KayyPoke20 04-08-15 - 02:37 PM Where do i find derek?? ive got surf i already met him in the town and got the key now where do i go?
KayyPoke20 04-08-15 - 01:50 PM How do I get through the forest?
SacredShadow 03-27-14 - 11:13 PM This game looks awesome just by looking at that first assigned screenshot!
cannrikki2151 02-08-14 - 02:46 PM this game is pretty damn good. i hope u continue it cause im definitely looking forward to it :)
lay_see 01-13-14 - 11:09 AM Great except a few glitches. What are you supposed to do after catching Tyrogue?
cottontail69 01-07-14 - 07:10 PM im lost in the first cave I got the thunder stone but idk where to go from there the guy says go the opposite way then him but their isn't anything is there?
azarok 12-07-13 - 09:54 PM its called beta 1.... stop b****ing and let them know about this glich so it can be fixed lol...
thehardyboy 12-01-13 - 12:50 PM Wtf i named my Eevee but it just says it's name is Eevee even though i named it
shadow286 11-29-13 - 11:23 PM Good hank never felt this good playing a Pokemon hack since Light platinum.Hope you post the next beta soon =)
aria99 11-15-13 - 07:45 AM Could you maybe make it to where you can choose between a boy and girl, not just a boy????
ATzombie12 11-13-13 - 05:47 PM GAH! end of the trial, I actually enjoyed this more than a real pokemon game.
blitzer16 11-13-13 - 04:34 PM so after catch tyrogue is this game over?
ColinHyslop 11-12-13 - 08:22 AM as it is just a beta how far does this game go?
dgrimes41 11-11-13 - 01:54 PM where do i go once i get the basement key for the tyrogue house?
dman2life 11-10-13 - 01:58 PM You'll find Derek in the city after you get past the forest.
This game IS good. The only problems was some of the text.
jerry.ferguson 11-09-13 - 01:25 PM Where can I find Derek after I get surf from the PokeMart?
Xanthia 11-08-13 - 12:35 PM BAGON IN THE FOREST!!! :D just finished the Beta, this is pretty good. a few minor glitches here and there, but overall i really enjoyed how interesting the story was, and the variety of pokemon i could catch. :3 keep up the good work :3
jerry.ferguson 11-08-13 - 11:55 AM Also I LOVE this hack hope a newer version comes out soon. BUT not too soon.
jerry.ferguson 11-08-13 - 11:54 AM When you are at the entrance to the cave go west and there is a hole in the wall when you go in the hole keep going west and it is somewhere near water.
ATzombie12 11-08-13 - 09:57 AM where is the water stone?
Agrippina32 11-08-13 - 09:45 AM Great hack... the story is interesting at least :p keep it up
wickedwicker 11-08-13 - 04:17 AM it's snowwhite and the 7 dwarves! haha
ShaddowTheSpirit 11-08-13 - 02:51 AM How do one find the stones??