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Sega Master System
SEGA Enterprises

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3rd-Person Perspective, Side-Scrolling
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Play Air Rescue (SMS) - Online Game | Sega Master System

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Air Rescue

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Rating: 7.9
(14 votes)
Plays: 332
Filesize: 91kb

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Air Rescue Featured Review

Air Rescue Review by: Eirinn - 5.2/10

Don't let the rating deceive you...
Air Rescue is a unique game that places you in the seat of an emergency evacuation helicopter, saving people (I believe they are supposed to be world leaders, though the game itself never says nor shows anything to indicate this) from terrorists. Throughout the course of the game, you will pilot your way around numerous obstacles, sometimes including flying your craft through underground passages, and back out, with the rescued hostages. Your helicopter comes equipped with a ladder that you can lower for the hostages to climb on, as well as three types of missles and a gun to deal with the terrorists. The controls are simple enough, you use the directional buttons to move, the A button to lower and retract your ladder, and the B button to fire your weapon. To choose a weapon, you press A or B while on the ground. You will traverse six levels (if my memory serves me correctly) that of course, become increasingly difficult. Levels include a fairground, a burning building, an ocean port, and an airport. What really makes this game stand out is that it isn't another copycat flight based game where you shoot all of the baddies down. Instead of being about taking life, Air Rescue, as the name implies, is about saving lives, even though that sometimes may include the killing of a few terrorists, the game makes the killing of a terrorist, no matter how important, regretable, and so encourages the player to find a way around doing so. A game that presents human life as valuable and and precious, and has us trying to save it, rather than end it? We could use more positive games like this in a day when we simply keep trying to increase the body count in every new game that we release. Intros aside, let's get down to the breakdown of the game.

Graphics: 6/10
Air Rescue fails to deliver much by way of graphics, but bearing in mind that it's on an eight bit console, it doesn't exactly fall short. The people sprites look more or less like stick figures, but that's because if they wanted to maintain a realistic aspect ratio between the helicopter and the people, then in order to make the people large enough to give any realistic details to them, they would have had to make the helicopter huge, and with the sprite drawing limitations on an eight bit system, trust me, you wouldn't want to see them make the helicopter that size, it would have made the surroundings look horrible. Not to mention it would have made the maps nearly impossible to traverse with that close of a view, as you wouldn't have been able to see much about where you were. And so to maintain decent graphics, they opted to give an extremely zoomed out camera vantage point. Makes sense, but it still doesn't change the fact that in order to explain the stick figure sprites, I had to employ use of the word "decent" in reference to the graphics, and yes, "decent" describes them pretty well. Unfortunately, such a zoomed out view doesn't allow us to get much detail on anything really. Also the smoke that appears in some of the levels is a static sprite, and never moves in the least. The best we get is the border of the smoke changing colors, but sadly, this comes off more as a glow than movement of any sort. The color selection, as usual for an SMS game, was nice, and offset the missions and scenery well. The level designs started out looking pretty plain, aside from a nicely designed building or two, but later on in the game they managed to incorporate some nice designs, such as the design of level three, which had that shameless plug for themselves "SEGA" painted on the airplane, and the building designs, such details really gave the graphics a touch of elegance, if not arrogance. One thing I found odd was how huge the plane was, yet the helicopter was still so tiny. It really messed with the aspect ratio to me, but that really isn't a big issue at all. Also I loved the realism in the movement of the ladder when you leave it out and fly quickly, how it twists and turns with the force of the air against it. That really was a very nice touch. So while Air Rescue may look rather drab at the start, as you begin to progress through the levels, it will start to surprise you a bit and offer you some fairly good graphics. The character animations are nice and smooth, and the helicopter crash when you get gunned down, as opposed to the more average explosion from a missle, are a nice touch, and are actually somewhat entertaining, despite the frustration of being shot down. There isn't really any pixellation to speak of, though with such small sprites, you really wouldn't expect to find any pixellation anyway. The particle effects however, were a bit disappointing, and could be acurately described as plain. They aren't special at all, but the use of colors in some of the later levels, along with some of the level designs, managed to keep this one from getting a less than average score in the graphics department, and even bumped it up from the four that I planned on giving it, to a six. This is a good example of how it's the little details that you might not really notice on the first play through, that set these graphics apart, however slightly, from the mediocre crowd.

