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Page Staff: tgags123,
01-07-25 09:30 PM

1 Posts Found by Nidilap

Guests get no special search functionality

03-01-14 03:05 PM
| ID: 983038 | 178 Words

Level: 3

POSTS: 1/1
CP: 22.2
VIZ: 2531

Many games have been branded as a "collectathon", turning people off this game. This is probably the only series in Nintendo history where collection feels like it actively helps you go forward. You never collect anything for the sake of collection; everything has worth in it's own way.

GRAPHICS: In 2014, this game doesn't look like much. But when you begin, there is a level of charm not seen in many modern games. The only other game to have such charm could be Wind Waker.

Sound: Grant Kirkhope is a genius to making sound into an influential part of a game. EEekum Bokum!

Addictiveness: So many collectable items! AND THEY ARE INTEGRAL TO WINNING!

Story: Two best friends travel into the lair of an evil witch to rescue one of the friend's sister, with the help of a Shaman, a Mole, and little Jinjos.

Depth: This game is HUGE. mountains, pirate islands, castles, and so much more!

Difficulty: This game ain't no cakewalk. Sharks, Goblins, Lizard men, Dinosaurs, and other hordes of beasts want to stop your quest.
Many games have been branded as a "collectathon", turning people off this game. This is probably the only series in Nintendo history where collection feels like it actively helps you go forward. You never collect anything for the sake of collection; everything has worth in it's own way.

GRAPHICS: In 2014, this game doesn't look like much. But when you begin, there is a level of charm not seen in many modern games. The only other game to have such charm could be Wind Waker.

Sound: Grant Kirkhope is a genius to making sound into an influential part of a game. EEekum Bokum!

Addictiveness: So many collectable items! AND THEY ARE INTEGRAL TO WINNING!

Story: Two best friends travel into the lair of an evil witch to rescue one of the friend's sister, with the help of a Shaman, a Mole, and little Jinjos.

Depth: This game is HUGE. mountains, pirate islands, castles, and so much more!

Difficulty: This game ain't no cakewalk. Sharks, Goblins, Lizard men, Dinosaurs, and other hordes of beasts want to stop your quest.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-27-13
Last Post: 3965 days
Last Active: 2716 days


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