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01-15-25 09:35 AM
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Views: 2,219
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Last Updated
09:35 AM
Nintendo NES
UPC: 31763019121

Players: 1-2

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Coin-Op ConversionCoin-Op Conversion

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $11.77
Complete:  $29.42
New:  $29.42
Rarity:  5/10

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Toobin' (NES) - Nintendo NES

Toobin' is an Action game developed by Tengen Inc. and published by Tengen Inc. in 1989 for the Nintendo NES.


Toobin' Box Art FrontToobin
Rating: 6.6 (12 votes)

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Toobin' (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

X Toobin'
by Jordanv78 (5/5)
Level : Yukon level
by Yuna1000 (5/5)
by Yuna1000 (5/5)
by Yuna1000 (5/5)
by Jordanv78 (4.33/5)
Level : RUNNN!!!
by classgame (3/5)

Videos of Toobin' Gameplay

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Toobin' Featured Review

Toobin' Review by: SystemOfLies - 8.5/10

Toobin' The Review.
Toobin' :The Review.

        Toobin' is an amazing adventure across the world's greatest rivers and even some that are simply out of this world! Avoid the dangers through the Colorado river as you steer your way around various obstacles and enemies who're out to spoil your fun. (Bummer, Dudes!) Navigate through currents and tides that speed you up. (Far out, Man!) Collect and use tin cans to throw at obstacles and certain enemies like the fishers, hunters and bandits while reaching out and snagging bags of "tater chips" and beach balls to build up your score. The bags of chips could also be money, but why would anyone collect money while tubing down a river? But things quickly get out of control in this adventure as Biff and Jet race straight into some groovy whirl pools warping you further across the globe than you ever thought a righteous, laid back hipster like your self could ever reach in an inner tube! Do you have the gnarly skills to guide Biff and Jet through this wicked adventure in Toobin'?

  :: Graphics! - 7 ::  The graphics in Toobin' are pretty simplistic but that's not always a bad thing especially when the over all game play is so great! The character sprites are simplistic and with out any real detailed animations outside of the arms moving. You're supposed to be some hippy dippy toobin' dude named Biff I guess, but to me he looks like a long lost brother of King of the Hill's Boomhauer. (Dang ole, no way, Man!) Each themed level is unique with it's own back grounds and obstacles, the Arizona level has cactus plants to avoid or destroy with your tin cans. The Egypt level has pyramids along the beaches and  crocodile's in the river. The Yukon level has ice bergs and penguins diving at you. All of the enemy sprites are detailed pretty well in that you can easily discern them from one another. Not to mention level two's little surprise at the end of it.. I won't spoil it either but it may be "Universally" frightening. ;) You'll be surprised already at how different the levels can be, but because there are so many levels you'll undoubtedly notice that some of them are just recycled and changed up a little. But that doesn't hurt this game's image at all. I give Toobin' 7 whirl pools out of 10 

   :: Sound! - 8 :: The sound track or music for Toobin' is simply amazing. I love the various tunes this game kicks out and it really gets you into the different rivers and the game itself! As stated before with so many levels to navigate through you're bound to pick up that some of the tunes are recycled as well, but they're not recycled enough to annoy you or anything. Some of the tunes will no doubt remind you of other games out there too if you've the ear to notice them. The sound effects are not as great though. They're not really bad, mainly simple. Not that simple is a bad thing but it can lead to very bad things. For example the Yukon stage you have to navigate around ice bergs and dodge penguins, but the most annoying thing about the level isn't the enemies or the obstacles. It's the sound the penguins are making. This sound will drive you crazy and could even cause you to fail because you're losing sanity at the ridiculous chitter chatter of these birds. Your best bet is to just grit your teeth and be extra careful and get it over as quickly as possible. For that level alone I dropped the rating a digit, so I give the sound 8 mind blowingly annoying penguins out of 10

