Welcome to my review of Wii Sports Resort! This is a fun “sequel” to Wii Sports. Fun fact: I didn’t have this game until only a couple years ago. Then when I got it from the lovely GameStop store, it didn’t work. So I had to get a different copy. Anyway!... this game is pretty cool I guess. I have occasionally played this with friends, and it’s been fun. So I’ll explain why this game is fun and sometimes compare it to the original Wii Sports!
I am impressed that this game’s graphics are so shiny. And the attention to detail with the beach resort theme is quite nice. It gives this game a good vacation feel. I love the style of my Mii’s vacation shirt. I like the pretty view that I can see while playing table tennis. Most of all, I enjoy seeing the pop cans on the table tennis table that I can smack with my ball, and I enjoy seeing the nighttime 3-pointer basketball contest! Never thought a nighttime sports event in a game could look so good! These graphics aren’t perfect, but there aren’t a lot of horrible flaws with them either.
Some animation in this game is a little lacking in my opinion, such as when the pop cans are hit in table tennis. Not that I expect them to spontaneously combust, but it could be better and more funny. I really like the animation in this game though. The game starts off strong with the Miis being in an airplane and skydiving. That scene entertained me when I started playing the game for the first time! Good job to the creators of this game for how nice the table tennis animations are! Those are probably my favorite. A close second would be the fireworks in the 3-point contest. It’s so satisfying when I play the return challenge and whack the CPU in the face with a ball a ton of times (don’t judge me), and even greater when I spike that ball! It’s cool that there are fireworks when I make a bucket in basketball because it makes me feel special. The animations are easy to keep up with, and they are very clear.
There are 12 sports in this game. Quite the improvement over the original Wii Sports which had only 5. I only play a few of these sports often on this game, but I like that I have so many options available. And these games have some neat modes too. For example, basketball has the 3-point contest and the pickup game. Bowling has the normal game, 100-pin game, and spin control. The variety of modes and gameplay differences makes this a refreshing game to play once in a while. Also, the pro status system being back is pretty cool I guess even though it means nothing.
There is actually kind of a story to this game! In the beginning, a bunch of Miis are chillin’ in a plane. Then they suddenly gotta jump off for some reason. So my Mii and other Miis come down in our fancy little parachutes and enjoy our vacation blowing so much money on sports! OK, I added that last part but everything before the “blowing so much money” part is true.
Because of the WiiMotion Plus controls this game has, it can be a little tough to get used to anything in this game for a while. As I’m sure many people can say, I played the original Wii Sports first for a long time before playing this one. It was weird to be bowling in this game with a completely different movement technique. And golf is a complete nightmare for me. Don’t even get me started on Frisbee Golf. Uuuughhh…
Once I got used to the controls, this game is still pretty difficult. I once reached pro status in the 3-point contest game, but it’s been years and I haven’t gotten it back. Then again, I don’t play this very much. Which brings me to the addictiveness category.
There aren’t a lot of things in this game that keep me coming back. Ever since I got this game, I haven’t played it much. I can get hooked on this game when I’m trying to beat my friend’s 3-point contest record (can you tell that is my favorite part of the game?). But nothing else keeps my interest for long. I’m even less interested when I’m having a really hard time with the WiiMotion Plus controls.
Sound Effects
I really love the sound effects in this game! Some games like the return challenge for table tennis can get long and repetitive, but the sound effects make it more worthwhile! I can’t get enough of the swish sound in the 3-point contest game! WOOHOO! The sound effects can enhance the game experience especially when I do something impressive!
The music in this game puts me in a good mood! It helps me to be ready for some action, or helps me while I’m playing a game. That 3-point contest theme though… it’s an absolute MASTERPIECE. I could probably make a dance routine to that song… but I probably won’t.
Overall Rating
59/80 OR 74%-- a C
This game is pretty cool. I like the original Wii Sports MUCH better, but that doesn’t mean this game isn’t OK. I enjoy this once in a great while. I hope you enjoyed this review! Have a great day/night!
