Stevenpavelish1.. 06-17-16 - 04:39 PM Graphics are intense for Game Boy Color!
creepman24 06-18-13 - 03:35 AM The graphics are amazing for gameboy
bluecat2012 05-03-13 - 07:40 PM This game is pretty good but when he sais he needs to be prepared for anything why does he only fight spiders and dogs and other cliche things.
orionfoxgibson 03-30-13 - 05:17 PM I had no Idea this kind of game could work on the Gameboy. Proof again that updating is not always needed.
mato 05-28-12 - 02:55 AM yeah dude don't rip on the graphics . . . what did you expect?
tru3gam3r 05-06-12 - 11:40 AM this is pretty cool, though the graphics suck because they were meant to be played on a small, pixel-dense gameboy color screen, not a stretched out 1080p pc screen
Stomholt 04-22-12 - 03:34 PM Scary is the grafics xD
WarriorAngel 04-09-12 - 11:04 AM these graphic are really grim
quinten360 01-13-12 - 05:19 PM i cant start it :(
aero valentine 08-18-11 - 01:06 AM the grahpics suck
brianwood 08-02-11 - 07:46 PM this is for saga saturn
Ultra Wario 06-23-11 - 06:35 PM Heh. How awesome is it that he doesn't assume the guy was mugged or something. He just naturally assumes monsters must have killed the dude.
NUZUM11 06-15-11 - 11:27 AM haha to scary
owlflame 06-04-11 - 04:03 PM this isnt even a gba game
yummykiwi:) 02-25-11 - 05:17 PM love it :)
kkaabi898 02-03-11 - 12:08 AM to scary
kkaabi898 02-02-11 - 11:58 PM scary?...
ruder9 11-26-10 - 02:20 PM impressive for a gbc game
tenfarther 07-29-10 - 09:27 PM the game works well for me.
havoc_91 01-30-10 - 10:35 PM how do i get this game to work?
Mcgee.1 10-11-09 - 11:28 AM * though but you cant have it always Lol!
Mcgee.1 10-11-09 - 11:26 AM does this work for anybody else ? because it doesnt seem to load for me lol :( really wanting to play it loved the psx port for the game made me jump out my skin as much as the resident evil series haha! couldnt say the enimies in the game were up to much