Christmas Demo Review by: Frodlex - 0.1/10
Christmas demo reviewHello and welcome to my review on a "game" called Christmas Demo. I stumbled across this when I was looking for a game to play without having to download the RGR plug-in. (Lacking the ability to download it on this computer.) And after I played it, I was quite surprised... At how awful this is. Let me explain with my review.
Graphics: Not that I haven't seen a few worse sprites then what are in this, It's just that the lack of game-play and the fact that there is only one actual sprite is a bit annoying. It's just one screen with the creators message scrolling slowly across the screen While Santa Claus jumps on what I think is the Title. My score: 1.
Sound: There are no sound effects and just a midi version of Jingle Bells looping from what I think is endlessly. While I actually like Jingle Bells a little bit (Not the type of music I make mind you.), It get's annoying after about three minutes. My score: 2. (Only because I like Jingle Bells.)
Addictiveness: I'm supposed to give you an answer based on whether or not I will play this again, And my answer is no, I never want to touch it again and it has no replay-ability due to the fact it has no game-play. My score: 1.
Story: Well, I can't honestly say this game has a story at all. Although I guess the text at the bottom of the screen does involve the author telling how he and his friends made this and I guess that kind of counts... But not when you add mild profanity to the list. My score: _.
Depth: There isn't exactly any depth to this at all so I don't really have much to say. Unless you count the deep feeling of boredom while running this. My score: 1.
Difficultly: Well, This is something I can rate a little higher. While there is no actual game-play there is the urge to close out the window every two seconds and it was rather hard not to do that. My score: 3.
Overall: Well, There really isn't anything here I can say that's related to the game that I haven't already said, So I'll just get to... My score: 0.1.
Don't you just love it when you have to write a review twice? I accidentally erased it when I was trying to copy and paste it for a back up. (Derp. Watch out for Ctrl+X, It's right next to C which I like to use to copy and paste.) Anyway, Maybe there will be actual game-play in the full version, But I didn't come across the full version nor decided to review it.
I hope you've enjoyed my review, It's rather short due to the lack of content to review but it's still a solid review I hope. Hopefully next time I look for a random game I'll get something a little better or that I know by heart like Ocarina of Time or Chrono Trigger ( My first review there was horrible.) Anyway, Enjoy yourself and have a good time.
1 Sound
2 Addictive
1 Depth
1 Difficulty