Welcome to my review of Wii Sports Resort! This is a fun “sequel” to Wii Sports. Fun fact: I didn’t have this game until only a couple years ago. Then when I got it from the lovely GameStop store, it didn’t work. So I had to get a different copy. Anyway!... this game is pretty cool I guess. I have occasionally played this with friends, and it’s been fun. So I’ll explain why this game is fun and sometimes compare it to the original Wii Sports!
I am impressed that this game’s graphics are so shiny. And the attention to detail with the beach resort theme is quite nice. It gives this game a good vacation feel. I love the style of my Mii’s vacation shirt. I like the pretty view that I can see while playing table tennis. Most of all, I enjoy seeing the pop cans on the table tennis table that I can smack with my ball, and I enjoy seeing the nighttime 3-pointer basketball contest! Never thought a nighttime sports event in a game could look so good! These graphics aren’t perfect, but there aren’t a lot of horrible flaws with them either.
Some animation in this game is a little lacking in my opinion, such as when the pop cans are hit in table tennis. Not that I expect them to spontaneously combust, but it could be better and more funny. I really like the animation in this game though. The game starts off strong with the Miis being in an airplane and skydiving. That scene entertained me when I started playing the game for the first time! Good job to the creators of this game for how nice the table tennis animations are! Those are probably my favorite. A close second would be the fireworks in the 3-point contest. It’s so satisfying when I play the return challenge and whack the CPU in the face with a ball a ton of times (don’t judge me), and even greater when I spike that ball! It’s cool that there are fireworks when I make a bucket in basketball because it makes me feel special. The animations are easy to keep up with, and they are very clear.
There are 12 sports in this game. Quite the improvement over the original Wii Sports which had only 5. I only play a few of these sports often on this game, but I like that I have so many options available. And these games have some neat modes too. For example, basketball has the 3-point contest and the pickup game. Bowling has the normal game, 100-pin game, and spin control. The variety of modes and gameplay differences makes this a refreshing game to play once in a while. Also, the pro status system being back is pretty cool I guess even though it means nothing.
There is actually kind of a story to this game! In the beginning, a bunch of Miis are chillin’ in a plane. Then they suddenly gotta jump off for some reason. So my Mii and other Miis come down in our fancy little parachutes and enjoy our vacation blowing so much money on sports! OK, I added that last part but everything before the “blowing so much money” part is true.
Because of the WiiMotion Plus controls this game has, it can be a little tough to get used to anything in this game for a while. As I’m sure many people can say, I played the original Wii Sports first for a long time before playing this one. It was weird to be bowling in this game with a completely different movement technique. And golf is a complete nightmare for me. Don’t even get me started on Frisbee Golf. Uuuughhh…
Once I got used to the controls, this game is still pretty difficult. I once reached pro status in the 3-point contest game, but it’s been years and I haven’t gotten it back. Then again, I don’t play this very much. Which brings me to the addictiveness category.
There aren’t a lot of things in this game that keep me coming back. Ever since I got this game, I haven’t played it much. I can get hooked on this game when I’m trying to beat my friend’s 3-point contest record (can you tell that is my favorite part of the game?). But nothing else keeps my interest for long. I’m even less interested when I’m having a really hard time with the WiiMotion Plus controls.
Sound Effects
I really love the sound effects in this game! Some games like the return challenge for table tennis can get long and repetitive, but the sound effects make it more worthwhile! I can’t get enough of the swish sound in the 3-point contest game! WOOHOO! The sound effects can enhance the game experience especially when I do something impressive!
The music in this game puts me in a good mood! It helps me to be ready for some action, or helps me while I’m playing a game. That 3-point contest theme though… it’s an absolute MASTERPIECE. I could probably make a dance routine to that song… but I probably won’t.
Overall Rating
59/80 OR 74%-- a C
This game is pretty cool. I like the original Wii Sports MUCH better, but that doesn’t mean this game isn’t OK. I enjoy this once in a great while. I hope you enjoyed this review! Have a great day/night!