cooldragon1990 03-26-17 - 02:48 AM I played this for a April Fools Day joke on my friend! I recorded it sober! This is nothing compared to Gen 4, but the game was too easy. See kids, you don't have to be drunk to play games like this! It helps, but real men don't :D
cooldragon1990 03-26-17 - 02:48 AM I played this for a April Fools Day joke on my friend! I recorded it sober! This is nothing compared to Gen 4, but the game was too easy. See kids, you don't have to be drunk to play games like this! It helps, but real men don't :D
LordOfSapphire 11-25-14 - 07:50 PM When will they make one that's FiM (G4) related?
Scohui 07-01-14 - 12:02 PM Also, rainbows now have 4 colors.
Scohui 07-01-14 - 12:02 PM If you make someone play this game and then show them Friendship is Magic, 100% sure that one person will like FiM and thank Lauren Faust from saving this franchise from the deep abyss that is *BLERGG* I am so sorry this game has way too much pink.
sourman 06-18-14 - 07:36 PM My god, I have never experienced such pain in my life!
puppi34 05-10-14 - 12:14 PM rarity is rainbow hair!
puppi34 05-10-14 - 12:13 PM this game is good but i like the new mlp better than this...where are the alicorns?
EagleTsubasa 02-19-14 - 01:50 PM Only Rarity could move so slowly... *face hits desk*
pikachoo250 10-19-13 - 09:42 PM Did someone actually play this...
Cindyrandomneko 02-23-13 - 03:55 AM I knew bronies would be all over this game. :/
Soniclover101 02-04-13 - 12:06 AM My little pony~
Dip33333 08-16-12 - 09:23 PM god.. this changed..
Bluedog900 06-29-12 - 07:54 PM idk
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 09:22 PM why are there pass words on the gba?
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 09:09 PM or if you at least had the option to go faster
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 09:07 PM this could be even better if they made a game staring rainbow dash and you could fly around to your hearts content like playing as tails in games like sonic 3
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 09:00 PM what up girls and bronies !!! achievement unlocked manly pink
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 02:52 PM awatki8 i guess rarity is a pokey
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 02:47 PM ...pinkie pie!!!
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 02:47 PM pie
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 02:46 PM so that's what rainbows are made of
ryan0428 06-04-12 - 02:37 PM for something meant for girls this series is awsome
rainbowdash12345 05-25-12 - 06:01 PM i m rainbowdash
rainbowdash12345 05-25-12 - 05:57 PM hi