Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Review by: deggle - 9.8/10
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life reviewHey guys this time I’m finally doing a Harvest Moon game and one of my favorites enjoy.
Graphics 8:
Alright the Graphics in this specific game were actually very good looking the designs for the character sprites were well done the animal sprites also done quite well but two sprite that really intrigued me the most was the two puppies in the beginning of the game as they did show a resemblance most of their body and face were very different unlike the other animals in the game which basically all look the same. This game gave off a realistic feeling when you were running in dirt patches dirt and dust would come off in your step. I even liked on how they made about each character have a signature face for something. The pond/lake/streams in the game were beautiful they would glimmer and shine when the sun was over and the bubbles and ripples you could see from fish swimming around.
Bad things:
Okay now for some of these graphics I wish they were somewhat more upgraded (Do the remake now) Like when the little girl played piano for you (usually in events but sometimes she'll play for fun) her hands would just hoover over the keys just moving left and right and the keys wouldn't even move. (It’s more funny then bad) Even though the sprites were well done for the character they still had that seemingly unescapable lego look like from the PSX but more upgraded. And another thing that annoyed me was the dirt (hear me out) When you went to dig up fossil or things to sell you needed to dig/brush dirt patches sounds easy enough but it was so hard to tell from what you have dug and what you haven't I mean the dirt gets somewhat darker but that's it and it's hard to tell what you have done.
Camera 5:
Adding this in. Okay this game had a movable camera so you could always toggle the angle to something if you liked and if it gave you a better view. As the camera did sometimes do it self for us making it easier instead it totally messed up the view (yay technology) it was unhelpful especially if you're a kid playing this game (ME) it was difficult to understand the concept of the camera. Fun Fact It took me 6 hours into the game to figure out that I had a Storage Room yay for horrible cameras that don't even work.
Sound/Music 8:
The sounding in this game was very life like with the sounds of your footsteps to the door slamming Fishing Bob thingy plopping in the water. As well as listening to the wind blowing at the mountain and hearing your animals and other creatures speak. The Music well was very interesting as for your Farm you can even switch the Music it plays when you enter it Hearing the Piano in the game was a great feat as the music being played was great.
Bad Things:
Hmm I can't really say anything bad for this one except for. Voices of the characters like when you would start a conversation most the characters would have an annoying grunt or Giggle that made your skin crawl or make you want to keel over. They should have taken those out or just have them actually speak but I did get why it would be hard for the Inc. to program that.
Addictiveness: 7
I personally loved playing this game over again as it made me feel like if I learn all of these things perfectly it could help make me more productive. When your fishing or farming or even just playing with the animals it sends a good feeling and makes you feel like you could do that and you want to do it. And it was fun to play through it even if it didn’t have tons of different game options and such
Bad things :
Even though the game didn’t have a lot of game options to play it differently and most of the time doing the same thing over again did seem to get somewhat boring over time as you played through and wished to do something else.
Story: 8
The story line is pretty the same as in most harvest moon games you’re a new farmer but instead of being some random person the last owner was your father and you inherited his farm and wanted to work there as you didn’t want to forget what he did when he was younger hence the name of the place forget my not valley There are tons of friendly people in this place to make friends with or just hang-out with the bachelorettes or even the creatures you can also befriend and keeping that farm intact.
Now let’s talk a little bit more about the marriage side of the story the three bachelorettes in this game are namely Nami, Muffy, and Celia
Nami: is the red haired tomboy who is quite timid and quiet and goes on adventures most of the time while now living in the Inn tired from her last trip. To befriend her you have to be careful on what you give her as she is a hard one to get start out by giving her fossils you dig up as they interest her.
Celia: Is the long brown locked female farmer who lives in the farm on the other side of the river and loves everything about the place. To befriend her start out by talking to her and giving her things like crops you grew or flowers as she will like to see that you too are a good farmer.
Muffy: Is the blonde Barista who lives inside the bar with her father and is very easy to become friends with but also watch out for her likes and dislikes as she doesn’t care for a lot of things you might give her or say to her. To start out befriending this one just try giving her pretty flowers or something beautiful.
Depth 6
Even though this game had so fun many things for you to do ranging from taking care of animals to excavating fossils and other rare artifacts. Sadly there aren’t a lot of puzzles or hard things for your character to solve like a few Harvest Moon games do. So that’s why I rated this somewhat low
Difficulty 5
This game wasn’t exactly hard in most aspects of it but most of the game would turn somewhat challenging for you as one wrong move could cost a relationship with someone and excavating does get hard to do when you want something specific fishing could also be somewhat hard as the river water did rush and make a loud sound to make it hard to catch anything. And taking care of animals could be a challenge since they could get sick or you can forget about pretty quickly if you don't pay attention to them.
Well overall this game was a masterpiece to me it did have it's flaws that didn't go unnoticed. As it was fun there was always going to be a part you would mess up. A know it's time to say thank you for reading this review and I hoped you enjoyed reading it as well.
Eniitan :
sonicthehedgehog57 :
Eirinn :
lilythetigerkitty :
mohammedroxx3 :
EideticMemory :
8 Sound
8 Addictive
7 Depth
6 Story
8 Difficulty