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  Views: 3,259,159,747     06-04-24 11:56 AM  

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    34 / 04-03-90

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CP: 7189.7 Trust Points: 10.0 Post Rating: 14
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Registration: 09-24-11 02:03 AM (4637 days ago)
Last Activity: 06-03-24 01:00 AM

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Last Post: 02-10-18 01:31 AM
    in Doomed 64 Review (Game Reviews)
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cooldragon1990's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Batman - Chaos in Gotham I went into this expecting something mediocre, and this is surprisingly fun. Addicting too!
No Rules - Get Phat This game is hard. With unfair hitboxes, DDR style boss battle. This is one of the few games on the GBA that has charm, but does nothing with it. I am sad to say I actually owned this one at some point.
SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge My Aunt gave me this game a long time ago. She and her husband loved Spongebob at the time and gave me this game. Since then, I have had a soft spot for this game as this was the only game I was able to beat at the time :P
Odell Lake I played this while in school forever ago. This is a common edutainment game that is played. I was terrible at it, but of course, it brings back the memories. Funny how that works!
Super Banjo-Kazooie 64 (beta) This is a great concept. Great for nostalgia or idle curiosity about a potential crossover. But kudos to the maker for making the camera for both games 10x more frustrating. Love the remixes!
My Little Pony - Crystal Princess - The Runaway Rainbow I played this for a April Fools Day joke on my friend! I recorded it sober! This is nothing compared to Gen 4, but the game was too easy. See kids, you don't have to be drunk to play games like this! It helps, but real men don't :D
My Little Pony - Crystal Princess - The Runaway Rainbow I played this for a April Fools Day joke on my friend! I recorded it sober! This is nothing compared to Gen 4, but the game was too easy. See kids, you don't have to be drunk to play games like this! It helps, but real men don't :D
Foster\'s Home for Imaginary Friends I came into this expecting a boring game, but I can easily see myself playing this game. I used to watch this show. I haven't watched ALOT of it, but some of it was enjoyable.
Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril Arin/Egorapter had his infamous rage breakdown on this game. I don't think I want to play a game like that as i have bad issues with rage. But it's pretty awesome... Games like this, just abuse save states
Dexter\'s Laboratory - Deesaster Strikes! This is such a good game. With catchy songs, catchy voice clips, engaging platforming, this is the best game based on this show. 10 years later and I can finally finish it

cooldragon1990's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Doom 64
02-10-18 01:31 AM
Doomed 64 Review
{The Doom 64 EX source port was used for this review. This is a PC port modernizing the game from its original version and has been formatted to fix the original and make it easier to control and play. It is an accurate PC port and thus it was used when making this review}

Doom 64 follows the events of Final Doom (which at the time of this review, I still need to play) and tries for a horror based environment. Music, sounds, atmosphere, and colors combine for a scary time. At the time of its release, it was the odd ball out compared to the science fiction and vaguely unsettling setting of the original series.

Fast forward to Source ports and modded games and people discovered its hidden potential and atmosphere often comparing it and preferring it over Doom 3 (another game that has taken me three years to get through and I still need to finish it. I just have so much to play)

Now this wasn't the first attempt at a scary Doom, as the Playstation port of Doom had a darker atmosphere and soundtrack, but Doom 64 wasn't a port. It's an original Doom game so to speak. I had this on the N64 in 2006-2008 and played through half of it. Amusingly enough, despite being quite terrifying, I didn't remember any part of where I left off except vague feelings of familiarity.

Playing this EX version made me appreciate this game for the experience it was. Some of the game is terrifying and unsettling and nothing whatsoever happens.


Graphics: There are new sprites for this game. The game, for the N64 look amazing and everything, even the med packs it seems are bigger than you. They went for the desolate, abandoned, and something is watching you moods and they succeeded.

