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MoblinGardens's Last 25 Game Reviews
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
05-25-13 08:02 PM
Turtles Count it Off!
It's been while since I have written my last review.  I haven't played many games in the RGR lately.  I hadn't really found a good game to just sit down and play.  Recently I had remembered a game that I remember playing and loved in my late child hood that I knew I could find in the RGR.  I searched the game up, and played it all the way through.  It was much more addicting than I remembered.  The game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the Nintendo Gameboy Advanced.  This game was released on October 21st, 2003.  This game clearly goes along the story line similar to the story line that takes place in the 2001 release of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.

The first category that I will be talking about in this review is the graphics. The first thing that you will notice when you turn on the game is that the 2001 cartoon show intro is featured as the intro of the game.  I find it impressive that they put this into the game and it's not even one of those GBA video carts.  The video is not as defined as you would see on the cartoon show, but it's still a nice touch to the game's graphics as it looks pretty good for being on the GBA.  Another thing to talk about is graphics during the story plot phases.  The reason I call it a story plot phase is because it is not something I would consider to be a cut scene.  It is essentially images of the characters with text boxes underneath them.  The images don't just stay still though.  They change to determine the mood of the character.  For an example, there was a part in the game when Michaelangelo was cracking a joke and he had a silly face on.  Just after that, something had scared him and he had a expression of fear written on his face.  I found this to be a nice touch to the game.  The most crucial part about the graphics on this game, well, is the game play itself.  It's your typical GBA graphics but it'... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Kart
03-29-13 12:33 PM
The One that Started it All
Super Mario Kart for the SNES was the first instalment of the Mario Kart franchise.  I'm not going to be too hard on this game considering this was the first game out of all the Mario Kart games.  First of all, Super Mario Kart was released in 1992 and had released approximately 8,380,000 copies.

Let's first talk about the graphics.  They are actually pretty impressive for an SNES game considering that game was created to be a 3D racer.  Although to terrain is generally flat, it is nothing to complain about because is was an early game.  The character models are pretty detailed though.  When you turn, you actually see an animation of them turning.  If you look on the bottom half of the screen you can switch between two camera angles.  You can either see a top down map of the course with the character models driving around the track so you can determine how far away they are.  You can also switch to a camera view that sits in front of your character.  You see the front of your driving character as well as the scenery, the track, and anything else behind your character.  I personally use the top down camera angle because I find it the most useful of the two camera angles at the bottom of the screen.

Now we are onto the sound.  You can tell that this game has some music that has become classic and has showed up along with the track in other Mario Kart games.  Although Super Mario Kart has some good music tracks, you will find that they show up into not just one track but maybe two others in the course of the game.  It was almost like Nintendo got lazy and decided not to make new music for all of the tracks but just copy the music and stick it to two or more tracks.  Luckily, some of the music is really good.  You also have the sounds of the engines as well as sounds of the screeching tires when... Read the rest of this Review
03-27-13 06:14 PM
Find those Jiggies!
I used to have an addiction to this game when I played it on my Nintendo 64 when I was little.  This game just blew my mind.  It's just that there is so much to do and so much to see.  Banjo Kazooie was released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64.  It sold just about two million copies in the United States alone.  I am not surprised it sold that many copies in one country.  Banjo Kazooie is most likely around the top for best plat former ever made for the Nintendo 64.  

Let's get right into this review talking about the graphics in this game.  They are simply beautiful.  It is very difficult to describe in words about how great the graphics are, but, I'll try any ways.  First off, they are very colourful and detailed.  If your running around in a grassy field, the green looks great.  It has very nice shading which is admirable.  To talk more about detail, in a world such as "Rusty Bucket Bay"  you would think that the world would look all rusty.  Right you are, the textures in this place are really nice and the rust on the walls actually looks in place and has nice detail.