Sound: 6/10
The sounds here aren't bad at all, for the most part, though sadly there really aren't many sound effects, either that, or most were muffled by the background music. There's a typical sound when you drop a bomb, a sound when your cabin is full, and a sound when your score is being tallied. Two of these three sounds are rather annoying, namely the full cabin alert which keeps on beeping until you fly all the way back to the beginning of the level to drop off the hostages you've rescued so far, which actually caused me to crash my helicopter a few times, as I would try to get back as quickly as possible so the beeping would stop, and became too reckless; and the score tallying sound which is the typical high pitched sound that most games of that day seemed to use, which found me turning the volume down or trying to cover the speakers at the end of a level. I think there may have been a few more sounds, but if there were, they were, as I said before, either too low, or drowned out by the background music to the point that I wasn't even sure if I was hearing a sound effect or not. But given the fact that two thirds of the sound effects that I did hear were so bad that I wanted to mute the game while they were playing, that might have actually been a good thing. The salvation of the sound department for this game is it's nice background music, which, despite how my comments about it possibly drowning out the sound effects may have sounded, is not overbearing in the least. It really sounds very nice, and fits the atmosphere of each level well. It manages to capture the essence of the game perfectly in all of it's eight bit glory, giving off the feel of both heroism, and urgency. It drives the player to press on through all of the dangers, heavy artillery fire, and traps, to save the hostages. I'm not sure they could have done the music any more justice than they did here, it's just too bad that they didn't do more with the sound effects than they did. This game had so much more potential by way of audio, but at least it comes out ahead, and manages to get an above average score.

Story: N/A
There really is no in game story, just a name for each mission, and a picture. If you put these two together however, you will see the story unfold, but in the end it really doesn't offer a story exactly. If you want a story, read the game description on the game's page. That's the closest you'll get to a story really, excluding the final still shot at the end of the game, that seems to indicate that the last bit of this adventure took place on an island of some sort, where the terrorists' headquarters was. This is just a guess though.

Depth: 4/10
Sadly, Air Rescue falls short here, offering very little depth, but again, we must consider that this was both the earlier days of game designing, and on an eight bit system, so you can't expect an extremely in depth game most of the time. You get four weapons, but three of them are bombs that are almost identical in function, so it's almost like only getting two. There are only eight enemy sprites, including helicopters that I only noticed in one level, an airplane that I also only noticed in one level, a tank that - you guessed it- only appeared in one level, a missle launching device that also fell victim to a one level inclusion, and to top it off, two different soldier sprites that appear in one level only as well. This leaves every other level with only soldiers and some sort of stationary gun. But I've only played through on the "Normal" difficulty setting, so there could be more appearances of the other foes in the "Hard" mode. Also, there is only one mode of gameplay, as well as no change of pace in the gameplay; every level is the same: fly to a hostage, drop the ladder, rescue them, and take them back to the landing area (usually a hospital). It's fun enough, but never fresh. What this game does have in it's favor by way of depth, is the highscore system, though the highscore is only shown after completing a level, unfortunately. You get a thousand extra points for each hostage you rescue above the requirement to clear the level (for example, if you are required to save six hostages, and you save eight, you get a two thousand point bonus), you get bonus points for remaining time on the clock at the end of a level, and a hundred-thousand point bonus for not firing a single shot. A bonus for not killing anyone? A very nice touch, I would say. And there is the option to barge in and blast everything in sight (which the game discourages, but does not penalize) or to fly in and take all of the hostages back to safety, with minimal, if any, loss of life (which, as I said, the game rewards). And there are only two difficulty settings. All of this together makes up a nice game, with unfortunately, a less than necessary lack of depth. They really could have done so much more with this title, but for some reason, they opted to remain content with what little depth it did offer.

