Sir-metaknight2 02-01-16 - 04:00 PM If this is your first time playing Zelda ALTTP, play this game instead.
supergamer500 07-18-15 - 05:43 PM you can probably use tis to time yourself. maybe a speedrun, possibly?
Lethano 03-08-14 - 11:46 AM Pretty good, but it DOES lag, tho... if it lags, I recommend you to pause the game (press start, not select) and wait a few seconds until the music stops lagging.
Spyro767 01-08-13 - 07:16 PM sorry for the double post, but what the heck? Half of my post got cut off. Iwas gonna say, leave the creator alone and enjoy the nostalgia, though with a twist.
Spyro767 01-08-13 - 07:13 PM Great game. loved it Oh, and for you whiners, sorry for replying so late, but: For christ sake people. What does it take to make you happy?! all I ever hear is if something is the same, it's stupid. If something is super different, it's stupid. No matter
LinkWillBeatU 06-25-12 - 01:13 PM than whats the point, i mean really, its just boring if its a link to the past all over again
1211 02-26-12 - 12:08 PM it said it is Zelda ALTTP(a link to The past) but with day/night system
jzrozzn8706 02-22-12 - 07:14 PM I see no benefit to this game. It is so far exactly the same as the original Legend of Zelda...but with dark and light cycles and super lag...