Now moving onto the sound.  Banjo Kazooie has a great soundtrack.  It has many great instruments that all play in unison to make a great music piece that really fits the environment in the game.  For an example, in "Treasure Trove Cove", you have steel drums playing because it suits a beach nice.  When you hop on in the water, the music will die down and you will start to hear a kind of music from Jaws and a shark will start to attack you.  Character sounds are also fantastic as well.  Going back to the shark in "Treasure Trove Cove"  he will making biting noises when he is getting close and tries to snack on you.  It's not like some other games where he will slowly float towards you and lightly tap you with no sounds ... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Kart - Super Circuit
03-26-13 07:44 PM
Ready, Set, Go get this game!
Mario Kart: Super Circuit was probably one of my favourite games for the Gameboy Advanced.  It really keeps in the legacy from Mario Kart 64.  For a little bit of history, Mario Kart: Super Circuit was released in 2001, the same year the Gameboy Advanced was released.  It sold about 2.53 million in the United States alone.

Let's talk about the graphics in the game first.  In Mario Kart: Super Circuit, the graphics are surprisingly phenomenal.  You have 3D models in the character selection screen as well as nicely detailed items and back drops while you are racing.  The animations of turning when you are racing are pretty nice as well.  When it is compared to other racing games for the GBA, I would most likely pick this one the play if I was only going by graphics.  Nothing looks choppy or blurry like most other racing games for the Gameboy Advanced.  

The sound is pretty good as well.  It's nothing to get excited about though.  You have your basic kart sounds, which actually gradually sound like it is rising like a real engine.  You also have character sounds when you get hit with an item such as a red or green shell.  They also make sounds when you hit an opponent with any item which will indicate whether you have hit them or not.  Something that is really nice about this game is the music for each and every course.  When you think about it, it's actually quite an expansive music collection.

Next we will talk about the addictiveness.  Even though this game does not keep track of how long you have played, if it did, I probably would have logged over hundreds of hours on this game.  There is always something to do in Mario Kart: Super Circuit, whether it's trying to beat your time trial on one of the courses or trying to get a better score on one of the Grand Prix.  

There is no story to this game, so I won't bother talking about som... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Blue
03-24-13 02:59 PM
Warning: May Cause Addiction
Pokemon Blue was the very first Pokemon game released for the original Gameboy.  Released in 1996, it sold approximately 20,680,000 copies (This includes Pokemon Red).  It also won many awards such as IGN's Top 100 Games of All Time, and in 2009, it appeared in Guinness Book of World Records for 'Best Selling RPG on the Gameboy' as well as "Best Selling RPG of All Time".  Now that we are done talking about all of this background stuff.  Let's start talking about the actually review.

First, we will talk about the graphics.  They are pretty good graphics for the Gameboy.  Everything seems to have detail to it, which is a sign of a good Gameboy game in my opinion.  They only flaw with this games graphics is that when you open your menu and look at your Pokemon, some of them look exactly the same.  Nintendo used the same sprites for the Pokemon of the same types in most cases.  For an example, two different Pokemon who both are normal types will have the same sprite.  This is only a minor annoyance than anything else.  It does not effect the game play in any way.

Secondly, let's talk about the sound.  It's your average 8-bit goodness. Every town has it's own theme music such as Lavender Town which has creepy music that goes with it which is probably there because it has the Pokemon Tower where all of the Pokemon that have passed away go to.  Most of the routes have to same music but that's alright because the music suites the scenery well.  Looking more into that, if you are in a cave or a forest, you have dark and gloomy music playing and it fits the environment well.

Now let's talk about the Addictiveness.  You are very likely to play this game again just for the experience of playing with a different starter Pokemon or completely revising your party.  I have played many Pokemon games over again just so I could pick a different starter.
Read the rest of this Review
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time
03-24-13 02:28 PM
You got the OOT Review!
Possibly one of the best Zelda games every released, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was developed in 1998 for the Nintendo 64.  It had sold 8.20 million copies world wide over it's lifetime.  As well as being the first Legend of Zelda game for the Nintendo 64, it was also the very first 3D Legend of Zelda game.  