Sound: The soundtrack to this game is pretty darn eerie. It can at times unsettle. It isn't catchy like the original game can at times... Read the rest of this Review
Duke Nukem 64
02-07-18 11:47 PM
Duke Nukem 64 Review
{This review was written using the Duke 64 Total Conversion mod for the PC. This is a 100% completely faithful recreation of the original version outside of using WSAD/Mouse and the ability to Quick Save/Load. The usual eDuke engine quirks exist as well, but outside of these things, it faithfully recreates the N64 experience}

This was a version of the game that I never had when I originally owned a N64. I had Doom 64, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, South Park and Conker's Bad Fur Day (among other games) but I didn't hear of Duke Nukem till Duke Nukem Advance. My first full Duke game though was Duke Forever Nukem. I always heard about this game and how it censors the heavily sexual and religious themes in the game, and I never liked that. Still though, I was always curious on playing the game despite this.

This review is here to explain my intial reaction to the game and why it was better than I originally thought.

Graphics: The graphics have been slightly updated. Strippers have been clothed so that they probably won't catch a cold, enemies have been slightly redone to look menacing, and the weapons have been redesigned or replaced. I honestly like the updated look. I wish we had these designs for the original PC version. These are some of my favorite redesigns. Levels, either out of censorship or because of reasons, have been changed around slightly and dark areas have been touched upon to actually BE dark. I actually had to use my Night Vision goggles at some point to avoid ambushes.

Sounds: Because of the cartridge space, music has been taken away (if you are using the mod, you can enable music) but as far as I know it's the same sounds, grunts, and groans of dying enemies. Since I played Duke Nukem Advance, having no tunes of the admittedly awesome Duke Soundtrack (Outside of the Start Screen) is a ... Read the rest of this Review
10-31-17 02:03 PM
A Well Timed Review
It was perhaps destiny that I picked up a copy of this game for the 360 back when I had an Xbox 360. I played it, perhaps intrigued by the cool concept of slowing down time to shoot enemies. I quickly immersed myself into this wonderful game quickly and beat it within three days. I then quickly went through the game and hunted for achievements. As I played through the game many times in a row, I learned everything there was to know on how to play the game.

I sold the game before I could attempt hard mode and for quite some time moved on. Eventually I would learn that a PC version came out, but it was during a time when I didn't have the proper graphics card to run it. I was upset that my computer didn't have Nvidia.

So fast forward to 2017 and I finally have a computer that can run this game properly. Not a lot of critics like this game. It got average to mixed scores and some reviews on Steam don't like it. I however like this game. I don't even know why I like it. Every time I play this game, I get very into it. Like I said before, I know my way around this game to the point I know of every ambush point, and strategy to fight the various enemies.

So what is Timeshift? Timeshift is a game with a very confusing story. By which I mean, it reveals it in fragments and in hard to understand doses. From what I can piece together thanks to the summery and various other sources, this guy named Krone uses a suit to travel back into time and takes over the world while a nameless scientist or some such travels back as well to stop him.

Your suit is capable of stopping, reversing, and speeding up time and you must use the proper setting to get by puzzles, shoot enemies, and various other time related mishaps. This means you can literally stop time, steal a nameless solder's gun and resume time awaiting the joy and wonder that comes from watching them freak out. Or you can just shoot them with time stop, resume, and deal with them ... Read the rest of this Review
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions
10-20-17 02:31 PM
Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions Review
I don't really remember how I heard of this remake of one of my favorite games ever. Nowadays, it seemed to have randomly spawned into my head. I think I was browsing Gamefaqs randomly for Superstar Saga guides and I saw Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions on the results page. I remember freaking out. This was my favorite game as I made mention of in the previous review of the original. I think they did a great job with this remake. Really, it's more an enhanced port. Graphics, Music, Boss HP, and some other small differences have been updated to fit in line with later games in the series, but the plotline remains largely the same. It isn't quite as easily broken either.

This includes word for word dialogue for the most part. The only thing that didn't appear in the original was the small story prompt telling of a strange Goomba with a flag on his head running South in Beanbean Fields. This is here to tell you to check out Bowser's Minions for the explanation of why a Goomba is running around. The game is in 2D despite being a 3DS game but in my humble opinion, it didn't need 3D, and it brought back memories on why the original really is a great game. The GBA version didn't have 3D, so it's a glorified GBA game.