Addictiveness: 5/10
And once again, Air Rescue gets another mediocre rating. This is a good game, and I always enjoy myself when playing it, but I don't come back to it that often. I have played it twice, and once was just to refresh my memory on the audio while writing this review, but it did manage to keep me fully engaged throughout the entire game both times, which says something good about a game. It's a unique game, and that's what makes it so much fun and so charming, but it's also what makes the return visits to it as infrequent as they are. You have to be in a certain mood to come back to this one. If it only offered one or two more modes, this category's rating would have been greatly boosted, but as it is, there's only so much you can do in one mode. And I found no unlockables (unless that happens after completing hard mode), which would have also served to increase the replay value. Still, even with it's extreme shortcomings in the depth department, Air Rescue remains somewhat replayable, and you just might find yourself coming back to it again sometime, just don't expect to get hooked on it.

Difficulty: 5/10
Wow, mediocrity seems to be the order of the day by way of ratings for this one, and the difficulty is no exception. Air Rescue isn't all that difficult, nor is it all that easy; it's a pretty even balance. The first few levels are exceptionally easy once you get the hang of piloting a helicopter in those tight spaces, but later levels begin to require both grace and speed to escape some of the attacks that you will encounter. The terrorist guards won't try to board your helicopter, nor will they try to fight you on taking the hostages. If you lower the ladder for a hostage that is being "guarded" by a terrorist, they will simply walk around while allowing the hostage to climb the ladder to safety. The only trouble you will get from a terrorist is from the ones that will directly attack the helicopter, since, oddly, the "guards" don't really guard anything. So the only serious threats are from level design, and the stationary guns in the ocean level and the final level. I would encourage the use of savestates here, but they aren't a must for the experienced Air Rescue pilot.

Overall: 5.2/10
Don't let the rating deceive you, Air Rescue is worth a shot at least once, especially if you enjoy games that change things up from the average game style, or are just a fan of the SMS. It's unique style and approach to gaming is refreshing to say the least, and you never get the feeling that you've played this game before (unless of course, you actually have played this game before), nor can you really point at any one part of the game and say that they ripped it off of another game, though there are a few other games that seem to be a spin off of Air Rescue. And though Air Rescue probably deserves this rating, it really isn't a bad game at all, and I myself will probably come back to it a few more times at least. This really is just a good game, hidden behind a cloak of mediocrity.

All in all, Air Rescue is worth the time and Viz to try at least once, if for no other reason than to have the experience of playing such a unique game that affords you the chance to be on the other siide of things, saving lives instead of taking them. Air Rescue challenges the "norm" of gaming, and can walk away with it's head held high, knowing that it proved the naysayers wrong. If you enjoy original games, or are feeling bored with your usual selection of games and just want to try something different, then I recommend this one for you.
  Graphics 6   Sound 6   Addictive 5   Depth 4   Difficulty 5

Air Rescue Game Description

Maneuver your Rescue Chopper through tight underground passages, blazing wreckage and treacherous enemy attacks to save the leaders of the world from the hands of terrorists!

Air Rescue Reviews

Overall 7.9    Graphics 6    Sound 6    Addictive 5    Depth 4    Difficulty 5

Don't let the rating deceive you...   Eirinn
Air Rescue is a unique game that places you in the seat of an emergency evacuation helicopter, savin...
  Graphics 6   Sound 6   Addictive 5   Depth 4   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 05-30-13     Review Replies: 4

Air Rescue Highscores

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Air Rescue Cheat Codes

Enter Text Mode

Before you switch the machine on, hold in buttons 1 and 2, as well as the Power button. When the introduction begins, rotate the D-Pad clockwise. You should hear a confirmation sound. Release the buttons and then press button 1 to enter Text Mode.

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