Let's first talk about the graphics.  Think back in 1998 when we all still had the Nintendo 64.  These graphics were almost mind blowing.  It was the perfect art style for this game.  Apart from the graphics being very good, it was also our very first Legend of Zelda game that was in full 3D.  It was revolutionary for more Zelda games to come.

The sound is next to talk about.  I personally loved this sound track for that game.  It's not my favourite out of all the games, but it is close to it.  I always loved hearing Zelda's Lullaby and The Song of Storms.  I even bought an Ocarina of my own just to play these short pieces of music that really caught my attention.  To mention as well, the sound is also crystal clear.

Next to talk about is the addictiveness.  You are very likely to play this game again.  I have played this game about two or three times.  The story and the game play really drags you into wanting to play the game more.  There is not much to say about the addictiveness because all there really is to say, is that you will probably feel like wanting to play the game a second or third time.

Now we will talk about the story.  The story of the game basically goes that Ganandorf, the main antagonist, is seeking part of the Triforce so he can gain a lot of power and take over Hyrule.  The Great Duku Tree tells Navi about his evil plot and gets her to warn the legendary hero, Link.  Link then meets the Deku Tree and he explains everything.  Link then sets off on a long adventure to stop ... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island
03-17-13 01:04 PM
Ah, the Nostalgia
Yoshi's Island was released for the SNES on August 5, 1995 for the SNES. It was then ported to the Gameboy Advanced which is the version I am talking about. When Yoshi's Island was first released, it had positive reviews because of selling about 4,000,000 after release.

First off, let's talk about the graphics. I remember when I was little, I thought the graphics were amazing and I still do today. They are all cheery and colourful when you are hopping around in the sky, and they are dark and glooming when you are jumping over lava in a cave. The amount of detail put into Yoshi's Island's scenery is very remarkable.

Next to come is the sound. I find that the sounds is crystal clear and the sound track is awesome. You have your gloomy music very when you are running around in caves, your scary music when you are infiltrating a bosses castle, and happy and cheerful when you are in the sky. The music choices for this game is just perfect. The only part of the sound that I dislike, it when baby Mario is thrown off your back and he starts crying. We aren't going to hold us back though now, are we?

Third on my list of things to talk about for this review is the addictiveness. This game is so great that you want to play it over again. When I had the physical copy of this game, I played it multiple time over and over again because I loved it so much. There are also many things for you to collect throughout every level. There are 10 red coins, 5 flowers, and 30 stars all in each level. There is also 2 bonus levels in each world for you to unlock and play. This game is very addictive, so be careful.

Now let's talk about the story. In the beginning of the game, you find a swan delivering baby Mario and baby Luigi to their parents. Then out of nowhere something hits the swan and it drops the two babies out of the sky. Baby Luigi and taken, and baby Mario falls near a group of Yoshi's who team up and help Baby Mario Get back his brother... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Land
03-17-13 11:21 AM
A classic game for a classic handheld
In 1989 Super Mario Land was released for the Nintendo Gameboy. It was a huge success, it sold over 18 million copies worldwide and I can see why. This is a must own for any Gameboy Owner. Yes, there are a couple flaws, but they are very minor and it's also what you can expect from an older game.

First, let's talk about the graphics. It wasn't anything special in 1989. The levels are just a little bit bland. The backgrounds were something to look at though. If you looked at the backgrounds in every level. You will probably see something you recognize such as a level that takes place in Egypt.

Next comes the sound. There are quite some classic music pieces in this game. For an example, if you get an invincibility star, I'm sure you will hear a piece of classic music you will recognize. There is not much new Super Mario music, but that is just fine. The 8-bit classical music is good enough.

Next on the list of things to talk about is the Addictiveness. How addictive is it you ask? Well I sat through the whole thing in one sitting. It has a great replay value considering it is only four worlds long and a very fast play. I would probably replay it just for the one airplane level at the very end of the game. It is probably the most unique concept in a Super Mario game.

