blackjack84 08-10-17 - 08:34 PM where do i get surf again?
kf1198 07-07-17 - 09:27 AM Anybody know where to go after beating Ash in Oaktown and getting the Ferry Pass? I can't find a ferry station that takes me anywhere new.
Vivil100 03-01-17 - 05:08 PM when they are the IV system can someone tell me whats the best letter and whats the baddest?
Vivil100 03-01-17 - 05:04 PM where can i see the IV? only see letters in the stats...
WanderingHero 02-04-17 - 05:41 AM Nintendo ordered Vizzed to remove all the pokemon games so you can't play them here
666Reaper666 02-04-17 - 12:37 AM i cant seem to find the play button?
blackjack84 01-29-17 - 05:02 AM after winning the kanto league what else is required to get into the curelan cave?
jasonZed 12-01-16 - 12:26 AM To get into saffron you have to get tea from an old lady in the apartment in Celadon
NAcHO18 11-26-16 - 12:03 PM ok i went to do the vapor grotto and i am stuck in that weird green area with water all around and can't get out and i can't reset the game as i saved in there what do i do?
Venomousemotions 11-10-16 - 12:04 PM How do i make it to safron city?
FrizzyG33 10-18-16 - 10:16 PM where is the second rocket password on 5 island?
fyralegend 10-18-16 - 09:44 AM Well just tried it outside this website on gba4ios and well it's disappointing so far,first of all not many story change and just random starters in the first route,making me think that the game will get too easy also,french name on the evos...argh
Zangetsu56 10-17-16 - 01:07 PM north of 6 island will take you to the next storyline
jerry.ferguson 10-06-16 - 10:10 AM @saikincrutix Go through Diglett Cave and follow the path down. Use cut on the tree and go into the big building. You will see an aid there and if you have captured at least 10 pokemon he will give you flash.
jerry.ferguson 10-06-16 - 10:07 AM If I remember correctly, go to 4 or 5 isle and surf up, keep going and you will reach a new storyline.
agentzero214 10-06-16 - 07:47 AM Okay, beat the original storyline, where to next?
Johnny Eagle 09-26-16 - 07:43 AM If I remember right, Flash can be gotten from one of Professor Oak's aides after catching so many Kanto Pokemon (don't remember any more than that offhand)
saikincrutix 08-24-16 - 06:35 PM Where do I get Flash from?
jerry.ferguson 08-22-16 - 08:40 AM Nope, unless you can use something other than a leaf stone.
blackjack84 08-16-16 - 12:48 AM does eevee evolve into sylveon?
jerry.ferguson 08-01-16 - 04:12 PM I like the game but why is part of it in french?
jerry.ferguson 07-28-16 - 04:33 AM Nevermind figured it out.
jerry.ferguson 07-27-16 - 03:21 PM If anyone knows where the other gym leader people are in the Archipelago please pm me. I have found 5 of them but that's it.
jerry.ferguson 07-26-16 - 03:37 PM Nevermind found a hideout :D
jerry.ferguson 07-26-16 - 03:17 PM Still unsure where to go after the elite four
Me: Beat the 7 samurai guys and went and got some mega stones but that's all I can find lol.
Met Gary at a pokemon center telling me about other regions to explore and now I am stuck again