Play Bassin's Black Bass (SNES) - Online Game | Super Nintendo
Play Bassin's Black Bass online with Super Nintendo browser emulation for free! Bassin's Black Bass (SNES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!
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Bassin's Black Bass is a fishing game endorsed by the professional fishing champion Hank Parker. It is another entry in Hot-B's long line of fishing games. Players aim to become a professional fisherman and can travel by themselves or along with Hank.
There are four different fishing areas players advance to as they win each round of the tournament. Players travel by boat on the water, select a fishing spot and then select lure and cast fish. Certain types of fish are only available at specific spots. There is also a fish radar that makes a sound when there is fish nearby. Players need to select the correct type of lure (there are about 20), keep track of weather conditions and the limited time available in tournaments. Some fish fight back hard and need to be reeled in with careful timing.
The four tournaments are Local Amateur Tournament, Amateur Bass Championship, Pro Bass Tournament and Bassin' World Championship. About eight types of fish can be caught.
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Debug Mode
Hold X + Y on controller one, A + B on controller two, and turn on the SNES. The words ''Debug Mode'' will appear on the screen. Begin a game and use these commands while in the game:
Code Effect
Hold A on controller two on the boating screen and go to the casting screen. Adjust conditions
To catch a lunker starts at 21.8 lbs gradually declins by .2 lbs for everyone caught after, press Up on controller two. Catch a lunker
Press B on controller two at the casting screen. Catch random bass
Press Y on controller two at the casting screen. Catch random fish (non-bass)
Press X on controller two at the boating screen. Speed up time
Getting the Buzzbait
This lure is found in the third tournament. Go to the southeastern part of the area, and select "Cast" in the Timber area. Eventually, you'll find this lure, and it will be added to your collection of lures for you to use.
Getting the Crayfish
To get the Crayfish, you must be in the second tournament. In the second tournament, search the middle to northeastern part of the rocks and this lure will eventually be found if you keep casting. Be careful not to break your boat, though. The Crayfish is an extremely useful lure, so it's nice to find it!
Getting the Vibrating Lure
This lure is found at the first tournament. Go to the eastern part of the area, and select "Cast" while under the trees. After awhile, you'll obtain this hidden lure. It will be added to your lure collection for you to use.
Unlocking the Backtail Jig lure
On the fourth tournament (The very last one), search in the western side of the dump and keep casting in that western area of the dump, and the lure should be found shortly after
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