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10-03-24 07:20 AM
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Game Details
Views: 8,365
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Last Updated
09:02 AM
SCE Japan Studio
UPC: 711719442325

Released: 6-01-99
Players: 1
Exclusive: Yes

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective, Platform
Genre Non-Sport:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $11.99
Complete:  $19.98
New:  $47.04
Rarity:  3/10

External Websites:
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Ape Escape (PSX) - Playstation

Ape Escape is an Action-adventure game developed by SCE Japan Studio and published by SCEA in 1999 for the Playstation.

Ape Escape

Ape Escape Title ScreenApe Escape Screenshot 1
Ape Escape Box Art FrontApe Escape Box Art BackApe Escape Screenthot 2
Rating: 9.5 (19 votes)

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Ape Escape Box Description

A boisterous band of baboons carry out a daring zoo escape. It's ape anarchy and it's up to you to stop the chimps before they make chumps out of the human race!

Ape Escape (Playstation) Screenshots

X Ape Escape
Ape Escape
by tRIUNE (5/5)
Ape Escape
by Raymondc22 (4.67/5)
Level Primordial ooze: Aha! Found You!
Ape Escape
by Raymondc22 (4.67/5)
Level Ancient Plain: First catch of the day!!
Ape Escape
by tRIUNE (4.5/5)
Ape Escape
by AuroVee (3/5)
Introduction : Race ya!
Ape Escape
by AuroVee (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Surprised to see me, Professor?
Ape Escape
by AuroVee (3/5)
Cut-Scene : No comment...

Videos of Ape Escape Gameplay

07-26-16 09:27 AM
00:15:48  Views: 19
Ape Escape - Ape Escape (PS1 / PlayStation) - GamePlay - User video5/5
Ape Escape (PS1 / PlayStation) - GamePlay

Ape Escape Game Description

Note: Ape Escape requires you to have dual analog controls. You can switch between controller type with Ctrl + Shift + 1 (number key) to select Dual Analog Controller.

Other PS1 games might not be compatible with dual analog controls in which case use Ctrl + Shift + 1 to switch the device to Digital Gamepad.

Ape Escape Reviews

Overall 9.5    Graphics 4    Sound 4    Addictive 10    Story 5    Depth 6    Difficulty 6

Ape Escape Highscores

There are no submitted highscores for this Game

Ape Escape Cheat Codes


99 Explosive Bullets:
While in Pause-Screen, press R2, Down, L2, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left.

99 Lives:
While in Pause-Screen, press R2, Up, L2, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, L2, R2.


Rear-view in ski mini-game:
Press L1 + R1 to get a rear-view mirror during the ski mini-game.

Secret tunnel in Dark Ruins:
Locate the stop sign in the second stage of the Dark Ruins level. Push it
out of the way to find a secret tunnel.

Save a life:
If you fall off a cliff, before you die press start and exit the level. When you return to the level, you shouldn't have lost a life.

Ape Escape Threads

Ape Escape Guides and Walkthroughs

There are no submitted Guides for this Game

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Comments for Ape Escape

tRIUNE 11-03-20 - 05:16 PM
tRIUNE 11-03-20 - 05:15 PM
 I don't know man are u able to play ps1 games here?
JayK103 11-03-20 - 07:58 AM
 Isn't it not playable on here because of the controls?
tRIUNE 11-01-20 - 08:40 PM
 going on with what? Specifics man
JayK103 11-01-20 - 04:57 AM
 So what's going on with this?
kirbystuff4 02-07-17 - 02:38 PM
 Apple Escapple
Johnny Eagle 05-11-16 - 04:40 PM
 deaThClOck616: You need to buy the Playstation item from the item shop to be able to Playstation games here
Johnny Eagle 05-11-16 - 04:32 PM
 Got the dual analog working for this, but unfortunately, it seems to have made it so I can't use that same controller for Wild Arms 2, at least (possibly for other PS1 games that don't support dual analog as well).
deaThClOck616 01-10-16 - 01:16 PM
 how do i open the game? I see no emulators..
Snodeca 05-01-15 - 03:22 AM
 I have this game, I know where the game is, but I have no PS1, and the game is broken. I liked this game when I was young.
Awesome5000 04-14-15 - 09:52 AM
 I have analog controls on my controller and still cant manage him to move ,fun game though but cannot play this
tRIUNE 12-28-14 - 06:14 PM
tRIUNE 12-28-14 - 06:14 PM
 You'll need to configure the dual analog controls:
MysteryMan007 12-28-14 - 05:26 PM
 Oh well, was looking forward to trying this sometime.
SpinDrive 12-07-14 - 01:39 AM
 Yea you can't play this game without the analog sticks. Just tried it and you can't even move without them.
jerryaberry 06-26-14 - 12:02 PM
 I was wondering how this game would play considering it uses the click functions on both analog sticks. Probably one of the reasons why it isn't compatible with the plugin.

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