Now we are on to the story. All I can say is that it is your basic Mario game. There is nothing new to it. The only difference is that it isn't Princess Peach that is kidnapped, it's Princess Daisy. I tricked you there, didn't I?

Let's talk about the depth now. How much does this game have to offer? Well, considering there are four levels and three levels each. That is 4 x 3. 4 x 3 = 12. So over all, there is 12 levels in this game. It's not very much when you think about it. This is the only flaw about this game. It's not a very long game, but because of that, it has a great replay value.

The last thing I ha... Read the rest of this Review

MoblinGardens's Last Game Guides
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker HD
06-26-14 01:31 PM
Bottle Locations for Wind Waker HD
Everyone loves bottles in the Legend of Zelda franchise. They are potentially one of the most useful items in any Zelda game as they can hold many things such as Red Potions, Green Potions, and even helpless little fairies. Because they are so useful, today, I'm going to share my knowledge on how to get all four bottles in Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD for the Wii-U.

1. Medli's Bottle

This one is actually needed to progress further into the game. You get this one during the main story so you are going to obtain it eventually. To get this bottle, all you need to do is travel to Dragon Roost Island (F2). When you are on your way up the mountain to get to Dragon Roost Cavern there will be a part where you have to toss Medli up onto a ledge. After this is done she will toss you down your first bottle to thank you for your help. What a nice useful little gift.

2. Mila's Bottle

You can only get this one after your have defeated the Helmaroc King on your second visit to the Forsaken Fortress. After you have done this, head to Windfall Island (D2). Make sure it is night time and go find a girl in rags between two buildings through the gate next to the docks. Talk to her and she will tell you go leave. Walk away towards the outdoor shop and she will begin to move. Follow her, but make sure you are not seen or else you will fail and have to try again the next night. She will eventually stop a couple times to look around, do not get too close. Once you have pretty much followed her throughout the village, she will go to the outdoor shop and try to open the safe behind the counter. Run behind there and surprise her. Answer the first choice to every question she asks you and then she will give you a bottle.

3. Beedle's Shop Bottle

This one is quite easy to get but a little bit pricey. Travel to Rock Spire Island (B3) and find Beetle's Special shop. Enter, and you will find a ... Read the rest of this Guide

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MoblinGardens's Game History
D-Pad Hero (nes),   Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi\'s Island (snes),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Summon Night - Swordcraft Story (gba),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (gb),   Tails Sky Patrol (gg),   Sonic Blast (gg),   Sonic Blast (gg),   Flicky (gen),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi\'s Island (gba),   Quest RPG (gbc),   Quest RPG (gbc),   Quest RPG (gbc),   Quest RPG (gbc),   Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (psx),   Crusader of Centy (gen),   Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (gen),   Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (gen),   Pokemon Emerald (gba),   Duck Tales (nes),   Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3 (gb),   Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3 (gb),   I.Q: Intelligent Qube (psx),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Super Mario Land (gb),   F-ZERO (snes),   Super Mario 64 (n64),   Castlevania - Legends (gb),   Castlevania - Legends (gb),   Castlevania - Legends (gb),   Castlevania Adventure (gb),   Baseball (gb),   Tomb Raider (psx),   Extreme-G (n64),   F-Zero - GP Legend (gba),   F-ZERO X (n64),   F-ZERO (snes),   Super Mario 64 (n64),   Super Mario 64 (n64),   Parasite Eve (psx),   Parasite Eve (psx),   Best Buy Demo CD (psx),   PlayStation Underground 3.1 (psx),   Crash Bandicoot (psx),   F-ZERO (snes),  
Game Boy Advance Games MoblinGardens owns (1)

Super Nintendo Games MoblinGardens owns (1)

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Nintendo NES Games MoblinGardens owns (1)

Game Boy Color Games MoblinGardens owns (1)

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Game Boy Games MoblinGardens owns (4)

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