thing1 01-17-15 - 10:36 PM hate this game
jerryaberry 02-28-14 - 11:58 PM I won by default the last few competitions and I'd rather the best person win at all times.
jerryaberry 02-28-14 - 11:56 PM So the rupees have to be flipped on the correct side to count, that's pretty crazy.
madison 02-28-14 - 11:55 PM Thanks, jerryaberry. If you hadn't reminded me, you'd still be holding the top score.
jerryaberry 02-28-14 - 11:51 PM Good job madison!
madison 02-28-14 - 11:22 PM In case it wasn't hard enough already, the game changes the rules up at stage 22. Now if only my turtle-slow internet can upload the video. . .
jerryaberry 02-21-14 - 01:04 PM Jordanv78: Very interesting, also the octoroks from Zelda look a lot like the enemies here!
jerryaberry 02-19-14 - 12:04 PM yep, as many times as you want.
Non-User 02-18-14 - 11:59 AM I didn't know you are supposed to record? Could I try again? :(
Jordanv78 02-17-14 - 10:19 AM CluClu land is a black-box NES game (Initial Launch of the NES/Famicom) and was released BEFORE LOZ.
jerryaberry 02-14-14 - 09:25 PM That's the best part!
Sword Legion 02-14-14 - 08:53 PM Huh, rupees from The Legend of Zelda
Awesome-Kid 02-11-14 - 03:19 PM I'm like stuck in level 4 ROFL!!
madison 02-04-14 - 08:34 PM One of the easiest games to have "stupid deaths."
Awesome-Kid 02-04-14 - 02:10 PM Thanks for the tip Jerry.... I'll keep trying cuz I knows how u don't like it when there is not very many people competing and you feeling that u have no competition!!
jerryaberry 02-03-14 - 11:57 PM Really not much way around it, much practice is needed to get use to the controls and to memorize the patterns.
jerryaberry 02-03-14 - 11:54 PM You can actually hold on to the poles indefinitely. This is useful to slow things down and think about the controls a bit. Also, this is the only way to get over those vortices without dying.
Awesome-Kid 02-03-14 - 05:11 PM I can hardly play this game.... it's complicated man!!
madison 02-03-14 - 02:08 PM I always seem to get about the same score every time I play. Once she starts moving fast, the movement becomes pretty confusing.
thephantombrain 02-03-14 - 01:07 PM This game is difficult enough without the rubber bands.
jerryaberry 02-02-14 - 04:47 PM Very interesting.
Scoli2k 08-20-12 - 10:02 PM The FDS Version is better and works better then this one !!
thegamingpromas.. 07-21-12 - 10:10 PM this is a good memory