I will be reviewing this game and telling you why I think you should check it out (if you have a 3DS) as well as Bowser's Minion mode and informing you of the accomplishments I had during the game. This serves no purpose though. I just wanted to brag :P

Graphics: With a 3D engine, the graphics are obviously improved. Bowser towers over Mario and the size difference is notable. I personally like the improvements to the graphics. While I hold favor over the GBA version, I really like how they made everything "pop" more. The level design has been improved. While it remains the same, they added some decorations where ... Read the rest of this Review
Dementium II
09-13-17 11:53 PM
A Second Demented Review
At the time that this game came out, which was 2010, I had no idea it existed. I mean, technically I knew it existed but I had already lost my original DS at the time and had no way of playing it. I wouldn't play it on the DS till 2017, which was this year actually! But I had watched a video of it once I heard about it, so I was already familiar with it. I like Dementium II a lot better than the first game. It has a story focus this time even if it is the same learn bits and pieces as time goes on. The notes you find relate directly to the story and more cutscenes happen. It has it's problems, but not enough for me to lower my score. It's hardly a perfect game by any means, but it's a lot of fun.

Graphics: They improved the graphics a fair deal this time for the sequel. It has a better 3D engine. I say, as if I have a clue about this sort of thing, but things really do look improved. With better graphics, its already a better game than the original.

Sound: It has the same soundtrack of similar tunes, but atmospheric and eerie. Nothing to write home about by any means, but still a better soundtrack than the PC version. At least this one has music, not just atmosphere! Not that there is anything wrong with atmosphere.

Addictiveness: Same as the first game. Some people might play this game once, sell it, and never play it again. I am not one of these people. When I had it on the 3DS (technically it's still a DS game) I played through it 7 times! There are difficulty levels this time and there are a ton of self imposed challenges for you to see if you can beat the game as quickly as possible. This doesn't seem like a lot of fun, but this game has kept me busy that long, so if you are the kind to repeat your games every now and then, this might be for you!

Story: This game picks up directly (Sorta) where the previou... Read the rest of this Review

cooldragon1990's Last Game screenshots (445 total)

Harry Potter Collection
Mini-Game: Wand Movements

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Another Conversation

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Conversation

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Random Malfoy!

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Random Ravenclaw

Harry Potter Collection
Location: 3rd Floor Corridor

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Useless Slytherin

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Nameless Gryffindor

Harry Potter Collection
Location: Dungeons

Harry Potter Collection
Misc: Random Ravenclaw

Harry Potter Collection
Location: House Points

Harry Potter Collection
Level: Hagrid's Garden

Harry Potter Collection
Location: Gryffindor






Silent Hill

Silent Hill

Silent Hill

Silent Hill

Pokemon Meowth (red hack)
Character Profile:

Pokemon Meowth (red hack)
Character Profile:

Pokemon Meowth (red hack)
Character Profile:


cooldragon1990's Game History
Rocket - Robot on Wheels (n64),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Back to Stone (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Charlotte\'s Web (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Monster House (gba),   Daredevil (gba),   Alex Rider - Stormbreaker (gba),   Daredevil (gba),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Duke Nukem Advance (gba),   Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania Double Pack (gba),   Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (gba),   Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (gba),  
Game Boy Advance Games cooldragon1990 owns (143)

Super Nintendo Games cooldragon1990 owns (32)

Nintendo 64 Games cooldragon1990 owns (10)

Nintendo NES Games cooldragon1990 owns (9)

Game Boy Color Games cooldragon1990 owns (27)

Sega Genesis Games cooldragon1990 owns (1)

Game Boy Games cooldragon1990 owns (10)

Apple II Games cooldragon1990 owns (1)

Sega Dreamcast Games cooldragon1990 owns (3)

Turbo Grafx Games cooldragon1990 owns (2)

Turbo Grafx CD Games cooldragon1990 owns (1)

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