  :: Addictive! - 9 ::  Toobin' is just a rush! The game play is different from most games and is quite unique. It's very easy to pick up the controls of this game quick enough to get sucked into it's brilliant game play. Navigate your hipster down the river with the directional pad or arrows and throw your tin cans with A and B in their respective directions. With so many unique level themes and designs you'll be coming back again and again to find out what's next. Along with trying to find all the hidden bonus items such as the rare beach ball or the letters that are hidden through out the game to spell out the word "Toobin'" you're sure to become enthralled with it. I'm hooked and for the first time I find myself getting excited about going for the score points. Add on the kickin' tunes this game pumps out and you're addicted! I give the addictive game play 9 Bags of tater chips out of 10! 
   ::  Story - 2* ::  There is no real story line here at all, but the game play and the various levels really kind of make one up on it's own. So maybe there is a story after all? Well let me explain. You start off in the Colorado river and you're sucked into a whirl pool at the end of it. At the beginning of each level you also seem to come out of one of these notorious pools of mystery. So I hypothesize that the story here is that you're trying to survive this wild ride through out space and time down the greatest rivers in this world and maybe even alternate realities! I subject my evidence for this theory with the Jurassic level's design, and the Space ship like design of later levels. I'm sure there are plenty of skeptics out there that would just consider these strange happenings as coincidence or something. But perhaps their minds are not as open to experience what could be the most in depth, strangely unique and simply out of this world story that has ever been done. Unfortunately I cannot prove that so instead of rating it a 10 I'll give the story 2 floating water mines out of 10...With an asterisk mark of course. 

   ::  Depth - 5 ::  There isn't much to do here really outside of throwing cans and avoiding objects in the waters. But the game does offer more with it's various splits in the paths that you can take, forcing you to make split second decisions on with way to go. Add in all the hidden bonus items which are found by hitting certain obstacles with your tin cans. There is plenty of levels I'm not sure how many as I haven't really beaten it yet. I made it to the haunted river level and game over'd there. That was about 15 levels.. I hear the rivers are quite deep on Mars.. I give the depth 5 tin cans out of 10 (that's about fifty cents depending on which state you reside in.) >.> 

   ::  Difficulty - 8 ::  The difficulty is pretty nice here. In the first few races you'll be getting used to the controls and probably having to practice a little bit to get through the second level. By the third level you'll sail through with not much of a problem outside of the bandits shooting at you. Sooner than later though you'll come to understand that this is one of those games that you have to remember the course and the best rout to take to get through with out losing a tube. With 15 levels this can get a little difficult to do unless you have some photographic memory capabilities or something. (Found out I was on the last level this whole time!) After you get the hang of things though most of the time you'll be losing your tube due to cheap shots like speeding up and smacking into a cactus or a tree limb because of rapids. Or forgetting about some of the surprises in some levels. I give the difficulty 7 killer tornadoes out of 10

  ::  Overall - 8.5 ::  I really enjoyed myself playing through Toobin'. It's one of those rare unique games that you just can't get enough of. From the decent sound track to the outstanding game play Toobin' doesn't fail to deliver on the goods here and is a clear example of how simplistic graphics and mood setting music combined with an awesome score system can result in such an utterly addictive gem for the NES. I highly recommend all gamer's, beginners and pro's alike to give it a shot. As a matter of fact if you're still reading this, or maybe you're just blurring your eyes and finding a way through the maze via the spaces between words. GO PLAY THIS GAME NOW! 
  Graphics 7   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 5   Story 2   Difficulty 8

Toobin' Game Description

Toobin' involves Biff and Jet racing their way down the rapids of a river, riding on tires. You rotate your tyre left or right, and drift as the current sends you, making sure to avoid the banks of the river, and the dividing lines in the middle. Hazards include crocodiles, stray logs and branches, and fishermen - you are armed with a limited supply of tin cans to take care of these. There are gates to slide through on the way down - these give you a points bonus. Each level has a strict time limit to adhere to, although there's a kickin' party at the end if you succeed.

Toobin' Reviews

Overall 6.6    Graphics 7    Sound 8    Addictive 9    Story 2    Depth 5    Difficulty 8

Toobin' The Review.   SystemOfLies
Toobin' :The Review.         Toobin' is an amazing adventure across the wo...
  Graphics 7   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Story 2   Depth 5   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4.7/5     Submitted: 04-03-13     Updated: 04-03-13     Review Replies: 2

Toobin' Highscores

1. 285,850
TimeTrial: 00:07:13
04-02-13 11:26 PM
First try highscore

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Comments for Toobin'

Jordanv78 10-08-16 - 09:32 PM
 Tengen usually had the best quality unlicensed games. They only had a couple stinkers.
acrjammin1 12-08-14 - 05:51 AM
 Im not sure why but its seizing up on me like the old nintendo games would
Jsmooth15 04-29-12 - 08:59 PM
 awesome how many quarters went into this one.....
123Cheese 10-22-11 - 05:29 PM
Jordanv78 12-09-10 - 01:05 PM
 Great port of the arcade version. This game is a lot of fun.

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