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03-06-25 09:01 PM
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Game Boy Advance

Players: 1-4
Hack Of:

Hack Type:
Graphic, Level, Sound, Game Mod

Game Genre:
Role-Playing (RPG)
Game Perspective:
Genre Non-Sport:
Anime / Manga

Play Pokemon Scorched Earth (Pokemon Fire Red Hack) - Online Game | Game Boy Advance

Play Pokemon Scorched Earth online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Pokemon Scorched Earth is a rom hack of Pokemon Fire Red (GBA). Play it with our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Pokemon Scorched Earth

Pokemon Scorched Earth Title ScreenPokemon Scorched Earth Screenshot 1
Pokemon Scorched Earth Screenthot 2
Rating: 9
(37 votes)
Plays: 12,032
Filesize: 5,361kb

Recommended Games

Pokemon Scorched Earth Game Description


* Changed starter Pokemon
* Revamped wild pokemon encounters and locations
* Revamped trainer encounters including gym leaders and the Elite 4
* Revamped rival
* New weather conditions
* New music
* Edited movesets and evolutions
* New final Team Rocket hideout on the Sevii Islands

Pokemon Scorched Earth (Game Boy Advance) Screenshots

X Pokemon Scorched Earth
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by dragon77 (4.5/5)
who is this guy ???
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by dragon77 (4.29/5)
what ?!!
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Varrio (4.14/5)
DBZ team
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Furret (5/5)
Ending : Rafael the Medicham
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Furret (5/5)
Ending : Emma the Blastoise
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Furret (5/5)
Ending : Hannah the Flygon
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Furret (5/5)
Ending : Spencer the Electabuzz
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Furret (5/5)
Introduction : 'Cause that seems legit
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Arslan (4/5)
Introduction : i will not i will kill it
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (3/5)
Introduction : its over 9000 (times he 4got garys name)!
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (5/5)
Battle : now he's purple like the MM10 boss
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (5/5)
Battle : yeah and im against Vegeta Lv OVER 9000
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by dragon77 (3.5/5)
Battle : should the name not be dovian
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by dragon77 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : what did you done whit your grovyle?!
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : it evolved into frieza 2nd form
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Frieza 2nd Form
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by dragon77 (3/5)
Misc : yaey murkrow are evolving after moon stone
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by minecraftfan1 (3/5)
Misc hugs: ok that seems legit he gives hugs for living
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by nutbucket1996 (3/5)
Misc : I am Ichigo Fear my Zangetzu!
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by R3TR0 (3/5)
Menus Pokemon Team: mega man bosses seedot and grovyle
Pokemon Scorched Earth
by Mamie-Chan (3/5)
Menus Options: I've only been playing for 13 seconds!

Videos of Pokemon Scorched Earth Gameplay

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Pokemon Scorched Earth Guides and Walkthroughs

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Comments for Pokemon Scorched Earth

SacredShadow 03-19-14 - 10:34 PM
 Looks pretty awesome!
deathshade17 03-06-14 - 09:27 PM
 anyone knows the move-set for typlosion in this game?
duane1allman 03-03-14 - 06:54 PM
 Where do you find eevee???
Blaziken92 01-22-14 - 06:04 PM
 Why can't I go ahead and play against the Elite Four? I already got 8 badges in the pocket..
R3TR0 09-03-13 - 05:30 AM
 at the start when it says "kanto, johto and hoenn have opened their borders. people and pokemon may migrate between regions freely." too bad it doesnt mean that you can go to all 3 regions so then you can have 3 leagues and 24 badges
R3TR0 08-29-13 - 12:04 PM
 u do the "sapphire quest" whatever that is (i read another comment havent played yet -.-) CAN U CATCH THEM ALL? is it possible to catch em all?
peekachu 07-04-13 - 01:21 PM
 where is the second password for the rocket hideout in sevii islands
bigmonster22 06-28-13 - 12:14 PM
 how does seadra evolve
bloodyb 06-03-13 - 01:25 AM
 The graphics in this game are simply amazing! They are the best i've seen in any Pokemon game and that includes hacks.
vanjac 05-22-13 - 05:42 AM
 does haunter evolve normaly or i need to trade?
justin11 05-01-13 - 12:23 AM
 how do i get to the sevii islands plzz
scraft_games 04-24-13 - 01:32 AM
 Love this game!
Darkrider18 04-01-13 - 06:59 AM
 you gotta do the saphire quest chain reianna
reianna 03-31-13 - 01:24 AM
 where do you get the second password for the rocket warehouse on 5isle?
jimmyboyy187 03-30-13 - 10:45 AM
 how do yu evolve electabuzz & magmar??
ImNotAGamer 03-27-13 - 05:58 PM
 how do you get to the Sevii Islands to battle the elite four
Rodzilla 03-27-13 - 01:36 PM
 great starters. wish i can take all 3.
TheeDragoniteMa.. 03-27-13 - 10:51 AM
 this game is so cool
Varrio 03-27-13 - 04:59 AM
 Jajajaj This gamne is coolz
Varrio 03-27-13 - 01:37 AM
 And eat rotten cheese hamburgers!
idontevenknowga.. 03-27-13 - 12:50 AM
 to DIE!
CameronWeage 03-26-13 - 11:57 PM

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