have access to wheelies, which prevents you from steering left or right but gives you a slight speed boost on a straight path.
Lastly, they added tricks to the game. Gone are the days where you just drive off a ramp all boring like and just land on the ground. In this game you can shake your controller to perform a trick. These are super addicting to do and reward you with a slight speed boost upon landing.
Difficulty - 9/10
This game is definitely more difficult than your average Mario Kart game. The controls are more complex, and are also more punishing. Driving well is rewarded more in this game than in almost any other Mario Kart game out there. There are crucial speed boosts that can make a difference over a 3 lap race that you lose out on if you don’t take the time to practice and become better. You can then take it a step further by testing your skills in online play. The rating system allows you to join lobbies with people around your skill level, so you have actual competition when you race. And let me tell you, when that rare 9000+ rated player joins your lobby you really get put in your place.
Also, the SNES Ghost Valley 2 track is my all time least favorite because I find it too difficult. I just can’t seem to ever score well in it, and even the pity rocket you get in 12th place has killed me more than I’d like to admit.
This game is just so much fun. That’s the best way to describe it. The whole game is designed to make you have the most fun possible. It’s also extremely competitive in the online scene, so if you’re looking for that then this is the Mario Kart game for you!

  Graphics 10   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Depth 9   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 01-09-22     Review Replies: 0

Mario Kart Wii Box Description

Get behind the wheel! With the Wii Wheel in your hands, you can perform speed-boosting jumps, flips, and wheelies with ease. Play up to three friends locally on a single Wii, or hop onto Nintendo WFC for the biggest worldwide race yet!

Mario Kart Wii (Wii) Screenshots

X Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Baby Peach's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Yoshi's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Donkey Kong's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Dry Bone's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Peach's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : King Boo's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Baby Daisy's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Bowser's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Koopa Troopa's model on MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Baby Luigi in the kart section
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Toad's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Diddy Kong's model on MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Toadette's model on MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Waluigi's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Daisy's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Mario's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Baby Mario's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Bowser Jr.'s model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Luigi's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Rosalina's model in MK Wii
Mario Kart Wii
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Character Select : Dry Bowser's model in MK Wii

Videos of Mario Kart Wii Gameplay

Mario Kart Wii Cheat Codes


Boost when recovering from a fall

When you fall into something, such as water or falling from rainbow road, when you land, if you hit 2 at the moment you hit the ground, you get a temporary boost.

Change Mii Racer weight class

Go into the Mii Channel and change your Mii drivers weight, which will have an in game impact causing you to change weight class and have different cars.

POW Block Immunity

When you see the POW block on your screen and its about to hit you, just do the function you would normally use for a trick to create a shockwave for youself to become immune to the spin out the POW block creates (Control panel on GCN controller, Shaking Wii wheel, etc.). This can be done on both bikes and carts. Even though you don't loose speed or spin out, you still will loose the items you were carrying.

Quick Start

When the countdown starts wait till the 2 starts to disappear and then press and hold the 2 button. So the 2 must still be visible but disappearing.
This will give you a boost at the start of the race.


More than one person can be the same character.

First, make P1 choose the character you both want to be. Then unselect the character and move off of it. Move P2 over, and select the character. Go back one screen, then go into the character select again. You should both be on the same character. Both of you select the character. Do whatever you want from there on.

Note: In the character select screen and options, whenever one of you does an animation, both of you will. Also, if P2 chooses a different kind of vehicle than P1, P1 will look strange. Don't worry, this won't actually happen in the game.

Alternative Method of Unlocking Game Content

This is an alternative method of unlocking characters, karts, and bikes. Simply play the required number of games (races/battles). This method takes a while, but is far easier to complete.

Baby Daisy Play 1,950 races/battles.
Baby Luigi Play 3,150 races/battles.
Birdo Play 1,350 races/battles.
Blue Falcon Play 4,200 races/battles.
Bowser Jr. Play 3,450 races/battles.
Cheep Charger Play 1,800 races/battles.
Daisy Play 2,850 races/battles.
Daytripper Play 2,700 races/battles.
Diddy Kong Play 450 races/battles.
Dolphin Dasher Play 3,750 races/battles.
Dry Bones Play 1,050 races/battles.
Dry Bowser Play 4,350 races/battles.
Funky Kong Play 2,250 races/battles.
Honeycoupe Play 3,000 races/battles.
Jet Bubble Play 3,900 races/battles.
Jetsetter Play 4,500 races/battles.
King Boo Play 750 races/battles.
Magikruiser Play 900 races/battles.
Mii Plumber's Costume Play 5,100 races/battles.
Mii Racing Suit Play 1,650 races/battles.
Mirror Mode Play 4,800 races/battles.
Phantom Play 4,050 races/battles.
Piranha Prowler Play 600 races/battles.
Quacker Play 2,400 races/battles.
Rosalina Play 4,950 races/battles.
Shooting Star Play 1,500 races/battles.
Sneakster Play 3,300 races/battles.
Spear Play 3,600 races/battles.
Sprinter Play 4,650 races/battles.
Super Blooper Play 300 races/battles.
Tiny Titan Play 1,200 races/battles.
Toadette Play 2,550 races/battles.
Zip Zip Play 2,100 races/battles.

Mario Kart Wii Threads


Mario Kart Wii Guides and Walkthroughs

Users who own Mario Kart Wii

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Comments for Mario Kart Wii

Pacman+Mariofan 11-28-13 - 09:51 AM
 superfincaptoad: you can't play it.
superfincaptoad 10-01-13 - 11:47 AM
 where is the play?
Black Bot 07-18-13 - 05:12 PM
 Maybe in like 30 years you could play it. I wish you could reply to things.
SuperCrash64 06-25-13 - 07:10 PM
 You can't play it. all stuff in the video game room is only for research and reviews
awesomeguy203 06-25-13 - 06:56 PM
 how do you play it?
Black Bot 05-30-13 - 05:21 PM
 Oh yeah, Riivolution is great, for 132 tracks. And textures and music packs.
Black Bot 05-30-13 - 05:21 PM
 You can play it for free with Dolphin Emulator. In 10 years or so, is this game and the Wii console be added to the Retro Game Room? Maybe even the old DS?
SuperCrash64 05-13-13 - 03:25 PM
 yeah. Not to mention Wii consoles and this game is currently still being sold retail. so if we have the game here. we would be facing legal issues. and we would need really good servers to play this game smoothly
kradoson 05-13-13 - 02:56 PM
 This is simply for information everyone, you can not play these games
SuperCrash64 03-03-13 - 02:54 PM
 its nice game did a review of it :D
Yoshi845Sniper 01-01-13 - 02:22 AM
 There custom tracks on there, too.
Yoshi845Sniper 01-01-13 - 02:21 AM
 I hacked it too, but with Riivolution
Davideo7 12-19-12 - 10:11 PM
 I just submitted a video of my wife and myself playing all 32 courses on team mode.
Black Bot 10-25-12 - 05:56 PM
 Can't find the play button somehow. But I WILL!!! Bwhahahahaha!
sam123cool 07-07-12 - 02:49 AM

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